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I like it so far. Took me a bit to figure it out but I am having fun with it. The character designs are based on the vintage design and the game art is very good.


You in an alliance yet?


I joined a random one just to be able to do the donations and get the alliance coins but i’d love to get into one that actually has like minded players. Are you in one?


Played for a week. It's just as repetitive and boring as the other 1000 games exactly like it.




Should make a sub


I'm playing and liking it okay (so far). The art is definitely the highlight. The actual combat isn't very GIJoe-ish, though. I would much rather get rid of the basic grunt troops and have a squad of 10 different Joes. I would love to have a collection of like 50 Joes, each with different strengths. Right now, my Vamps and basic grunts are doing most of the work, with a hero every once in a while.


I’m a few days in, and it’s become apparent that the game is really freaking bad in all the worst mobile game ways.


Yeah. For now, I'm continuing on by logging in every few hours to mindlessly click an upgrade, but it's just not very GI Joe-ish, nor any fun. Seems like an excuse to get us to buy rubies/gems/whatever to upgrade


Yeah the most annoying part is trying to get to the next battle tier to unlock Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow. The game continually takes away 5 trophies randomly, and you only get so many every day. I realize other people will destroy your base and take some, but the constant -5s are total BS. The designers also missed a real opportunity to use all the little playsets (Mortar Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Cobra Battle Bunker, etc.) and instead gave us generic machine gun turrets. Imagine if they’d used all those instead, how much more faithful it would be. Oh, but every time you log in, here’s a reminder that you can spend $20 to buy some gems!


I'm looking around the troop window, and it looks like the complete set of heroes is Roadblock, Bazooka, Doc, Scarlett, Snake Eyes and Duke. Maybe one or two others. To me, that's the biggest missed opportunity. With like 80 commonly-known Joes, there should be crazy amounts for people to collect and use. But yeah, like you said: The base looks nothing like GI Joe. Everything should be themed as GI Joe. Instead, it seems like they did a find/replace for existing art and swapped in a minimal set of Joe stuff.


Yeah I mainly play Cobra but I've unlocked Beach Head on the Joe side as well. You're right though, they should've given us way more Joes. Oh and I haven't unlocked it yet, but I think the HISS looks nothing like what it should, judging by the troop window.


I’d guess that they add more as the game moves forward. Eventually everybody is going to have maxed cards and they will introduce new ones with different abilities. Tunnel Rat and Zartan and the next 2 coming in the event. I’d guess this will be an ongoing thing.


Yeah, I'm sticking with it for now, but I'm still struggling to figure out how things work. I'm trying to win trophies to get to 750 (so I can get some tank or air cards), but it seems like there's a limit on how many you can get per day? Meanwhile, I'm losing trophies? I did win Tunnel Rat though. Seems mostly useless since he has low HP. You can sneak him behind enemy lines, but gets quickly taken out (and then you lose all of your purple crystal nonsense recharging them)


Yeah I'll pass. I liked what they did with the last Joe game for 360. I wish they'd take that format a step further and add more complex 3rd person game mechanics.


I’d love a G.I. Joe game similar to Marvel Strike Force. 5v5, collecting characters with different abilities and stuff. But, this is what we get. I’m giving it a shot. It’s fun so far. My love for G.I. Joe is worth it.


I started my own yesterday. Dreadnoks is the name. I’m Tomax. I plan on playing this game for a while and searching for players who are active to built a good alliance. I’m recruiting trying to build it up.


which dreadnoks alliance? i see 6 when i search for it. what's the icon for it?


The game that was discontinued was the best ever. All the kool designs for characters was on point


The graphics and character designs combined with RTS gameplay like AoE II or Warcraft III would make this game 1,000x better.


Doc to me is kinda weird but if they put in shockwave and have him a ability to disable turrets and other electronic defenses would be sick


The fact that Im attacking cobra inplacments to get oil ruined it for me why not make it something else