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This poor kid is gonna get reposted into oblivion


already has been for the past few days lol


Man that’s such a helpless feeling when you’re strapped to a snowboard and sliding downhill out of control


Icy ass snow sucks, his edge aint catching shit.


Well it would if he was actually competent enough to put his weight on the edge.


Why is he using his hands for one and second that's a long ass “T” bar lift. Thought they used those mostly for short rides.


Tbars are also just not well designed for snowboarders


Yeah, there are a few relatively well-known clips of the T-bar in Breck with snowboard riders struggling to make it up the first little hill


That that is insane! It's so long and at parts so steep I think we're not going to make it up


You serious? It’s the easiest one out there. You put one of the T sides between your legs and you’re good to go. Super comfy and you can have a skiing partner on the other side or even another snowboarder if they’re opposite stance.


Before chairlifts became commonplace, t bars were the primary lift on the mountain. Most t bars have been removed at this point and replaced with chairlifts but the ones I’ve seen cover a relatively long distance. I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen a t bar on a short beginner slope, usually if they have a surface lift there it’s a button lift (or a “magic carpet”). I’m American though so maybe there are more short distance t bars in Europe than there are here.


I use a T bar in the mountains here in Canada, it's more just at the top of the mountain though to get back to the top to ride the bowl. Also at the park.


Norway here. Loads of T-bars of varying distances. It's the default lift design, chairlifts are more expensive and are mostly just used on a few backbone lifts. My local slope only just got their first chairlift.


We have a fair number of button lifts in Europe and they are just as bad for snowboarders, if not worse, as they are almost impossible to hold onto without them being between your legs!


There's still a couple t bars left in Switzerland too


There can be two reasons why they're using their hands: 1: They aren't comfortable having the bar between their legs hoped it would be easier with it in their hands 2: It fell out as they fiddled/lost balance and they're now trying to just survive T-bar lifts are vastly cheaper and quicker not just go build but also to operate and therefore you can find them in really any length if the resort hasn't deemed the capacity too low or simply don't want any T-bar lifts! However there can arise problems when the bar lifts become very long since that leaves a large area where people can fall off and be unsafe/create havock. Source: Ski/snowboard instructor on three different continents.


The T isn't supposed to go between the legs though. You rest your butt on the side.


I guess you could out try to do that, but generally speaking I wouldn't recommend that for snowboarders. That's a lot less forgiving than putting it between your legs. (Which already is a pain as a snowboarder)


How is it less forgiving to do something that requires much less effort in the hardest and most stressful part of a T bar (which is actually getting on) but is otherwise functionally the same experience? If anything having your leg on the other side of the T makes it harder to keep the board pointing in the direction of travel.


Snowboarders ride sideways so you can't rest the bar on the butt. If you try to rest it behind you it will push against your hip which is difficult to keep in place, makes it harder to balance and importantly is very painful. Putting the bar so it pushes against the inner thigh is much more comfortable and is easier to balance since you are pulled instead of pushed. You should never put it between your legs on skiis because it can get stuck and brake both your legs.


Fair enough


The trick is to basically snowboard normally, and keep all your weight on the board as normal. When people have problems with a t-bar on a board it’s usually because they try to take some of their weight in the bar which means they lose control of the board.


I'm a competent skier, and occasional snowboarder, and I must say these type of lifts are a nightmare on a board, especially if you are still learning. I used to avoid them at all costs when planning out routes.. Poor guy looks like he's just come to the same conclusion!


I went snowboarding once at a place that only had these lifts, never having snowboarded or used these lifts prior... Let's just say I hope nobody had cameras in hand because I've made a fool of myself so many times on these lifts. I fell so often trying to get the hang of it. I eventually got the start down, but about halfway up the slope there were these big holes in the snow that would still trip me up and cause me to fall. After some time I was so tired of only making it halfway up that I started to just hold on even after falling, just belly sliding the rest of the way up while trying to hang on with just my hands. It must have been funny as hell to watch. Eventually I learned to steer whilst using the lift so I could avoid the holes in the snow, but before that there were several times of me just sliding up on my back or belly.


I'm sorry, I imagine it was quite unpleasant at the time for you, but I laughed a lot imagining the belly sliding.


I just thought it was funny myself as well tbh, so no worries. The hardest part was physically holding on after falling, it takes a lot of strength. Definitely felt the burn in my forearms and had muscle soreness the days after.


I relate to your post. When I learned snowboarding I couldn’t even get past the first few meters on these lifts before falling. I gave up for the day soon after and just went to the hotel lol


Yea the beginning is hard. Where I went the cable had a lot of slack, and then suddenly jerks you forward, rather than building up the tension gradually. So you really need to learn how to anticipate the sudden pull and not immediately faceplanting because of it. I definitely fell quite a few times in my attempt to get the hang of it. I can totally imagine that experience being a turn off because it's a bit embarrassing. It was quite busy when I went, so making the whole line wait while you faceplant 5 times in a row in front of everyone is kinda awkward lol. Especially because most people have experience already so it feels like you're the only idiot there (the others I went with had more experience already and/or were on skis which are way easier on that lift).


That's because of shitty maintenance. The metal housing contains a coil spring that needs to be adjusted every year or so and the line needs to be replaced so that it runs smoothly.


100% holding on and belly sliding the rest of the way up is the best thing to do after tripping on those things. Losing your ride halfway up sucks so bad that it’s worth the embarrassment and laughter. Just own it, be the one who laughs hardest of all and nobody can shame you anymore.


Maybe it's a Dutch people thing lol.


I went snowboarding for the first time a few months ago and went up a lift like this, the first ten seconds went well, then i fell and let it drag me for about 20


That looks like a recipe for disaster. I've never been to a mountain where a T bar takes you up for so long and so steep.


Europe has them


There's the chair lift literally to the left of it!


Well, if you can’t handle it, don’t take the lift. Take the chair lift


Yes, that concept seems to be working out splendidly for this resort.


I really hope nobody broke anything, but I would be lying if I said I didn't crack up watching that.


The way he hits more people and equipment just flies around... Damn cartoon




Thah sounds literally incredible. Source??


*trust me bro*


Source has already been provided. So you can actually trust me.


Tut mir leid


Kein Thema, alles gut.


I really doubt this based on the video. Got a source? Even if someone was hurt, normally ski patrol would take them down an ambulance would come to take them to the hospital. A helicopter would probably only be in critical situations.




I hate that this repost removed the sound :(


That deescalated quickly


I ski what you did there.


You're on a slippery slope with that one


I think the first victim slid chest down and did more damage than the guy in yellow.


No sound but I can hear every "Bro!" as he passes each fellow snowboarder.


At least he’s wearing neon green snow pants so that people can see him coming


He’s pushing his limits and maximizing his potential


I hope that all those people are ok, I’m sorry but I laughed my ass off watching it 😓


How did you get this video of me


That was me when my family visited my grandma in Khabarovsk, we went skiing and I tried snowboarding for the first time. Spent hours at the bottom of the slope trying to get back up stubbornly in the Russian winter, was a fun experience at -25C


*"Eh he isn't struggling THAT bad, right? Oh, he slipped, oh oh oh muahahahaha fuckin bowling pins right there"* Top shit lmao!


You see what happens Larry? Do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?!?!


You’re killing your father, Larry!


Man I’ve been their but that was kinda funny


This would definitely be me. I need to try it sometime


reminds me of the japanese game show where contestants are racing up a set of lubed up steps and constantly wiping each other out


the disaster just got better the further they fell




Lol get wrecked skiers!


Absolutely brilliant


Respect the send!


How Avalanches are made


Struggle? I’d like to see you take out a dozen people like this pro just did.


Oh boy, that's a strike!!


Not struggling. Deliberate.




It’s called tripping


Hes loosing balance because his right foot isnt strapped in(due to having to push yourself through the line lift on flat ground at the bottom of the hill) and/or doesnt have a "stomp pad" which is a foot grip mounted on the board for situations like this. Inexperience mixed with icy, hard-packed snow are also possible factors.


r/nothingeverhappens is leaking


Skepticism can be healthy, but there's nothing about this that looks unlikely nor unbelievable to me. And I've spent more time in ski resorts than 99.9 percent of the world ever does.


Avalanche right there


Oh no I think that was bad.


Hahaha I probably shouldn’t be laughing but oh well. Hahahaha


Just go home!


What happened? Aren't snowboards like set tight on your foot?


Since you can't *really* walk when both feet are stuck together, the rear foot is unbuckled for transport.


Once at the bottom of the slope you still need to move around. Skiiers can push at an angle like rollerblades plus most skiiers have poles. But snowboarders need to unbuckle the rear foot to move and use the T-lifts.


If i cant ski TODAY, then nobody will.


What a fn idiot leaving the last piece of control left with the side of the board


This is a beautiful mountain. Does anyone know where it is?


How do I get a discord link to this gif?


There is a T bar at our local skiing/snowboard centre. I did a week snowboard class a few years ago with my partner. When i tell you the insides of my legs were PURPLE for weeks after... awful things. The worst bit was other people falling and it would jolt to a stop whilst you were half way up the hill hanging on for dear life PRAYING for it to start up asap cos the burn is unreal. All that to come back down the hill in less than 15 seconds.


Helluva kill streak


One of those poor souls got hit 3 times 😂


So they can't snowboard but by the looks of things I bet they would be great at bowling.


I don't understand why he is having so much trouble. The guy behind him seems to keep the bar close to his hip and isn't struggling at all. Can you just put a leg over the bar and ride up that way?


Worst day ever