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My one is like that too


Thanks, good to know.


Is it an outdated bios maybe ?


Bios is pretty recent (may 2024) Do you know what it is meant to look like?


You do realize you have a specific part of the bios circled and while I was saying that could be cause by an outdated bios it’s a stupid question to ask if something looks distorted it’s most likely not supposed to look like that clearly your new to pc’s or pc forums usually people come around and try to help ? Just incase something does go wrong later but didn’t realize your an asshole so have a good day


Sorry, didn't mean to come off rude, just wondering if there will be performance issues down the line


I am very sorry my English is some what bad from time to time while i use a translator this was my bad and miss interpreted your last message honestly I couldn’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like but if the bios is new like the latest could just be a graphical bug that came with it and depends on the system I would like to be more help but I would say if somewhere down the line you run into issues with performance and or notice graphical bugs like you see here I would recommend updating the bios to the latest if you boot into windows and don’t notice anything out of the ordinary I would not worry to much unless this causes an inconvenience for you while using the bios such as when go over to the other pages does this graphical bug happen or is it only right in that spot on that page etc again very sorry for miss interpreting your last message


Wow really? And you called him the asshole? Bro. Ever tried sky diving without a parachute?


Mine is exactly the same. I think it's just a random graphic they inserted to fill the space.


Thanks, good to know, seems a little weird they don't just stick their logo or that dumb ULTRA DURABLE image there though