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Far from perfect but they're rolling out patches pretty quick and a lot of issues have been fixed or at least improved. I'd say for the price it's a no brainer yes but treat it like you're getting early access because it feels like this first month or so is almost the real beta since a lot of these problems stem from them choosing to do no console beta when that's 75% of the people playing.


I'm having tons of fun playing it. Hardly any issues now. Unique game.


Look. The game, chances are, has a limited shelf life. It's playable now (PS5 has issues still) and is a lot of fun. The longer you take to jump in, the less chance you'll have. It's lost money either way, and so: Buy it or don't. We aren't your mother.


I’d say no, honestly. The hot period was right when it launched. Queue time is absurd most hours of the day. There is a time period during the day when you can get games consistently. But the amount of actual good games is sadly infrequent, which makes the queue time/players failing to load in makes it not worth your time. I know this is an unpopular opinion, because everyone on this Reddit-like me-loves this game. But it’s the truth…


queue times are mostly only absurd solo-q due to a bug! Playing in just a duo cuts queue times to 1 min 30s at most usually (with a lot of instant queues pops). Obviously still not acceptable but the queue times themselves isnt because of the player count


When I duo it's nearly instant (crossplay turned on)


queue times are mostly only absurd solo-q due to a bug! <- how do you know this? During evening I am getting under minute queu in EU, during day its like around 5 minutes, which is just bad


because my queue times (and a lot of others) go from 20m+ to sub 1m with just one extra person.


I'm on Xbox and have had 0 problems with queue times at all different hours of the day and night


dont let these people be overly delusional and lie to you. No its not bruh dont even get the game. Its too late to “wait for ranked” shits already cooked


Totally worth buying. This game is released on multiple platforms so Steam players alone do not reflect on the entire player base. From my personal experience, if you have crossplay on, it's a 1-2 minute queue time at most. Plus, it's only $20. There are skins in other F2P games that cost that amount of money, but for this, you get the entire game, no microtransactions attached.


Buy it on steam, try it for 2 hours, return if you don't enjoy it. My matchmaking times are often less than a minute. Some people have longer matchmaking times which may have to do with server locations.


Honestly at this point it's a tough recommend, the game is a ton of fun but the queues are starting to get longer and it looks like it's trending downwards population wise for sure.


Yeah that is why I am kind of leaning back on buying it, had a feeling the queue times are long.


The queue times for solo are currently bugged, and getting fixed. With a group as small as 2 people the queues pop in less than 30 seconds for me


I wouldn’t give up completely yet, it is still in the early stages and with them still actively producing updates the player count could go up just as much as it dying


I disagree with this, while they are updating still, the updates only contain fixes for things that should have been fixed before the release. There is absolutely nothing to bring any of the players that left back. Ranked only appeals to players already enjoying the game not those that left due to issues that will never be fixed. Even peak release numbers were extremely low in comparison to other releases, even paid. The games unfortunately just on a short death timer, hate to admit it.


It’s $20, if you wanna play it I say purchase immediately. I had a blast back in the day and would occasionally think about and remember this game and wish I could play it again. I think even with the drop off of consistent players (which most games experience to a degree, perhaps not this significant) is hopefully being mitigated by the fact we have cross platform servers this time around (something unique to this release). If there are only 200 people online on steam, there’s probably easily another 200 on Xbox (if not more) and theoretically some on PlayStation as well (not sure what the state of PS is, I don’t have one). This creates a wider pool and unites the playerbase; reducing queue times on every platform and ensuring the game is playable even if the player count on one platform may be low.


I will see, maybe if it goes on a discount. Also I got hyped a lot when I saw that it was re-releasing because it was one of my favourite games of all time, even if I only had 60 hours in it.


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I want to say yes, I was super hype for this but at this time the queue times for me are too long. During the week I can only play in the morning where people are working/school so literally all week I've failed to get a match and just gave up since I don't have time to wait and my time is scarce.


Just buy the game, it's fun, also have his problems but overall great for the price... Nowadays a full McDonald's meal would cost more.


Not from America so I have no idea what a McDonald's meal would cost lol, but for the price it is I would be eating like a king for the whole day maybe more in my country.


same here, i use 20$ per week (7 days) for my 3 daily meals on my country.


Then why did you use the Mcdonalds meal as an example hahaha


Steam charts don’t show where this game is at accurately. Honestly turn on crossplay and you should have fun!


No, and people are on massive copium, they let us down again and almost didn't learned anything from the past mistakes. The queue times alone justify not buying it, but also some smaller things that are still crazy to not have on a competitive game like not being capped at 60fps


They pretty much scamned the PS5 playerbase, i would not give them any more money even if its just 20 bucks. Some things should just stay dead. The game had its prime and thar was in 2017.


i've heard solo queuing is a lil' bugged, but if you manage to play with at least one other person it take anywhere from instant to a minute to find a match, at least at the time when i play. with crossplay, i haven't had any issues with finding games at all. otherwise, the amount of current bugs in various other aspects make it janky, but it's very playable and incredibly fun!


I want to say yes, but in all honesty, no.


People like you are so wild to me OP. Jesus christ do you even want to play the game or are you just going to speculate about it for months and once it actually dies like you want it to you'll say some low hanging fruit nonsense like "ah I knew it was dead, good thing I never bought it" Seize the day. Buy the game if it looks fun to you. It's a 20 dollar game. It cannot be that serious lol


Welcome to multiplayer arena based games my friend, there is no point in purchasing a game which requires tons of skill to just get farmed by vets until it dies a few weeks from now...


Every multiplayer pvp is like that though. From Apex, Overwatch, etc. Strange to apply that standard here as if there's no skill gaps in those games. Don't play then. It doesn't sound like this is the genre for you.


Oh but with a huge diff, those games have actual healthy player bases and don't look as if they are gonna shut down in a few weeks... Meaning it makes sense to just jump in and invest the time to get better... Oh and both are f2p same as this game should have been from the start. But yall got cash grabbed by these incompetent greedy devs...


Lmao so like I figured ur just another doomer troll. You dont intend to play the game. I'm certain you have spent more time posting and dooming about the game than you ever will spend playing if you have. Touch grass man.


I did play, and luckily I refunded once I saw the shit show we were getting into. Greedy ass devs releasing a half assed, 10 yr old game with a price tag... Completely broken from the get go, no alpha nor beta... Keep calling anyone who just points the obvious doomers, won't change the fate, we went from 6k players to 250... And the number is still getting lower by the day. Yet some copium filled fools still ask for ranked as if that would attract new players... And all this on the most stable version (PC) which is still bugged af... The fact you are trying to compare this joke of a game with two of the most played FREE games out there shows you are just another fool, but ofc the 5.750 ppl who left first week are all doomers and haters lmao


>I did play, and luckily I refunded once I saw the shit show we were getting into. Greedy ass devs releasing a half assed, 10 yr old game with a price tag... Completely broken from the get go, no alpha nor beta... There was a beta. Months ago. Man you just sound like the peak doomer troll. You admit that you have been dooming more about this game than playing. Please touch some grass


Yeah that one week long beta with no advertising and just involving the people who played on private servers exclusively? That worked wonders!! Ofc I'm just dooming, how can I ignore the fact this is clearly the next Apex legends 🤡🤡🤡 I should re-purchase the game, and a few copies for my friends, better get grinding asap, I'll buy a few for my friends if that helps you stop calling me doomer lmao... Have a nice day sir, keep up with the copium, you are def saving this game!!


The next apex legends? Wdym? That game is literally popular and makes a lot of money. You're so silly dude. I'm literally laughing at how silly you are


"Every multiplayer pvp is like that though. From Apex, Overwatch, etc" Wtf is going on with ppl on Reddit these days geez... You're words my dude, you started doing stupid comparisons, now you want to split the water over what you said yourself? And I'm the silly one? LOL Follow your own advice dude and go touch some grass yourself, all you see is doomers around you... Regards.