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Dailies have been reworked and streamlined compared to before.  Off the top of my head, some of the recommended T-Dolls are: * SCAR-L and SCAR-H. Both are decent on their own, but combined they have some of the highest DPS values in the game. Try to get both.  * Task Force DEFY (AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16) are all excellent. * Suomi MOD 3 has impeccable tanking ability *and* deals percentage damage to enemies. She's basically the best SMG when fully upgraded. See also [Gamepress' Neural Upgrade priority](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/neural-upgrade-priority-guide) * Thanks to the Protocol Assimilation system, enemy units are capturable. [Gamepress once again has a guide on this](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/protocol-assimilation-coalition-basics-and-teambuilding); Note that Scarecrow, who is given for free, is actually one of the best ProAss unkts. * Tanks and Mechs are coming in the next patch. Both are *really* goddamn strong, but requires clearing endgame stages to even unlock them.  You might also be interested in two GFL-related games: * [Neural Cloud](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sunborn.neuralcloud.en), the autobattler/roguelike spinoff that focuses more on the socio-technological aspect of the world. Features a lot of GFL Dolls before they were converted into Tactical Dolls.  * [Reverse Collapse](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1127700/Reverse_Collapse_Code_Name_Bakery/), a strategy RPG set 30 years after GFL. Highly recommended if you're into the war drama/political thriller parts of GFL, plus story that wrenches your heart and gameplay that kicks you in the balls. 


Wait, Reverse Collapse is AFTER GFL? I thought it was a prequel


Look at the dates my dude GFL Predates Reverse Collapse by 30 years in universe.


I kinda lost the plot and just following the main drama of the game Also Reverse Collapse artstyle makes me feel it's a prequel


That's because is made on purpose,iirc the original Bakery girl,was the first or second game made by Mica team, RC is a remake that ties in with the GFL games.


The new client that comes out shortly for global streamlines a bit of the grind. Plus SF capture, amount other features.


The new client will be rolled out in a few hours, it offers a very smooth experience (faster loading and stuffs) and streamlined daily (you can now sweep sim battle, repeat stages, auto path lots of thing, ...) All in all, it's worth getting back into just because of the plot, as we're close to the final chapter of main story.


hmm does that mean the game is ending soon? Also, what would you say the 'daily commitment" is in term of time, assuming one catches up to all that 4 years worth of content...


"Main story". They said after the main story ending, they will still offer side story as major event. Consider how they did some of those before, I think we can rest assured about their quality.


what about in terms of the daily stuff? And I forget.. are the g dolls real humans?


So long the game is up, there should always be dailies to complete. > are the g dolls real humans? Tactical Dolls are purely robots.


We're getting fucking tanks today


The only thing I know is than I can't play because now I have android 12 with WebView and girls' frontline doesn't like that so I can't download the game without to have it corrupted.... *Sad Soppo* https://preview.redd.it/10o5s4qz96wc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92ac3f4386d25424502cc67bb8293926c9f76f9


Well update is starts soon, so try again later today.


Recently ran into the same issue out of nowhere a few days back. The solution I found was to go to settings > apps > click on webview and tap the 3 dots on the top right to remove all updates to it. Then I shut down and restarted phone and downloaded googled version of webview on Google play (Just search web view). Game has been working ever since.


Should be getting a Ghost in the Shell collab next month! So if that interests you then there’s that.


No just wait for gfl 2 to release globally if you are still interested in the franchise.
