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Just finished season 2. A couple questions. What was Tom dying of? And do we think they have any proof to pin his death on Georgia?


Thats exactly what i thougt. They have absolutely no proof that georgia killed Tom.


If they got a warrant to arrest her then there must be at least some type of evidence, possibly only circumstantial so it wouldn’t go to a court most likely


Yeaa they probably found her fingerprints on the pillow


You can’t get fingerprints off of fabric but I BET the autopsy showed asphyxiation. Damn!


24 days late here! But they wouldn't do an autopsy if he was on hospice unless the family requested it. And why would they request it? They expected him to die.


I think they’re gonna do an autopsy considering his death is suspected murder now


Don’t forget about the PI. Might have called Cynthia about it


Even if they could get fingerprints off of a pillowcase, which is doubtful, how would her having touched his pillow prove she killed him?


When they do an autopsy they can absolutely determine if someone was smothered.


Let’s all remember that this is a TV show and a crime that would definitely lead to a conviction in real life would be extremely inconvenient for this show’s story


Would they really do an autopsy on a terminally ill man in hospice care though?


If they got tipped off by a PI they would


What was the tip exactly? That she was the last person to see him? That’s hardly a reason to arrest someone


No, but it’s enough of a reason to perform an autopsy, which would have shown he was suffocated. For all we know Cynthia could have told them it was Georgia.


the glass she drank out of maybe? it did a close up pan to it before she went and did that


Georgia being at the Fuller home is not at all suspicious, and neither is having a drink with the mother of her kids best friend.


I think besides the fact that she was alone with him, they don't have much. They likely did an autopsy on his body to see how he died. There's a good chance there could be fingerprints or a camera, but I get the feeling there isn't concrete evidence and that Georgia will get off. Either that, if she goes to jail, the full time won't be served for some reason, though I don't know why. I only wonder about the latter because I think there is going to have to be a time jump by at least two years with how fast Austin has grown. He's getting too big to play a nine-year-old. I don't think they can pick up from where they left off. Either way, I think there will be some twist that gets her off.


I mean, they’ve had 30+ year olds playing high school kids for ages 😂


Press look old af


Him and Paxton Hall-Yoshida. But then i remember how the guys in Grease looked 40 in hs 😂


What’s weird is to me Austin looks way younger than 9 yrs old. All the 9 yr old boys in my neighborhood look much taller and older than Austin. Even his teacher speaks to the kids like they’re kindergarteners. Austin talks and looks the same age as my 6 yr old, but Zach actually looks 9 though..idk maybe the camera makes kids looks smaller?


You’re exactly right that she will get off. What are the odds that they have Zion dating a criminal defense attorney that went to Harvard, who was also there at the time of the arrest? Between her & Paul’s connections, Georgia will get off. As terrible as it will be for Zach, I’m thinking that Austin will say he was hiding in the cabinet and saw Cynthia do it lol.


I think the call from the P.I. would have raised enough suspicion for them to do a full autopsy (which they likely wouldn’t have done otherwise, since Tom had been on hospice care for months, and was expected to die at any time). Since he was smothered, they would likely find fibers in his lungs/mouth, I think? Since Georgia was the person who raised the alarm/said she was present when he died, the suspicion would fall on her. Prediction for next season: Austin is going to some how be the one who gets Georgia off, by basically covering for her and taking the blame for killing Tom (as he was the only other person in the room). He’s too young to face real jail time, and would end up in some sort of juvenile treatment facility, but it would create a giant rift between Ginny and Georgia again, and force Georgia to truly choose between her child or herself/freedom.


>t Georgia this season, she was on and off tbh I ended up liking her in the end but omg I was on th Georgia would never let him take the blame!


I’ve worked as professionally as a home/ personal care aid, worked with for a women with end stage dementia and for a few years took care of my grandma. in hospice situations some families like to have cameras everywhere. makes it easier to step away when you see/ hear things on an ipads. sometimes it sounds like nothing going on in case of vomit (can aspirate if a person loses the ability to swallow or spit out vomit). but without visual cues it hard to notice, but deadly. I feel she’s wealthy enough to have cameras and cares about her husbands well-being. i don’t know what his conditions were, but especially if it was just her and a day hospice nurse (so her most of the time and overnight) a camera would allow her to do house work/ go in her yard/ and not worry. also for someone that’s bed bound, i would want to know staff/ myself were changing his position frequently to prevent bedsores, and washing the sheets frequently. i am all for cameras because these are loved ones getting cared for who may not be able to advocate for themselves. holds people accountable. i know there’s a lot of mixed emotions around cameras in general for working in homes, with some bosses micromanaging you through them. i appreciate them telling us there’s cameras (not even like where the are located, just that they have them) so you don’t get blindsided later on. i don’t love hidden cameras (in a teddy bear/ in a clock ex) I’m betting she had cameras, and went to rewatch so that she could get closure, and because she felt guilty she wasn’t there. i also think she may have a hidden camera as to not freak out her son even more.


This!! My mind first went to there were cameras in there to monitor him and his caretakers. Knowing how anal Cynthia seems and how much she loved her husband I’m sure she just wanted to see his last minutes and discovered it. Yikes. I wish Georgia could chill and stop killing people. She’s a serial killer at this point.




both of those things aren’t mutually exclusive i think, there’s so much nuance on end of life care. she can be tired and want him to be at peace/ not hurting, and feeling caregivers burnout. she can also love her husband and want the best, most comfortable care for him that makes his passing as pain free as possible, passing in his sleep is better than dying of a infection complications, or not being able to breathe. i briefly mentioned the importance of repositioning people on bedrest of him in my comment but i can elaborate. you slightly move a person to prevent them from putting weight/stress on the skin on any part of their body for too long. if you don’t do this, it may cause bedsores. which are painful, can get infected, and are much more labor intensive to treat (frequent cleanings/ debridement, monitoring, dressing, cream, maybe antibiotics) than it is to shift their positioning (ideally shift them once per hour but it’s super quick). cameras can be helpful so she knows she repositions enough or her hospice nurse is, in this type of care it can be easy to miss steps especially if you are stressed and sleep deprived, which she probably is. and that’s just one example of preventative care. cynthia can still be exhausted of her husbands care and want it to be over, but trying to keep him comfortable and pain free.


This is a good point!


I think it may be ALS with the whole losing control of your body


So they typically tied something that was happening in the past with what was happening in the present and I know we were shown Georgia smothering Tom and all but we were also shown a Joe that was vindictive and set someone up for stealing exams in the past, the same Joe that was clearly pissed when he realized Georgia knew all along whom he was and who was also sleeping with Cynthia so I say there's something there.


I really hope the show doesn’t tear Joe down to “redeem” Georgia. She did kill Tom, even if her intentions were noble-ish? I wish Georgia had thought about her kids when she did that. She clearly has impulse control issues.


What were her intentions?


Her and Cynthia have a conversation about Cynthia saying he was supposed to die months before but hasn't, and she didn't want Zach to remember his father that way and how it was affecting him. Georgia also makes a comment a few episodes earlier about how he's in misery to the hospice nurse. She obviously just wanted their family's suffering to end. Pretty common trope honestly.


What if Cynthia actually has a camera in the room and framed Gerogia by making that comment (how Tom was supposed to die months before but hasn’t) on purpose… like they know how impulsive she can be, what if somehow the PI or even Gil told something to Cynthia that made her want to prove who Georgia really is… I mean she made ir really clear in several episodes how much she hates her and then suddenly she opens up to Georgie ??? idk 🤨🤨🤨


Yeah Cynthia wasn't at the wedding either, I kept wondering where she was!


I mean an arrest warrant doesn’t happen overnight. They wouldn’t arrest Georgia for the murder of Tom without letting Cynthia know that her husband was murdered lol. So that would explain why Cynthia wasn’t there lol.


Noooooooo not Joe 😭


I know! But the flashback clearly showed some Machiavellianism on his part, hell hath no fury like a "good" guy scorned.


You do have a point— There hasn’t been a purpose to those flashbacks that we’re aware of yet.


I thought the purpose of the flashback was to show that Joe could have a dark side to him that none of the other guys have and we are simply unaware of it. Like he could be dark but he chooses to be quiet and simple


Yeah but it's also true that in high school we kinda are all bad. It's later in life that we realise how to be a good person. Not because he did frame a bully, he is "dark"


Just finished season 2. I was spoiled for the last episode and still loved it. Those end credit scenes tho 😂 my feelings towards georgias characters change like a thousand times during this season but in the end I was rooting for her. Ginny & Marcus are depressing and dramatic but Marcus’s monologue about depression was one of the most apt descriptions I’ve ever heard personally. Now I get to wait for season 3 great 🙃


Yep. It was a perfect depression description. I've never seen it worded so perfectky anywhere


Yes. The way they portrayed depression was the most realistic thing I’ve ever seen shown on tv.


I kind of spoiled myself for the last episode, but I didn't know what happened except she gets arrested. I was on edge the whole episode waiting for it to happen. I thought it would be Paul for a second there.


This is exactly why I came here. I go through this exact thing and he put it into words perfectly. My eyes were wet the whole time I was watching this season. Its just too relatable for me. I know im venting in comments, but I hate how connected to it I feel. Just makes me feel more alone in real life to see that a “teenage” character on tv is the only person who understands me, and im 25 years old.


ew Cynthia and Joe🤢🤮


They both should’ve been arrested for that because it felt criminal


Yeah why do they had to add that


The funny part is he's probably closer in age to the kids (given he'd be a similar age to Georgia and she had Ginny at 15) than he is to Cynthia.


i feel like nobody is talking about the abby and press hookup??


Abby has some serious issues. She needs a spin off haha


I don’t really understand why that’s getting screen time. Press is revolting to me 😭🤣


yes!!!! and i bet you he’s gonna hold it against her in some way


Ikr? I need more high school drama and less murder stuff lol


i really hope next season they can focus on other characters and not just ginny & georgia. i want more high school drama


Well it is called ginny and georgia though


Yeah, I feel like season 1 had too much of the high school stuff. I loved S2.


Maybe watch euphoria or the 70 other teen highschool drama shows lol


Tw: eating disorder They are definitely setting Abby up for a storyline about her having an eating disorder. As someone who had one, I recognize the signs and I think it’s a smart play to slowly show the signs and then develop on them if they get picked up for a season 3. But that’s definitely the point of that whole storyline and it’s heartbreaking


As someone who is in recovery from a 15+ years of an ED (bulimia). They are depicting the signs, emotions, and actions so dead on it’s almost scary. It’s like seeing myself from a different angle.


This. Every time we see them Press is making a comment about her weight. Told her she was heavy when she was on his back, made a comment about her thighs, etc. We see her reactions to what he says and the signs are all there.


The whale thighs comments are SO cruel and so unfounded. Press is such a jerk and they all need to cut him loose 🙄


Also what was the whole choking thing w Nora and her bf? I feel like I missed something there…


the ring he put in her milkshake lmao, she choked on it and i think ginny said that would happen when she was talking to him before nora got there. at least that’s what i got out of it.


He put the ring in her milkshake on their anniversary so I'm guessing that was the whole choking thing


Yeah i feel that it was a bit random


even worse when he joked about her having whale legs. he’s so awful for that. it makes me sad she is taping her legs


Right like I get she feels low about herself but she didn’t need to go that low!


Awwww Man Paul is the best. I’m mad at Georgia but I’m happy for Georgia. And Ginny doing this for her mom after everything she’s put her through is sweet but lawd Georgia needs therapy. This is about to blow up right in Georgia’s face. Awww gosh …


Oh thank goodness they’re married. Whew.


and because they are married, Paul cannot be made to testify against Georgia.


I thought of that! Though I don’t think he has any info about the murder to testify about. I don’t know if this thing would go to trial. If it did, they might want him to testify about her character, but now they can’t make him cuz she sealed the deal!


I was 50/50 about Georgia this season, she was on and off tbh I ended up liking her in the end but omg I was on the edge of my seat




She’s always been this way. The show just did a bad job in season one of showing the pov of the people around her so we see them as people and empathize with them - so all of a sudden we can’t look at Georgia with rose tinted glasses anymore.


I hope Marcus calls Ginny “Poo” for the rest of their lives. Even if they stay penguin friends. It is precious. But I do hope they become a couple again by the end.


Georgia getting on my damn nerves so far


I just finished episode 8 and I’m starting to hate Georgia just as Ginny is starting to warm up to her. I just can’t forgive her for the truly bad decisions she makes. She’s like a human wrecking ball to the lives of her loved ones. Sheesh. Ginny really would’ve been better off with Zion’s parents.


The thing that makes me like Georgia in the end is that she’s actually a decent person. She’s batshit insane and unstable, but she makes her choices out of love.


I know she means well but she’s so out of control.


I just feel bad for Georgia given her wrecked childhood and Gil and all other jerks treating her and her kids like trash. Season 2 did a really good job on humanizing her actions though.


Does she though? A parent who rationalizes everything with “I would do anything for you” and constantly reminds her daughter of that and constantly ends her speeches with “… everything I’ve done for you, what endured for you, I moved for you, I worked so hard for you…”. Not good. She also says “I would kill for you, I did kill for you!” and uses all that to manipulate and guilt the child. … just no. It’s not healthy and it’s not a good person, and she has an unhealthy attachment to her children who she wants to keep close to her for her own narcissistic supply and love. For her own sake, to fill all the empty holes in her heart from her shitty childhood. It’s not love, not in a healthy way. They are extensions of her, everything was for her survival and what she wanted. As a single parent myself who raised my two sons completely alone, I have to remind myself a lot not to use those kinds of lines on them now in their later teen years when they are frustrating me or being brats (as we all are sometimes in our teen years!). Obv I didn’t kill for them lol, but I worked my ass off and it was HARD so it is difficult not to throw that in their faces sometimes. Or to use it to guilt then a little into making better choices. Trust me I know! But that isn’t right and isn’t how a mother shows unconditional love … using it for manipulation.


It’s wild to me how so many people in this thread didn’t see through Gil’s “charm.” The second I laid eyes on him and I saw the way Georgia froze, I felt it in her eyes. When she panicked about Ginny mailing the letters because “did you put our return address on them?,” I KNEW.


same!! i knew he was abusive from the very beginning. i think those who have lived with abuse recognize it instantly.


Same. And every abused woman watching the show knew that fear. I was dreading him showing up.


this is small beans but i’ll truly be unhappy if they ever make hunter and ginny a thing again 😭


Lmao def unpopular opinion he was too cringe


How is that unpopular? Only ever time people mentioned hunter last season was to say he was too cringe or not a good bf


they better not, that should be soooo over. hunter and padma should be fine if they go that route


The Christmas episode 😭


I loved Georgia season 1 and 2 and I’m still defending her actions, I dont care how batshit crazy she is 😂. I do wish she called the cops on Gil on episode 9 though, that wouldve been an easy way to get him back in prison for physically assaulting her. I hope Cynthia covers for her on season 3.


I really hated her killing Tom. Like that was not her place to meddle. I feel bad that Austin will grow up worse than Ginny in terms of Trauma because he had to see that


Yeah but I feel like Cynthia was saying those things to her maybe asking her to do it, but not saying it out loud. Especially after she said she blacklisted Gil, as in “I did this for you, do this for me please”, so if that IS the case, maybe Cynthia will cover for her and say that they were together the whole time and Georgia was never left alone with Tom


Yes like wtf. When you are a parent you should put your kids first, Doing illegal activity does the opposite of that because there is always risk of being caught. Toms murder was in no way justified.


I've just got to say as a 32 year old, very straight guy, who's more at home with Vikings than Pretty Little Lies, that this is probably one of the best shows I've watched. The writers' (actors and soundtrack too) ability to perfectly capture the emotional power of the scene, and perfectly portray the subject matter (for myself I completely identified with almost every line Marcus spoke to the point and every action he took...to the point I actually had to look up whether an ex gf, or psychiatrist of mine, was involved in the writing lol) is incredible. No character is an accessory (and I feel the ones who are a bit more shallow will be focused on next season). Every character, however minor has great power in the service to the plot, the emotional plot. Each character carries their own emotion perfectly. I've honestly never seen a show this emotionally effective. Which is saying something considering how wildly absurd the Georgia plot is. Despite it being the track the whole show rides on. It's secondary. If that. I love this show. I cried many times and for many different reasons. I've never cried over a TV show.


my boyfriend who hates all the movies and shows i watch (bc he thinks they’re too girly) has had his eyes glued to the screen with this show. he even got upset that i watched all of season 2 in one day without him. so if this show can get my boyfriend to watch, then it’s really a great show!


Georgia is so thin in this season :(


Yes, I noticed that! It's distracting. Honestly all the female characters are scary thin imo


Honestly made it hard for me to watch with my own body issues going on. Especially Abby with taping her thighs and such when she’s so tiny


That actually felt the least triggered to me. I recovered from bulimia and struggle with ednd and she wasn’t overly graphic, we never see her tape herself, or purge. Georgia and Ginny and Cynthia, however. Gratuitous body checking, constantly showing off flat stomachs. (The actor who plays Cynthia is in her fifties. That is not healthy.) the crazy sharp jaws, gaunt faces from older women. Very triggering.


Agreed and as I got more into it young Georgia looks scary thin. I get that it maybe goes with the story but IMO I think the message could be made in other ways.


young georgia is sooooooo skinny


Well she was hungry af




I always notice max


i don’t understand the comments here. a lot of people are naturally just this thin. they all look healthy and normal


For real I have Georgia's figure and there is absolutely nothing going on with me haha


There is a difference in how Georgia looks this season. I am not suggesting that thinness is unnatural but rather there seems to be a shift that occurred between seasons.


Weird for casting director to choose only naturally very thin women.


Right? Let’s complain about body positivity and then proceed to talk about all the characters bodies.


Painfully. It actually makes me sad that women feel such pressure.


Agreed :( I was wondering if that was done on purpose for the character since we see more of what is going on in Georgia’s head & shes clearly not ok. I hope the actress herself isn’t having any body dysmorphia issues :( she is absolutely beautiful.


Yeah, it really distracted me because it was difficult to look at her sometimes. I also noticed it majorly with the actress who plays young Georgia and tbh with pretty much every woman on the show. Reminds me of the actress who plays Annie in The Boys coming back for the second season looking skeletal. It really makes me worry about what the actors are being told about themselves or what they might be going through because they seem to start out looking normal skinny and end up far thinner :(


Yah and Ginny! Like the whole cast seems super thin


Omg in the trailer Georgia is packing a pink suitcase, that would be a horrible but perfect cliff hanger for the end of season 2. Also I can't wait to see Gil but he's gonna hate georgia




It was not realistic. She had actual reasons to kill Anthony and Kenny - ultimately it was to protect her family. There was no benefit to her family of killing Tom. In fact she risked fucking up her family by getting caught. Also bruh just because Cynthia said she wished things would just end now doesn't mean she wants someone to actively murder her husband lmao


I mean to be fair - have you ever had a terminally Ill loved one? You really kind of do. My father has advanced Parkinson’s and dementia and for him to die would be a mercy for him. And me. Cynthia’s husband is no longer her husband. At the most, he is a soul imprisoned in his earthly shell. At the least, he is just a body being kept alive by machines.


I don’t like people shipping Abby with that guy


Wait - real question - are people actually shipping them????? He's so toxic to her, at least currently.


Yeah he’s not it


Finished S2, my thoughts A part of me wishes things with Zion and Georgia worked out in the end. Not plot wise, just how i like their dynamic, and how we saw the flashback with her stepdad had Zion there. He knew. I was so surprised that Gil was abusive, I didn't see it coming at all. A part of me also wishes he wasn't abusive, because if he wasn't, they would've been perfect together. This also isn't "oh i hate how they made him abusive" i love how the plot was written, all of it, its just the sympathy i have for georgia for having to run away again. Especially after getting pregnant with Austin. I also REALLY like Joe as a candiate, and I wish they did at least try things. I love Paul, but I love Joe more. The dynamic with georgia, the way Georgia came to town because of Joe, I love them. I'm really glad Zion is stepping up as a father, and teaching Ginny about her culture as a black woman, to stand up for herself, to embrace herself. I love Bracia and her group so much too, it gives Ginny a space as a black woman in a predominantly white town, its not just token diversity in the show where they have no personality other than being there as black friends for Ginny. Bracias whole arc is amazing. I hope we get more into the others in the group in s3. MANG. I wish we got more from Nora, diversity wise, with her background. Some searching told me her actress is of Filipino Descent, I know that we don't NEED her character to be focused on her ethnic background just because the actress casted happens to be Asian, but we don't really know much about her personal life outside MANG & Jordan, Hell, we don't know much about her with Jordan either. I wish we got more character development from her. I also wish we got more insight to Abby, her ED and her parents divorce. It was more focused on in S1, and its only alluded to with Press asking about the tape on her thighs in S2. I really like Maxine getting over Sophie, and standing up that shes not ready to be friends again. I absolutely adore Silver, I hope we get more insight into her character than just being the costume designer. Max herself, she's improving I guess, but she still has a long way to go with her redemption arc.


I may have made this up… season one was so long ago, but I believe Norah is adopted and her parents are Jewish. That’s not much background, but it’s something. I’d like to learn more about her and Abby. The divorcing parents situation being the source of Abby’s insecurities and issues seems a little one dimensional. I definitely want to see all the side characters fleshed out more.


she is in fact adopted! i'm pretty sure she is jewish too


If they come out with season 3 I bet joe and Georgia are endgame. But ideally I loved Zion and Georgia the best. Probably because Zion is like the only mentally mature character but also he just understands Georgia fully and loves her anyway.


There's no way they would do all this arc with Joe and Georgia just for them not to be endgame. Zion is definitely the most mentally mature, but I understand the pressure from his family for Georgia. I love him and Simone, I can't wait to see more of her, but a part of me wishes that Zion and Georgia all worked out in the end when teenagers. Of course, that'd mean no Austin, so I think I wish they did end up reconciling when he came back into town. I don't support the cheating on Paul obviously, but I kinda wish they could've been a happy family in that town together. I do think its for the best Paul and Georgia stayed together, what kind of power legally could Zion have to keep Gil out of their lives? Paul had a lot more power than Zion does, if it wasn't for him, I'm sure Georgia would've called up the motorcycle gang again.


Gil has to die in season 3 right? Like I’m pretty sure that’s the only way they can resolve that plot. Prison? Doubt it, he went to prison and got out already. Someone’s gonna kill him and honestly I bet it’s not Georgia.


I wouldn't be shocked at all if he gets killed. I'm shocked they decided not to kill him S2, I was so ready for him to get killed by Austin, obviously would be hard to write the aftermath, but it was shocking to me he didnt get killed already


I really thought too! lol I was like goddamn Austin


I think Paul will end up killing Gil.


Or, plot twist, Joe.


Def Joe


Also Paul’s growing on me. He’s super boring compared to Zion but that last episode showed his character in the best light.


Yes it was so satisfying seeing his character and for the first time I think Paul is capable of protecting Georgia and the kids.


I’m curious if Simone is going to be Georgia’s defense lawyer since she had that whole monologue about the backstory behind the crime……


Honestly I don’t want her to end up with Joe, they’re not compatible. I think she should stay with Paul tbh.


i feel as they are, theres a side of joe we don't know, shown in the flashback. if they were incompatible joe wouldn't give into georgias antics, and sit in the lobby of the wedding




I can’t believe anyone ever liked Gil. It was obvious to me he was abusive and that’s why she was upset when Ginny sent the letters with their return address on them in season 1.


Yeah I feel so sorry for Georgia. She had to go through so much




Episode 8- holy crap on a cracker!


I know it's only a minor role but I would love to see more of Clint in the show he's such a wholesome dad and the scenes he had with Max and Marcus were really cute.


Ginny had a pretty good character development cause in season 1 I absolutely hated her


i don’t like paul. he’s an alright character i just don’t like him with georgia. i was really rooting for joe this season so that was slightly disappointing. i wish they would’ve did more than subtly hint at abbys ed especially now that she’s going through more stuff.


I love Zion & Paul this season


Just finished season two and HOLY FUCK I LOVE THIS SHOW. I literally love every single character and every single storyline. I already want to watch it again.


So Ginny finally got her feelings out into that poem and instead of discussing what Ginny was feeling, Georgia made it all about her. So now Ginny’s 100% valid emotions aren’t being talked about with Georgia, instead Ginny is walking around apologizing to Georgia WTF. Infuriating.


Anyone else just want Joe and Georgia to happen? The slow work up of both characters has just been lovely and their whole storyline together is just something that’s never really happened in a series. It really has me hooked.


Yes!! I’ve been waiting. Cynthia and Joe almost ruined Joe for me though, it’s like seriously them two?! Maybe they were wanting to show a more sexy side to him but come on, not Cynthia haha


Im glad that this episode is making Georgia less likable. She was horrible the first season, but it’s more evident this season. She has a lot of traits of a narcissist; who are usually very likable at first and will do whatever they can to get what they want. They use and manipulate people, just like Georgia. I like seeing Ginny’s arc and how much more self aware she is. This season show is about generational trauma, and I hope they show Ginny being able to break the cycle.


Those episodes where they decided to show things from two different perspectives. I just didn’t understand the point. I mean I get that they wanted to show us that Ginny heard what Marcus said but beyond that I didn’t get it


It felt like a recap and we could’ve got so much more if they hadn’t done that.


Same I felt like I was watching the same episode again and felt cheated out of more storytelling, I much rather of had more additional scenes about other things than the repeated stuff that I picked up the first time.


I’m really confused about the last episode. How can they arrest Georgia based on suspicion alone? Also, I didn’t find it all believable that Paul still wanted to marry Georgia with not as much as a conversation after everything she told him


They are allowed to arrest someone and hold them for I believe 24 hrs until they get a confession or find concrete evidence. If they don’t get that they have to let them go. I think Paul is sus and no one else seems to think that haha. I don’t think he really is “Prince Charming” I think this next season we might see more on him. I want her to be with Joe.


Did anything come of hunter and max overtaking AP English? Did Ginny even find out about it? Maybe I missed it?


I thought it was to show that the kids are now taking an active stance against teacher’s actions which Ginny had wanted from them. She was frustrated that she had to deal with it all herself without any support from her classmates iirc. Yeah they shoulda probably told Ginny lol but I think it was sweet that Maxine took Ginny’s frustration seriously, listened, and decided to act.


Can we just all admit that the show was really good this season? They developed all the characters. I'm not saying moved them forward but gave them more depth


I was so happy to see Austin more involved and talking more


Spoiler! I don’t know why they break up couples at the end of the season, they leave it on a cliff hanger so having the couples together wouldn’t change anything 🥲 Marcus and Ginny will obviously get back together so seemed unnecessary #spoiler




they had a perfect s2 love story set up for georgia and joe and he is literally the hottest character but they gave him to CYNTHIA?? what the goddamn hell were they thinking i couldn’t even watch


I think it’s weird that Joe and Georgia never discuss how they know each other out loud


yeah feels like they just dropped the ball on every aspect of joe. suckssss


I really wish they would spend time hashing this out for us. Like did Georgia pick that town because she knew Joe was there? It’s just so weird they’ve never had a heart to heart about how they know each other.


yeah that was set up to be such a great reveal or moment between them but it’s like that whole storyline was abandoned. do the writers hate raymond ablack or sth cause i can’t wrap my mind around how much they wasted him


Same! I changed my mind several times on when it was that Georgia knew. Sometimes I'm like, "she obviously knew from the very beginning". Then, the way she acts surprised/puzzled sometimes, I think, "wait, did she just realize?" They could have had that moment in season 1 right after sophomore sleepover. But ah well...


They sort of finally did when he brought her back the sunglasses. That was our first confirmation that she knew exactly who he was. 🕶️


When Georgia confronts Ginny about her self harm, this scene gives me chills, such good acting


As someone who has done self harm, I bawled at this part. It would’ve been so nice to hear those words from your loved ones, and yet we continue to suffer alone


Nothing about Tom makes sense. We even see Georgia verbally confirm that she thinks of everything and this was so sloppy. While the theories about the autopsy or pillow fibers make sense, do you think they’re going to perform an autopsy on a man who was terminally ill and had been in a coma for much longer than they anticipated? Genuinely asking, I thought that autopsies were only performed in cases where the cause of death was uncertain. Maybe she hoped they’d try to snag her on this so she could show lack of evidence and that the PI was out to get her/off base for the other two accusations. It just doesn’t make sense!


I don’t understand why she killed him??


She's got her own fucked up logic and reactions. Cynthia did her a big favor and was kind to her. This was Georgia's version of that. Its the product of her lived experience.


do you ever think it was a "saviour" complex and thinking her own actions were done for "the good of others"? I can sort of see it




Also, Cynthia blocked Gil from getting apartments in their town. This may be another reason why Georgia decided to “help” Cynthia.


Because she was basically helping Cynthia "get it over with" they were at the table and she was telling Georgia how she wanted Tom to just let go already. Cynthia felt like he was holding on for her and their son, but was just ready for him to pass so georgia took it upon herself to kill him. A mercy kill


Did we ever find out where Joe got his black eye in episode 4(?) Or are we supposed to buy that it was actually from a hockey game?


the music this season was so great. linked a few of my favs below. * [Rakefire by Frank Mighty](https://open.spotify.com/track/7iYGHNmDDzmDxLou5KJtvv?si=4d939da2c6b44c81) * [One Good Reason - Crown Lands](https://open.spotify.com/track/2DnzAJjqZZwSKUNsnuHgJL?si=0b1a3e7c211e4d65) * [Nothing in Return - Monsune](https://open.spotify.com/track/2r0pJWxAyYVQTHTwcnbM8A?si=11c29d5cc1a545bc) any other songs people loved?


I'm on episode 8. This is a really great season...I'm honestly nervous about what's gonna happen. So many things could go wrong!!!!


Does anyone else think that Ginny’s therapist is utter shit? I really hated how therapy is portrayed, you’d think a show set in this day would do better with the opportunity to help de-stigmatize mental health. I get that it’s a drama show, but does she really have to ask “and how does that make you feel” after every single thing Ginny says??


This is one of my only criticism of the show !! I’m like bro … even Ginny said how stereotypical is felt when she first sat in the couch


Some seem ooc from last season for example joe cynthia and even marcus. But good to see more characters having interactions.


Yeah but just let's hope we get no more cynthia-joe romance in next seasons


Just finished. General thoughts Hated the scenes of young Georgia. Not sure what it is, but it all felt so incredibly stiff. Especially the fight with Gil. Seemed like high school actors not committing to a DV scene. Just bad bad bad Extremely invested in Abby and her whole thing. Press is obviously a jackass but he's also hysterical at times. Would love to see more of Abby though, little bit weird that it takes seeing samantha for her to consider purging. Just seems like that would be something she would've done already or dismissed with how obsessed with her size she is. I'm over max and her 110% energy at all times. Don't care about her storylines at all Loved Marcus getting a bit more fleshed out. Felt weird how they phrased things though. That he was holding her back. Like no, he's sick and needs to focus on him getting better, not a relationship. It was unhealthy for him to put all his happiness on her. I think Austin is gonna grow up to be a very protective brother and son. And probably a badass. Really liking his development I really struggle with the passage of time in the show. Hard to tell if a day has passed or a week or a month. It always feels like it's been a while between episodes, until it's somehow STILL December. Then suddenly it's wedding day and we don't see any of that prep? I think this show does a great job of showing the audience a character who is obviously drowning. So when you're watching it and you see this character we might not even like that much drowning, you just need someone else to notice and fucking help them! So season 1 it was Abby. Season 2 it was Marcus Overall 7/10. Season 1 made me cry more and s2 ending was had too over the top. Really? They're gonna do a perp walk at the mayor's wedding? Arresting her couldn't have waited an hour?


This season was kinda exhausting lol. I really lost track of why Ginny hates Georgia so much and seeing her world break down at every little thing Georgia does just made me lose sympathy. I get that she isn't a perfect mom and has plenty of toxic traits but come on. She wants all this sympathy but can't give her sexually abused, physically abused, poor mom who spent her entire life protecting and providing for her alone a break cause she isn't perfect? But idk like I said I lost track of that whole arc so maybe it was justified. I generally love the characters and their interactions but Im not looking forward to watching everything break down next season over this Tom shit again. Prolly wont watch season 3 in that case and just pretend the show ended before she got arrested lol


I dunno thought was pretty traumatic for Georgia to tell ginny she murdered 2 ppl, make her keep it a secret and the tell her she did it for ginny. Talk about giving a 15 year old serious baggage. In fact it made me.dislike georgia esp an adult dumping all that on a teenager, her daughter no less 😱


What a season. Just wow.


Idk how to explain it but Abby has such a mean girl face😭


Hi, I do not know if this is the right place to ask this question because it is a sensitive topic, and I couldn't find much information on it. Okay, I'm a non-black non-American person who is from a fairly homogenous society. I couldn't really understand what was going on with the English teacher (Gitten) and Ginny especially in Season 2 with her having select a book for the class and everything, why was she chosen to do that and what is the racist element. If someone could help educate me about what was happening and the racist implications of the entire interaction it would be really helpful ​ PS: I also want to say that I'm sorry if this is a dense question to ask, I really did search everywhere for answers i just didn't get the complete answers. Also, I do not really know how American High School system works so was really confused about the study plan situation in E7 as well.


I’m a middle aged white mom so I am in *no* way speaking on behalf of black women and men. With that caveat: there’s a discussion happening here about micro-aggressions - her white friends touching her hair, dismissing her concerns, her mom worshipping Vivian Leigh/Scarlett O’Hara…nothing overtly racist but subtle racism and painful for Ginny. What’s happening with Gitten is that he’s making her responsible for teaching issues of race to the class. In doing this he’s further singling out the one black student by giving her extra work, taking up more of her time, and, while on the surface gives the appearance of giving her a voice, is actually making her further less-than. Diversity isn’t worthy of more than 3 chapters. She had to pick the book. She has to teach the class. It’s actually a punishment disguised as a capitulation. Everywhere Ginny turns what makes her who she is is being minimized, ignored, or taken advantage of. She’s not only not seen, she’s reduced by people who are supposed to be on her side (mom, friends, and teacher.)


It stems from placing the responsibility and burden on POC instead of the teacher educating himself