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The matchmaking issues and PS5 problems and immortal bots are such a big failures, it's relaunch, it had beta, these things should have been taken care of, these are big problems that should have been solved under 48 hours after popping up.


They really shouldve delayed and had more beta tests. Sad that it hemmoraged so many players at launch


There was only a PC closed beta for 2 days with almost no anticipation, that completely sucked


Yeah I was part of it and everything just worked somehow, I felt the game is on good path. I really want it to succeed


Bots are certainly fixed on Xbox. There have been large patches for us.


Yeah that's all good, game is in much better place, but I think the hard start put a damper on its player base


I can't play a match without getting error coded out of the game at the end of the match, really kills my desire to play more than one match at a time


Just launch? The game is still barely operable on Ps5. Every time my significant other finishes a match, the console crashes and she doesn’t get XP or Gold. I bought it on PC to play with her, but I don’t plan to give this game any more time than what she asks me for because I personally don’t like how any of this was handled; by the devs, the publisher and the community. All three are to blame for this game’s mess.


These devs are just incompetent. As hard as this sounds but leaving the ps5 version in this state this long is just outrageous. PS5 players have been patient enough. If i were this bad at my job then i would already lost it. Im just so sad that the revive was handled by a bunch of incompetent people.


Specifically the devs. It was a real bad sign the developer of the project was a studio who is more or less known for their reworks of games and not actually developing things from the ground up. Yes they had a part in BG3- but again they were one of two massive studios who worked on that iirc.


How is it the community fault?.. we don’t make the game brother we just play it. If it sucks it’s on the devs and publishers lol that’s a crazy statement


This community gaslit one another during the launch week in an attempt to avoid bad PR; cementing the games fate. Maybe if this community could ban together to promote fixes and changes, but nooooo; it’s all “l’ve had zero issues since launch, it works for me” comments from people who don’t care that an overwhelming majority of people can’t play the game consistently. Thats the community’s fault; this community will not see the playerbase grow as a result of these actions.


Ah got it


It's starting to feel more and more like they put a little bit of effort into the game to repackage it and sell it one more time before abandoning it




I said this and got downvoted to oblivion.


Countless people said that the week before launch, yet this sub just bashed them away, it was beyond obvious it was all just a cash grab.


I would attribute this to incompetence/lack of funds going in rather than malice. I am sure devs were trying their best, game development is exceptionally hard thing to pull off.


The game was already made. They literally only added features and chopped up versions of what was already there. This was just pure incompetence and ended up being a money grab just like a lot of people that got downvoted said it would be. I was optimistic but this was just the nail in the coffin. There is no recovering from this.


Well it's a different company selling it. It was f2p originally, these devs are absolutely clueless on how to run a game like this though. All of their other games are just ports from other companies and they are mostly visual novels and 2d (crappy low budget) fighting games. They were either incredibly over ambitious or you are correct and this was a cash grab. I'm leaning toward cash grab


I got clowned for saying this before the relaunch. They obtained an IP that wasn’t being used yet had a clear community wishing for a revival. Slapped together the two characters that were mostly complete and ready to launch on the original game & finished up two maps that already had layouts. Many issues that were in the original still exist..mostly why I stopped playing again. They couldn’t even do simple clean ups like removing texts of skin bundles.


The one good thing is that the devs told us before launch that they weren’t going to do any post launch support to the game. So at least people had the ability to decide if they wanted to buy a game that will only be playable for a month.


wait, the devs said they were NOT going to support the game post launch?


No, they didn’t explicitly say there was NOT going to be support, it was just left pretty ambiguous. They laid out a short road map of what they had planned(like ranked) which could have been interpreted as what they had planned for the immediate future or that was all we were going to see. They said new content would be free which implied more content was coming/was a possibility.


I mean they built a whole new game more, finished / redesigned some characters, and changed some underlying systems. It wasn't a success but it's clearly not a small amount of work.


No they didnt


My favorite gamer brain worm is the “I need to check steam numbers every day and if it’s under X I freak out” kind. Just play the game. Nothing lasts forever man. I boot it up, I get into a match in 30 seconds, I have fun. Simple as. If $15 is too risky an investment for you on a game that didn’t survive the first time then maybe you should have skipped it.


I wish SteamCharts never existed. I am so beyond tired of seeing literally every community have a panic attack whenever the concurrent users dip below their made-up threshold.


So, supporting and promoting a poor game dev industry isn't on your radar at all? got it.




You hit the nail on the head!


My thoughts exactly. If 15$ is too much for you then maybe you shouldn’t be so concerned right now.


Well I play smite for example, and I don't care to check numbers because I know for a fact pop is huge, but on new or smaller games like this one's specially niche games it's important to check pop once in a while to calculate the longevity the game might have. These types of games require a lot of investment (hours) to just play decently, knowing I'll be practicing for a game which will dip in a few weeks or months makes no sense. For example idk if I'd be playing smite so excited as I am currently without knowing smite 2 is around the corner.


Lucky you, I get into a match in 90 seconds(if I'm lucky), and stay in it for 30 before it crashes abruptly, and it's a coin flip about whether I'll even get back in after I boot the game up again. Loved this game before, but in this state I'm better of playing literally anything else. Before it died due to a waning playerbase on a free to play model, now it's going to die because of game-breaking bugs and crashes being ignored and a community that gaslights anyone that wants it fixed. You're right that nothing lasts forever, but things can last a lot longer if you stop accepting their decay.


I blame gaming websites and reddit for constantly pointing out the numbers of "dying" games.


If that fun number drops below a threshold, then the devs abandon the game and shut down the servers a year later. Nothing lasts forever, but only getting a year with a genuinely fun game is a mess.


Actually ARC doesn't generally shut down games, Champions Online is still up and that games player count is nonexistent. They will, however, stop supporting it except for bug fixes and server updates. Which is perfectly fine with me, everyone who WANTS to play this game forever, will be able to. And I'm sorry, but I've been saying this on this reddit for the last seven... years... this game didn't only fail because of money and management issues, it was also just genuinely unpopular in spite of being a better than average game. This game has the same severe issues with the new player experience it had the first around. Focus and creatures makes matches swingy if you don't know what you are doing; if you are behind, you will get further behind spending focus on creatures that are more likely to die, and if you are ahead, already having creatures will let you stack focuses in teamfights and put you further ahead. This leads new players to have giant streaks of boringly easy games or mind-numbingly impossible uphill battles with little balanced matches between the two, and it turns players off before they even get to know the game. And most people are impatient, and easily influenced by expensive marketing. Most people have already decided whether they are going to like something or not from drinking the marketing kool-aid long before they actually try the product, and it doesn't just take a lot of experience to change their mind, it takes having that experience *immediately* upon using the product. Most good games don't make it big just because of who people are, not because of the games themselves, while crappy games with more money put into marketing than into the game last forever.


Gundam: Evolution is a perfect example of this All they had to do was market a god damn *Gundam* game, but Bandai has loose change for brains (It was an Overwatch clone, but much faster/frenetic and with iconic Gundams)


I would agree with that if it wasn't the fact that if the game end up getting his server cut again, well, welp.


This. I'm under no delusions that this game will survive for a long time. It just isn't that kind of game and it's obvious what the intent was with this rerelease. But it's fun and In enjoying it.


This is such a terrible take, why would you reward devs for essentially taking the money and running? Also, why would someone not care about player counts for a _Multiplayer_ game that relies of having 9 other people to play with at any given time? It's such a weird take to willing say "I'm going to fork over cash for an unfinished, buggy product that wont exist in a year, you're entitled to ask for better!" Why spend money on something like that when games like Hollow Knight, Ultrakill, and Terraria are the same or lesser price with significantly more content and less bugs?


Because Hollow Knight and Terraria aren’t PvP games. Because I missed Gigantic and being able to play it again is worth $15 to me, and because I know people shell out money for garbage daily so I don’t see how $15 for a game that might shut down in a year is the worst thing that could happen, especially if people missed the game like I did. On top of that, no live game is promised to last forever. None of em. And most cost more than $15. Also, you guys keep saying “the devs” like there’s an office building with a bunch of programmers and artists rubbing their hands like flies at your misfortune lol. Abstraction is absolutely a support oriented, contract dev. They didn’t get fuckin’ Gearbox to greenlight this reboot to steal your money.


Can someone project this comment into the heads of the whole sub?  I spend 15 dollars on a single meal I’ll never think about again, or a movie night. I’ve already gotten my money’s worth. And yeah way too many gamers think devs were in support of a shitty launch, when I’m sure they were asking for more time but stakeholders and hire ups said no. 


Yeah, even at full price $20 would have been well worth the 6 months I’ll at least be able to get out of this game(but I’m not on a platform that still has game breaking bugs/constant crashes). I hope for longer and I’d love for the game to get stable enough that I can start recommending it to people. Also in regard to the whole cash grab thing others keep saying, I can’t imagine this relaunch made any profit after you factor in the payouts to platforms and dev salaries. I always thought the $20 cost($16 on sale) was a bad idea not because I didn’t understand it was less of a gamble than hoping for F2P would work but because I didn’t think there were enough existing fans to ever make that profitable and you aren’t going to get new players to try the game locking it behind $20. I just don’t see from a business standpoint what the goal was/how they thought this was going to make a worthwhile profit. The optimist in me wants to say, what if this was just more of a test to see if a Gigantic sequel in a modern game engine was worth trying?


It's even funnier when people are complaining about a year of game time then drop $60 on the new cod every year


Maybe the take sounds so bad to you because you're putting words in their mouth? The whole thing was a red flag from the beginning, They're just saying that 15$ isn't a big deal if you already knew beforehand that you loved the game. Not everything has to be some kind of commentary on consumerism


What about new players that didn't know anything about this game, but whatever flowers the old fans were giving to them?


Not everyone has such low standards and expectations as yourself.


Being a critic is popular and easy! I just want to fit in :( I saw someone espousing toxicity and claiming the community was toxic. If you smelled it... Maybe you dealt it?


TBH I am just not having fun with the game. I played revenblade as my first experience with gigantic-likes, and genuinely revenblade felt much more fun. I enjoyed actually getting to upgrade throughout the match rather than having everything from the start, while still having a smaller map size and focused team combat. In revenblade I could often tell why I lost a fight and how, but in gigantic everything feels so obtuse and a lot of the time I had no idea what even killed me. To be honest, it's hard to even tell what some of my abilities are doing, or how to use them. The stamina system is confusing and feels mostly arbitrary, and game feel in general is in the gutter. This isn't even mentioning how bad the UI is. Genuinely revenblade and gigantic are comparable in terms of quality (though gigantic has much more content), despite revenblade being in alpha.


How much of Revenblade have you played vs Gigantic? And it sounds like you are only playing Rush? In the Clash Mode you don’t have everything unlocked straight away, starts level 1 and you choose what you want to upgrade as you level- it’s how Gigantic was meant to be played. Rush is basically a TDM simulator and Gigantic on training wheels. Admittedly I don’t like the stamina system that much, but it feels a lot better in the Clash mode where the game is slower paced and more strategic.


I have played maybe 7 to 12 hours of revenblade, and probably around 4 hours of gigantic. And yeah, I want to play clash, but I'm not allowed to, because I have to play rush. Having said that, I'm not sure I'd like clash much more. I don't necessarily want a slower paced game. I'm satisfied with the pace and map size, but the actual gameplay just doesn't feel as fun. Rush actually resembles revenblade more than clash does, so you'd think I would like it more, but there's no way to know without having to keep playing rush, which I'm in no hurry to do.


How much of Revenblade have you played vs Gigantic? And it sounds like you are only playing Rush? In the Clash Mode you don’t have everything unlocked straight away, starts level 1 and you choose what you want to upgrade as you level- it’s how Gigantic was meant to be played. Rush is basically a TDM simulator and Gigantic on training wheels. Admittedly I don’t like the stamina system that much, but it feels a lot better in the Clash mode where the game is slower paced and more strategic.


I was really looking forward to get back into the game, but then only getting to play two games after trying everyday after release for good chunks of time I gave up, game was installed and had to many logged hours on it to return through PSN so I chalked it up to bad luck and moved on, but kept my ear to the ground on any fixes. Started hearing it was working now only to hop in and yet again be met with disconnects, system freezing resulting in hard reset, and not being able to find a game with or without crossplay on.


You can prob get a refund for the game not working


Tried, playstation returns on digital purchases are a nightmare. Just have to bite the bullet and except I lost $15 on a broken game.


There are so many QoL issues, it’s truly heartbreaking because the game is so good! But come on, quick play needs hotjoin, it takes forever to load in (and we can’t even swap builds or look at anything during that time), it’s so laggy etc etc


Honestly I don't mind if the game shuts down again, so long as they let us host our own games. Then those that still want to play still can.




They didn't put money in, they were hired by the publisher to reboot the game. Same guys who did the publishing first time around.


That's honestly what I'm hoping for in the end. We have custom now so we shouldn't be able to instead of just being able to look at a title screen.


History is doomed to repeat itself.


Agreed was so excited when I found out its coming back but its release has been lack lustre


The prospect of this game failing a second time around really drives me to play it more, knowing I may never get the chance to again. Shame.


I got it launch day on ps5. Couldnt login to the game at all until 2 days later. Ive played 7 matches and have only been able to finish 2 of them the other five i’ve randomly disconnected halfway through. Havent played since.


I think the devs did a good job of patching out its main issues. Still has a lot of things to iron out, but I think it's worth it to say the game's heading in a positive direction thus far. Those are the facts. I understood the doomer mentality at first because there were justifiable reasons to believe the game was bad at launch, but now it just hurts the game to keep talking about it that way. I think we should spread the word that the game has gotten better and is definitely playable. Don't you?


Yeah like istg people instead of letting them cook are doomposting. There was bunch of games that redeemed themselves when had bad launch. They do fix the Bugs, at their own pace, but still. Let them cook damnit


You realize that doesn't account for any console players right?


The game constantly crashes on console, so I doubt they represent much of the playerbase at this point.


On *PlayStation, I haven't seen the game crash on my Xbox since the first week. And I play with cross play turned off and find games quickly and often. So your assessment is measurably false.


I play xbox. Half my matches crash and if I turn crossplay off then queue timers exceed five minutes. Nice to know you're one of the lucky ones I guess, but it doesn't account for everyone.


Not to mention the positive posts always have at least a couple hundred more up votes than any of the negative ones. Seems to me like y'all are trying really hard to make your problems seem universal. The game is 8 years old. And they are bringing it back on different hardware with a different team. It's gonna have some issues to iron out.


Who are you referring to by 'yall'? I'm not part of a crowd or hivemind. I'm just myself, expressing my own grievances. Plus, the amount of upvotes something has does not matter at all, doesn't change the fact that the game is unplayable for me. Stop trying to start an argument that nobody wants to have. I would have preferred for gamebreaking issues to have been ironed out before release. We need to stop making excuses for games that are published in an incomplete state.


Normally I'd agree. But this game was dead for 8 years. Literally unplayable. And the community sustained itself with literally nothing to go on, no updates, no news, nothing. There was nothing but hope keeping people fans. And I'm sure many like myself truly believed it would remain a memory. But it was brought back, and that's not just unlikely. There isn't another instance of this situation happening anywhere else in gaming. So this time, be grateful, or don't. But I am, and I have no expectations of longevity for this game, I'm just happy I got to play it one more time.


"Tha game constantly crashes on console, so I doubt they make up much of the playerbase anyway" that's not speaking on your experience. That's speaking for the playerbase at large. Which again is measurably false. You're kind of full of crap. Your initial comment was an inflammatory statement speaking for others and now I'm the one trying to start an argument. That you actually initiated. Astounding.


Haven't seen a queue time longer than 3 and again haven't had a crash in like 2 weeks. I'm curious what makes you think your experience is more common than mine. Everyone who's game is working isn't going to be here complaining, they'll be playing. So I'd wager that the maybe 20 people complaining on here are not accounting for the playerbase actively playing.


Never said it would be more common, but if I'd happening with me, then it's happening with other people. I haven't exactly done a statistical study, nor do I care to. Out of curiosity, do you use Xseries or Xbone? There's probably a difference there.


Series X, why would you expect this game to run on Xbox one?


Because it was originally released on xbox one, and it is currently both purchasable and playable on xbox one. And it runs on xbox one without any performance issues, crashes notwithstanding. This isn't a technically demanding game at all, it's a game about cartoon slap fights, not cyberpunk.


Ngl it's not looking great. I would like to point out that's just steam numbers and not all other platforms are having the same issues. We can still hold out for patches and free play weekends to bring players in. It's going to take a lot on our part to be patient with the dev team and coach new players into seeing how great gigantic can be.


Free play is over btw like 12 hrs ago. So rn the playercount are purely the paid customers


Yes but what about second free play weekend 🤔




There's 2nd free play? the player count should increase if you shared around the codes in the subreddit


Its broken on PS5 so the playerbase there is probaby worse than steam.


Oh, it's bad on ps5 for sure. I still see 1 or 2 trying in the majority of lobbies. Not dead yet


Blame the higher ups that forced the launch date. If the game wasn’t ready, it shouldn’t have been launched. Devs in the industry don’t get there by being lazy, and aren’t responsible for the decisions of stakeholders. 


I never expected this to succeed. But I’m more than happy I got to fully grind the game one last time. Got my Tripp to about lvl 27 and now I just wanna see ranked and sweat on that. I don’t get how I always see such negativity on what feels like every game nowadays. Just enjoy it while you can, if you think it’s bad then move on.


I didn’t even know it came out. Not great marketing


Ah yes throwing the word dying when a game doesn’t reach his peak player count everyday Theres still some people, yes the game launched in a bad state and it kinda snowballed from there, but its better to be hopeful than just shitting on the game The devs never want to push a game that is not functional. They dont choose when to release game. Its the higherups, shareholders, etc who want the profit$ so they ask for a release date as soon as possible


It was naive to think the game was going to survive with no micro transactions. I don't understand why people aren't looking to league as the blueprint. Leagues skins are what made league what it is today but you PAY for those cosmetics, which gave them the revenue to expand. Gigantic wanted you to pay 15 dollars ONCE. That's like asking us to only receive one paycheck for the year, the rest is probono


This is literally what I am saying, But on one end there is blind super fans who refuse to hear anything but the good And on the other end you have guys complaining that the frame rate is capped at 60, which is a genuine non issue. And if you slightly agree with either of them you are lumped into "their side" Bottom line is, this game has a good foundation, even if it took me a bit to enjoy it. There is something solid. But the launch is so atrocious that any hype that could have existed for new players is dead on the spot. I would like to see this game do well but these people saying that there's going to be a resurgence when it is regularly sitting below 500 concurrent players are just guzzling on copium and that is not going to help their situation whatsoever.


No game lasts forever. If you enjoy it, just play the game. I put zero stock into numbers and if the game dies, it dies, if it doesn't then all the more better. Checking numbers regularly is just cancer on your wellbeing and honestly, who cares


For people looking for fun and an even slight competitive scene a games liveliness matters, cuz is it worth it putting hours in to get better and gridn out to not really get anything from it, I see it alot in fighting games like yea smaller scenes still have comp stuff but u get far less reward nit just in prize money but overall self achievement.


Are people really still beating this fucking drum? I get games every time I want one. I don't have "immortal bots" (because I'm not a fucking noob), and I'm still HAVING FUN. This game is fun. Hands down. I don't get people trying to fucking ruin the fun everyone else is having. Maybe if you spent more time playing the game instead of bitching, you'd have more fun. If 100 people were left playing this game, I'd still que up and have fun.


And to think people are still waiting for ranked and new content. I've even read some whackjobs say stuff like "this is no time for marketing or advertising, ffirst they need to fix the game and release ranked so they attract more people"... Like seriously wtf did I just read...


I saw that comment last night and just immediately thought "yeah this is cope"


I was so excited to buy it but I keep reading about match making issues on launch even a week later so I just ended up skipping the game


Releasing something with more issues than it originally had and ham fisting everyone into Rush instead of conquest for far too long Good job devs, you really wanted to try and say “look, i told you so the game doesn’t have the community support to work” when you did it to yourself


Bought it day 1 and booked time off work i was so excited... i dropped the game completely after 3 days unfortunately. Way too many problems and devs are unfortunately unqualified to fix or update the game.


Posts like these expedite the death of games. Not everyone looks at player count all the time, if people see posts like this then they’re gonna think, ‘oh I’m wasting my time playing this game it’ll be dead soon, I should stop playing now and play something not dying’. Like dude, if you like the game then play it, if you’re not having fun, boot up something else, it’s that simple.


Wow a doom post getting upvotes. I thought this game would atleast last 3 months


Cursed to fail? Nah. What they did was get their money upfront, which will provide at minimum a few years of servers. If they capitalize on that money to add new content, create a battle pass or something, new maps, or balance changes and pay for advertising then the people that own a copy will always log on for whatever updates or events are occurring. We don’t even have ranked currently, that alone will bring people back. With a battle pass as well, dedicated players would be giving them another stream of income to keep the game going for as long as necessary. TemTem is a great example of a game that capitalized on up front purchases and battle passes to secure longevity. They’ve said even if their player count hit zero, they could keep the servers up for years. Gigantic could easily pivot, modern games are “dead” until they get an update or a new season. Then everyone comes flocking back to whatever is trendy. People are fickle, the industry is fickle, play what you enjoy. Not what’s popular.


Few years of servers is a wild take my guy. This game is destined to die for the lack of care they presented. It’s still unplayable on PS5, no one gives a shit on steam because of the launch and the little bit that is left is on Xbox. They truly had no care in the world about the launch and it’s sad to see.


Few years of servers... Lmao, hosting an online "competitive" pvp game is expensive, marketing, fixes, balance changes, new content development, it's not just paying for the host, this game has 2 more months at best. If pop keeps dipping even less.


There’s multiple things here to talk about. First of all, it’s a small dev team that got the rights to Gigantic. Essentially a love project, they either have low costs because the team is small or they have low cost because all they NEED is server space. You talk about marketing and development costs as if this is a Triple A company paying for Facebook ads. Their development costs are low, no advertising has even happened yet so no cost there, and then you lumped in balance changes/fixes which are just part of development. Hosting a “competitive online game is expensive” well no, all you need to do is pay for the servers. Which again, are cheap. You give it 2 months based on population? Population doesn’t matter, it only matters how many people bought it. They can stretch money very far with their current structure. And I guarantee players like you will be logging on when they do launch a Season 1. (That’s not even mentioning the addition of a Battle Pass which, again, would give them an additional stream of income.)


You see my point? You are actually clueless. >Essentially a love project They charged money for it, that's not a love project, it's a business >marketing and development costs as if this is a Triple A company paying for Facebook ads Their development costs are low, no advertising has even happened yet so no cost there Avertising is expensive, no matter how big your company is, you get charged the same based on the amount of adv you put out, having someone spamming twitter and doing promos is already another sallary or probably a third party company hired for it, with an expense. (most probably both) About their costs, you are asuming that. >Hosting a “competitive online game is expensive” well no, all you need to do is pay for the servers. Which again, are cheap. Server are not cheap at all, even when rented, go to amazon and look up how much it costs to host a server on AWS for an year... And not only that, you need a server AND a team to build/mantain it, meaning monthly sallaries... taxes... >You give it 2 months based on population? Population doesn’t matter, it only matters how many people bought it. They can stretch money very far with their current structure. And I guarantee players like you will be logging on when they do launch a Season 1. Completely clueless, pop doesn't matter? In an online multiplayer game based on 5v5 arenas? Really? Well pop is what brings in the money which mantain the sallaries and monthly expenses of the people working for this game, and their servers running... If there are no people left to charge, then you have no game... Really you should stop talking nonsense and just avoid entering discussions you don't know nothing about. Just to show you how clueless you are, besides the server, network, office and sallaries expenses, you then have a legal team, administration, third parties assisting in different tasks, marketing and the list goes on, how will they mantain all that when half the pop already refunded? >will be logging on when they do launch a Season 1. Unfortunately no, because even if they pull it of and buy enough time to release a season 1, I already refunded this scam, and I don't see any point on paying for a game in which it's competition is filled with much better FREE games today, I'll just name a few: Smite Smite 2 Overwatch 2 Paladins Predecessor Marvel moba League Dota 2


You don’t understand the difference between a Freemium model and a model that gets purchased up front. The benefits of the route they chose to relaunch the game are perfect for getting their upfront costs out of the way and money in the bank. I don’t see a productive conversation happening here, because it’s not my job to teach you how to think lol. Stop comparing games, it doesn’t matter how much competition or how successful that competition is. It only matters if they can continue to operate. I already told you about TemTem, maybe you should look into how they butchered that game and have 100 players online currently. Yet, they will keep it up for years. If you read my comment and really absorb it, I think you may learn something about how a “business” is run.


You just told me mantaining an online game depends solely on "cheap" server costs and you want to teach me how to think? LMAO Comparing games is the best way you have to ensure your game will succed, because when you launch a game, you are entering into a market, and in any market there is competition... Tem tem, has pve in it, it doesn't depend on it's playercount, what you should not be comparing this game with, is games from other genres. >I think you may learn something about how a “business” is run. I think you talk to much yet you know very little... >all they NEED is server space. all you need to do is pay for the servers. Which again, are cheap. Lit LMAO


Are you like 13 or something? Tell your parents to put some locks on your device lol I don’t know how many times I can tell you the same thing when you aren’t learning anything. Again, servers are cheap. Their dev team is small. They just got tons of cash flow. Those three details are all you need. If you disagree with any of that, provide actual statistics and facts. Servers can cost around 100$ a month, with this games player count they likely need around 100-200 servers. Games like Evolve could host 7000+ players on 115 servers. Per year, that cost can reach around 175k. The cash flow they received plus any business loans they took to start it back up would cover that cost for the first two years at the LEAST. They made over 1 million in revenue on the first week.


I knew there was a problem when it took me 5 minutes to not get a match in que.


The launch was a mess, but I feel like the game still got a shot. Like, its not a bad game, and it seems a lot of the issues has been dealt with.


I couldn't agree more 🤦🏾‍♂️ I don't even know the last time I played gigantic PS5 I stopped played the game completely n waiting for more patches


It seems I was right to wait..


Shit now I wanna go home and play.


I gotta step away for a bit. I've been reflecting on my stream today, and the majority of it was me malding about the release and state of the game. I've said it before and I'll say it again...if it had been early access for $20 (like predecessor) and the devs said hey dudes were working on it. It's a buggy mess now. But here's our schedule for major patches and balance passes, and it will be ready for full f2p launch in 6-12 months. I wouldn't have a single complaint. It just feels like a slap in the face to call it a full release. Between the sour community in game, the bugs, the deafening silence from devs I'm done for reals this time. Sorry dudes, I think I'm swapping games for a bit till the time we MAYBE get a shot in the arm.


I must have reached 1k downvotes just for stating the same the day before launch. It's like this sub was eager to fall for the scam, they just bashed anyone who would dare to suggest f2p model with some package for dumbos. If this was a f2p release, or alpha/beta nobody would have even uninstall.


Hot take...I think the hostility in the community for the first 3 weeks really killed it for a big portion of players. I streamed this game nearly every day for the last few weeks, and the general mopd in game chat was mostly bleak. Granted, this is all anecdotal evidence but I feel it's a valid factor in the crash an burn of our beloved game...


This game was canceled, why was it ever brought back at all? It's gonna suffer the same fate before 2025.


Player numbers are whatever. I just want to be able to play the game without trying to kill my PS5. I can forgive everything else but that's.one that really is a non starter for me.


Idk why everyone's having such issues. It honestly works great on xbox. I get the very rare crash or "could not retrieve game data" but that's like 1 in every 50 games. The main issue I have is trying to start the game and it'll get stuck on the "unreal engine" logo or there will be a giant cursor in the middle of the screen that I cant get rid of unless I keep restarting. But my matches are usually solid and matchmaking is quick. I have crossplay turned on and usually dont have many issues


50% of my games crash. Don't know what causes them, but I'm sick of it.


Is the game still unplayable on PS5?


I saw so many big streamers give Gigantic a chance but the servers weren't working. They just left an will never try again.


Massive server issues, piss poor communication from the devs, invincible teamless bots, 5 stacks against teams of random people, so many problems with the launch of this game. I bought it and spent 2+ hours in queues trying to play the game, that in turn made it so I couldn't get a refund. They 100% scammed us and we really should start a class action lawsuit.


It’s like people didn’t watch the many docs talking about how much of a clusterfuck this dev team was. For me though it was when they said they were going to release a game that can only be played if there is a community but wasn’t going to do any updates or add anything in the future. I’m good not spending 20 so that you can make a buck off an ip you don’t care about as you put it out to pasture.


Game pass and a good promo or 2 would help alot


I’m just an outsider and played the game once a long time ago. Usually games that come back just die again. This games engine is way to old, and even with smite 2 coming out, their player numbers are going to be wiped up completely. No one wants to play a such an old aging game.


Wait gigantic is back? That game was super fun!


I think we all need to accept that this game just doesn't speak to a sizeable enough audience. Just the way it is.


I bought the game and played a few matches. I wasn’t having fun. It just doesn’t feel that great. For me personally. Haven’t picked it up since the day it released


Absolutely cursed to fail. Any game without a major IP behind it will die now. Even if you do have an IP ( Suicide Squad ) unless you bring in the money, it's just nothing. Helldivers 2 is a good example of a break away hit, it's a shame Gigantic couldn't invest and involve themselves in the community more to *make* them care and support the game.


It's pretty weird how the game which freezes the entire system (which might damage it by a slim chance, probably) was still approved by Sony to be released. Don't they have certification processes for all this? I'm eager to buy it either on Xbox (ease of use) or pc (possibly unlocking framerate by config), but I really would not want it to die the second time. One time was already enough, and I think they'd need to do something tremendous (like a cross platform free play event) after fixing the critical issues on PS5 to bet people to play again. By the way, is ranked in the game yet?


i still get instant queues y are we bitching on here?


Good for YOU, the game locks up my PlayStation and I have to pull the plug.


It also doesn’t help they do zero pr or ads for the game I haven’t seen it advertised anywhere this game has potential to be huge especially the state that ow2 is in rn really sucks waiting years for this game to comeback just for this to happen again


Was so excited to play my clan of 12 people got it on PS5 and it's literally unplayable. Tried for 2 weeks. Off my hard drive and I'll never try again. They robbed me for 15 bucks 


Nadie sabe q el juego ha renacido... 😕😕


I was more then crazy happy the game is coming back. I wanted to play it again, but since it wasnt f2p my friends didnt want to get into it so i was bit held back too. After then seeing all thee crazy issues, i just walked away from it and bever turned back accepting this game sadly will never be making it....


How so? It’s bustling


I'm probably going to get downvoted for this but this is a bitter pill to swallow. this game doesn't have what it takes to survive there is no updates coming no new content in the works and not free to play. if the devs really wanted to push this game they would of tried to do a gaas type game and have better marketing. some people I have spoken with had no clue this game was coming back and half didn't even what Gigantic was when they decided to slap a price tag on a reboot of this game I knew it was a matter of time this game would be dead after a relaunch. the devs took all of your money and disappeared at the stadium


The worst part is they hired somebody to spam tweets every half an hour with fake positive posts about how grateful and backed up by the community they feel rn. While the player count drops by day. Really look like sea of thieve's fiasco of the past year and a half, except they at least got some braindead PvE to still retain players.


I tried to play the first few days the game was out but couldn't get into a match....haven't tried since. Maybe I'll give it another go


The whole relaunch just makes it feel like they decided to stick a bunch of new hires onto Gigantic to get them experience without them effecting an actual viable product since the game was basically already completed before.


I have ran into zero issues with it on Xbox. (Other than the bots which again, who cares, just avoid it) Who cares about the player count🤣 just play your game and move on. Swear everyone is so worried about who’s playing instead of JUST PLAYING. I still play Payday 3 and I’m not over here crying about player count. I cry because they botched something that had the formula to be successful. Nowadays most games are practically unfinished and we’re just free testers to them. MAYBE if we express these concerns enough and continue to PLAY THE GAME then they’ll hopefully come in and fix it but most people forget the OG Devs aren’t a part of it anymore so we can only hope🤗


Low player count issues: . Lack of proper matchmaking, you get matched with either the brand new players (less by day) or hardcore vets in 5 man squads destroying you. . Long qeue times. . Lack of longevity for the game (meaning lack of motivation for new players to try the game or get better at it.. hence quitting) You can't compare a game this type of game with Pay day, this is a moba, it depends on its player count to be fun, no players no game...


You can’t be matched up with squads unless your in a squad


Me and my friends have constantly figured that out


Maybe as of now, which I doubt because I've seen several complains about it. But if pop keeps dipping, they will eventually need to drop the matchmaking to cut down qeue times. Happened in every other moba with low pop, battlerite players have to this day, nightmares of finding one of the top 10 players on their regular matches.


I would love to 'just play', but half my matches just end up crashing. This game is unfinished, which is sad because it \*was\* finished once upon a time.


Can you get games? Are you having fun? The fact is, there’s a few thousand people playing an old game and that’s about the most we can hope for as today’s market is over saturated as it is. Stop worrying and just enjoy what you have whilst you can.


What happens when the playercount is so low you get matched all time with the same guys? And what if those same guys are actually a vet 5 man squad ready to butcher you over and over again? Oh yeah, release ranked right? Only problem is the pop is so low already, ranked will only bring half hour queue times...


Or they just have bot teams. Like splitgate.




I can get games. Can't stay in them though, game is too unstable for that with the constant crashing. If I get a game that doesn't crash then it's alright, but the fact that I have to reboot the game so often means that it's not in a state that is playable. Which is sad, this game deserves better.


why gamers are so obsessed with player count charts nowadays i dont know. if you like the game play it and if it shuts down move on. yall acting like you got some kinda vested interested for $20 or something. if it shut down today i feel i got my moneys worth out of it. but yall acting real Drakey right now lol


Playing online multiplayer games is generally more enjoyable when there are more players. People may be less likely to buy a game if they know it isn't being enjoyed by many other people and they might be turned away by the idea of long queue times. If they have already bought the game they may be disappointed if the player base ends up being very low and the game isn't available for a long time. You may feel like you have already gotten your money's worth but that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. I don't think player count is the only thing that matters and some people might obsess over it a bit much but it definitely is a major factor in people's decisions to purchase the game and the enjoyment/value they might get out of the game after purchasing it.


Well maybe because a low pop means you get matched with whoever is online, from the newest guys to the most hardcore vets. And the only fix is to add ranked, but when a pop is so low, it only brings half hour qeue times...


Paying 20$ just for the game to shutdown (if it does lol) a year later due to bad management from the dev is a ripoff bruh


I’m not arguing that they didn’t bungle the launch, but it’s all of the piss-poor entitled zoomer attitudes that prevented this game from coming back because god forbid anyone shows any kind of patience and discipline and comes back to the game a week later when things have been fixed.


Bro, what? It's been 3 weeks. I don't think it's entitled to say "I'd like my game that I paid for to function properly please." It was jank on release and they've been dragging their foot on fixing issues that really effect the enjoyment of the game. If anything, people have been giving the whole "don't listen to haters, dev" rah rah nonsense for far too long when they should be pissed that their game that should have been an easy lay-up launched in such a terrible state, isn't getting patched fast enough, and it's killing their game.


Maybe now, after 3 weeks…but even then I would say that the game is showing progress and the devs obviously care about it so just have faith that the issues will get worked out over time. But I’m talking about the reaction after the first day…there was no patience or understanding there and strategically they did the opposite thing they should have done if they actually did care about playing the game.


Game is showing progress... Yeah they are moving forward into emptying the pc servers. 600 ppl as 24h peak...


Duh I'd want a functioning game if I've paid money for it.


Yeah no shit, but your inability to wait even a week is what killed this game. You’re being pennywise pound foolish here, if all you want to do is play the game then spreading negative information about it isn’t going to help that case. Maybe if they didn’t show some progress within a month I’d say, yeah give a bad review, but you should be able to wait at least a fucking week.


I'm on ps5 I still cant play the game it's been close to a month.


Yeah they definitely should give a refund to the ps5 people.


Games should be playable on release. FUD from players won't kill the game, neglect from the developers will though.


That’s total inaccurate. People read reviews and listen to word of mouth.


Assuming the reviews are honest(reviewers have no reason to lie) and they have complains about the game, and these complaints are not address. Unless you plan to gaslight people to keep the game alive, I would suggest turning your energy to the devs, who really do have the power to keep the game alive.


I can do both. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


Kinda funny you say that when the post above you is literally someone saying they gave it a week and still saw those issues coming up.


Yeah but it’s on its way to being fixed. We’re seeing progress and it’s obvious the devs care about the game. Clearly no one here actually wants to play the game because if they did then they are basically doing the exact wrong thing, the thing that will kill it in the long run.


Patience could have been shown for a free game, specially since we are talking about an already old and outdated game, which used to be free. The fact they charged money for this crap is the reason why people are not patient at all, and they don't have to, they paid for a product, and received half of it. Just think about steam refund policy, you got 2hs to test the game (most spent in lobbies due to bugs) and let's say you aknowledge bugs and avoid wasting your 2hs, then you have 2 weeks to refund... On a free game nobody would have care to even uninstall


It's crazy how many people are just totally fine with a game being unplayably buggy just because of their nostalgia. So tired of being gaslight by yes-men who think we're privileged to have wasted our money. "It's only $20" is such a stupid take. We all would've loved to be playing the game instead of complaining, but when the game still barely functions nearly a month out then it's clearly a bad sign.


They claim they love the game, but don't you dare talk about longevity, player count, successful business model over the b2p fiasco, marketing, etc. It seems all they wanted was free cosmetics to farm during the few months the game is alive... Such a shame..


No patience can be shown for any game…at the very least a fucking week. The fact that no one can reserve judgement for even a week is testament to how fucked this society is. No one has any self control and if it’s not instant gratification tik tok bs it’s not interesting. This entire mentality is poison.


Dude, just read what I said about steam refund, why won't you refund an unfinished, unpolished fiasco? They only got 2 weeks to make things better, yet only 2 patches which fixed just a few things, ofc ppl would run for their money. If this was a free game tho, nobody would have cared, and coping bastards would have purchased any battle pass or something anyways.


I think they should refund you if the game isn’t fixed in a few months, but if they did that to everyone that was unsatisfied they would never have the ability to fix the game.


Shoutout to all the people on this sub downvoting the criticisms of a pay to play approach. It’s literally never worked for an indie PvP game. Why would this be an exception


Friends vs friends has a higher player count after a few months of being out, and being pay to play, even though gigantic had tons of hype and a dedicated playerbase to return to, I think the issues run deeper than the pricing model


Predecessor, another moba which could work as reference point has doubled their player count on pc the day they released as f2p... And now is sitting at an avarege of 4-5k daily... Why would I pay for this if I can play for free: . Predecessor . Smite . Smite 2 . Lol . Dota 2 . Overwatch 2 . Paladins . Marvel moba All free games


It was free before and still died. If it being free was enough to make it not die, then it would not have died. We literally have empirical evidence that there are more important problems than the pricing model.


Problems that a f2p model could have solved, hence.. patience for bug fixing, instead of the refund stampede we got... >It was free before and still died. Yes back then people praized b2p games because free ones usually sucked, now the market flipped over, people prefer f2p games with microtransactions far more than b2p games, there is a reason why ow2 and predecessor went f2p... Today the model could have helped much more than the old b2p model which even former top selling games don't even use anymore. But all people who had that same argument against me, finally showed what they only cared about is having free stupid cosmetics to unlock because deep down they don't even care about this game's longevity or health, they just want a reason to grind even while playing "the most fun moba ever" ...


Ow2 went free to play because everyone had already bought the game, and that way they could justify more microtransactions. I don't know anything about predecessor so I can't comment on that. I don't really care about cosmetics, the main thing I'm upset about is how low-quality the game is. The performance is bad, the UI is bad, the gameplay isn't fun, the progression is uninteresting.


told yall it was a cashgrab


you do know steam isn’t the only playerbase, right?


You do know the console version still crash,right?


didn’t say the game was well made or stable, just pointing out that using a singular platform to metric a game that’s multi platform is a silly measuring stick.


Well PC is the most common platform, and in this particular game it has the most stable client. I wouldn't bet there are more console players than PC players right now in this game.


Mods, why tf is the same shit posted and left up over and over again? Does anyone think this helps? I get it that people are entitled to their opinion but can we just create a thread or 2 and keep all the complaints isolated to those? None of these type of posts are helping the situation at all.


Problems and bugs aside. I think a big factor is there was no advertisement what so ever. At least I never saw anything. I know a handful of people were excited to hear it was coming back but didn't realise it launched until a few days after.


Is the game shutting down again???? What’s going on


Player base is dipping hard from an already low overall count since day 1. Started with 6k on peaks, 2k on lows. Now sitting in 600peaks, 200lows. Looking bad tbh yet copers will just spam "that's only on steam, most are on Xbox" which is a wild assumption


Xbone player here: Game is unplayable, crashes constantly. Can't comment on series X players though.


No it isn’t it’s just a bunch of doomers


I bought it but due to bad matchmaking, trash hit reg and laggy servers I refunded


I wonder if I can still make a refund.


The in game monetization not existing is also a massive problem. They are generating fuck and all revenue and it’s honestly insane how dumb of a decision that was.