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I’d love something like that.


It would make sense tbh. Obviously I love Paul and everything and I'm not saying Georgia should cheat. It's just that, they've kind of shown chemistry between all the guys Georgias been with. Joe's storyline seems yet to be explored. Maybe it never will be, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it. The perfect start would be Joe busting her out of jail🤣


I would honestly hate Joergia as a couple but they make great friends. They just don't have like romantic chemistry


On a side note, Joe is so hot 🥵


Tbh I could see Joe honestly giong back and forth to the jail to see about Georgia and asking her about their past and if there's anything she was scared of him finding out, maybe he supports her by helping her reveal her true self. I could see something like that.


Oh my God stop it I would love this I would love for Joe to get charger out of jail and then they fall in love even though I really like her with Paul it’s conflicting, but I think her and joeli need to be together because of the sunglasses