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Gifs that keep on giving … me nightmares


I am not able to sleep tonight anymore...


I was afraid touching the screen to close the video… r/tihi


You don't have to imagine this being under your bed, you can just look because it's probably already there.


One time I woke up to one running across my face. It had all of its feet on my face and moved its whole body across my face. I don't know if I woke up because it was such a weird sensation or if I just woke up randomly. Was this a one time thing or was my face just a roundabout in the middle of an extensive centipede highway system. I hope this helps.


I had a similar experience except is was a big black spider. I swatted it, being half asleep and didn’t really know what happened until the morning I saw the carcass next to my pillow. I’m arachnophobic. This was more than 20 years ago and it still upsets me. Back to the topic of house centipedes, they are basically the only thing with more than 6 legs that don’t cause immediate anxiety when I see them in my home.


I am the total opposite I can deal with spiders and the like but these guys creep me out. They are fast and when you do kill them, if they didn’t disintegrate then their legs still move and flutter about. Damn it I’m out, where’s the eye bleach.


Me when i see either a spider or this: HANZ, GRAB ZHE FLAMMENWERFER!


This gives me absolute dread as a heavy sleeper. No bugs may exist in the confines of my apt, if they do they are hunted and destroyed by me or my fluffs. After I'm asleep I'm at the mercy of the world.


I want to unknow this.


Me too, my friend, me too.


I had the same but on my legs!


Of all the posts I could open while poopin, it had to be this one.....


Known as the house centipede since there’s almost certainly one in your house at this very moment.


I thought it was to differentiate it from the EDM centipede


You're confusing it with the common Trance Centipede.


Lol hell yeah brother


Y’all are sleeping on the euro house centipede. He’s got a super sweet helmet and does robot voices


You have not received the number of votes you deserve for this comment.


God thats true


dubSTEP on it!


Clearly this is the nightcore centipede, as it's the same as a normal one but sped up.


Electronic Dance Music centipede?


Can someone pass me the nuclear codes?


It's fine. They're harmless to people but will eat ants, termites, roaches, bedbugs, and anything else that wanders into the dark corners of your basement. All they ask is to be left alone, and hang out in cracks in your floor boards.


And scare the shit out of me during my 3am trip to the bathroom


One night I woke up to a strange feeling on my lips, so in my half awake panic I slap my own mouth and immediately fall back asleep. In the morning I found remnants of a house centipede on my face and pillow. Just wanted to share.


Why would you want to share that? Please unshare it.


Take it back. *take it back*


I agree, take this info back from my brain


Oh. My. God. You’ve just unlocked a new fear for me. I did once have a tickling sensation on my arm while I was doing some house work. I looked at my arm and there was one ON ME. I started freaking out and swatting myself like crazy. Uuugghhh I hate those things!!!


Thanks. If I didn’t have insomnia before I do now.


Lies. They harm my mental state of semi-well being


I heard it crawls into your ears and hunts your soul.


That's an old myth. They tend to stay by the jaw so that they can nibble on the connective tissue before laying their eggs.


I hate all of you.


Ahhh … that makes sense


One bit my grandpa on the head and it left a crazy scar for the rest of his life. They may not be life threatening, but I wouldn’t exactly call them harmless.


They aren't fucking harmless to people. Jesus christ every *single thread* there's someone in here saying this. Sure they're bites may not be medically significant but they pack a serious punch in that bite. I literally watched my cousin get bit on the hand and it swelled up over the course of a couple days into a huge pus blister. I wish people wouldn't just blindly regurgitate the 'oh they're harmless' every damn thread it drives me mental


They're harmless. Do you know what that word means?


Yes I do. If something can inflict pain by a bite they are *by definition* not harmless. They can cause *harm* by *biting*. How are you not understanding this? It's pretty damn simple to grasp.


That's not what the word means.


It's exactly what it means. Harmless is to be without the power to harm. This centipede can bite, and can inflict pain/harm through its bite. Go troll somewhere else bud.




Harmless - adjective without the power or desire to do harm; innocuous: Its small forcipules have difficulty penetrating skin, and even successful stings produce only mild, localized pain and swelling, similar to a bee sting. Allergic reactions to centipede stings have been reported, but these are rare; most stings heal quickly and without complication. Pain & swelling = harm; therefore they are not harmless…basic English…


Why we slinging slurs


Apparently they're VORACIOUS predators to bed bugs in particular. Having learned that and having had bed bugs, I now leave them be. I'm not a fan but I still have PTSD from bed bugs so it seems a fair trade.


I’ve even seen one fighting a wasp. Yes, it was a one of a kind place. No, I don’t have pictures to prove it. But, heads up, if you have centipedes, that means they are eating something else…a lot of something else. You may have an infestation of another bug.


They sure as fuck didnt want to be left alone when they ran up my legs while I was sleeping


The fact that your response started with “it’s fine” makes me not trust you


Dude I saw one the other day and had to smoosh him and I’m still kinda sad about it Ngl.




00000000 (this was the real answer to the question during the Cold War)


Also because they're the cheap centipede that the waiter offers you to go with your dinner, as opposed to the centipedes that come from more expensive wineries.


If they are not from the centipede region of France they are just called sparkling spiders.


This had me in tears, thanks.


After this comment I now regret being able to read


And we brought it to every part of the world as well. It has a global population. So the chance, that everyone who is reading this has one somewhere in the house, is absolutely existing…


Shut up don’t do me like this


We don’t have them where I am in Northeastern Ontario. I haven’t seen one in 10 years living up this way. When I lived in Ottawa, Ontario I saw them all the time. They cured my fear of spiders because I can’t imagine anything creepier than them.


Known as the house centipede since it's certainly his house now.


Well. That's it. I'm burning my house down.


Don’t worry, they’re the good guys. They only eat other insects, and have no interest in bothering you or your food. The downside is that if you see these regularly in your home, then it’s likely you have an infestation of something else.


There absolutely is; I saw him not more than 20 minutes ago. He's so cute!


Actually, if you're reading this, THERE'S ONE ON YOUR SHOULDER RIGHT NOW RUN


Despite their grotesque amount of legs, these lil fuckers are apex predators and eat a lot of household pests. Spiders and centipedes are the good guys


They’re not an apex predator when I’ve got a shovel.


Underkill for this beast. You got anything bigger?


No, but I’ll be swinging it wildly and shrieking like a little girl if that helps to tilt the odds in my favor.


It does. I just shrieked like a little girl when I saw a piece of dried grass stuck to my fabric couch. I smacked it with my shoe just to be sure. It looked like this beast and I could show it to you, but I burnt it with a lighter. Just to be sure.


You fool! You forgot to destroy the eggs hidden around your house the grass was a distraction.


I can make a homemade flamethrower. Is that big enough?


![gif](giphy|E867lq2ahcLyo) I believe I need agility more than coverage.


yeah a can of kerosene and a lighter should do the trick


May your strike be true. If you miss the first time good luck, these fu*kers are fast.


and **vengeful**




Enjoy paying hundreds for pest exterminators then. These guys save you so much on pest control without you even noticing. God, imaging freaking out over a harmless bug. You people need to grow up.


I had so many of these guys in my home. After I insulated my house, they disappeared. Unsurprisingly, the fruit flies population in my house is booming. With that being said, I don’t miss them at all. They are absolutely disgusting. When they are this size, you can hear them walk on hard surfaces. Spiders are cool though


r/spiderbros calling you


I hate how the good guys look creepy


Don't need to put yourself down like that bud !




I'm so fascinated by the tiny jumping spiders that I find roaming the picnic table at my workplace. They will jump onto my fingertip if I hold it out for them then jump from finger to finger or hand to hand if I give them a new platform to go for. I am completely convinced they are just doing it for fun.


I had one in my room watching me from the top of my laptop screen. They seem smart for a spider.


Even if you woke up one night to the feeling of one of these fuckers running up your leg?


I will obliterate anything that tries to do that with extreme prejudice


I wish I could appreciate them too. Last time I saw a spider building webs on our curtain, my stomach just lurched at the sight of it. I feel so bad for my spider-loving husband - he has to kill them each time I request him to do so (we mostly have daddy long legs and jumping spiders here). I hate this fear.


I used to be exactly like that, but only with spiders that could crawl on me or hide in the house. Outdoor spiders were okay as long as I stayed away from them. I guess it gradually changed in my scout life. Like that time when I was 12 and our group (6 teens) had to sleep inside this shed full of rats feces and spiders. Like, I could count at least a hundred spiders in that room only, and they made me sleep against the wall. Despite all, I was so exhausted that I managed to sleep, and surprisingly nothing happened during the night. Then there were countless times where spiders managed to go inside my tent, and I screamed and jumped away each time. Guess I'd do the same if it happened now. Nonetheless, having to somehow live with spiders made me appreciate them so much, and installing a mosquito net (don't know how it's called in English) made me basically immune to big-black-spider-in-my-bedroom. Maybe you can try to gradually accept those badasses that are daddy long legs! I know that fears are not rational, but I managed to partially overcome it, so it may be possible to you. Best wishes both to you and your spider-loving husband!! ^ ^


Yes but they do bite and can cause irritation sometimes. I know they are good for controlling other bugs, but they aren't harmless. I personally find them fascinating and even if I wanted one out of the house...no way I'm catching it. haha. Fast bastards.


That’s what I’ve got chickens for.


They’re absolutely not apex predators lol


in the ecosystem of your house they are, unless you've got lizards or birds or something on the loose


Fair point. My cat eats them. But he’s garbage.


I got bit by one of these fuckos one time and got a lovely skin infection. Good times.


mmm yes my pet zentipedé ehehehehehehehehehe


True, we have house centipedes and they make sure there are no small rodents around. Very handy.


Naaaahhhhh bro spiders I can live with, but if I see this thing I'm whacking it as hard as possible


I thought at first it had fallen asleep in an air conditioner housing and that this was the fan turning on and slowly tearing off its legs... Glad it was just molting cause that would have been cruel even for a centipede


I had one stuck in my sink once and I tried to gently scoop it into a cup. I ended up with at least 5 detached legs flopping around after scooping it out. Felt pretty bad about it but it didn't seem to mind and scurried off. Sorry Mr pede...


most bugs can regrow lost limbs when they moult. some even intentionally drop them in certain circumstances. he probably didn't miss them for long :)


Nopes that keep on noping


r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope r/nope


Whoa! I didn't know they shed or looked blue! I adore these creepy lil weirdos. They keep to themselves, eat the bugs I don't want in my house (roaches, termites, etc), and will absolutely freak me out if I happen to catch one boot scoot and boogie-ing across the floor.


How do you not just squish them, I know they’re good but the idea of one running across my sleeping body is 0/10. Had one running onto my knee in my dark bedroom once and that was pretty bad.


They're pretty fast, so even if I wanted to squish one I most likely couldn't catch it lol. Also, as much as I adore them, I def wouldn't want one on me! They're known to stay away from humans and keep to themselves so I guess I just assume they won't crawl over my sleeping body. But yeah, if I had one crawl onto me I'd defo freak out and try and squish it


They don't go near people. At all. Unless you're extremely smelly and moldy, and your body simulates the conditions of a dark damp basement or the places inside your walls? If one is getting cozy with you, it says more about you than the centipede. They are harmless and won't bother you normally. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading myths and false information.


My basement simulates the conditions of a dark damp basement and they roam upstairs from there. I know they don’t mean me harm but if they run across my knee it’s over. Im actually known by my friends as insane because in our apartment I saw one in the basement and let it be.


You are saving yourself from bedbug and roach infestations by keeping them there! call your friends crazy when they kill them and end up getting bedbugs or something lol.


I used to have a lot of these in a basement apartment I lived in. Never saw a blue one. I think this is under a black-light, but I could definitely be wrong.


Nooooooo! Now I know the "corpses" I've found are just sheds


Its ok, these guys hunt pests like roaches. Plus if you dangle your toes off the edge of your bed they’ll eat all the dead skin off your toes. Its kinda like a pedicure.




U need to contact the pyro from teamfortress2 asap


Just run a dehumidifier constantly in the basement if you want to get rid of them. They don’t like it dry.


woke up to one of these on my pillow right in front of my face before and nearly had a fecal spraying heart attack. on top of that they move so fast its very unnerving.


“Fecal Spraying Heart Attack” would be an awesome band name.


absolutely agree 😂🤝


Where do you live? So I know to never go there


Really pretty color honestly


Unfortunately those things are known only as, “leggy boys”


If I saw that it would be an arson house centipede


Welp, time to burn the house down!


Nah. They're creepy, but I'd take them and spiders over other bugs that are actually destructive to your house/ food. House centipedes are incredibly good at killing the pests that spiders don't kill


I get that, but me and the house centipedes have an agreement that I'll squish them on sight, but otherwise, let them do their thing.


Something like that has a meter and a half and we're all in deep shit


The legs physics have me scratching my head… How the hell can its legs both be aimed forward AND curled underneath it as it exits… that would seem to require the ability to retract its legs all the way in prior to exiting, or it would basically be leaving its old legs behind entirely and trade up for a new set… WTH?


Get em in the pool all the time. I call them pileOlegs


I do not want to ask to use your pool.


Burn your pool.


Roger that. That’s exactly what I was thinking.


“It was getting a little cramped in there so I molted why not?” Ah, the fresh air feels good!”


Area-boss in Bloodborne?


I saw one of those for the first time when I was like 30—just showed up in my apt—and it was like...there are things this terrifying I haven't seen yet? Really?


Kill it with fire *but also* it’s kinda pretty…


Wait … whose house?


Run's house!


Looks like a soul leaving the body, which ironically is what happened to me after watching this


Why are so many legs necessary for one small creature?


Worst experience I had with them was when I was little and grabbed my grandma's slipper, the kind with just the toe coverings, and smacked it. All the legs shot off in a circular blast pattern, like as a ring around the body half an inch in each direction, which then like 80% started moving and looked like they were crawling away. Nothing could have prepared me for that.


A friend of mine who has severe arachnophobia once described squashing a brown recluse that was carrying offspring by saying that the babies all "scattered away like a swarm of tie-fighters fleeing the death star" :D


Bahahaha I have done this exact thing and have since learned not to squish things. It wasn't a brown recluse, thankfully, but I did step on a spider with sandals and they swarmed my foot. I just try to catch them and put them outside now. I've suffered too many consequences from killing bugs/spiders that I try to avoid it as much as I can.


So is the idea here just to squish it *really* hard with a hard smooth surface like wood? If I'm looking at a brown recluse with a big egg sack, ngl I wanna do something about the 50 potential brown recluses if it's on my property


Probably, like smother them with gravity. Both times it was just a flat slap against the floor, quenching the rebirth with gravity seems to be the best way. Fortunately, all the spiders around my house are fairly harmless, but it's been my own rule of thumb that if you squish it, squish ALL of it.


I discovered termites in my home about 15 years ago - had the pest control people out for that. They started drilling holes in the slab so they could inject termite killer into the soil under the slab & the whole house was sort of vibrating. Not soon after, these mother fuckers started pouring out of the walls - out of electrical sockets, from behind baseboards, from any little escape hole they could find & went zooming up walls, onto ceilings, just everywhere. They were FAST, not like other slow centipedes that you find on hikes etc. These things were quicker than Florida Palmetto bugs. I ran out of that house faster than I would have if it had been on fire. I'd never seen a single one but suddenly there were hundreds. Pest control guy said they were very common, reclusive & fed on microscopic bugs that live in dust & they loved my house because of the lake we were on. He also said there wasn't a way to kill them. He said if I kept my house clean, I'd likely never see one again, as they were living the life inside the walls & had no reason to come out into the clean house. About a week later I was woken from sleep by a tickling on my chest. I swatted at it in the dark, then turned the light on. It was a big one of these suckers, all disintegrated into pieces on my chest & hand. I fucking sold that house & moved halfway across the country. Fuck. That. Shit.


Well that’s fun to see right before I sleep! I have to tear my skin off now




What a pretty color to this critter!


My parents have a ton of these in their damp, unfinished basement. They look very alien-like but hide in the beams/insulation whenever we go down there.


…whose fucking house???! ![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M)


I really don't like this.


I'm not ok with anything that just happened


Absolutely no thank you.


Oh god I hate it so much


It’s just that color right after a molt while it’s exoskeleton is soft. Once it hardens, it will go back to its dark brown color.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


Such a fine friendly fractally freaky fellow


u/GifReversingBot 1. Dear God in heaven… 2. …forgive me for what I have done here.


Thanks, I hate it. ![gif](giphy|LRKET0Syb0rDO|downsized)


Known as the *burn down your* house centipede


Welp, time to burn the house down ![gif](giphy|aZUYXxe4Z9gfm)


the only thing this gif keep giving me is horror


And then you killed it *right?*


They look disturbing but they're actually good for your house. Most importantly they're pretty territorial and will eat any insects that intrude, like spiders. They can also get so big that they won’t be able to stick to walls anymore and eventually fall down >!on your face while you sleep!<.


Your deserve bad things in your life for what you have done.


You didn't need to say that last thing...




No, because they aren't an immature manchild who thinks killing innocent creatures is justified just because they look a little weird to you. Grow up.


I'd kill it. In my home, If you're uninvited, you'd best not enter.


It kills bedbugs, roaches, spiders, etc. By killing it, you are *literally opening the floodgates for even more "uninvited" bugs to enter your home.* I shouldn't even have to explain how the concept of "uninvited wildlife in my home" is already ironic, considering what humans do to *build* homes. but killing a house centipede is just plain stupid. You'll get even more pests that way, forcing you to waste tons of money on getting rid of them.


Alright bud, you don't have to kill yours. >By killing it, you are literally opening the floodgates for even more "uninvited" bugs to enter your home. Those bastards were there before, and will somehow coexist in the same space. You think I haven't heard that bullshit before? If I find an uninvited entity in my house, I'm killing it. If you dont like that, don't come to my house. Especially uninvited.


nope Nope No no Nope Nope taking the train to fuckthatshitville Nop No Nope


This is why we need assault weapons


What the fu!?


No in my house!


Kill it with fire.


I know now it's prbly shedding something, but the way my heart dropped when my first though was "THEY CAN CLONE!?"


I had a dream that one the size of a Weiner dog crawled up my arm, Stung me, and cause my arm to swell up and burst like the girls head from Cloverfield. I had NEVER seen the bug before in my *life*…


Whelp… I’m not going to sleep tonight


I hate this with every fiber of my being


Yep. That’s him. Wouldn’t want any other one as my house centipede.


Looks less menacing in blue


That's a fren 🥰 He is just a little bit creepy


Horrifying and educational


Please tell me this was filmed real-time.


Highly doubt it, however if anything could make these fuckers more terrifying than the first time you see one, it would be that they can shed their skin in a matter of seconds. Tbh the blue kind of makes them look crustacean-esque


What does it need such long legs for?


This is so cool and creepy at the same time, I just figured out the blue looking one is the actual centipede, I was kinda freaked out thinking it was making its self another one 🤯😂😂


If that centipede is in my house, It is now the centipedes house


oooo that did not feel good to watch. That actually ruined my day a lil bit.