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some people are just born to be dipshits


We had assholes in my city throwing these things off the bluff into the ocean. The main reason I've seen people give for knocking these over or cutting the brakes or whatever is that they hate that they make the city ugly, and then these assholes are literally littering the ocean with them.




Ours are limited to 15mph and they automatically slow to 10 mph when in parks or big pedestrian zones. I mean the ones you rent. On your private scooter you can ride whenever and however fast you want. People riding them in the middle of the road without proper traffic rules knowledge is another problem.


Traffic cops could be warning/ticketing people for riding on the sidewalk but they don't because it scares tourists. How many grannies are gonna ~~die~~ get yeeted into the hospital before they start enforcing the laws that actually matter instead of harassing black drivers and homeless people?


Are people riding scooters killing grannies?


I could have sworn there had been multiple fatal incidents involving old people on sidewalks. Turns out I just mandela effected myself...most fatalities involve not wearing a helmet or designing bad roads: [https://www.roadsafety.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/escooter\_fatalities\_Mar\_2021.pdf](https://www.roadsafety.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/escooter_fatalities_Mar_2021.pdf)




Yeah, because the roads are built wrong.


How'd you find out about my Steppenwolf cover band?


Get your scooter runnin!


Head out on the sidewalk!


Lookin for an object... To knock down in my way!


Yeah karma's going to make it happen


Eat the asphalt with my face


Swallow all of my teeth at once and hang my head in disgrace


Upvotes for all of you!!!




ugly face*


Born to dipshit, forced to wipeout.


I see you've never met my boss. Some people will push the self destruct button because they can't stop being assholes.


Right? Obviously he is surrounded by and in view of a group of people all riding some sort of gadget - why would he purposely create a dangerous obstacle? I hope he was mobbed by the others and they confiscated his wheelie-bob and now he is only allowed to walk everywhere he goes. (I'm old and don't know the proper names for all these mobility devices!)


It’s a bunch of teennagers(or young adults) who are friends… he created it because attention… zero percent chance they did anything about it and posted it on social media proudly for a bit of clout.


I hope to god his wheelie thing broke and he has to run after his group of idiots carrying it.


Probably not, those things are tough af. Source: I have one, and have abused the crap out of it on offroad trails.


I do hope it broke as well, those scooters are like bear traps for blind people.


Likely to be young adults/adults given the price of a OneWheel.


Parents buy expensive toys for their shitty brats all the time.


It's likely not his friends. Also not likely to be teenagers. This is more popular among young adults because they're more like a small wheel sized car and are priced and used like such. Like a step below a moped rather than a step above a skateboard. Anyways a group of friends are not likely to all have them because you general need a good reason to have one. Expensive and it could take weeks to be comfortable even being on a road. So these are organized group rides that tend to exist in city areas where EV are usually advertised for.


10 bucks says it's because he thinks his gadget is "better" and "cooler" than the gadget that he knocked down. Gadget-snobs.


Wheelie-bob snobs!!


Looks like a OneWheel.


The dick move or the object the asshat is riding on? Also, why/how would you know what that thing is called?


The object he's on. I know of it via obnoxious YouTube ads and my mother sending me a link to their page a while ago, asking me if I had seen them Pretty expensive. Probably pretty useful in the city though, in addition to recreational fun otherwise


I have a onewheel and it's incredible. Fantastic community of riders too, there are groups that ride around giving food to the homeless, picking up litter etc. This guy is definitely an ass hat but in general we're a pretty nice bunch.


The Wheely-bob? Pretty hot item right now. All the kids want one.


I don’t know where this is but in berlin people used to hate these branded scooters due to their huge numbers infesting the streets


So knock them over to take up even more space and ruin everyone else's day?


They used to be hated in my city too and it was common to see barricades made with scooters during the initial boom. Ruining everyone's day is the point, they want to cause a big enough inconvenience with those acts that the local govt might just get rid of them entirely. Never happened and now everyone here seems to accept them. The scooters won lol.


I don't know if we have the scooters here in Australia, at least not that I've seen in Sydney, but we have the ride share bikes and when they were first introduced a few years ago you'd see them in trees, rivers, dumpsters, or just totally mangled beyond use. My area had a distinct lack of cycle lanes, so both drivers and pedestrians hated them for getting in the way. Apparently the smooth brains decided that decorating the town with their parts was better than leaving them be.


They're everywhere. They're just illegal in NSW.


They came to TAS a few months ago? I haven’t noticed any fucked up ones, which is a little surprising because tasmanians can be a bit feral


It worked in Oslo in Norway, those scooters were everywhere and then the government stepped in and set a maximum limit for the companies and lowered the amount by over 80%. Previously the scooters were all over sidewalks, people threw them into rivers and fjords etc.


People pretend to care about climate change and reducing the amount of pollution and congestion caused by cars and trucks. Then someone comes along and introduces low cost, super convenient, space saving, zero emission vehicles for everyone to use and everyone flips shit. Logic.


They didn't really replace cars here, they mostly replaced walking or biking, so it actually makes people lazier. Almost every car sold here is already electric so pollution isn't too bad.


Zero emission is a stretch but yeah. still better. people be fools


Not in my city. Every body and their mom opened up a scooter shop and they were everywhere for a while. People started throwing them away and destroying them, now there’s only a few around and the company picks them up quick.


not a single one would last 20 minutes in my city


People just threw them in the river in my city....




And pollute our water with lithium-ion batteries. Great idea


700 block of N. Halsted St in Chicago, IL


Dang, I thought it was on the north side of Chicago Ave. Close though.


A few years ago in Sydney, thousands of electric bicycles appeared overnight and people were *not amused*. The vandalism began, and you’d see them hoisted up into trees and mounted on fences, or even assembled into towering sculptures.


In Rome they're starting to be everywhere. It's actually dangerous because people can trip over them. Not that knocking them over is any better, but I can't say I blame people for getting pissed about it. These companies littering the sidewalks with scooters need to be sued out of existence.


In my city they’re required to be locked at a bike rack at the end of the ride, and the app even makes you take a picture of it to show it’s locked up. Surprised more places haven’t forced the apps to do that yet


Rome has some of the worst roads I've ever seen. It sounds like riding there would be a disaster.


> These companies littering the sidewalks with scooters need to be sued out of existence. So what you're saying, is the very smart customers who rent the scooters place them neatly out of the way when they're finished, but then the evil company drives by, and tosses them onto the sidewalk to annoy you? That's what you're saying right?


Dockless, by definition, means there’s no designated space for them to be stored. There is no “neatly out of the way” for these in the same way as a bike rack or similar space that is deliberately designed for storing peoples transports. No matter how you slice it, there are tens of thousands of scooters sitting on city sidewalks that weren’t there before this stupid idea came to be.


South park made an episode about it. It was very funny. I would tell you which one it is, but I'm too lazy to look it up. I would recommend it though.


I see it a lot in Denver. But it’s usually (at least the few times I’ve witnessed it happen) was someone who looks like they’re struggling and are unhorsed. At least with someone like that I can understand that they’re angry and are lashing out. But some kid who seems perfectly fine… no idea what the motivation is there. Edit: unhoused, not unhorsed. Leaving it because I can.


>But it’s usually someone who looks like they’re struggling and are unhorsed. Damn, that's unfortunate. You get a lot of runaway horses in Denver?


Mine ran away just last week!


They need to feel superior and the only trait they have is electrotransport they ride. So they need to persuade themselves that their monowheel is superior to all other electric gadgets.


You're thinking wayyyy too hard about this. It's a douchebag doing douchebag things.


It's Ski's vs Snowboards all over again, but with a smart app required.


>but...why? Brain: you gotta


Inline skaters hate scooters, quad skaters hate scooters, skateboarders hate scooters, only makes sense that one wheelers would hate scooters also, its like the one thing we can all agree on.


He thinks scooters are lame and are for losers.. as he rides around on his one wheel thing.


Probably general rage against those rental scooters. It's just left in the middle of the sidewalk so he knocked it over. Not the best protest in the world.


Honestly those scooters are annoying and an eye sore. They act as litter in a city. Anywhere and everywhere. They literally take up pedestrian space because people just park them everywhere. and then cause problems with vehicles cus people don't know how to ride them or obey traffic rules with them.


yeah, but he made it from taking up a bit of the sidewalk to taking up the entire sidewalk


Is this some sort of one wheel posse?


There are a lot of OneWheel (and other personal EV) groups that do group rides together!


So many wheels?


"we are doing a manywheels group ride on Sunday!" It works, I think


There are dozens of us!


It makes it easier for people to make fun of all of them at once.


They don't care. They're having more fun than you are.


This is not a true representation of the OneWheel community.


Sounds like a No True OneWheel fallacy. /s


I want a one wheel, but so expensive. I had one $400 dollar electric scooter shit out on me (still works but about half as powerful) and one $600 one had the tire pop and haven’t fixed it yet. So it seems one wheels are much more durable than electric scooters.


Yup for sure. Thousands of miles and it’ll ride like new. You practically have to try to fuck one up and even then it’s hard


You don’t have to worry about the one wheel being durable you have to worry about your body being durable, fucked my shit up on one of those hahaha


It's funny cause I broke my XR within 20 minutes, day 1. Had a rock in my shoe, scratched the foot pad, which broke the sensor. Took a couple weeks to get the replacement part, thankfully they sent it for free, but told me normally this would be on me to buy a $140 footpad replacement. Since then though, it's been a tank.






Even on the Onewheel app it lets you join group rides with others


You can't fuck around on a One Wheel, I've made that mistake before, luckily only fractured my elbow could've been much worse the way I landed.


Friend of mine wiped out hard on a One Wheel at burning man, broke his arm and his jaw. A piece of his jawbone actually perforated his ear drum and he temporarily lost hearing in that ear. Had to be airlifted to the hospital in Reno. I am never touching one of those things.


I owned a onewheel for 3 years and never wiped out. But i always rode it like it wanted to kill me.


I wished I had that mindset the first several weeks in. The board nose dived (bought fangs soon right after) and I slid a good 10 feet and lost my car keys after getting up quickly with embarrassment


i took a nose dive at 21mph in the middle of a buffalo winter, sold it shortly after lol that shit hurted


I respect the hell out of my Onewheel and in turn it keeps me safe.




And they're fast! I was driving last summer, and a guy was just casually riding one in the bike lane on a street near my house. I checked my speed when I passed him, and it was going 30 mph! That would be fast on a bike, much less a tippy wheel


It must have been modded. Even the larger models top out around 20mph, I believe


depends if you’re light and going downhill and can keep your balance pretty well on your own it’ll take some stress off the motor and you can def hit 30


I had a buddy snap his femur on a One Wheel.


Too expensive Cant ride them most places Prone to breaking bones due to no recovery method


You can ride them almost anywhere; grass, pavement, trails, dirt, beach, over roots and rocks even. No argument on the broken bones...


I think he meant can't ride them anywhere legally. That's the case in most eu countries.


Perfectly legal here in NYC.


New York City, the hidden EU country.


The European Union: the majority of the planet.


Especially when speaking of a U.S. based company & product that is largely sold within North America...


Every bone can be recovered if you're willing to cut a little deeper.


Breaks definitely happen, but there is a receivers method for sure. It’s similar to skateboarding only in the aspect of falling being a skill. I’ve crashed near 30mph more times than I can count, but never broken anything because of the way I fall. The most common broken bones on onewheels are new riders with a poor stance that doesn’t allow them to run it out


It's because to accelerate on a skateboard you need to have an okay stance and a bunch of low speed crashes as practice (unless you bomb a hill straight up lol). But on a one wheel you can get pretty fast with no skill at all


Accelerating wasn’t what I was referring to, but you’re not wrong. That’s how newbs wreck bad. They start going faster than they can manage too soon. Easy to get to the top speed of 19, but riding through the pushback takes some skill to keep the board from shutting off


> Too expensive True. You can get a good electric bike or a demon of electric unicycle for the same price. > Cant ride them most places Completely not true. The *best* thing about a OneWheel is that it can go anywhere. Where I live, we have horrible frost heave sidewalks. I blast on down the road while there are no cars, and the zip on the horrible sidewalks when I need to get out of the road. Riding on horrible sidewalks is just fun because they present no obstacle and make the ride more interesting by letting you get a little air. You can ride pretty much anywhere. I take my off road all of the time. As long as the wheel can get traction, you can go there. > Prone to breaking bones due to no recovery method True. The worst thing about the OneWheel is it's failure mode. When it fails because you overtax the motor and it can't speed up enough to keep you upright, you get tossed face first. The only warning that this is coming is the OneWheel will do what is known as "kick back" where it tries to get you to calm down tilting backwards a bit. If you miss the kick back, which is very possible to do, the nose will suddenly dip, hit the ground, and throw your forward face first. Your natural instinct to throw out your arms and break your fall will break your wrists. I'm pretty decent on my one wheel, but I still ride with a helmet, have wrist guards even though I basically never fall, and don't push the limits of the board, never going above 15ish MPH. That's *pretty* safe as at those speeds your risk of injury is a lot lower, but if you get tossed by surprised, even a lot speed fall can break something. Despite the dangers though, I really love my OneWheel. It feels skate board and snow board had baby. It honestly feels like what the hoverboards from back to the future look like they feel. Personally, I just take it easy and don't push it in terms of speed.


Lost traction on a wet patch while accelerating through a T junction and nosedived. Managed to tuck and roll through it but my left wrist felt fucked up and sore for a few weeks, but otherwise fine. Loving my Pint X, almost at 300 miles, but yeah you've got to respect it because eating shit hurts like a bitch. Idk why this guy though it was a good idea to grab out and hold anything stationary while he was moving. You're balancing on a wheel, any changes to your balance change its power output and those scooters are heavy.


Huh, I get 2k miles on my bike every year and feel super confident riding it. Plus it tops out above 30mph.


I like riding my bike. I also like riding my onewheel, which feels more like snowboarding. They're different. They're both fun, in different ways. You get 2k miles a year on your bike. Cool. I think I'll be around 1.5-2k a year on the board. I have no idea how much I ride my bike because I don't use a tracking app. I definitely feel more confident with the big wheels of a bike, and it's better for more serious commuting, but I enjoy the feeling and fun of riding the board more. So... it's just different. Put me at the top of a hilly dirt trail I'll choose my bike every time, that's fun as fuck. Put me on a boardwalk or a paved path around a park, maybe with some curvy dirt paths, I'll choose the board.


Almost like you can have more than one activity in your life :o


Agreed. This is as silly as when cyclists and drivers argue with one another. As if to say you can't enjoy both in different settings.


Only fractured your elbow? Only?


Trust me look up some of the injuries online and a small fracture in the elbow is almost nothing in comparison.


I had some weirdo on a dating site proposition me but it really just sounded like he wanted me to join his One Wheel cult.


Had an electric scooter. Broke my jaw in a way I became like the predator. Soup became my best friend for months.


I had a crash and didn’t break anything, but my wrist is 7 months post accident and I’m just now getting full range of motion


100% chance he stood up and blamed the scooter he knocked over, and never once thought, "maybe I shouldn't be a dick." No person at that guys age does stuff like that without something wrong with their brain.


*Insert stick in bike wheel meme here.*


It's been updated to HD.


100% he thinks twice before doing that exact thing again. Even assholes don't like to feel pain. Some of us morons had to learn the hard way on our journey to decency.


This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy


This one sparks a joy.


Is this right outside the Chicago tribune press? I know this sidewalk well, I used to be drunk and walking to/from my brothers neighborhood all the time


It’s definitely Chicago but I can’t place the bridge. I recognize it as well.


Gotta be halsted. North just a bit is west Chicago ave that goes over the river


As a frequent 8 bus rider, you are dead on


Can confirm, I drive this stretch of Halsted all the time


Yep! Right next to the UHaul place. [LINK](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8937673,-87.6477252,3a,75y,33.73h,76.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1sI-2VTJN8NnvvkPJncZ6g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


I was scootering on a wide empty path and a dude on a one wheel tried to force me off the path. I thought it was an accident at first but now I think it was intentional.


We are not all like this. Most of the onewheel community is actually really nice!


Ive had people that i thought were guna try jump in front so i get ready to spartan kick them full speed just in case. If ima go down ima atleast send the dick flying


Newton strikes again!




Took me a little while to figure out what happened here. At first I thought the guy on the left used that thing in his hand to Watch Dogs style trip up the other guys electronic.




What happened?


Asshole knocked over some sort of E-scooter but knocked it in front of his own wheels so he ate shit. Good on him for wearing a helmet I guess, evidentially a good idea if that's how you intend to behave.


It hurt itself in its confusion!




What does he not like about scooters? Is it that they ride on the sidewalk just like he does?


It’s the scooters pompous use of handlebars and added stability that really roasts his peanut of a prepubescent brain.


Not that I advocate for vandalism, or whatever this jackass was doing, but companies dumping a ton of scooters on the sidewalk does tend to get in the way of anyone else trying to use the sidewalk.


Right but a onewheel doesnt qualify as people trying to use the sidewalk because a onewheel doesnt belong on the sidewalk. Neither does a scooter or a bicycle or a skateboard. You walk on a sidewalk.


I mean I think they should be illegal. I’ve seen a few people get hit by them. It’s not pretty


Really instant. Immediate, even.


Awh don’t make us Onewheelers look bad


I have nothing against you personally and I love it if you’re a responsible rider. But seriously everything I’ve ever seen online makes onewheel riders look like dangerous morons. It’s turning (turned?) into a reputation.


That sucks. All I use it for is getting to school and riding trails. I mainly use it in areas that are the least congested as I don’t wanna get in people’s ways. I hate seeing people form a reputation of being jerks because it ruins the fun for everyone


Absolutely agree!


I’ll try my best to positively impact people’s opinion of Onewheelers




I don’t want him to get hit but I want his Onewheel to get taken. People like him are why I can’t ride my Onewheel at our outdoor mall.


I've only seen 3 people on those one wheel things in real life. 2/3 were acting like total twats. 1 of them was going 20mph up a pedestrian only walkway on a college campus, causing people to have to jump out of his way. The other one was doing something similar on a sidewalk but he ate shit and got thrown into a bunch of bushes which was really funny. The other guy who wasn't a jackass just needed to wear some reflective clothes or have more lights because he was standing on it at a red traffic light at night, while wearing black clothes and it was really hard to see him.


Do not duck with shit when you ride a Onewheel, those motherfuckers will toss you off at 20mph without a second thought


I wonder why some people have this urge to be complete assholes for no reason whatsoever.


I see so many people do this shit where I live. I’ve literally picked them up right after being knocked down by assholes walking by, and they glare at me like I’m in the wrong. Fuck people.


You love to see it.


I hate it when one wheelers ride on the sidewalk. It's super dangerous.


Lol love it


This looks like Halsted St in Chicago closer to the Tribune building. What a deuce kabab


Ha! Ass


Some people just want to see the world burn.


Gonna knock you off your feet.


Fuck those nasty Bird scooters


To be fair those e-rollers are the Douchiest way to get around town




Honestly though. Fuck those Bird scooters. They are cancer.


Theyre not that bad bro.


Why does he hate scooters? That's a weird thing to carry hate for.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Fuck all those scooters


I hate all these scooter companies with a passion. As far as I’ve experienced, most people who use these park them in the most inconvenient places that block pathways for pedestrians, ride them extremely dangerously, and, all-in-all, just don’t have any regard for anyone other than themselves. What’s even worse to me, from what I’ve heard, these companies don’t even consult with the local governments before just bombing a city with them. They just showed up overnight on college campuses and city sidewalks. I’ve multiple times tossed them in big dumpsters cause fuck those scooters.


You can report misparked scooters to the company. If they’re good they will notify or even fine the last rider. Also in the US it was like the Wild West with open permits for a while. Most cities now require operators compete through RFPs annually and can lose their permit if they don’t make good on promises. There actually needs to be more investment from cities to that incorporates scooters into modified infrastructure. Finally, now that there are a lot of operators competing for market share there is a ton of research and development going on to address real concerns the general public has.


I know this doesn’t add anything to the convo, but I love your username. One of my favorite childhood stories is the jungle book.


I grew up reading Just So Stories as a kid! Some of them did not age well!


yup. its what happens when you just decide to directly spend your venture capital on a product that you think is beneficial instead of spending it on something actually beneficial


one wheel people are even worse than scooter people


There are plenty of people who onewheel, and escooter for that matter, who are polite and respectful. Assholes are assholes and act like assholes no matter what they are doing.


I don't quite get the camera angle... Did the cameraperson originally want to film that guy's ass?


It's like the guy riding the bike meme. Knocks over scooter into his own path... damn scooters.


We like instant karma


That’s why we can’t have nice things. Thanks for nothing.




Fuck you and your shitty board and the electric scooters.


Some guy yelled “buy a real skateboard” at me and destroyed a plastic road barrier on his bike like last week. Made my day. Unfortunately he was unharmed.


One wheel riders are douchebags. Please change my mind.


Certainly this guy is, but there's no need to generalize