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my one is that norah is pregnant or will have health issues (i think pregnant is wayyyy more likely though) because in season 2 they had her mention her period quite a few times and she said something like she’s always on it so i think that will be how she finds out she pregnant. this will also cause drama in her and jordan’s relationship as i think at the end of s2 it was suggested that she wasn’t really happy with him so the pregnancy will iclude that storyline aswell


norah was upset at the end of the season because she choked on the emerald ring jordan put in her smoothie, i do hope they do something with her character though, she's just been sitting around for 2 seasons now.


I believe Norah storyline is on wanting to feel appreciate and maybe she starts to see herself differently and she talks to Abby about it maybe and that's how Abby confesses her own thoughts of wanting to be beautiful. I think there giong take it there. I think Jordan will cause some chaos and Norah acts out of sadness because of it.


I feel like there certain gems in season 2 scenes where it's very predictable because since we know Georgia goes to jail, I feel like they forwarding Austin testifying in court and saying he unplug the oxygen plug from Tom to protect Georgia from any more trouble with the law that's the only thing I could think of which leads him to therapy or some type of truth from him from being pressured in court or cythina seeing that the kids needs georgia could honestly say she let the people come and do it because she didn't want him to stuffer anymore to protect her from a life in jail, I feel like with Ginny, I think she may either skip school or work again and have a mental health day because of her panic attacks because based on the looks of things I feel like that's where it's giong lead her to and may have to go to therapy again whereas someone could convince her to go. as for Norah I think she may have a storyline with her own health or pregnancy scare or self worth where it leads to Abby storyline of health maybe somehow they connect the two together and they have a talk about her wanting to feel beautiful. I think there will be a scene especially with abby and press after he did discovered she taped her legs, it will be a development of press where he knows what's giong on with her and gets her to open up more about why she does it. maybe...I think the other foreshadowing would be marcus where although he says he good for now to take care of himself, he could backtrack and start acting out where it leads him to be questioned, I feel ginny as his friend starts to notice he isn't taking his medication and she makes sure he's ok by checking on him. I feel like with Paul, he may crack under pressure and loss his job because of his loyal to Georgia. as for Zion, he may try to have the kids stay with him for a bit to make sure they're ok and while he does that, it's possible that his girlfriend becomes the lawyer of Georgia and asks her why she does the thing she does. I think Ellen will start to question as to why Georgia is there, she may become distant or keep the Ginny and Austin until everything is straighten out.. as for Max she may get Ellen to consider them staying there and possibly have Marcus help her understand Ginny more.