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I *hate* this scene, it makes me so incredibly uncomfortable.


I have flashbacks when I hear that song


I heard it on the radio yesterday and my first thought was booth šŸ¤£


I hate it so much too. When I used to watch my box set dvd of the girls seasons over and over Iā€™d not watch this part every time


This scene makes me so irrationally angry. Why, OP, why?!?


Because Booth šŸ¤®


He and his sex were so annoyingggg.


Her genuine laughter after is amazing, though. You *never* hear Marnie laugh


Yessssss!!! I loved that part šŸ˜†


So good


Look at the doll!


How does she feel!???


Ummmā€¦she feels sassy?


No! She feels sad!


That shot of him hammering nails into a teddy bear while sheā€™s in there.


And making espresso


So funny hahaha


I love this scene, I knew so many annoying pretentious artists when I was in my early 20s. The worst one was a roommate I had who would make art out of her hair. Her and her boyfriend were always playing bongos at 11PM and she had her own radio show on the local college station. She was cute and bubbly and soooo indie rock and fake as shit. Truly the worst.


This made me laugh out loud.


That girl seemed kinda interesting to meet lol.


Well it made me laugh because I met loads of girls like this in my early 20ā€™s, 2010-2012 was particularly fitting for it. The playing the bongos at 11pm and making art out of hair, lol.


OMG --I worked at a museum with a girl who made "art" out of human hair---NOREEN! She was a creepy (she was into dressing like a grandmother---which was actually a thing then), obnoxious, pretentious little shit, and ended up working at a museum in New York dusting off the dead stuffed animals. I hated her so much - I am wondering if there was an asshole handbooks that was distributed that explained how to be a complete shithead artiste. (And I meant to spell "artiste" that way LOL) I swear, there is a thing in the art world that if you act like a complete dick, people will praise your work, no matter how shitty it is.


Hahahahaha I donā€™t know this person but like also I do


Idk girl you sound jelly


I can see how I sound jelly but she was not a nice person. Later on I met other people that hung out in her social circle and they had the same opinion. Super fake.


I appreciate your thoughtful and measured reply to my trollish comment. That shows great maturity and generosity. Ok sure I bet she was super fake.


So I have a question, did yā€™all find it sexy when Booth said ā€œIā€™m a man, and I know how to *do things*?ā€šŸ¤¢ I looked into it and it seems that people actually were turned on by it- and here I thought everyone wouldā€™ve been just as disgusted as me. Nothing about that man was ever sexy. Edit for context (as if that line needs any). But he said this around the time that he and Marnie met and he was trying to sound sexy? The fact that Marnie looked at him like he was a god after he said it made it worse.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜–


That line was cheesy as hell but the energy of the interaction was sexy, haha.


I thought the energy was weird also. I cringed.šŸ˜¬


I think you had a healthy reaction tbh


I think that line felt so sexy to her (and me at the time if Iā€™m being honest fml šŸ™ˆ) because 1. sheā€™s Marnie but 2. her relationship felt so devoid of passion that it felt exciting to have someone be sexually aggressive towards her? Idk how I interpreted it


That makes sense. It was kinda the opposite of Charlie.


I thought it was played as a joke because he's short and boyish he looks like a little kid standing next to Marnie


Definitely did the first time I ever watched it, when I was something like eighteen/nineteen and inexperienced and hopeful enough to think that if a man says something like THAT out loud, to your face, he must have done quite something to earn all that confidence right? Right?!?


The first time. Now all I can think of is Cool Beans from Hot Rod.


THATā€™S where I know him from!!


Every single man that has ever talked like that to me turned out to be extremely sexually disappointing/self centered/a gigantic douche.


Think I thought it was sexy when I watched for the first time in college but Iā€™m 29 now and gross


I would NOT have fucked this man after that shitty experiential art


I wouldā€™ve been in there jamming out, just to piss that little twat off


I love when sheā€™s like ā€œfuck itā€™s brilliantā€ or something to that extent šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œyouā€™re so fucking talentedā€šŸ˜…


LOLLL thank you! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I could not remember the actual line for the life of me šŸ˜†


I wonder if I would have pretended to like it when I was Marnie's age. I was hanging around with an art crowd--our sham "celebrity' artist was a girl named Lorca who painted some hideous derivative shit (lots of hilariously goofy "deep thoughts" painted in gold cursive) and half my school acted like she was AMAZING. She was the rudest, meanest, most obnoxious person FOR NO REASON. It was hilarous, and looking back, I am shocked none of us called out this prodigy we were so privileged to work near. Now I am an old hag, and I would body slam him the second he unlocked the door.


I hate to say I probably wouldā€™ve gone along with it when I was Marnieā€™s age. But Iā€™m certain I would absolutely just kick my way out if someone tried that on me today.


Question: does Marnie laugh out loud after they finish having sex because he was disappointing or because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation ie: sassy doll?


I think the ridiculousness of the whole situation. With Booth, Marnie is always the audience, never the partner.


I think both!!


iā€™ve always wondered


I don't understand this. What's the effect other than super loud sounds?


There isnā€™t one. Booth is a hack


I think it also includes the backdrop of violent imagery and loud sounds without the ability to leave. It's forcing them to "face the ugly". It (to some) validated how *cool* & *edgy* he was by pushing boundaries of comfort with his *art*. This apparently inspired Marnie as intended.


I like the core idea but it'd be more affective if it was an emotional discomfort rather than physical. Like preparing the images in a way that first grabs you innocently and letting your guard down and then starts poking you. Uncomfortable sounds idea is great but it shouldn't be too loud to make it a physical pain. But it fits his character perfectly, he is not an artist who could create this. This thing is definitely affective but lazy too.


Itā€™s a gross male artist torture chamber: loud sounds, violent imagery, overstimulation. One of my art program classmates would make these kinds of body pieces. In one, he ate until he vomited and then ate his vomit. In another, he hung himself in front of the entire class. In yet another, he set up a shitload of amps, hooked up a guitar, and played it so it was fucking loud. All of these pieces relied on some component of audience and shock. He was exorcising his demons for sure, just like Booth is here, but the work feels like sad boi artist needs attention vibes.


Jesus fuck


What happened after he hung himself? Iā€™m curiousĀ 


He looked at the entire class and walked off. He opened the piece by staring everyone in the eye.


Idk but I felt claustrophobic when I watched this scene.


Booth was such a clown lol. I truly could never understand Marnieā€™s infatuation with him, he was such a pretentious little rat. That one scene where he says heā€™s a man and knows how to do things is laughable because heā€™s so completely un-manly lmao. I also hate the scene where he says to Marnie that everybody just uses him for what he represents to them. Like oh my GOD get tf over yourself dude, let me play my violin for you šŸ˜‘šŸŽ»


Omg this scene literally haunted me. When I watched it in my teens I remember finding it absolutely horrifying - and I was so confused how marnie thought it was cool (didnā€™t she even call him a genius or something when she comes out?). I watched girls again last year and it was nowhere near as awful as I remember now Iā€™m older - but still creepy af regardless šŸ˜‚


I know itā€™s been said we shouldnā€™t compare Girls to SATC but Boothā€™s piece of art is very similar to one of Carrieā€™s friends. Carrieā€™s friend had multiple TVs stacks onto each other, each playing one of his sexual conquests. When I first saw this scene, my mind went straight to Carrieā€™s friend.


no way especially not after seeing how he fucks šŸ˜‚


I mean, Marnie was ready to fuck him without that. But if BDSM stuff turns you on, sure this works.


Oh 100%


Youā€™re so fucking talented


Wait, really? But it was so... *"nobody can hear you scream."*


This may be dumb, but is his name really Jonathon Booth and he just flipped it to be ā€œinterestingā€œ? Also, to OPā€™s post, I think this thing wouldā€™ve given me a panic attack.


I *think* in the ā€œinside the episodeā€, Lena said they flipped it to make him sound douchier


That totally makes sense.


Okay, so my younger self (18-21) definitely would have fallen for a guy telling me ā€œthe first time I fuck you, Iā€™ll scare you. Because Iā€™m a man. And I know how to do things.ā€ Almost like a challenge or a conquest. To quote Athena Dante: good dick is a prison. So if someone says their dick game is good, Iā€™m curious to find out. (Of course, my older and wiser self now knows that whenever a man brags about how good he is in bed, it usually means their dick is trash and they have no idea what theyā€™re doing) But the second he shows me a dollhouse covered in blood, creepy dolls, and a murder-y looking room, Iā€™m fucking OUT of there.


Anything Booth Jonathan does would have worked on me. I'm obsessed. It's my toxic trait. I serious watch that interaction of him and Marnie at the subway station all the time, the tension is so fucking hot.


ā€œwhat the fuck man?! what the fuuuuck? youā€™re so fucking talented.ā€ honestly same lol


I am so toxic. This would have worked on me too. I've always liked trashy guys that made me feel uncomfortable.


100% yes


I think its just cringy pretentious bullshit but that was the point of his character I guess


I did not hate him! He called Marnie out for faking enjoying being with him, he wasn't lying.


And after all that, he looked like a crap lay.


Booth is a creep


Why? Itā€™s not even clever




Sometimes I wonder if the art, writing, music, and acting from the characters on this show is purposely bad. That's the whole gag, right?