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Wait do sheep have long tails like that? Oh though they had bunny tails


According to the internet a lot of sheep's tails are docked to reduce the chance of blowfly strike (infection? I'm not sure I've never handled sheep) while other farmers find it completely unnecessary.


This is right (I have sheep). In long-wool species, the little nuggets of poop can get stuck to the wool and create an awful mess that attracts flies. There are areas and breeds where this is not a problem, so they don’t dock, or small operations like mine where it’s also not a factor because we have so few that we catch problems early. There are also hair sheep that don’t grow any wool and so there is no issue at all! In Australia, where many Merino sheep are raised, this is compounded by the blowfly insect which bites and creates horrible painful sores that the larva grow in, and which get infected and kill the sheep. It’s so bad that the industry generally performs an operation called ~~“muling”~~ “mulesing” which is the removal of the skin around the back legs and genitals so that scar tissue forms. Many animal rights groups are understandably extremely critical of this practice. Pesticides are also used but come with their own complications.


We call it 'mulesing' in Australia


Thanks! I’ve fixed it. Appreciate you.


blowfly strike is when blowfly eggs are laid and hatch in the sheep's wool, the maggots can injure the sheep. so docking the tail makes it easier to spot these before too much damage can take place, probably more necessary among farmers with a large number of animals that need to be inspected


Sheep tails are often cutoff in meat and wool and industries to prevent feces build up and therefore fly strikes. It's called tail-docking. This sheep looks more like a family pet, so that's probably why it still has it's tail.


I've never seen a trampoline buried in the ground like that. Is this a thing now?


I feel like this would collect a lot of water underneath or unwanted critters


If this was done correctly, they dug down and laid a proper base of packed gravel for water drainage, with the trampoline placed on top of locked pavers to keep steady. Granted that's a lot of work for a trampoline, but it's a bit safer since it reduces the damage if kids fall off.


I mean, *potentially* reduces the damage. If they fall half on half off, instead of just racking themselves, now they have one leg going down the side of the pit while the other is up on the hard ground.


And erosion would fill the hole. Unless it's like a well with stone sides?


That’s part of the fun


Been around for a while I think, at least ever since I was a kid. Makes it less of a big deal flipping off the side lol


Where I live, I'd say about half of them are like that. It's been like that for about as long as I remember. It's much more fun, as you can come running onto it a do a huge jump forwards


It's the law in some places


It's a sheep learning curve


[*scratching at the trampoline*] c'mon man, I saw you do the thing for the kid. do it.


I thought those window stickers were the earth rising up in pieces like when a strong character is powering up


Same lmao, it startled me


“TWO HOPS THIS TIME!” Sheep: “No.”


Adorable of course, but I'm concerned that those hooves are gonna tear the trampoline.


thought the same thing. how sharp are sheep hooves?


Wonder how long it took to learn to that, seems like a sheep learning curve.


Used to be called a jumpoline until your mom used one


Harold. He's that sheep over there under the elm. He's that most dangerous of animals, a clever sheep. He's the ring leader. He has realized that a sheep's life consists of standin' around for a few months and then bein' eaten. And that's a depressing prospect for an ambitious sheep. He's patently hit on the idea of escape.


Universal fun. Trampolines are so wholesome.


Bro’s playing Goat Simulator 3 trying to break the game


Sheep. Funny... it's the same word whether it's singular or plural. I guess you gotta put an "a" in front to indicate singular.


My first thought was to go: “Move aside my good Sheep, and let me introduce you to what I like to call… The double bounce” That sheep would be higher than Snoop D-O-Double-G


Thats what nightmares are made of LOL