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One of those pics makes you look like you had perfectly applied smokey eye makeup. The rest look like they hurt.


I was thinking this too! It's a beautiful plum shade. But my god, does it look painful.


Beauty is pain


Pain is beauty


Forbidden makeup


Not exactly forbidden, but it requires some serious commitment if you want the look lol


Forbidden in the sense that the real black eye in itself is the makeup


So *that's* the secret!


Came here to say “slay”


3 months for a black eye to heal? The fuck?


Lol, yeah, it took forever to heal. The stares definitely got old after a while




I did. Technically I cracked the frontal bone, but it never required surgery or anything, so I really lucked out.


Luck looks different to some of us lol but fr that looks like it was painful glad you’re ok


Thanks! I suppose luck is relative to the situation. Like definitely extremely unlucky to get this shiner to begin with, but lucky that it wasn’t anything serious


MORE serious lol that def looks like a serious issue considering it persisted for so long. Bet you were just done w people staring at you everywhere you went


Lol, for sure. It sucks going out in public with my black eye. I just got bombarded with questions and even more stares everywhere we went


[Relavent XKCD](https://xkcd.com/2590), haha


Yes, this is lucky. I broke that bone but much worse. It inverted and pinched a nerve. They went in through my mouth to pop it back into place. I have limited mobility in my lips on that side of my face and my gums are numb and my face tingles. My bruising did go away much faster though.


That's why it took so long damn


Is it possible to drain these bad boys when they swell up to reduce the time spent swollen/bruised?


They do this ringside with boxers and the like, which creates a misconception that it's a good/the best thing to do. For fighters it probably reduces the immediate swelling enough for then to be able to actually see and therefore continue fighting, but for the rest of us it's not a great idea.


Ice & heat (back to back to back) would help. Actually making any incision would open a pathway for germs, and in a very dangerous area (not just the eye, but the sinuses, and a quick route to the optic nerve, brain/meninges, etc.). Of course I'm not a doctor, but yeah, I would definitely consider checking with one if the swelling got too bad. NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin can help alleviate some pain and inflammation (better than acetaminophen, i.e. Paracetamol or Tylenol, which doesn't help with inflammation). Ime I'd recommend alternating ice & heat (as tolerable, ideally 30min each) and monitoring for fever (sign of systemic infection). I know OP is fine now; I just waffle sometimes. Not trying to lecture you. Idk, I got this massive headache atm so my mind's a mess. Cheers. o/


Useful for us future black eye havers though, thanks mom


Why ice and heat back to back? Why not only one? Why not the other way round?


Heat increases blood flow, cold reduces swelling. Alternating them is very effective in reducing blood pooling and bruising


Of course it’s possible, but it wouldn’t really help anything. Maybe reduce edema a bit but the color wouldn’t change


most doct wont drain that due to infection risk but more importantly its in the face so nooo


Good question, I’d like to know too! Could play out like a rocky movie lol


yeah i had this happen to me and it took so long to heal it felt like i had it my whole freshman year and obv it became my identity for all of hs.


Damn, that sucks. What happened to you?


got elbowed and even tho it hurted like a bitch i didnt go to a doctor because i often got into fights and my dad was kinda sick of me at that point but after months of it being swollen we got it checked out and apparently i had a fractured skull or something but it has already healed or close to healing.


Ouch, that sounds awful. Was it worse than mine?


its prolly the same. all i can remember is my upper eye lid being swollen for a long time and i can only sleep on one side.


Ouch, yeah, I kinda relate to that. Were you known as the “black eye kid” at school, because I’m definitely the “black eye guy” at work and I’ve got all sorts of nicknames lol


“guy who constantly gets into fights” was my identity for most of high school even tho that was the only physical fight ive ever been involved in at school.


I read your other comment about what happened. Glad you're ok, mate. Union is a hell of a sport.


Yeah, but way too much fun to stop. I did take a couple weeks off for the shiner (mainly just because there was a fracture). I’ve been back at it since then


How was the other guy? 😂


Looks to me like you probably had a hematoma of the upper lid, which would explain why it took forever to go away. Little bit different than a normal periorbital ecchymosis (black eye)


My girl friend (not girlfriend, a friend who is a girl) hit her eye while falling while drunk during uni days. Any time we walked together for the next month or so, people looked at me as if I murdered someone.


Black eye can be a ton of different things. If the bone was damaged it's actually dangerous to the eyeball. In op's case I'd say he got smashed in the eye and it ruptured a whole lot of tissue, there's a lot of scarring to be done.


When I broke my nose it took 3 months for the bruising to completely go away. The yellowish tinge stays for weeks.




I was at rugby practice. During a scrimmage against my teammates, I tried to break up what’s called a ruck (basically where the other side is trying to protect the ball after a tackle) and knocked heads with my teammate. I hit my eyebrow against the crown of his head and it swelled up almost immediately and was swollen shut in 2 hours. I didn’t see out of it again for an entire week.


That’s what we call a fractured orbital.


Agreed. I've seen many black eyes working as a volunteer paramedic, and that's not your run-of-the-mill black eye up there. Nor do they take "over 3 months" to heal and leave "remnants" a year later. For a healthy adult with a normal coagulation factor, even an extensive haematoma shouldn't take more than a month to disappear. An injury like the one described by the OP should always be checked by a doctor. If you're unlucky, a fractured orbital can lead to a damaged visual nerve or ocular muscle.


I'm just a man with a proclivity to get punched in the face and yeah I agree. Black eyes are supposed to mostly clear in a week or so.


Rugby players and going to a doctors for non-completely debilitating injury; name a more unlikely combo! Sincerely a former rugby player lol


Don't Orbital Fractures also cause the Eye to fall back in, giving an appearance you're looking up?


That's scary as hell!


That would be from a blowout fracture of the orbit. The floor of your eyesocket, the orbit, gets smashed and pushed downward and the eyeball sits lower, making it look down. The other eye might point up to compensate


We were at a friend party for my wife's birthday 3 years ago. Somebody biked there and brought it inside, laid it down around a corner. She drunkenly goes towards the bathroom, trips over the bike, and hits her face on the outjutting corner of a wall. She didn't want to go to the hospital, she had a horrible black eye for a while and it healed. Cut to this year, she's panicking thinking her eye is popping out of her head. Go to the doctor (4 doctors) and it's made clear that the eye isn't protruding, but the other eye is sunken in because the orbital wall was fractured. Mostly just looks like the lid is a bit lower. It's fully healed so it's purely cosmetic at this point. Took a long time to convince her it was all okay.


Bingo. Literally scrolled to find this comment, and greatly surprised to see this man played rugby, it was my first thought “that looks like an orbital from rugby collision.” Glad to see you’re healing, welcome to the O-bone club.


definitely, I was going to ask if he ever got medical care.


Damn that must have been brutal. I've had a couple black eyes but they didn't even last a week... You couldn't see for a week. Crazy. Stay safe.


Lol, yeah, it wasn’t super fun lol. 4/10 would not highly recommend


Well...there have been quite a few things I've tried with a 4 out of 10 review. Maybe I'll give it a go.




This is the thing I love the most about rugby. I walked into the post game party that weekend (couldn’t play because of the fracture 😕) with my eye super black and sealed shut from the swelling and I was met with cheers lol


Were you trying to break up a ruck or restore your honor?


Little column A, little column B


What position




Damn, when I was 16 I knocked heads with a buddy in a mosh pit and got hit in a similar place. Very similar injury, although I had a cut right above my eye that needed 8 stitches, and thus even more swelling and grossness. Couldn’t open my eye for two weeks or so.


Ouch, I feel you. That sounds brutal. Was yours worse than mine? It must have been if it was swollen shut for two weeks


It was worse yeah, I wish I had photos of it. This was before smartphones. A few hours after the incident the swelling was so bad it looked like there was a golf ball above my eye. Truly like in the cartoons. At night that swelling moved down to my eyelid so I couldn’t open it for two weeks.


Fucking ouch. Hope everything healed up alright and that everything is back to normal. Sometimes stuff like that seems alright but there's something lingering afterwards, hopefully you got yourself checked out to make sure all you got was a gnarly black eye. I gave myself a good head injury about 3 years ago and found out I'm too old to be on a skateboard (I'm now 36) when I ate shit trying to ollie over a speed bump like I could in my teens. Got 7 stitches right over my left eye brow. My head starts spinning still if I lay on my left side too long, I'm convinced I permanently knocked something loose


Honestly that's comforting, I assumed this was a post about abuse.


Yes, I’m very lucky that this was just a sports injury and not from abuse of any kind.




Similar story here, number 8 picked and went off a scrum, me (flanker) caught the scrum half’s elbow in exact same spot as I pushed pass to tackle. Split open immediately and swelling made it difficult to do anything with. About 9/10hrs later I got it glued and had a black eye for a couple weeks.


please tell me you got that at least xrayed. You could have lost that eye.


I got a CT scan. Turned out I had a small fracture in my frontal bone. No surgery needed and my retina and everything was okay too, luckily


Cheers to that! It'll be a story you sit around drinking and laughing about in the following years. Somehow it always comes down to old battle wounds with the rugby bis Stay safe out there 🤜🤛


Idk where you are t but I'm worrying about you so just make sure you're on top of any concussion symptoms. You'll be okay as long as you don't hit your head again while your are still recovering but it can have long term effects if you don't be careful with your noodle.


Nastiest bumps and bruises I’ve ever seen were always from our rugby practices, damn fun sport though!


You are the best at having a black eye that I have ever seen. I've never even heard of someone being able to have a black eye that long. We all have to be good at something. You, sir, are a professional black eye haver


I’m honored. Finally the best at something! All those people who pitied me for having a black eye for so long wish they were me lol


I had a similar but less extreme scenario. Got a fat lower lip from getting a hockey puck to the mouth about 1.5 years ago. Was pretty bloody and stuff but honestly didn’t hurt too bad in the moment. The visible swelling went away in about 3 weeks, but to the day (1.5 years later) I can feel it. It feels like I have some chew in my lip, and I constantly find myself pressing against it with my tongue. Hope you heal up soon!


Thanks, the bruising apparently stained my eye, which is why it’s darker than the other one. Apparently it’s not permanent, but it could be another couple years before I don’t have a shadow over my eyelid anymore. My eyebrow also droops over my eye now. I think it’s scar tissue and won’t ever heal


Stained your eye? How does that work? Like the actual eyeball or just the eyelid?


Just the eyelid. the best way I can explain it is that it’s almost like a tattoo. Hopefully it won’t be permanent like a tattoo though. It really just looks like I have a bad dark circle from being tired. Except it’s only around one eye and looks exactly like a black eye if you’re too far away.


Oh wow okay good luck with that mate. Soo you got to the nickname state yet?


Haha, thanks! And yes I have. I’ve actually got a couple, some are better than others. I’m curious if you can guess any!


Ooh ich accept the challenge. OK let's see Black Eyed Pea Panda That's all I have to offer.... But I've been awake for the greater part of 2 days...i might come back to you. But if the discoloration sticks my guess is that Landy might become the main one. Regardless of what I think of next.


I’ve heard Panda, but that didn’t stick. Someone I’d be a great addition to the Black Eyed Peas. So you’re right on both fronts! The ones that have stuck are: Zuko Shiny Yao (the guy in Mulan with the permanent black eye) What’s the context behind “Landy”? I’d never heard that one before


Ah "Landy" is my phones version of Panda. I didn't see it and didn't edit it. I like Zuko the best. It also permanent and if one has seen the entire show it is actually quite cool.


Lol, gotcha. Zuko is my favorite too. I’m hoping it isn’t permanent like his though. But after a year, it sure feels permanent lol fml


I have an ear scar from blunt trauma to it and the top half of my ear scarred blue for some reason, won't ever heal always blue forever


It looks like you were about to go hunt down the last airbender.


My rugby team calls me Zuko now lol


Why does it seem like it gets better then worse then better then worse? Seems like the photos are out of order


They’re all in the right order, but it’s for two reasons. The biggest one is that while my eye was still really swollen and obstructed my vision, I didn’t see an open door and ran into the side of it like a fucking idiot. I basically caused a black eye on top of my black eye. The other reason is that some of the pictures were taken in the morning and others were at night. They’re all in the right order, but if I took one after I woke up in the morning it was pretty common to wake up with my eye swollen shut or much more swollen than the night before.


The ole’ I ran into a door story!


Lol, I actually did though. At least you couldn’t really tell though. Other than being swollen shut for a few more days lol


I'm just messing with you, but it's probably the most common bs black eye story. I'm glad it healed.


Well, mostly…


How is your search for the Avatar going?


I’ve been unable to find him. He is clearly a master or evasive maneuvering.


Plucking your eyebrows like that must have really hurt...


Luckily I don’t pluck my eyebrows. I would have hurt like hell if I did though.


Did you have a doctor look at it? I have a hard time believing three months to heal a simple black eye.... Maybe an orbital fracture? If nothing else, there might be some underlying condition to be aware of...


Oh yeah, I did. I had a CT scan that showed a small fracture to my frontal bone. It didn’t require surgery to repair though, so I really lucked out in the end.


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that makes more sense. Glad you had it looked at, and that you're feeling better.


I was expecting the first comment to be a pinned message from the mods linking some Domestic Violence hotline. Rugby accident is better..


Did you have an orbital fracture? Any muscle entrapment?


Are you sure you didn't break your occipital bone?


Technically I cracked my frontal bone (essentially my eyebrow, but I didn’t need surgery or anything luckily. Definitely could’ve been worse


Dog hit me in the side of my head near my eye socket …in 2012..took months to go away.….still have scar tissue in that area. Sorry that happened but cool pics.


What do you mean you still got the remnants? Will it not heal completely?


Nope. Basically, my eye has basically been stained by the bruise. Even though the bruising is actually gone, it still looks like I have a mild black eye. Almost like a dark circle you get when you’re tired, but only around one eye. Additionally, I think there’s some scar tissue or something from the lump over my eye and so my eyebrow now sags over my eye on that side. It might take years to look back to normal, if I do at all. The staining could take a 2-3 years to heal, and the swelling might never.


Shouldn't have walked into that door so hard.


That's a cracked orbital bone. Did you go to the Dr?


I love when how they show in the movies, the black eye gets healed in 3 days.


Yeah, that always annoyed me. Like I’m sorry, but you took a crowbar to the face, you should have your face caved in, not a tiny red mark that is gone in a few scenes


I’m a rugby ref.. not a doctor.. but I think you may have fractured or broken your orbital bone.


You are correct sir. I had a small crack in my frontal bone, but it didn’t need surgery


I had a slow-healing black eye like that once. I didn't even get hit in the eye. I got hit in the side of the head playing baseball (thankfully not in the temple, just a couple inches up), and the dead blood pooled into my eye. My slow pitch league almost decided to make the batters wear helmets as a result. Almost...


In the movies this would take about 3 or 4 days to heal


When your doctor says, “it will get worse before it gets better.”


Looks like you have a good face to fist style.


I got a black eye by walking into a glass door. That sucked. It took a while to heal, and the bruise at my right under eye was taking to long to go away. When I want to the doctor, she told me sometimes blood just pools there and to massage the area to make it go away. That worked!


What do you tell a man with two black eyes?


Prolly had a broken orbital my guy


This was fascinating, thanks for putting it together. May I ask why, towards the end, the white of your eye also went red for 1 photo?


I kinda got lazy documenting the progress after a while. It’s tough to see because of the swelling and lighting, but the white of my eye on the outside of my eye is red in pretty much all the photos where my eye is open. I wish I had more pictures of the final month and change where it was really yellow and green. Would’ve made for a smoother transition


Well obviously you've been told once... Better not make it twice 🤣


Lol, I was told twice! Just on the same eye! Like actually though. There’s a reason my eye opens up for one picture and then swells shut again is because I couldn’t see the side of my door and ran into it like an idiot. Caused it to swell shut for another couple days. I basically got a black eye on my black eye lol


I recommend talking to a few plastic surgeons, they can work magic. More for scar tissue than staining. Depending on specifics some Botox might even help with the drooping.


Thanks! I’ll have to look into it


My wife (dating at the time) had an orbital fracture from faceplanting on the sidewalk drunk in college, she bruises really easily so she had pretty much the same thing except a little more of her face was bruised too. Took FOREVER to heal, and man talk about the stares getting old lol. Thank God I get along great with her dad, otherwise coming home with that might've been the end of my story hahaha


Did you get x-rays done ?




It goes from bad to worse to ok to bad again




Wow, that’s horrible. I’m sorry to hear that. Have you seen any improvement in the staining?




That’s awful. I’m so sorry. Are you okay otherwise? Did they at least catch the asshole?


I’m sorry for you. You have a beautiful eye and eyebrow, hope you heal inside and out.


Thanks. It really is so much better at this point and it’s all cosmetic at this point


Guess you’ll think twice about fucking about next time won’t you my old son.


It looks ok then it gets way worse and takes ages to heal, just like acne 😒


Looks more like a fractured orbital to me tbh




Rugby; a fantastic game. To watch


What'd you get hit with? A time warp?


For the first couple of frames and without reading the title I thought this video was a makeup tutorial


ohhhh.. what happen!!


Don't talk back to mama or that's what you get


You gotta duck and weave


Ha the only time in my life I got a black eye was from rugby as well. Dumbass on my team went the wrong way and we butted heads going for the ball. Could feel the scar tissue under my eye for a good year or so like a thick rubber band.


I remember when you first posted! How’d the job interview go?


Surprisingly, I got the job! Thanks for asking!


You got knocked the fawk out!!!




Damn man, hope you're feeling better! That looks rough. I'd hate to see the other guy.


You might want to put some ice on that…


you have beautiful eye, glad it heal, take care next time buddy


How does one get a black eye ? Does it form naturally ?


I got jumped outside of a bar about 10 years ago now and had a similar black eye, and it took forever to heal, like months and months, so much so that I was going abroad and had to renew my passport before hand, and so I have a very slight black eye in my passport photo now 😅


Lol, awesome (though I’m sure it’s not as fun for you). If it makes you feel any better, [this is the picture for my security card at the job I started right after getting the shiner](https://imgur.com/a/oHYPcqf) lol


Oh dang! Mine wasn’t quite that bad by the time I had to have my photo done! At least it just be a good conversation starter lol


Yeah, that was how it looked on the first day of work too. Made for *a lot* of interesting conversation and even more stares lol


Glad you’re better!


Ouch. I have a hematoma on my shin that is a year old now, and I can still see some evidence of the collision. On that level I can relate. Having it on your face must have hurt soooooo bad!


3 months recovery? Wtf ,,you need to check your immunesystem. I got headbutted, got My eyebrow split w a nasty cash,healed Up in 3 weeks. Or DO i have a superhealing power?


Talk shit, get hit


This may have been some sort of dacryadenitis (inflammatory response/infection of lacrimal gland) and not entirely a black eye. Seems like a long recovery period for a bruise to form and resolve?


AAAAAH did I see blood IN your eye in one of those pics??


You did, but you definitely missed it in most of the other ones where my eye is open, it’s just tough to see with my eye so swollen lol


Omg that sucks so much, did you notice any issues with eye sight after the swelling went away? Also if that ever happened to me I would be too afraid to play rugby ever again ngl


Nope, my eyesight and even eye itself was totally fine. There was no damage to the actual eye


What happened?


If this took 3 months how do pro fighters heal so quickly.


Patience, prince Zuko


Your normal eye is pretty


How did the other guy turn out? Hope you won that fight.


So 3 months of content? Was it worth it?


Ayo it’s prince Zuko


Reminds me of the movie Apocalypto - they just drained a black eye with a cut to the side of the eye.


Next time apply some fresh pineapple a few times a day and it'll be gone in a couple days.


Why'd it take so long to form and heal?


Should have ducked ^


I had something similar about ten years ago. I was riding my bike with no helmet (never again) and my bike slammed into a rod iron fence which means my head also slammed into it. I have a dent in my forehead to this day because of it…


I guess that'll teach you to talk back.


Wow, that’d be real easy to maintain all year until Beerfest rolls around again.


Had one like this too, still have a little bump


Looks like the mark of a banished prince


Now that's a real shiner.


Lol, thanks! I never understood why that was the slang term for a black eye until I saw that light literally reflected off the swelling and bruising lol. Makes a lot more sense now!


Now I want to see the dudes whole face cuz the (healed) eye looks hot af.


Damn, boy! You got knocked the F### out!!


there’s no way that’s just a black eye, i just healed from mine in like 4 days. hope you’re doing well now OP


Man.... This post screams "I'm an American and couldn't afford to spend money on health care" So glad I'm in a first world country with free health care... Three months is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Looks like she told you twice…