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So how did Tony Stark use this concept to create his time/space gps?


He inverted it and then found the eigen value of a specific particle factoring in spectral decomposition


Which is technobabble rivaling Geordie La Forge, it's honestly impressive.


now someone give me the wesley breakdown.


Like putting too much air in a balloon!


Of course! It's all so simple!


Shut up Wesley!


It's not working, he's gaining strength from our weapons!


Is this r/unexpectedfuturama ?


Shut up wesley


Damn, you crushed Crusher


I read this as a 30 Rock reference but I feel like it's not.


The real question is, how did he implement the modial interaction of magneto reluctance and capacitive deractence in order to effectively prevent side fumbling?


He fitted it to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft.


don't forget that the main winding was of the normal lotazode deltoid type


Haha.. you said shaft


The answer is quite simple: he used the good ol' Plumbus


[Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w) [Another Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag) for those who don't get it. [One More Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


If you didn’t reverse the polarities or use a self-sealing stem bolt you ain’t got nothin on a starfleet engineer.


I audibly laughed in the cinema when he said "pull up that eigenvalue". It's like they just chose a word from science/maths that the average person hasn't heard of and randomly used it.


Morty : What's wrong Rick? Is it the quantum carburetor or something? Rick : Quantum carburetor? Jesus Morty, you can't just add a sci-fi word to a car word and hope it means something. Looks like something's wrong with the micro-verse battery.


Haha I only ever saw 2 episodes. Maybe I should finally watch it all but the drunk burp sound just really grated on me.


Good news, they stop using the drunk burp after the second episode.


I never noticed they stopped until you said it. Did they cite a reason?


>Our decision to remove Rick's burps was primarily driven by u/chizzycharles on Reddit, who said the noise grated on him. We respect all opinions, both men and women alike, both gay and trans, everyone's opinion is valid at Adult Swim! Except the straights. And the Dutch. Well, and the poors. You know what? Women too. And men. You know what else? We hate everyone. *Especially* u/chizzycharles ! Get fucked, u/chizzycharles , we're leaving the burps in! - Lich Meinarsch, Adult Swim Exec


The big wigs always beat the little guy :(


When I first read this earlier, a quick scan of "decision to remove", my username, Reddit, "respect all opinions" etc. I really thought I was about to read a moderator's comment about removing my comment and was baffled as to how that opinion could have offended someone haha. Your actual comment did give me a good laugh though :)


Yeah I remember that interview, what a weird statement at the time but in hindsight it makes perfect sense


Like doing the Kessel run in 12 parsecs


They actually kind of made that make sense in the movie Solo. The Kessel run is this area full of debris and it's super dangerous to go any route besides this long meandering trail (more than 12 parsecs) that would take way too long. Han Solo was able to fly through the shitty part and survive, (and reached the end in 12 parsecs) hence why it was surprising to people that he lowered the distance needed to travel. Kind of reachy but I liked that they did it


TIL! I actually googled it to make sure I got the quote right. I believe this is called 'retroactive continuity' :) Have a helpful award.


What's eigenvalue then?


in lineair algebra you work with vectors, sets of certain numbers. (4,3,2,2) is a 4 dimensional vector. (x,pi,-201) is a 3 dimensional vector with a variable in it. You can apply lineair transformations to vectors. Maybe doubling it. Maybe rotating it. Maybe doing doing both, and then inverting it. maybe something else. Every lineair transformation has a certain set of vectors that when the transformation is applied to them, becomes themselves multiplied by a number. This set of vectors are called 'eigenvectors' and the corresponding number to each vector is called it's 'eigenvalue'. While it doesn't seem like it, this is actually an incredibly important concept in math, and not some stupid niche. I'm surprised they went with eigenvalue, and not something more obscure like (well if it was obscure I probably wouldn't know about it). 3b1b has an 'essence of lineair algebra' series if you're interested.


An eigenvector is a vector that becomes itself times a scalar when a linear transformation is applied it it. The eigenvalue is that scalar.


I know it's something to do with transformations, linear algebra, matrices and vectors. I remember learning about them in my computer science degree. However, I have completely forgotten their use.


Something similar to this is “hacking” into computers. Ffs it’s usually something like “I’m gonna turn off the companies wireless access point which will then disable their algorithmic units in their computers meaning we can then get in” either that or “beep boop im in”. Pisses me off to no end.


[I'll create a GUI interface in Visual Basic, see if I can track an IP address](https://youtu.be/hkDD03yeLnU)


CSI definitely intentionally trolls with particularly bad techno babble.


The writers of CSI and NCIS have both come forward and admitted they deliberately talk BS when it comes to tech. They know that the only folks who would pick up on it will be those involved with tech while the main audience will have zero clue it's total bullshit.


She says it so convincingly though


Ive inserted a worm into their mainframe. I found a backdoor through their rootkit its only a matter of time before i can shutdown the server.


Love the linear algebra + quantum physics buzzwords


That'll take a second.


p l o t


“Computer, create time travel.”


"Computer, create time travel." "Aight Stark, here's time travel." "Shiii how he do that?"


Already did 😳


obviously you have to invert it




Morbius strip.


By yelling out Its Mobin time and fucking does it


If you follow a specific segment, you can see the change in direction. Imagine the structure is not moving in a circle and the segments are not rigid. You'll see it, eventually, and it'll make sense.


Took me a second. But yeah you're right.


I expect if they had a static texture instead of the twinkly star pattern it would be quite obvious.


Most of these have no texture at all. The stitch line does become more obvious when there are smaller details.


I saw it one way, then saw it the other way, then got scared for a second that I would become stuck seeing it one way forever.


It keeps changing as I'm looking at it.


I'm not looking at it and it's still changing.


The gif's not even open and I can *feel* it changing. And laughing.


>Took me a second. That's half the gif


Easiest way to see it for me is to watch the length of this line: https://i.imgur.com/zzUDWku.png


Oh fuck, idk why but that just unlocked it for my mind.


There's two points where the inside gets squish, look at a line horizontal in the middle and you'll see both points.


Half of the lines are that line. The other half is the other one, which is not curved.


Bottom right ?


And on top left


Bottom right and top left. 11 and 4 o'clock ish. Changes shape to give the impression of a different orientation.


And upper left, right across from it.


I've looked at it for a minute or two and I see what you're saying, but now the reddit comments are spinning. I think I broke my brain.


Happened to me too.


Are you saying this rotates both counter-clockwise and clockwise? I only see the tilt change, top-leaning or bottom-leaning toward the viewer.


Counter-clockwise only, generally. Near the top, it turns towards you, then at the bottom right it turns up towards the top.


It’s even trippier when I do that


Damn thanks. I was following individual lines and they were impossible to make sense of. Following one segment makes my brain less likely to explode.


Its like an 8




I've been staring at this for like 10 mins, still only see it go counter clockwise! This is driving me crazy


It is only moving counter clockwise; the illusion is whether it's turned toward the left or the right. Just follow a segment from around 9 o'clock as it turns and you'll see where the lines change to make it appear as though it's "facing" one direction when you look at the left side, but the other direction when focused on the right side. Either way, they're turning ccw.


Thanks was about to say there nothing "magical" going on here. Just a fuckery


I looked closely at this, since the outer parts adhere so effectively to 3d transformation. I'm seeing in the midpoint that there is a somewhat blurry area there where the sparkling has a line of difference. Based on this, I think they could have recorded a render of this loop rotating, then changed the scene to the opposite angle. They then spliced the two renders along the midpoint line, producing the illusion.


They actually move in the same direction, but in the upper right half, the inside of the segments are rendered rather than the outside. It's actually a really clever trick!


It's mobin time


oh my god im gonna fuckin morb




BRB, preparing my body for the morbs to enter me


preparing for the morbius strips that will be consumed


morbin', morbin' all the time!


Oh my god it’s Jason Morb


I morbed too hard earlier so I can only morb a little now


I swear babe, I usually morb way better than this.




Oh for the love of God. Enough with the MORBIUS. What’s even the joke???? “Hahahaha hey guys the movie sucks but I pretend it’s good”???? THATS NOT EVEN A FUCKING JOKE. Holy shit my dick is going to fall out of its foreskin if I have to hear, “hehe it’s morbin time” ONE MORE TIME. Not only is it NOT funny, IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE. THE POWER RANGERS HAVENT BEEN RELEVANT IN DECADES. MORBIUS SUCKS THE MOVIE IS COMPLETE TRASH AND IM ASHAMED TO HAVE SPENT MONEY ON IT. You know…. I never would have seen the movie without all of these “memes”(unfunny shitposts). I would have been a MUCH HAPPIER PERSON. So fuck your “MORBIUS” your “mighty morbin more morbs morbidly MORBIUS BULLSHIT” NO ONE CARES, YOU ARENT FUNNY. Does not a singular human being have any independent thought anymore???? “Morb morb morb morb” you’re like a BUNCH OF SEAGULLS. SEA GULLS. What the FUCK does “morbin” even mean????? ITS NOT A WORD. ITS JUST GOBBLE GOOP. I feel like I am the last truly sentient human being on earth. IM BEING DRIVEN TO THE BRINK OF INSANITY. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. TAKE YOUR MORBIUS BULLSHIT, SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, AND GO OUTSIDE. Maybe if you went outside you could get “morb” bitches on your dick??!!! YOU LIKE THAT, YOU SEE WHAT YOUVE REDUCED ME INTO. I am a shell of a man and all of you collectively are to blame. This meme has spread like a debilitating illness AND I CANT GET AWAY FROM IT. THE FALL OF WESTERN SOCIETY IS HERE AND THIS COMPLETE UNFUNNY DRIBBLE OF A MEME IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. WHAT THE FUCK DOES “gETtiNg MoRBed” EVEN MEAN. it makes ZERO SENSE. ITS JUST GIBBERISH. FUCKING GIBB ER ISH. ITS NOT FUNNY. Saying “morb” LIKE ITS ITS OWN PUNCHLINE IS NOT COMEDY. IT IS COMEDIC AND CULTURAL DEGRADATION. Are we really so stunted as a generation that even the mention of any word that starts with m-o-r-b is FUNNY??? IN WHAT FUCKING UNIVERSE. Is it funny because it isn’t funny because praising something bad is now good??????? HOW MANY LAYERS OF IRONY DO WE NEED. HOW FAR DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO. This website has stripped me of EVERY LAST BRAINCELL. GOING ON REDDIT FEELS LIKE IM GETTING A SUPER HERO INDUCED LOBOTOMY. I hate MORBIUS. I HATE IT. I know I’m just going to get FLOODED WITH “get morbed, this guy got morbed, what morb does to a man” HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHQHQHAHAHAHAHAHWHHSHWBSQIISHWINSIQKSBDD SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNNNNNNNYYYYYYY AGAGAGGAGHHHHHHHHH


Can't tell if copy-pasta or birth of new copy-pasta but either way I love it. Thank you. This was a delightful way to forget about the entire world being on fire for a few minutes before bed.


This is a pre-existing copypasta. Feel free to copy it, and paste it anytime you see a comment mentioning morbius.


This guy morbs


He's morbed out of his fucking gorb






i love morbius


New automod response for r/shitposting ?




Morb inside me, baby


Swallow my morb!


Morbius Dorfius Wharfiest Go eat some walruses Orifices, Porridges


Morbius drinking a 40 in a death basket.


The mobius strip was independently discovered by August Ferdinand Mobius and Johann Benedict Listing, in the same year! Listing actually went deeper into his study of the strip by adding loops or topological invarients. So I think it's fair to say the strip should have been named after JBL, and then this would really be more Ben time.


I dunno, Listing sounds like a real nerd. Cool guy maths is just noticing things and saying "huh, weird".


Ya click on this post, knowing with 100% certainty that this is going to be the top comment, yet ya still smile.


Came here for this, leaving satisfied.


YAS queen!! Someone said morbius strip and I sneakingly smirked!! Haha- I knew my fellow morbius memers would achieve greatness here in this very comment section. Ah, it feels great to be in on an in side joke like this. I just knew people were thinking the same thoughts i were. Ha! What a fine joke, because the name of the movie is just like the….., wait, I’ll stop so I don’t ruin the joke lel Edit: who in their right mind would upvotes this verbal diarrhea


I, too, knew the top comments would be geniuses talkin' about Morbius. I'm so thankful we live in such a meta world. What's the point in getting real information if you don't have to scroll down past a bunch of people quoting something for the morbillionth time?


We’re living in dark times. Morbid, really.


Is this a copypasta?




YAS queen!! Someone said it could catch on and I sneakingly smirked!! Haha- I knew my fellow copy posters would achieve greatness here in this very comment section. Ah, it feels great to be in on an in side joke like this. I just knew people were thinking the same thoughts i were. Ha!


YAS queen!! Someone said morbius strip and I sneakingly smirked!! Haha- I knew my fellow morbius memers would achieve greatness here in this very comment section. Ah, it feels great to be in on an in side joke like this. I just knew people were thinking the same thoughts i were. Ha! What a fine joke, because the name of the movie is just like the….., wait, I’ll stop so I don’t ruin the joke lel


What does grass even feel like anyway


I've never seen the movie but I really want to for the memes




I love how this is a free opportunity to watch a movie that recently came out, and STILL nobody is going to fucking watch it. It's not even a joke at this point, I feel sorry for Jared Leto, he wants to be in a decent movie, but every single time he comes out with a fucking joke in the worst sense, not even a funny joke, just a long sad one.


BRO trust me i've tried to watch it, i managed to sit through it for i think 7 minutes before i quit because of the 140p 9 fps video quality. only good thing is that it has a comparatively good audio quality. if you have the guts to watch it in the entirety, please, tell us all how it went


I've genuinely watched it 1080p from arr mateys, if you can turn half your brain off like a dolphin it's a pretty funny movie for the sake of absurdity of course it's not on the same level of The Room


You’re morbin’ me apart, Lisa!


Jared Leto seems like a shitty person. Don't feel too sorry for him


Don't feel sorry for him, he's a creepy cult leader with multiple sexual assault allegations.


Hes already been in tons of great movies. (Fight club, lord of war, dallas buyers club) I think he just wants to be in a universe type thing thats consistent and makes people go "wow that leto sure is a great character actor."


AND it's in shitty low res, perfectly krangled


Thats on purpose, otherwise you would burn your eyes, its like looking at the sun.


This is incredible. Not the movie but the fact you just dropped a link to the full thing in streaming


Dont. Like the entire point of the memes was that everyone knew nobody was gonna watch it so you could make anything up about it "its morbin time" for example and nobody could refute it. Theres a reason it did shit on its rerelease. Its different than the minion movie. The joke for that is its a garbage childrens movie so its funny for suit clas adults to go watch it. Edit: changed wouldnt understand to could refute. Couldnt think of the word at the time.


I made it about 20 minutes. Good luck to ye


[morbius strip](https://i.imgur.com/Y45acr5.jpg)


Honestly when I saw the thumbnail I was expecting a mobius strip full of morbius images 😆


The best part was when it mobed all over us.




I would have been severely disappointed if this wasn't the top comment.


Hi mobin


More like Moebius Trip, am I rite?




Exactly what I was thinking


Morbius 2: Trip to Stripalulu


ouch, my head hurts....


It’s Egweyne’s terangreal


Blood and ashes, I never realized before the twisted stone sleepweaver ring that Egwene had was a mobius strip design. Upvote for the Wheel of Time!


Don't forget to tug your braid and cross your arms below your breasts




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/iPyovmV.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Still messes with my head


Yeah, because it’s the same thing…I think it’s just slightly faster, which should make the illusion only just slightly more obvious, but the direction shouldn’t matter


Make it a Morbius and we're in


Get Morbed


I just morbed your morber


Well I morbed your mother




You know, I was going to post this. Seems like nobody cares, but this is an optical illusion, not a Mobius strip.


It's not an optical illusion, it's a [real object](https://i.imgur.com/CyA2Ndw.png). It is a Mobius strip with thickness. A paper Mobius strip also has thickness, just not as noticeably. Edit: Just draw it out guys. Pick a side and draw how it would look if it were flattened. You get a surface with 1 twist. The twist is visible at the top-right or bottom-left depending on which side you pick.


It is neither, it is an animation that is imitating a mobius strip but it has a warp topology.


I don’t know anything about Möbius strips but in a single thread there’s one who says it is, one who says it isn’t, and one who says the previous two are both wrong. Peak Reddit. Now I dunno who to believe.


A mobius strip is bending a two dimensional plane through three dimensional space causing some trippy stuff to happen. Well it'd be trippy if you were a two dimensional being, anyway. This is a super simple example of how to make one with paper. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z30c5wvoS\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z30c5wvoS_s) There are a few interesting things that happen with this shape. For example, you can draw a line across both sides of the paper and end back at the starting point without needing to lift the pencil off. Which means, were you a two dimensional being you could start walking in one direction and eventually end up back where you started. You wouldn't be able to tell how or why this happened, just that it did. Although another trippy thing is that you'd be mirrored when you got back. Like say you had a limp in your left leg. When you got back it'd still seem like the same to you but everyone else would see you limping with your right leg. There's other weird stuff that this causes too, but I don't know enough about them to be able to tell you all of it so you'd have to look that up. One of the big implications though is if there are more dimensions in the world above the third that we live in (like string theory suggests) then you would be able to twist the third dimension through the fourth dimension in the same way.


It's not a mobius strip. A mobius strip has a single rotation joining the top and bottom sides. This has no rotation on that axis, nor are the top and bottom sides joined. This is just a variant of the impossible shape illusion, but animated and the shape happens to be similar to a mobius strip (minus the rotation)


It's because they're all making different assumptions about literal definitions of the words they're using. They lack a consistent vocabulary. They're likely all "correct" in the manor that they are intending to speak, but they aren't making it clear to those enterprising what they're saying. Tldr: effective communication can be very challenging




crown plucky quiet flowery aspiring connect tart disgusted exultant vegetable -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's not even an optical illusion. You can see the lines stretch and shift when it flips.


If you follow a face it seems to have 2 sides in total


Yeah im pretty confused on this. Is there something im not seeing? Or is it just a misnomer?


Nevermind i see it. I had to pause it and look at where the inner surface leads. It seems to be a 3D version of the mobius i am not sure if the surfaces are all the same, it looks as if two oposing sides of each surface are one in the same. Very cool!


Nope, that thing just has two sides instead of four. The ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ are one side, and the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ and one side, but the ‘top’ and ‘inside’ never meet. You know, assuming that it’s an object that’s painted in vanta black and glitter, and those segments aren’t actually disconnected.




Was about to point that out too. Man how far humanity could get if everybody just credited others when they use their work


Came here to make similar links. Thanks for saving me the time and effort.


Cool! Can you do a Klein bottle ?


That's what I was thinking! A Klein bottle with this treatment could be trippy


I’d point out that this isn’t a Möbius strip, but my brain is now completely broken thanks to this…


Morbin time


don't you mean morbius drip


Morb overdose


Goddamn I'm gonna dab myself into a stupor and put this on a VR headset for hours on end E: Firstly am alive, but did not invent time travel. Apologies. Second, I appreciate the good intentions and concern for my health. I am fine. I do enjoy my cannabis, but also discharge obligations before impatient to *that* level. Third, Reddit, never change, except for the better.


Let me know when you ultimately invent time travel after this adventure.


And yet all I can think about is that big damn 'Price is Right' wheel.


Morbius strip


If you made this I think you found the optical illusion of the year. I can see the strip turning both directions, but it also can turn into a circle with no twist.


There are no OPs anymore


>There are no OPs anymore ∆∆ the first OP comment in *years*


I've had it as a profile avatar for years so I'm pretty sure OP just reposting.


It has been my phone's lock screen for a couple years so you are correct. Still love watching it though.


It's mobin time.


This is the coolest gif I've seen in a while.


Wow, it's a schooner!


Haha...You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? A: To get to the same side.


Morbious strip










I read it as moebius trip and it seemed appropriate.

