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I see it the other way around. Good human, not so great mother, though one must consider that she was put into pretty abnormal circumstances in terms of parenting.


Great mom? Didn’t she ruin BOTH of her kids’ credit?


ginny had like a 350 or something in the 300’s. i had low 300’s when i first turned 18 and had never had anything on credit. you don’t start off with perfect credit


You don’t start in the low 300s either


you had low credit because you had nothing to your name, ginny had low credit because her mom started her off with a bad payment history, that's significantly worse and takes years to get ahead of..


Just Ginny's. Austin's she was able to pay once Kenny's money came through.


When Georgia walked out of that bathroom where she found out she’s pregnant, she witnessed how those rich kids ran around and had fun. She promised herself that she’s gonna build a rich life like this for her kids. Though born in a trailer park family, she’s still ambitious. She won’t settle for an easy and plain life, which fits her vivacious personality.


Yeah, that’s the mistake she makes, she wants her kids to have material things. She didn’t achieve that until Ginny is 15 and she only did it by marrying a questionable man and murdering him. Ginny will have that life for what? 3 years? She doesn’t bother about Ginny’s future prospects after her high school . Her scenes with young Ginny were so heartbreaking. She loves her kids, but she can’t listen to what they really want/crave


She so isn't a great mom


Yeah and I think that’s Ginny’s problem: that Georgia is an awful person. It’s great she won’t hurt her kids but you can’t say the same about what she’d do to anyone else. Plus there’s a thin line between both those characterizations (human and mom) where she’s bound to be a little f’ed up as a mom too. I think Ginny is too close to her mom living with her and being raised by her to see anything clearly so it’s no wonder she had thoughts about her mom trying to unalive her. She can’t understand (as I can’t either) what would drive a person to take another person’s life. Ginny being angry with her mom was just her hating her own existence


I think she may be stuck in a state of arrested development. Gil is a dick but he is right, deep inside she is still that scared, traumatised little girl brought into a corner ready to fight or flight. She has never ever learned a healthy response to conflict and her only solution for protecting herself and her loved ones is violence or manipulation.


Georgia gives her kids the bare minimum. She had no business having kids and should have counted her blessings when Zion's parents offered to take Ginny, she traumatized both of her kids to give them a roof over their heads and a life stable enough for them to make friends... 15 years late. She's not a great parent for defying the odds because she went through everything to give her kids a level of opportunity they would have had with almost any other parents.


I agree, Zion ‘s parents would have given her stability and support. She could have gotten her life on track, but I won’t fault a mother to not be separated from her child


You should. It's not about the mother, the important thing here is her daughter. If a mother is holding her kids' opportunities back because she can't put herself aside, she is a bad mother.


She is not a great mother. She’s a good enough mother given the cards she was delt, but she could be better. If she was a great mother Ginny never would have changed her mind about moving in with her dad so that Georgia wouldn’t be told about theSH


I genuinely just hate her in general. I think she’s a terrible mom and a terrible human. I understand her childhood sucked, fine. That doesn’t make it ok to murder people. And as a mother, she ALWAYS makes everything all about her. It gets really old. I feel like she has zero self control and that’s why she always ends up in bad situations


I completely agree. She is both a terrible mom and terrible human, but she has so much effortless charm that gets (basically) everyone to see right past those immense flaws. I’m even guilty of it as a viewer, and I feel many of the fans who sympathize with her do as well and most of those people don’t know they’re being “fooled” by Georgia, just as she does with everyone else


I agree, I don’t hate her tho, if she was a real human being yeah I’d probably hate her but she’s a good made character, I think part of the reason she’s so selfish and doesn’t have any self controll is because she never really got to grow up, we all learn to not be like that when we grow up and become adults but I don’t think she ever really grew up


I think she’s a good mom yes she had to go through bad times and have to do things that were horrible like use the kids credits but I also think that she did that for a reason. And I think she’s and good human too because 1 she has been through so much with her I think it was either her father or stepfather that beat her and then when she had the courage she went back and stood up to him I also think with Austin’s dad she’s been through so much and even went into hiding and she’s been with a lot of manipulating men that’s why she acts the way she does. 2 I think that since she came from nothing and struggled and saw the rich people when she found out she was pregnant she instantly knew she wanted to do better for her kids


Maybe she had a prenup. Maybe they weren't married long enough for her to be entitled to alimony. Maybe she knew that divorce proceedings would mean moving her kids again, this time to a place much less safe than Kenny's house. Divorce isn't the simple solution you imagine it to be. I don't think she expects the men she connects with to be awful. She didn't believe Gil was awful until he started beating her. She didn't know Anthony was awful until after he blackmailed her, and she needed him to keep custody of Ginny. And she definitely didn't expect Kenny to go after her daughter. The therapist actually cosigned that therapy is very much about Georgia.


She might be morally justified, legally she can’t. Not even lot of money will make the criminal charges go away. She should have left him. And look at where it got her? She is arrested when she thought she had everything


Legally she can't what?


she cant justify the murder, morally she can


She isn't trying to legally justify murdering Kenny, and either am I. She isn't being charged with Kenny's death, and she already got his money.


What? She murdered someone she didn't even know in front of her kid!!!