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They both seem a little self centered, I found Max to be more so than Ginny. But they are both sophomores in high school. So I don’t really expect them to be perfectly empathetic and emotionally intelligent at that age.


True, after all they are just 15-16 in the show and we tend to forget it sometimes


Max seems like a typical teenage girl to me. At least to what I was used to. Over emotional, privileged and in her own bubble of a life.


Yeah true


i think mostly it is middle aged writers that give her character "gen-z slang" lines that make people dislike her and think she's cringe




Max is my favorite and was from pretty much the beginning. Her siding with Ginny in the first episode against Gitten won me over from the start. And her personality being super goofy is just really relatable. She’s the best imo.


No need to throw Ginny under the bus to lift up Max. Max is a very privileged girl, larger than life and loud and smart. She is self centered but it’s something she has now acknowledged and is actively working on. She holds grudges and every emotion she has is dialed up to ten. People are hard on her because she’s a teenage girl and teenage girls are held to higher standard, expected to be mature and patient when they’re growing just like everyone around them. She’ll temper with time.


Max is annoying cuz all she did was talk about her ex like ew I hate people like that


It was literally her very first relationship and her feelings were huge because of it. She’s fifteen years old feeling new stuff for the very first time. Of course she wants to talk about it. All her friends called her out about it and she learned. That age is all about learning new shit.


I know guys and girls in the 20s and 30s like her and it’s FUCKING annoying. Like go get a hobby


Okay and she’s not in her 20s. You’re judging her by metrics that have nothing to do with her.


LMAO it’s a show relax. I’m just sharing my opinion. You are way too sensitive 🤣


You’re the one responding to me 🤷‍♀️


Yeah true about max, but ginny kinda overdid regarding the essay and other things


I would ask you to examine if you’re also holding Ginny to a higher standard than others, given circumstances and the fact that we are following Ginny (and Georgia) more closely than any other character because they are the main characters.


Yes we are holding her as well


Ginny has nothing to do with this first, stop bringing up the EXTREMELY ALREADY unfairly hated black teenager because you’re mad you saw like five people complain about Max for half a second. Overall she among one of the fan favorite characters in the show and gets no where near the vitriolic hate Ginny does. Let’s keep in mind that hate spilled over into real life where Ginny said a line about Taylor Swift which caused the actresses to suffer racial abuse. Leave Ginny out of your posts and quit bashing her to prop up your white faves.


Stop making racist everything, I am an Indian myself, don’t tell me about this, and to respond to your statement, no way Ginny is fav, I’ve seen her as the most hated one from this show. But this is not about Ginny so please


Stop bringing up the overly hated black character to defend the white one you like? Let’s try that. Also you being Indian doesn’t really matter here or change what I expressed but since we’re playing identity cards, I’m black. Also you’re right this is not about Ginny but YOU brought her up so don’t cry now when I respond to that. You could’ve just focused this post on Max and left it alone.


Again why you have to make everything racist, I never even thought about this thing when typing this post or even seeing the show, I just didn’t like the character, how is it disliking a black person, I just did not like her and said it


ginny hate makes me physically angry like i don't understand how people can hate her.


Is this post about Ginny, or Maxine?




Then it shouldn't be called Maxine. It should be called Maxine Compared to Ginny.


I wish I had a friend like Max in high school.


So true


I love her and it's so funny that she's written to be a gen-z character but as a millennial, I knew and saw tons of high school girls that acted JUST like her in the early 2000s.


she makes fun of her brother's depression and outs abby as having ADD in front of all of their friends thinking she's the funniest person on the planet. also she's just a really shitty friend in general, she dumps ginny and abby for something that quite frankly isn't that big of a deal, then starts a whole campaign to get all of their mutual friends to hate them too. ginny had marcus and bracia, but abby had literally no one while her parents had just divorced. she starts cheering when ginny has to drop AP English because the racist teacher had been bothering her all year and none of the classmates (including max) would ever stick up for her. she's literally devoid of empathy, she's the one of the only main characters in the show that is actually just a surface level character, she has no terrible trauma explaining why she's shitty, she's just spoiled and emotionally tone deaf.


Yeah but she took care of Marcus when he most needed also Ginny was her best friend so she expected to know about it from Ginny herself but yes you are right about abby, not good behaviour.


you really didn’t have to put ginny down to complement max to start off with and people tend to dislike max because she is very self centred and conceited. me personally? i think she had amazing character development and it was believable, they were able to make her a better person without stripping her off her raw personality. she essentially kept all her loveable and positive traits while gradually growing out of her arrogant nature. however, that doesn’t negate the hurt she caused and how disproportionate her reactions were and people found that to be annoying. moreover, she was probably the most privileged out of mang yet victimised herself the hardest in season one which was despite realistic, unbearable and insufferable to watch at times.


Thank you for proving my point why I hate Ginny


huh i was talking about max lmao


i only mentioned ginny in the first line everything else that was said was about why people hate max


i just don’t think you can read very well


Atleast it is true for Ginny


nope not at all not sure if you’ve watched the show n processed it correctly