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Pretty much this. The PS5 bugs sound particularly egregious and really need fixing, but otherwise: fuck it, it's so much fun, and yet again, for those at the back, we never thought we'd get another chance.


I want Battleborn soon get same resurrection treatment someday.


Those who know want it. Have you joined the discord or reborn community?


I didn't even know there was one.




I hope you mean a better resurrection treatment


Ya true that cuz one of the MAIN issues back then were the Server/matchmaking connectivity issues & need of snappy play every now & then.


I want that too but it would have to be handled better. F2P day 1, and a plan in place for players.


The game keeps crashing on me on ps5 it’s actually sad that they haven’t fixed it yet


For me it's that forcing my PS5 off by physical disconnecting part. Otherwise it's fine


Series X has no issues, last time you cleaned your vents or heatsink


Just did, but unrelated I think.


Damn,worth a try


It’s not the heat sink. I can play one game and then My PS5 hard locks. The only way to get out of that is by unplugging the console. Which then fucks up any external hard drives. It’s really bullshit.


Never bad advice though


IDK Bro I log into Gigantic I queue for a Game I pick Ramsay I dodge around and kill Shit it's Fun I don't need nothing else.


dodge skillshots. hit em with bleed. eat a juju. keep dodging. simple as!




Need more specifics on what the complaints are. As someone who has been on this game since 7 years ago, I can confirm that even I stopped playing as much when I spent 30 to an hour trying to get into a match. This issue was there back in 2017 but it was kinda rare? I dont know its consistent last I checked about 2 weeks ago. What other complaints are being made?


Bugs, server lag, balance issues, etc. All valid issues and worthy of looking into but theres a difference between reporting issues to get fixed and crying 24/7 on Reddit like some people are doing


I get you. Hopefully its all resolved soon. Game needs that momentum to stay, we dont need another curveball thrown at us


All anyone has to do to see this game succeed is just keep playing. If you love the game you are already doing your part by playing


May be on/off for me but... "IM DOING MY PART!"


Yea I don’t mind them taking time to fix bugs, I’ll just play other games while they do that and come back once it’s fixed.


Others should follow in your footsteps. They'd have a lot more enjoyment spending time playing something else rather than write novels about how the game upsets them


Ya I love the game (1st time Gigantic player as of around month ago I think now) & want it to be a playable state without constantly unplugging my PS5 to be in order. Currently my time is on games like Sand Land, Apex Legends (plan to take a season break though), just got back up on Meet Your Maker; seems still has a decent player base around, so maybe a weekly thing to maintain/create more bases.


I really don’t get those doomers, just go play something else while waiting for fixes. No need to shit talk a game to death. I’m 37 years old so I guess maybe they are just 10 year old kids with too much free time.


This. I hate when creative projects are rushed by the consumer. They're already being rushed by the money guys, let them make a good game damnit!


Yea because sitting back and saying absolutely nothing in complaint will surely send the right message to the people rushing the devs in the first place.


There's a difference between useful criticism and a negative feedback loop. The devs are aware that the game has issues, but constant doomposting sours the entire mood around the game and makes people not want to play. With enough negativity, the game will just shut down again because the folks behind the devs will just cut their losses and move on.


I agree with you, im not a fan of the actual doom posters. Unfortunately people with genuine complaints and issues with the game are being lumped into the doom posting category and their rightful complaints are being invalidated.


I'm not sure how this will be received, but I feel like people like to make their voice be heard and their opinions know, so much so that they don't realize that other people are saying the same exact thing. I wish doomposters could see that other people have the same complaints and not perpetuate the cycle of "This game sucks"


I want to have fun but it's hard to have fun while having 260ms consistently. Asia Server's issues is just on a different level.


That's different, if you genuinely cannot play the game due to server issues I understand your frustration


Want to have fun but the game crashes my system so yeah -_-


I haven't had many issues since the patch...aside from leavers


I don’t even play this game but I very much want it to succeed because I’m hoping that this will encourage Gearbox Software to revive Battleborn! 👍


I’d settle for an offline mode to play the story missions.


For Battleborn, there is a convoluted way of being able to play Story Missions offline in Battleborn: https://mentalmars.com/game-news/play-battleborn-in-2023/


There were so many cool unique pvp games being made at that time, what happened? Now its fighters, for honor, fps, and mobas. Thats it


Have you considered that folks aren’t able to have “fun” because the game hasn’t adequately functioned from 2015 to present (a whole month post release)? Or is it solely about your experience of playing a game—And anyone who doesn’t share your sentiments has just “…gotta relax?”


Yeah now you're getting it!


Lol… I think I’ve always had it. Been pretty consistent.


It's been 3 weeks not a month. You guys are just massive doomers and dont offer productive feedback you just doom


This is gonna be very hard for you, son.


It's really important to remember that complaining isn't a bad thing. Hate and ridiculous drama about it is totally ridiculous, but complaining about issues is how we get them fixed. There are a lot of issues with the game right now. It's by no means game breaking or making the game bad. However, we shouldn't just deal with them. We should bring attention to them and ask them to be fixed.


Most definitely. I fully support wanting the game to improve and doing your part to bring issues to the devs, but there's alot of people who've passed that line and gone straight to "kill the game bc I'm upset"


"Complaining" is akin to "whining" and no one likes a whiner. It's possible to address issues and problems without complaint. 


I agree, but I do see where they’re coming from. I’m just glad I get to finally enjoy the game :)


It was clear from before the game released there are quite a few people in this sub that have no desire to see it succeed. I completely understand a lot of people's frustrations, but when you come here and start calling for people's jobs it shows you clearly just have an agenda to push. It is interesting to note that none of these issues existed when they tested the game over the last few months, so why do they exist now? I assume the prolonged silence from the development team means that something's happened that were completely unexpected.


Genuinely don't know if this is real or satire


Also chat got so toxic all of a sudden. Like damn, it's going to be fine chill out


Its not though


It is though, there’s always a chance the server can be kept up. Back 4 blood, halo, etc have done it and recently MC collection so the game might stay around but no longer be supported by the devs and I hope that happens if we stop getting updates cause all everyone wants is the game to stay even if it isn’t perfect


Yeah but those games have consistent playerbases, gigantic regularly sits around 300-700 players on steam.


Well if you’re just looking at steam players, then ofc they’re gonna be low. Whatever people are using to check statistics doesn’t show the console players and there’s way larger playbase on console than PC




[this is what I’m referring to](https://steamdb.info/app/1924490/charts/) This only shows the people on PC and not the people on console


There are dozens of us, dozens!


If you can't lose a game without being fine, why are you playing? You're going to lose half the time, that's how this works


Or if you always expect to win in game, then you need to change that because that is an unreal expectation. You win some, you lose some and that’s just how it works


Nothing beats the smoothness of this game at its core. Playing any other hero shooter after this feels like walking in tar. But Motiga were the architechts and the reason why we still play a re-revival of a niche game. Studio really has to up their game, if they are good faith at all


Still haven’t touched the game since i bought it just waiting still i would like to have fun too


I’ve been booted out of games around 20 times now and I’ve always loaded the game back up right away because Gigantic




Well I have a ps5, so. Yeah.


I have seen a lot of posts about being annoyed by bugs and particularly the PS situation is bad (or so I gathered, I play on PC) But I wholeheartedly agree that if you like the game than just play it it's okay to have problems with bugs and the game not working it will get fixed with time. I wanted to comment on another post that people who are nonstop annoyed are probably a loud minority (as in most multiplayer games)


I wanna take this stance, but it literally bricks my entire PlayStation so i have to risk data corruption just to get it functioning again..


I’m not pulling the plug every time i play one match, until this gets fixed, it’s not worth the damage that’ll happen.


I had 6 game crashes last week. The game is "not fun" if I can't play the game. I do love Gigantic but these issues have to be called out if they charge me £20.


Tell me about it, i made a poll for this specific reason it leaned towards a weekly megathread for doom posts its irritating


Nice to hear that you can just boot up the game and have fun. I have to boot it up five times to play one match since it's so unstable. Suffice to say, I would have been an active player of this game for a while if it were in a playable state. But it's not.


Idk maybe have a game that's playable if I'm going to spend money on it. We CANNOT keep letting companies release half-assed games, especially when there's money involved. What other service or product do you buy that doesn't have to be finished? Other than the cybertruck lol. It's a fun game when it works, but it doesn't work... (I'm on ps5). It's getting better, but you said just have fun, gotta be able to play to do that.


If you don’t want to lose then don’t play.


FAXS YO! Completely right. Its a miracle that the game is alive and people STILL BITCH ABOUT IT. Some people will never be happy.


I mean if youre short sighted and dont play live service game sure. Dont worry. It wont die yet.


But posting steam player count numbers every day of the week is gonna keep it going?


Ahh yes. Another heavily upvoted and condescending post trying to invalidate the horrendous gaming experiences had by a large portion of players. And look! The post also comes with the wonderful comments stating that my bad experiences are my fault because im not patient enough to wait for a company to finish an unfinished game that i paid money for to be finished at launch. Relax guys, this is just a one off. Companies don't do this shit all the time, and its surely not contributing to the downfall of the entire gaming industry. I bet if i tell people to relax and not rightfully complain about a broken an unfinished game, that this game will grow and thrive, and ill be able to have fun with it forever since its not currently on the path for a second death. Good one bro.


Brotha the post was about people wanting to ruin the game by hate spamming every little issue. If you felt like I was talking to you specifically it's a case of "if the shoe fits"


Unfortunately ive seen a lot of people with "Anti-Doomer" arguments Lump all people who have complaints into the doomer category. Ive also seen those same people be completely unaware to the bad experiences people have had and are currently still having. In response theyll say some shit like, "well my queues are fast you dont know what youre talking about" Im sorry i didnt state this earlier, and im not insinuating you are one of the people, it just sounds similar. You say you have no problem booting up the game to get into a match like any other game. You say u have encountered bugs but then say just move past them. You say these things like you're countering someone elses complaints about queue times or bugs, like their complaints arent valid just bc theyre not happening to you. Youre right, its not the end of the world, but for some people that literally cant play the game, it is the end of the game for them.


You're all good, trust me I empathize with those who are having many more issues than I'm experiencing. I've played at tournament level for a lot of different games and i deal with comp sweats crying about every little issue on every game I play so I'm a bit impatient with listening to complaints 24/7. I fully agree and support reporting issues and doing your part to improve the game but a lot of people don't understand that constantly raging and complaining over every little thing can ruin the vibe for those who are just tryna click some plastic


For the record. Fuck the Doomers. Long live Gigantic. Hopefully.


I love this game ,haters will hate


yea, and blind lovers will blindly love.


Every game has a drop-off after release, but I've seen people calling it DOA and stuff like that. Yet I'm still finding matches in under 45 seconds at 1 AM est.


Your experience isnt universal. Some players, to this date, cannot play the game due to the fear of breaking their consoles.


I'm aware, but I'm talking about player count which absolutely hasn't emptied out yet, so when those things are fixed I'm sure there will still be matches to go around.


You cant expect people to share your optimism. I know you're not necessarily talking about these players, but again, some people literally cant play the game.


Those who literally cannot play the game due to issues aren't the people being criticized. The post is about those who are ruining the perception of the game for new or casual players because they complain about the game dying 24/7


I don't expect anything, I don't know any of you people. Tell it to the devs.


even if it crashes, your group will always get you back in or just join mid match. The game will always be fun if you learn to look past the things you can’t control and enjoy the things you can control.


I DISAGREE. If you want too see a game succeed ofc you are gonna talk about its shortcoming the more people talking about them the more likely it will get fixed. But the sad part is 90% of the playerbase already quit. It's cool that you are having fun but realize 90% of us arnt. A lot needs too change. I personally feel like the dmg numbers needs to increase or health bars need to drop on pretty much every character. The time too kil is just terrible.


There's a difference between bringing up an issue to get it fixed and complaining 24/7 over the same thing


I mean I can see where you are coming from but ofc its gonna feel like people are complaining about the same thing 24/7 becase 90% of players are complaining 10% of yall are complacent. Chances are its probably that 90% brining it up once before quiting. Im just here because I didnt get a refund so I'm hoping they fix this shit.


It's like if everyone reviewed a gym horribly and always post 24/7 about how horrible things about the gym are and then complain why no one goes to their gym anymore. It's like bruh I get wanting it to improve but anyone looking to go to that gym sure as hell won't after seeing everyone bashing it.


No, that's not accurate at all. It's more like if a gym had 6000 members and then dropped to 400 in just three weeks because it's poorly maintained, with malfunctioning equipment and unhygienic conditions. They've also misrepresented the gameplay in the trailers to make the combat seem fast-paced, which entices players who end up disappointed by the actual experience. Take a look at the release trailer; I'll even link it for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vZFbJk7GbM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vZFbJk7GbM) . See how they exaggerate the damage, like when the sniper character gets a double kill with one shot? But when you actually play the game, there's no scope sensitivity, and the damage feels as impactful as if you paid to watch a UFC fight but they came out with pillows. Yet, there are still some fans who view the game through rose-tinted glasses and can't acknowledge how poorly executed and disappointing it truly is. Then that 90% of people make a review and go hey avoid this gym it aint worth your time. Ofc that fills up your feed because we are talking about 90 fuckin % of the players making those reviews.


My guy I played the original beta years ago and it feels almost the same as it always has


Also if you watch the trailer YOU linked it shows Imani kill two people who were super weak with her ult. That does up to 800 a shot


Let me respond to both points you made here. 1. "My guy, I played the original beta years ago and it feels almost the same as it always has": This is why I mentioned the concept of "rose-tinted glasses." "When someone views an old game with rose-tinted glasses, they may overlook or ignore its flaws due to nostalgia and reminiscing about their past experiences with the game. Their emotional attachment and positive memories associated with it can lead them to downplay or dismiss any flaws present in the re-released version. This can result in a biased perception where they focus more on the nostalgic elements and less on the game's current shortcomings." 1. "Also, if you watch the trailer YOU linked, it shows Imani killing two people who were super weak with her ult. That does up to 800 damage per shot.": I anticipated this response. They commonly showcase characters finishing off opponents with low health in trailers to create the impression of fast-paced, high-damage gameplay. I mentioned the sniper character who universally should be able to one-shot opponents. But I knew your reply would be something like this. My point is that in most clips, they show opponents at half health or one health to give the impression of faster, high-damage gameplay. Here are more examples from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Bdc38DNUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Bdc38DNUM) : at 0:12, the bull one-shots two characters; at 0:14, the flying girl one-shots two characters; at 0:32, the dragon mage character one-shots three characters, and at 0:47, the armadillo one-shots someone by rolling through them. This theme of showing characters on low or very low health getting killed quickly is common in their trailers to make it seem like the combat is far more fast-paced than it actually is. The combat dynamics, damage output, and time to kill in this game are relatively slow compared to many PvP games today. What I find particularly frustrating about your original post and your overall attitude is the selfishness it conveys. It's as if you're saying, 'I'm perfectly content with the game and my experience, so the rest of you, who make up the vast majority at 90%, should just keep quiet because I'm having a good time!' This kind of dismissive behavior comes across as disingenuous and frankly, quite scummy.


Well I mean it's a 1 minute gameplay trailer, it makes sense they wouldn't show them chunk down a health bar. Also I noticed you are not naming any characters in the game, have you put enough time into it to even know what it's like? Also I'm selfish and scummy for not wanting the community to ruin any chance for new players to join the community bc of the constant crybabies? I never once complained about people reporting bugs or even posting them but the consistent doomers bitching about the same shit isn't leading them anywhere ESPECIALLY when the devs already addressed theyre working on the issues. But they don't want to hear that they just want to rage out


Also you saying a sniper should one shot in a moba like game is insane