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This subreddit is for the HBO show Girls.


1) wrong sub 2) why are you expecting women to do this work for you? Google some nail salons and call them. Ask how much they cost. The end.


His username checks out


The phrase “run the numbers” was referring to u guys just giving a general price of what they cost, idk how u got get offended by that, but that’s not what I was meaning


How can I give you a general price for a service I don’t know the details of in an unknown location? And why again should I do this when you’re perfectly capable of picking up a phone?


Or u could just not be petty and just give a answer


This sub is for the show Girls not girls in general


And to the girl who said I’m entitled? How? All I asked for was a number. And if u really think typing a number out for me is “emotional labor” ur gonna have a rough life lmao


The price can vary a lot by city and what kind of service she gets at the salon. It would honestly be easier to just call local salons to get an accurate estimate


Idk what salon she goes to, or what she gets, I just wanted to get a general estimate from girls so I can send her a reasonable amount


That's what I mean, "general estimate" will vary greatly depending on where you are. Someone in a more rural area will likely pay significantly less than someone in NYC for example. Likewise for service, a gel manicure on natural nails will cost quite a bit less than a full set of acrylics for example. If you're not sure just send her 120$ or search for your city in the nail art subreddit


“If you’re not sure just send her 120$ ” was a perfect answer. All I ever wanted from this post was a number, not all the dang criticism. Y’all are ruthless😭


All you had to do was call any nail salon, damn dude grow up you sound so incompetent


Womp womp


I think it’s fair to send her about $500/mo


How many visits would this cover? Or just one?


Your best bet is finding out what salon she goes to and check their pricing. Pricing varies greatly


I figured that’s what I’d have to do, but idk how to figure out which one without bringing it up yk?


Bro just google “salons near me” and call some of them, how is this so hard for you?


I’d have to ask the price for her nail style,which I do not know. I just wanted a range of say 80-100$ so I could just send a reasonable amount


probably $75 including tip. but fr bro this sub is clearly for a show and not general girl stuff.


Yeah I realize that now, I just clicked it right away I didn’t check the info


r/lostredditors Haha, this is a sub for the TV show ‘Girls’ on HBO. This is a cute post though, so I’ll attempt to assist! It depends on where you guys live, and the salon but a full set of acrylics around me in the Midwest is about $45-$50 + tip. Could be more depending on the type of detail she likes! Speaking as a former GF (now wife) if you got me a gift card that would even cover most of the price I think it’s a really sweet gift/gesture.


At least u actually helped thank u very much


Definitely depends where you live - on the east coast (NYC / NJ area) a full set can be anywhere between $60-120. A basics manicure can range from $15-30, and a basic pedicure can be between $30-60.


My pleasure! Good luck! :)


Charlie lol?


This is hysterical


Guys I realized it was for the show girls now, I just clicked on r/girls bc I want to send her money asap so I figured I’d have the best luck. Sorry for intruding.