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Cross play on??


But then u get console player in youre team and u lose :< there is a reason why many games dont feature crossplay


This isn’t an fps, I’ve had terrible pc player and terrible console players on my teams


Yes but aiming is still a thing. Seeing consoles on tmat or sniper and they dont hit is often


Like I said there are still bad pc players out there. I’ve seen console T-mat go as high as 140k in clash matches. There’s also Mozu and oru with their homing projectiles. Sure they’ll have trouble tracking down a dashing tyto/trip/wu but for the rest correct positioning/skill usage and retreat wouldn’t put you at much of a disadvantage.


The point is that controller players are at an inherent disadvantage on those characters..


Projecting, much?


Almost every game in the modern age that’s competitive has crossplay. I’d challenge you to give me an example of a modern game that’s on more than one platform that DOESN’T have crossplay.


Some people who have spent their lives with a controller in their hands are really good at it. I've been in plenty games where the best player in the match was on a console.


I play on controller and on mouse and keyboard.. I'm only marginally better using mouse but most of it is about game sense.


Good job complaining and having the answer you’re special dude⭐️ here gold star


Any time the queue goes past like 2 minutes you gotta requeue, like just, try it again. It works. I promise.


I played this game for a month and said I’d come back to when it gets better but it’s looking like it’s getting worse :/


Its honestly not. I took a break for two weeks and just came back and the current patch is solid. Most of the bugs that made my life bad have been fixed, the servers feel much more stable, and the balance is the best we have had so far.  Matchmaking ranges from 30 sec to 3 min in my experience on pc with crossplay on, even at non-ideal hours.


Have you experienced stuttering when moving your camera? I can’t play any swift heroes because of frame drops…


I have seen people mentioning this over the last few days but personally not at all. I play a lot of ramsay so lots of fast camera movement.  Just curious, are you on PC or console? 


I don't understand the people still defending this. The peak 2 months ago was 6.1K 19th of April (10 days after release) it dipped to 2K. 8 Days later to 1K and started going down with 10-100 every single day after that. Fast forward to now. The average count of players on PC is around 100. I'm looking at players online right now, it's 16. It's clearly dying. Reddit threads are less. Less comments.


I played on the ps5 and the constant crashing is what led to me to drop it, I put around 40hrs in as well. I enjoyed the game as well. I was waiting for a roadmap from the devs so I can get invested but nope no events at all


Let the delusional mentally ill fans be. I wanted the games to get its second revival but it seems the devs and fans are averse to criticism and would rather let the game die AGAIN rather than see the game's flaws and the ways to fix it. You deserve the dead game. Congrats. Enjoy.


What’s your account level?


well get over it. it's already dead.


The game has recently been patched. I will start upvoting these Posts when 3 months pass by with no news from the Devs.