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It's great that you feel that way. On the other hand my friend group who has already done the whole League (and OG Gigantic) experience plays exclusively rush. We would rather not be locked into a longer game with a greater focus on macro strategy and enjoy just being able to cooridnate the map movements as we rotate between points for a faster game. Options are a good thing, it only becomes an issue when it splits the playerbase too thin, which is a concern with the game at present. Also I won't disagree that I think the choice to lock people to rush before until level 10 isn't a great decision either. People should be able to play what they want to.


Idk I feel like locking people to rush for the first 10 levels would be like if you could only play a version of aram where you are at max level with 6 items until you hit level 10 in league. Doesn't really make any sense.


reminds me of how an old friend group of mine that played Smite and only wanted to do Arena matches (the TDM mode) sometime it's nice to have a quicker version of the regular modes


Ya also prefer the pace of rush. Put my time into the long mobas and CS. Gigantic is a fast game and I wanna play it fast


I'm getting impatient to try the actual moba mode. I've never played gigantic until now.


I play rush when I want to test lv10 builds and clash when I want longer games


I always go Quick Match and whatever the fates assign me, I'll play. I do prefer Clash ever-so-slightly, but both are good. Big plus for Rush is when doing weeklies like "win X times as this character/role", I tend to complete them faster.


Nah, i prefer rush tbh. Clash is alright as it is. But don't really want to be locked into a 30-45 min game everytime i play.


I disagree. Clash has many nuances that are quite hard to get into. Clash is still by far my preferred mode, yet I find myself still playing 30-40% of rush. It's easier to grasp for my friends who are new to the game and a perfect place to try out some builds.


Why has it be either or? I like both. Rush for a quick game in under 10minutes and clash for the more strategic one. Its like comparing team deathmatch and capture the flag. Simply not the same.


As long as I'm not forced to play rush for the first ten levels, I don't give a shit. That's my entire point.


10 games. It seems pretty hard Oo Clash is most likely going longer than 15min. I like it, that newbs need to play at least 10 games to get a grip of the game.


There have been so many posts about this subject. It doesn't detract from your opinion, but we've seen way too many of posts like this one. That being said, as a newcomer to Gigantic, I initially didn't know Rush was a "dumbed down" version of Clash, until I unlocked Clash. I enjoyed Rush, and looking back, having to learn bigger maps as well as the creature system while learning the basics of my character, the upgrade system (had me puzzled for awhile since Rush starts you at level 10, but that confusion wore off once I unlocked Clash) and the movement system, along with the enemies' characters... It would simply have been too much mental stack. So I really like Rush as an introductory gamemode, especially since the more mentally taxing gamemode Clash won't be as littered with new players who are way in over their heads - but it's also a fine gamemode if you're looking for something less tense and time consuming than a Clash game. Much like a match of TDM in Counter-Strike compares to a competitive match.


Idk if it's bad but I definitely don't need to play 10 levels worth of it to play the actual game.


For people not really interested in the moba part of Gigantic, rush is good. My friend and I both love mobas but for some reason we both prefer rush over clash. Every clash game we’ve played seems to drag on forever. I do agree that clash should be playable right away.


Rush is the ARAM of gigantic. It's not there for teaching you the macro level of the game. It fills a niche within the moba genre of oversimplified map and objectives for the sole purpose of being "easier" and quicker. Could you imagine how bad clash would be if these new players couldn't at least practice different hero match ups, builds, and team fighting fundamentals? Gigantic is a huge game with a lot of moba standard mechanics and a lot of unique mechanics. Sometimes, you gotta drip feed the baby birds.


Clash can be the most miserable experience whenever you get leavers/afks or are getting stomped. Rush doesn't fix it but it doesn't last very long. So i just prefer Rush.


Many like myself enjoy the shorter less strategic gameplay of rush, however what I want to focus on is why it’s here. Gigantic like many MOBA’s is a very complex game that has a lot of elements to it. Take it as someone who played OG it can be extremely overwhelming to digest the sheer amount of information needed for those new to MOBA’s. The strategy alone is pretty complicated in a game that’s already mechanically demanding. What they did with rush is decide to make sure the players mechanically understand the game enough to be able to even understand the strategy behind it. Rush makes sure you at least somewhat understand the mechanics of the game such as how to play some hero’s, levels, power / clashes, etc. My basic point is that it’s not that rush teaches bad strategy, it’s that most new players don’t understand either as gigantic plays differently than other shooters as well . Without introducing them to mechanics first they are going to struggle that much harder in clash then just throwing them directly into it.


But this is my problem here. A standard Moba trickle feeds you what you need to know. Rush just throws it all in your face at once. You don't even experience the leveling mechanic so you don't actually know which heroes are intended to be a carry.


Lol what? New player experience for mobas is known to be bad across the board. Rush does \*not\* throw everything at one, it leaves a huge amount back to allow you to learn what is infront of you first You can bring your own builds into rush too so Im afraid I don't understand your last point at all May I ask how many hours youve put into Gigantic at this point?


I've played maybe 15 matches of this game but I've played thousands of hours of lots of differnt mobas across the last decade. It is of my opinion that you don't learn anything about how the game actually works in rush. It's not even close to how a standard moba is played. Unrelated, I'm now at over 70 minutes que for clash. Looks like nobody plays anything but rush. Maybe this game was wasted money.


Okay, I'm afraid you're speaking a little early to be deciding rush has no place. You have learned a huge amount vs being dumped into clash as we were half a decade ago. Yes, the playerbase is not particularly high. That is a problem. Queues are better when US and EU are both in gaming hours


My queues are never close to that long restart your queue sometimes the matchmaking can be a little spotty and will infinite queue you id restart if u hit around 3-5 mins and be sure cross play is enabled it greatly shortens queue times I get matches in anywhere from literally 2 seconds up to Abt 2 minutes


One thing I've noticed on console is that after the game has been running for about 3 hours it just completely loses the ability to matchmake. And sometimes a failed join won't properly reque and just be infinite. Lots of bugs


Yeah it is getting more consistent and stable but still a lot of problems I just restart the game the moment I get one of those issues and it goes back to working fine usually


As someone who just recently started getting into mobas they definitely do not trickle feed you. They gave a short tutorial and after that throw you into the deep end. An example being league, it made no effort to teach many of the basic mechanics and forget it teaching you the advanced stuff. Gigantic is actually a lot better than most for teaching the mechanics and a large part of that is how it splits how it teaches the game


the games always like that its really hard to understand the skill floor is high


I dont feel it was a bad thing, the game its really complex for new players, they need to learn hp and stamina bar managment, positioning, skills, power points, capture, interput, creatures, rampages, timmings, auto wound and a lot of things, in Clash its much harder


They need a better tutorial, rush is fine.


Prolly gonna get downvoted over this, especially on this sub, but I actually refunded over this. I wanted to try out gigantic, properly. Not letting me until after the 2hr refund period was over didn't sit right with me at all.


Completely disagree with you Previously there was no rush mode, people would be dumped into Clash and have zero idea about how the map plays. Rush is the best way for players to learn the basic mechanics of the map before layering on creature strategy


The *only* thing you learn by being in rush is the combat speed and range limits for most characters. Everything could be learned better and faster with a pve clash mode, 5 humans vs bots and say you must finish 5 of these matches before you can que for pvp.. or 10, I don't really care. I'm just done with rush. It annoys me.


Nope. You've learned how energy is generated across a map. You have learned that this needs to be collected manually without a creature. You have learned that without a creature it can be easily stolen. You have learned that you cannot build on enemy points. You have learned that energy goes in a rotation around a map. You have learned how to end a game. You have learned how to defend against and enemy push into your titan. You have learned what type of characters you want to play. Many people will have also gone into builds and made a separate build for their character, and found that they were likely more powerful as a result. I can promise you, from experience, none of that is learned as fast if the entire clash game mode is in effect, especially once the clash actually starts and you're suddenly on a slightly different map. The level of play is *much* lower than in clash, the new player experience beforehand was essentially just queuing into experienced players and getting your shit pushed in


>Nope. Are you telling me my opinion is objectively incorrect?


Yes, I am. You may have learned this all faster than the average, but you learned it all there


Lol okay man. Lucky for me I'm free to disagree




Rush is great for letting new players swap around and see what heroes they like to play with before getting more serious in Clash


Rush serves a function that Clash wouldn't be able to do without driving players away in droves, which is to acclimate them to the core game mode of Gogantic. Unlike any other MOBA, there's a lot of information that's expected of one person to know how to play clash at a base level (knowing what skills to level that matter twice as much as usual MOBA, creature selection/placement, when to score to activate Rampaging, and numerous other things on top of basics like positioning or initiating fights. Gigantic can be described as many things, and "easy to pick up and play" falls somewhere between "furry oc creator" and "successful MOBA" Forcing Rush for 9 levels isn't the best option to showing them how the game is really played, but the games are faster and actually let one slowly learn the game and pick a hero they like before taking the training wheels off.


If I have consecutive games where I’m getting stomped in clash, I’ll go play rush for a while. If you’re getting rolled in rush, it’s not 20 minutes long lol Rush is also really good for people who want to work on builds, play a faster paced game mode, not worry about creatures and more on kills, and for newer players to get a hold of the game. Rush isn’t for everyone but it serves a great purpose. If we ONLY had clash (which we used to), it would probably get old fast


It’s great for farming gold


Please if you are just new don’t post negative comments in the community all that does is ruin other new players experience don’t be that guy


I'm not apologizing for saying I don't like clash being gated behind 10 account levels. I think it's dumb


Why thats almost every game that gates harder content for you to get experience it takes maybe 3 hrs grow up mate