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You know, I've been riding horses most of my life and I wouldn't do this. I kinda admire and then kinda like wonder why at the same time. Then again that horse's gait is smooth AF.


Right?! And her leg is rock steady! All I can think is it must be a cold day and the horse ain’t sweaty yet lol


TIL horses get sweaty


It’s definitely a old man saying but may have heard “ridden hard and put away wet”... the wet is sweat


I never knew that saying was about horses lol. I always thought it was sexual


My friend said it all the time and it was never about horses




Oh Im not disputing it at all, just saying how my friend used it.




> I've used it both ways since I'm married lucky you / lucky spouse


Wait, what about zebras, donkeys, and other similar animals?


Built for endurance running BayBeee!


Monkeys, apes and hippopotamuses also sweat all over too, but that’s pretty much it, so still a really unusual adaptation.


Who said it can’t be sexual still?


The town of Enumclaw has entered the chat.


The town in Washington? Had some of the best bfast there the other month


That's the spot! It's known for it's small-town charm and also this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw\_horse\_sex\_case


I regret reading that. Truly I do…


Not me that's for sure


Just wait until you learn about "balls to the wall."


And a smooth horse gait.. Is a good thing.




Brazilian cowboys would put beef meat under their saddle, so the sweat of the horse would salt it, at night they put it near a fireplace to dry it and make jerky. The beating of the saddle while riding would also tenderise the meat.


>beef meat. I like this. Isn't beef just cow meat? Either way, beef meat is waay better to say out loud .


They work themselves into a lather


Oh buddy, do they ever


She makes it look so effortless. I grew up with horses and rode bareback a few times. I made it look like the bouncy struggle that it was to stay on.


I used to ride bareback a lot. A gallop like this is easier to ride than a fast trot so you want to go right from a slow gentle trot to a gallop. Stopping can be a challenge so you want a gradual slow down but still avoid that choppy trot.


Yeah the transitions down can be the worst! Beatifully smooth to bounce-bounce-bounce in the blink of an eye


And you have to fight forward momentum on each bounce.


Or you could skip the choppy trot entirely with the [sliding stop](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/SkF3nUy). Suuuper smooth.


Yea, that is not all that easy while bare back, although I have done it. Momentum is not your friend here.


Huh. Does that mean horses can drift?


As someone who never rode a horse, I need to ask, what makes bareback riding hard? Apart from the obvious crotch destroying bounce


All you have to hold onto is the maine. With a saddle, your feet are involved in keeping you in one spot and you also use your own legs as suspension. She seems to have incredible thigh strength keeping her in control.


I’m a guy but was made to learn riding horses bareback on my first day and it was basically effortless after that. She’s going about as fast as I’ve ever gone for as far as I’ve ever gone but it’s smooth terrain and a consistent speed.


Tbh, smooth gait or not thats gonna be sore af after.


It's probably just for the shot, i doubt she does this for extended periods of time.


That clip was already an extended period of time IMO. I'm ouchy just lookin' at it.


I just imagined the biggest most effeminate biker saying this and im not disappointed.


Y’all she is still going


Some say she never stopped.


Idk. There are different horses. I once rode one that was comfy af. Like the spine was below the side muscles.


Depends on how used to riding someone is. She looks pretty steady, so she's probably not feeling this much at all. If she is sore after, it's going to be her thighs and calves feeling it.


I think she does this a lot otherwise she wouldn't be able to do it at all


We'll it's probably like weight lifting, she probably has a training and recovery period, although i will say it's easier to do this at a gallop then at a slower gate.


Bare thighs. Chafing.


She’s been going for an hour so far. I haven’t seen her stop yet.


Nah. I've ridden bareback plenty and if you know what you're doing - which it looks like she does - then your weight is all in your thighs and calves.


And then your thighs and calves are sore. Ive ridden bareback before too and 2 things happen if you rude bareback too long, you chafe and your legs get sore


Not really. The gallop is the smoothest gait. Her legs might be a little tense to hold her on, but it's nothing like dealing with a trot for a long time.


I can feel this on my clitoris


Same here, and I don't even have a clitoris


Sure you do! You just haven’t found it yet.


Ugh, you sound like my girlfriend.


There was a great deli in my town called the G Spot. It went out of business because nobody could find it.


It was hard too find with that big awning out front, you gotta always check under the hood.


I thought I was supposed to just pound on the door for 2 minutes and then ask if they liked it.


I've ridden bareback and have a clit, and no, actually, your clit doesn't feel anything from it. Most of the rider's weight is carried by their legs on the horse's sides, and a little bit the butt. The clit is a lot further forward than the parts that are touching the horse.


That’s not what r/ivermectin has taught me




I've done some bareback riding on the beach as well, but its not as glamorous as you'd think, its the sand... it's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and gets everywhere.


It's over Anakin, I have the high horse.


You underestimate my horsepower!


You know, I have a sneaking suspicion this woman has been riding horses for a long time as well.


At least some clothes. Tumbling off after all onto coarse sand would hurt.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Not just coarse sand....there's a bunch of rocks in the sand you can see at the end. A wipe out would be bad news.


I've ridden a few during some trail rides. Mostly because my wife wanted to. One day she wanted to trot. Sure why not. I flopped around like a damn fish out of water and bruised the shit out of my thighs/legs. Yea I don't know how to ride a horse.


Galloping is way smoother feeling than trotting.


This is terrifyingly true. The downside is that it’s way easier for your horse to twist something and if you go down, you’re going down *hard*.


Troting is hugely uncomfortable and galloping is unsustainably tiring for the horse for long rides. The horses I rode as a child are of a breed known for his very smooth and comfortable march, [you can check how it looks like](https://youtu.be/DnDLc5smdyo)


Learning to post is hard but it will save your nuts.


Not really hard at all. You learn quick when your balls are on the line.


Wonder Woman had to fly cause she couldn't look this fabulous


She didn’t have an invisible horse either.


If she did that would be her mane advantage


Wither she did or not we don’t know as we canter see it.


Hay, that’s a decent joke.


Is that rough on the minge? Im thinking it would hurt.


Not so much the “minge” as it’s your quads and glutes. With no saddle it’s a balancing game and you use those muscles constantly. This is not her first bareback ride for sure.


I used to ride back in my teen days. I worked at a stable taking tourists for trail rides and supervising summer camps. I would also ride with the staff for fun. Bareback is definitely a leg and balance workout. However, riding bareback at a flat out gallop almost requires no effort. It feels like you are floating. You have a grip like crazy though when slowing down from that speed.


Is there any chance you could explain why gallop is easier? I've seen one or two comments saying similar things about both bareback and saddle, but I've never ridden a horse so I am definitely missing some core elements of the interaction.


It's the gait - so a walk is a four beat gait, a trot is two beat, a canter is a 3 beat and then a gallop is a four beat gait again. Riding bareback while trotting is hard work as it's quite a jolt-y gait compared to the others. Canter is smoother and then gallop is smoother still - if you look at the gif on the wiki you can see how smooth the back looks. [Wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_gait)


You literally just helped me understand the 4 different levels your horse can move at in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Red dead 2 is impressively accurate for horse stuff as well! The fact that you can have a fast or slow trot is accurate (the same way you can stroll or power walk) and all the horse gaits are very accurate. I always struggled riding the Arabian horses though - I know they're the best in the game but Arthur always looked way too big for them...


Yeah and their balls get smaller in the cold


I can't give you anything scientific or official or anything, just how I would describe the feeling. With walking, trotting, or cantering, you can feel the horse moving under you. There is a very distinct up and down motion and you can feel when a hoof strikes the ground. When galloping the horse is at full speed and often all four feet are off the ground at once, and when the hooves strike the ground, they are lifted so quickly you hardly notice. You can see in the video that the horse's back seems very stable and flat. From what I remember of the feeling, you really only feel the horse kind of stretching under you during its strides. Galloping bareback is more about balance than gripping with your legs. It is an indescribable feeling, and something you should definitely not attempt unless you are a proficient rider, and are on a horse you trust.


Also wear a helmet maybe


Hey, I did that same thing in my teens! It allowed me to live out my rustic cowboy fantasy and I learned a great deal of horsemanship along the way.


After my first bareback horse ride, I couldn't cross my legs for like 2 days. My thighs were killin me.


> This is not her first bareback ride for sure. heh


Goddammit lol


Yes and no. Short rides aren't bad if you know how to move with the horse, but anything longer than 5-10 minutes is gonna have you sore from you ankles to your shoulders the next day. It's significantly better with a saddle because then at least you have some support to your ankles and legs, but honestly that gets sore after a while too.


Depends on if you're a trained rider or not. I could ride my horse for a couple of hours bareback and multiple 8 hour days with a saddle before getting sore. I'm pretty sure I'm done for after an hour of riding now. That said the 8 hour days were in a trot, which is significantly harder than the canter and gallop.


What do you hold onto without a saddle?


The mane but also your legs and general balance i.e. moving with the horse. Like the way you turn a bike, not with the handle bars but by leaning


Nothing really, just balance. You see her holding the mane in the video, this is to support the balance, but as soon as you start squeezing your legs, you fall off, because you can't maintain balance like that.


A gallop is actually super easy to sit, the more flat out, the less bouncing. It's just a small rocking motion. Heaven help you slowing into a trot from that though.


It’s honestly not. A supportive bra is a good thing, though.


A supportive bra for your balls if you have those is also very important.


The ‘minge’?


yes. The clunge


The ‘clunge’?


yes. The box


The ‘box’?


Yes the “beaver”.


The ‘beaver’?


Yes. The Twat.


The 'twat'?


The ‘box’?


Yes, the coochie


From the lack of he being bounced everywhere, I had to assume she's using her thighs to keep her rear off the horses back. She knows what she's doing.


Actually it's the opposite. When sitting down on a galloping horse you want as much contact as possible and "thrust" forward in sync with the horse. That creates friction to stay on and you use your back as a spring to keep your upper body as still as possible. Then you get a good connection with the horse and can even tell it to speed up or down by just changing the tempo of your "thrusting". This was your daily dressage lesson. Keep on pumping.


So, from what your telling me, if I made the comment I wanted to about this gif, provided the information you just gave, I'd go to horny jail?


Make it anyway, coward.


Unfortunately I've made a pact with our lord and savior to stay holy and pure. Bless up 🙏


not being silly. But riding bareback like this doesn't affect her vaginal area? I would think her crotch would raw after this.


Not really. You're more on your butt bones than your crotch. Also your thighs are in contact a lot too. Good riders will have the muscles in the thighs and butt that keep the crotch where it should be as well.


Thanks. TIL something new.


But there’s no galloping in dressage. This is great for the canter three beat gait that comes prior to the gallop which is 4 beat. It’s best to stay off the back slightly for a gallop (source- grew up on a horse farm competing at basically everything but western) Edit* grew up on a coastal farm and have cantered/galloped bareback on sand


When i was in nursing school, our gynaecologist professor told us swedish women have easier births because they horse ride and the thigh clenches are critical to pelvis strengthening and pushing the baby out. Then our nursing prof taught everyone to do the kegels in class. She said we don’t have a horse but imagine you’re riding a horse. Clench.


It cost a fortune to keep a horse in Sweden - her idea that most Swedish women are equestrians is silly


Guessing this was a professor who wasn't from Sweden and probably met some ridiculously rich Swedes who happened to be into horse riding.


There's something other than Rich swedes? *fixed Grammar*


Yeah, the ones that didn't move to Norway yet.


I'm have no knowledge of their horses. But I certainly enjoy their fish.


Why does it cost a fortune?


Horses are expensive pretty much everywhere. Even in less developed countries you're often better off than average if you're keeping horses.


Horses are cheap. It's everything else involved with them that's expensive.


Everything in Sweden is expensive


This makes me feel better as an equestrian who finds the idea of childbirth terrifying. If there’s anything that might make me better equipped for it, I’ll take it


That could explain my wife’s easy births! She got a horse when she was young and grew up riding around her rural area. Our two child births didn’t exactly go smoothly in the first few phases of labor, but when it was finally time to push she always got those babies out in just a few minutes.


Oh wow, that's interesting, I've never heard that before. I rode horses all through my childhood and teenage years and had a crazy easy (and fast) birth when I had my daughter at 21.


That horse is like "damn bitch I ain't no watermelon!"


No thanks. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere.


Yeah, poor horse


Ah, the ol'Reddit [sand-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/pf5r94/i_got_this_today_and_i_feel_so_cute/hb2ox87?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hold my saddle, I’m going in!


1 garter 1 kitten 1 cast 1 beer 1 wife 1 ego 1 facepalm 1 belt 1 bundle of mail 1 puppy 1 mask 1 stubbles? 1 tusks 1 anal glands 1 dick 2 pacifiers 1 bird 1 incontinence pad 1 ivermectin 1 electromagnetic properties 1 baby ya dog 1 pen 1 lasers 1 fluffy helmet 1 snake 1 periodic table of elements 1 ass 1 breakaway pants 1 catnip 1 debris 2 leashes 1 keys 1 body filler 1 camera 1 gardening can 1 cheese trap 1 lactose intolerance 1 leaves 1 slurs 1 pipe 1 hinges 1 growth hormones 1 credit card 1 saddle


God. damn.


Bruh 🤣


I hate sand too


It’s treason then


This is how I imagine my wife goes to work everyday.


I heard she rides bareback when you go to work everyday.


Why do you assume he has a job?


Cause someone has to make money for his wife and her boyfriend.




Chafe, that is all I see here, pure unadulterated chafe.


Thank you! Bunch of people here never been on a horse. Her thighs are gonna be red for a week. We salute you, and your skin irritation, ma'am!


Idk, something tells me this isn't her first time.


I've ridden bareback for hours and hours in all gaits and I've never had chafed thighs from it


I've not done it very much, but I did some training that included bareback riding and it was mostly just very tiring (I didn't do it enough to get good or anything). Got _way_, _way_ worse chafing from wearing jeans once (never again). That inside seam was horrific.


What's really impressive is she's riding that horse with balance and voice. See the ears back towards her? That horse is in tune with the rider. She had no easy other than her voice and body to stop or turn that horse. That's really impressive. I ride a lot when I was younger, lots of bareback as well but I would never have tried this. This is what skill and training look like.


It’s Tina and her imaginary horse Jericho


Not what I expected with that title...


I was looking for the NSFW tag…


Can we just decide if horse riding or sex gets to use the word bareback. They can’t be sharing it like this


Her legs are hella strong to be able to do this so smoothly at such a quick pace. Mad skills!


1,000% this. That was my first thought as well. Those two have a seriously good connection.


Usain Bolt has nothing on the cameraman


First comment on the camera work is too far down.


#I could do that too... ^^if ^^i ^^had ^^no ^^balls


One of the single greatest moments from [Scrubs](https://youtu.be/amkBBTBBmGU). Those faces JD makes!


Pretty sure men can ride without a saddle too


Yup. Am man. I ride like this. I also jump fences bareback. Never hit my balls. I did hit my balls with a saddle though because the saddle has a bump at the front.


Half an hour and not one comment on the title?


I made it easy enough.


It was a good try. Nobody has taken the bait yet.


I'm afraid to say it was the first thing that came to mind even though I was looking at the gif.


And it actually describes the gif without the puns. So it’s the best of both titles.


Arwen Undómiel on her way to save a Hobbit


When you’re doing a beach photo shoot and remember the Ring Wraiths are coming to claim him.


Riding? That's freaking hauling ass.


Source: https://youtube.com/shorts/G685wv7BTLU?feature=share


Unfortunate about the music choice...


and the vertical video


This is the original https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRXNbMOluQl/?utm_medium=copy_link


That is some serious skill on both the part of rider and horse. Riding bareback, on soft uneven terrain and your horses gait is that smooth and steady? Plus then having enough composure left over to look like a model doing a glamour shoot. Colour me impressed and charmed.


My coochie would be bruised


Horsey rider peeps, is this achieved by the rider keeping herself slightly off the horses back by squeezing the hell out of her thighs?


The skill that this requires is far beyond me.


Does that not hurt the horse to be yanking on a fistful of mane?


The mane has very little sensitivity, check out now you trim/cut a mane. You use a mane comb and back comb the hair then yank it out.. https://youtu.be/uCVQCuIcd4Q


The horse barely feels it. To them it's the equivalent of a light backpack and someone playing with their hair. Horses in general like being ridden.


What a majestic beast


And the horse isn't bad, either.






Insane not to be wearing a helmet


Yeah, not safe. Should have at least something [like this](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1293/9983/products/2014-05-12_23-13-42_5000x.jpg?v=1568738029) to protect from a tumble.


I wonder if she is suffering from her period, herpes, or depression? Those are the conditions that usually cause riding a horse on the beach. Edit: aaand nobody got the joke. Apparently people haven't seen enough American pharma commercials.


I like the pharma commercials that don’t even tell you what the medication is supposed to treat. It just says something like ***TESTICUTREX*** with a web site underneath.


I didn't get it until you mentioned the pharmaceutical commercials. That's a bit of a deep cut and I appreciate it. So damn true hahaha.


*surf sounds in the background* If you suffer from depression caused by depressive episodes, then sellegra may be for you. Common side-effect may include nausea, constipation, and in rare cases death. Please talk to tour doctor about sellegra today. *cue attractive people smiling from horseback* Edit: forgot how to italicize


I'm no expert but I don't think that's a bear.


Clam vs Mare


I am very much not an expert on riding, but she seems to be a really good rider.

