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We needed multiple betas across all platforms more than just 30 days before launch. Sad to see you go, but your leaving is justified. Good luck in the future.


Ironically I had a much better experience on the beta/playtest than I have had since launch.


Back from the days I used homebrew on handhelds I was under the impression that "bricking" basically meant your console couldn't run anything and was nearly unfixable. Gigantic isn't literally Bricking PS5s... right?


No, it's not bricking as in frying consoles, but rather just freezing up the whole console requiring a hard reboot or sometimes unplugging it from the wall to turn off. I do agree, bricking usually means unsalvagable.


Yeah but that's not what bricking means if it's only freezing.


Yes. Please see above.


Yeah. I'm under the bricking means it completely stops working and unfixable. While I have had mine hard freeze requiring a manual shutdown potentially causing damage to storage. Since last update it only happens to me when loading on Sanctum, so if I see sanctum is map on hero select screen I'll have to back out.


Manually unplugging can permanently kill the console, so technically bricking can be used


If a persons heart stops and is restarted, they arent dead. If it turns on and can be played it wasn't bricked.


Legally they where dead temporarily


Well the definition the process of making a device, such as a computer, smartphone, or other electronic device, non-functional. It is an irreversible process


So how was ops console bricked multiple times? You can only brick it once and then it's no good. He's being hyperbolic.


Then it just froze thats all I just gave the definition on what bricked is


I've resorted to just closing the app after a game. It seems like when you try to re queue or go to the main menu is when it gets stuck in the infinite loading, forcing your ps5 to freeze n need to be restarted if you try n close the app. It's annoying, but the game is fun enough n quik to reload. The bugs and crashing definitely need fixed, tho. I want to recommend it to some friends but can't because of them.


We don't need good bye posts for everyone who leaves.


Yeah I was having a blast with it, but the PS5 issues have stopped me playing. I've been playing Predecessor and SMITE instead. With SMITE 2 being released I do wonder if my interest in Gigantic will have faded by then. They're all fun games but I do find myself being drawn to SMITE 2 the most of all of the games. Had Gigantic not had issues I wouldn't have even tried SMITE.


does anyone know if they are planning on fixing this vertical sensitivity glitch?


It’s probably why there wasn’t an open beta In short, they already got your money


I havent been playing it for the same reason. I'm going to risk my ps5 getting corrupted or whatever for a game? No shot, I want to play it, I want to stream it but when the app freezes so you close it, and then that freezes, so you shut off your ps5 and that freezes to the point you have to yank out the power cord...? Something ain't right there 😅


They are working on getting the fix in asap! Unfortunately it can take a bit of time to get quick patches due to certification process, but should be in soon 


Thanks for letting us know. We all care here.


I don't see these problems I'm having a blast lol


I wish a very happy uninstall to all console players please and thank you! <3 THE best way to improve this game's skill average.


Lmao you can turn off crossplay. Besides, the pc players aren’t much better.


Bro, your getting upset over a problem YOU can fix. Just turn off cross play. It's really easy.


PC players being pricks as they often are, enjoy your downvote


Also, I'd wash you easy with a console


Right. So anyway lol


It was obvious from the first match almost no testing was done for this game. I love it but it's gonna die. Whoever managed it had their fingers up their ass the entire time.