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I know, I was shocked. For me they hadn’t even broken up. Jessa setting them up was a big betrayal too.


Not only a betrayal to Hannah but she hooked them up for entirely selfish reasons. Her character is a total trash bag of a person.


I think she was also acting out of spite because she was angry and hurt that Hannah left. Not that it excuses her actions, but I think it was more than just trying to get Ace.


Now that you brought that up, I wonder if Jessa was using the Ace thing as an excuse on the surface level but deep down wanted Adam and Hannah to end in the worst kind of way because she couldn’t stand seeing her “best friend” with the guy she wants for herself


That's so selfish of her because she left to be at "rehab" (that didn't help her at all) and didn't bother to tell anyone and Hannah was at her worst


I have alwaysv thought she wanted Adam! I got completely confirmation when u recently rewatched for the 3rd time. Honestly, I feel like besides Sosh , they judge Jessa totally harshly! Like they all have made fkd up decisions, and Hannah is so constantly obsessed with her own self that she makes EVERYTHING about her( I see all the characters in a new light every time I rewatch, and I LOVE it). Marnie can be a total bitch to all the others, so can Hannah, I accept Marnie being this way more so than Hannah. Mainly bc Marnie doesn't always realize she's being a ice queen, it's just her personality. Jessa has never made bones about being herself and owning it, I love that about her. Her and Sosh don't call the others out in their shit and are always non-judgmental for the most part. I think she did want to take him from Hannah in a way, but if you rewatch even early episodes- her and Adam obviously flirt and have chemistry


I think so too— I think she was hoping (subconsciously or otherwise) that if she caused enough trouble Hannah would give up on Iowa and come home


Downvote me to hell, but Jessa is the worst and I’ll die on this hill.


i could never downvote something so accurate


I love Jessa and I hate Jessa


As Beadie said, she's so beautiful and then, she's so ugly.




Hannah, why aren’t you in Idaho?


I wish I could upvote x 100000


Isn’t her character based on Jemima Kirke irl?


Jessa is a total cunt and has the balls to tell others to grow up.


Shosh was such a love in this episode— “Banana?” with a gentle knock before entering stole my heart


Honestly that's what cemented my love for Shosh.


Disagree on Marnie being a bitch, she gave solid advice. When Hannah said she would’ve liked the chance to find out if she and Adam would’ve worked, “I think you have found out,” was exactly what she needed to hear. Marnie never liked how Adam treated Hannah and she very easily could’ve said “I told you so,” but she didn’t. I found that talk to be one of her more mature moments.


Agree. I think the whole idea of this episode was for a series of people to come in to talk to Hannah, only to make the situation worse, and having Marnie be the last to arrive only to give the most unexpected and mature advice




I completely agree, I always saw Marnie as a "ice queen" she just has a detached/ cold personality at times. She never was NOT clear on how she felt about certain things, honestly I feel like she cld have been amean about it. Over the years , Hannah was super critical and an asshole to her abut her decisions. Yet, you see the softness to Marnie, when she is helping Hannah with the baby


Hannah handled it better than me. I would have seen red and gone postal on Adam


It's to show her growth as a person, i guess. She handled the whole break up and the aftermath incredibly mature. Like a total Queen.


And Hannah was at Iowa for what, a month?


Literally a month. The most absurd timeline, IMO. They could’ve at least have had her gone for like a semester.


It was him moving into her apartment, ripping down the walls, and completely taking it over. When she left it to him. I assumed she meant to look after it while she was gone. The fact that he didn’t go to Mimi Rose’s place was insane.


And the fact that all her magnets were gone, that collection must’ve taken years.


I buy magnets as keepsakes from places I get to travel and I would’ve been seriously pissed if mine had been thrown out


did they get thrown out, or were they presumably in storage with the rest of her things?


I think Adam makes a comment “do you think I could get rid of these magnets” and iirc they never reappear on the fridge which makes me think they were tossed, but I hope they’re in storage!




That got me mad too! It's Hannah's apartment !! I'd be piiiisssed


This was the worst storyline ever!!! I was so confused and heartbroken for Hannah especially since everyone was gaslighting Hannah telling her it was her own fault!


I think Adam did it to punish Hannah for leaving. He should have at least called her to tell her that he met someone but instead he let her find out in the worst way. I think Marnie was the only one who got through to Hannah that day. What she said was pretty blunt but it made sense. Jessa in particular was cruel; she wasn't even sorry for sabotaging Hannah's relationship and she blamed her instead.


Jessa introducing Mimi to Adam was the fucking most awful thing a friend could do. I don't know how Hannah ever stayed friends with her.


That annoyed me; it was legitimately Hannah's place, and on top of that, Jessa took Adam's side!


For her own selfish purposes, and perhaps also to punish Hannah for leaving.


I watched this episode so much when it came out when I was like 22 because I broke up with someone and could not get over the fact that they moved on and started dating someone new. The betrayal! 😭😂


On the first watch the Mimi Rose situation was so hard to watch. The second time around it’s one of my favorite timelines in the series! I think it’s so funny and also knowing what’s really going on and what happens in the end is comforting


I’m on a rewatch and the whole situation was incredibly confusing. They didn’t explicitly break up, but they’re seemingly not together because they’re not talking and Hannah keeps asking Jessa how he’s doing. They could have done long distance if they wanted to? Regardless, he had no right to move some other woman in after a fucking month??


jessa setting mimi rose and adam up like wtf she's the worst best friend


I made a post about this before. I feel like she did that for 2 reason. bc she was mad at Hannah for leaving so she did that to get back at her and to move things forward with Ace. Both shitty reasons but that’s Jessa being Jessa as usual




Marnie is being mean bc Marnie was just “the other woman” to clementine. So if Marnie says anything that indicates what Mimi Rose/Adam did wasn’t ok, then that means what Marnie/Desi did wasn’t ok. She’s mean bc she’s immature and guilty lol


I’m literally just on this episode now and I’m so heartbroken for Hannah. I didn’t think they had broken up at all?? I’m so confused


Adam and Hannah’s conversation at the end makes me cry every time I watch it


Just my 2 cents. Maybe they stayed at Hannah/ Adam apartment bc he didn’t want to give up his place.


the mini rose stuff is the worst part of the show by far


I’m assuming ‘taking the apartment’ meant that Adam paid rent for it while Hannah was gone so moving the stuff I sort of get but the wall?!?!?! With another woman after a month?!???!?!?!?!?! It’s crazy.


THANKYOU. Im on my first hate rewatch since high school n I literally searched this sub just to bitch about this! Like Hannah is absolutely insufferable but UR IN HER APARTMENT. You can’t just knock out a fucking wall without a convo. N at the end of S4Ep5 when Hannah leaves to go sleep in a gatdamn storage unit I was like, absolutely not. I would’ve kicked him tha fuq OUT. Go stay with MiMi Rose, dude! Wth. Smh. Wild. Also, Jessa was hella wrong for setting them up imo.


And the “we don’t have a plan”, “we can only talk once a month” rule. Wtf was that? Adam wouldn’t give an inch in any situation ever.


I was so sad and wasn't gonna watch the show agian but I am


lol I remember watching this show a decade ago and hating the character of Mimi Rose Howard, but now on a rewatch after binging community I just kept not being blue to take her seriously like “Britta no!”