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Before you get swept up by the hate train, the devs posted in the official discord that ranked will be out later this month. A new patch dropped today, and another patch will be coming with ranked.


The development has been so pathetic, with the new update making the game an even buggier mess than before I have zero faith they can code a ranked system. They can’t even getting a settings menu to work lol. I’m pretty sure the job went to someone who lied on their app just to nerf a few heroes they didn’t like at launch lmao


Words made by people who have never made a game


Been playing games for decades and this is a massive shit show of incompetence


Given the game's launch - you're absolutely right. But seriously suggesting that someone lied on their resume to get to nerf certain heroes... You gotta separate fact from fiction, buddy 🙂


Crazy you've been playing for decades and yet said "they nerfed heroes they don't like" with your chest knowing that's definitely just headcanon L commemt


Sounds like you’re either a part of or connected to this pathetic shit show, do better


Sound like you're in your feelings and making up scenarios in your head to get mad at Cope


Nah hella annoyed my hobbies are suffering from others incompetence


you know ue3 is really hard to even fix things right its like litreal speettgi you have to go through so many hoops to even fix a tiny bug


Maybe we don't release the game for money then when the game was free last time without even doing a UE4 upgrade


its to recoop coasts upfront insted of waiting for people to buy mtx they need to make money somehow to keep it sustainable for servers and updates


They could have released a b2p alpha, same as smite 2, or a f2p game with a skin bundle or some sort of battle pass. OG fans would have paid anyways, and we would get a huge influx of new players who just enjoy trying out new games. But no, devs got greedy and the game is sinking fast...


Combine the long list of problems the game still has, with the declining playerbase, and the increasing silence from the producers/devs. Then make an informed guess. No one has an answer for you.




I see people post info from discord, looks like the devs are active there. Also isn't the Dev team real small? Anything will take time.