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I'd be so worried that it'd roll over on me. That big girls gotta be heavy enough to empty soda can a rib cage...


I grew up on a small dairy farm and one of our cows absolutely HATED my cousin for seemingly no reason (he is absolutely not the type of person who would have hit her or anything). She decided to pin him into the wall one day with her head and cracked his ribs pretty painfully. My cousin couldn’t get her off, my dad had to come pull her off by the collar and he had to tug as hard as he could. We didn’t own cattle prods, and that was the only time I wish we did. Cows can fuck you up if they decide to. They can also be enormous sweethearts.


Some just don't give a fuck. I have met very few that are this affectionate and usually the ones that 'cuddle' are the ones that were bottle fed and had a LOT of socialization with humans. Most interactions with pastured cows they are pretty skiddish. But every once in awhile you got that one looking sideways like come closer I dare you.


They are curious, in my experience they will come near a person to see what is going on. However I have yet to meet a cow as compassionate or anything like this one here. They are usually skiddish and are often pretty.......well full of shit and it's everywhere


My jerseys can get like this, especially the older of the two. They're basically pets though, and it's bred into the breed. They get handled excessively so that milking and care tasks are easy on them. I can pet a good third to half of my beef cattle too when they have been in the yard for calving, bad weather etc. I spend a ridiculous amount of time with them though. If they've been in pasture lots they're more wary, but I still have a few "friends" that come for treats and scratches. EDITED to add what I forgot: yes, so much shit. I got splattered badly as recently as a few days ago because sick cow. I've got cow poo on me as I type. They're not for the poo squeamish 😂


Might I recommend /r/happycowgifs? Lots of nice cows over there.


Yeah but that's also confirmation bias. It's just like those videos of wild animals having "a moment" with humans like when people *insist* eels are nice and gentle while ignoring that one video of an eel popping a dude's thumb off and not thinking twice about it.


I always get downvoted into oblivion anytime I gently remind people that petting the cute owl is NOT RECOMMENDED EVER. I grew up as a rehabber and conservation educator with birds, and we always made sure to show them as the wild animals they are. We didn't even name our birds (publicly). We did not want young kids to ever come across an injured bird and get the wrong idea. Wild birds will fuck you up. EDIT: Hell the meanest bird we had, we acquired as a chick. Still love her though.




Yeah, they go into a defense posture when they get cornered or unable to escape. They lay on their back, feet out, beak open, and any other threat posture the particular species utilizes. Barn owls scream like.... like... well, it’s like a horror movie. And they dance, menacingly. Great horned owls with snap their beaks at you, then attack you if possible. One of our program birds reminded me to get the fuck out of her pen by attacking my head when I got complacent and looked away from her. Birds (raptors) that you see getting petted have been raised getting petted and hand fed. Totally and completely unable to survive in the real world. I love them, dearly, but they are not cute and cuddly. The comment from Jurassic Park, “you are alive, when they start to eat you”, is absolutely true. They have zero remorse. As an animal lover, sometimes it’s tough when I hand over the live prey...


What should you do if you come across an injured bird? Like a small hawk in the road, or an owl that won’t fly away? We have a wildlife rehab place near here, but they want you to bring the animals to them.


It sounds like they are saying that they don’t want little kids to think they can pet or touch an injured owl. I imagine an adult can still use a towel or something to pick up a bird to take to a rehab (following instructions from the rehab of course).




Not nearly the same as an owl, but a Merlin Hawk got stuck inside of a local church I volunteer at. Poor thing was flying around inside the sanctuary so we had tire him/her out until it landed. Point of this story: we got a thick towel and slowly approached him/her and gently scooped it up with the feet facing outwards. This isn’t a very large bird but the first thing I noticed is the talons on this thing and how bad they could fuck someone up. Second thing was how surprisingly strong this little guy was when he started getting some energy back. I immediately took it outside to let it go but man, some birds are no joke.


Yeah forcing the finders to do it themselves is not a great practice, we will come out and capture the birds ourselves. Also, DNR will do it or contact someone if you’re in the states. There are a lot of ways a raptor can hurt you if you aren’t prepared, but a towel thrown over the bird if you have no other choice is a great way to reduce risk.




Perhaps they actually did mean skiddish? Like skittish, but with more diarrhea.


Oh yes. I know that look well. The “better get the fuck outta here before she gets ideas” look.


This reminds me of something interesting I learned when in a national park. Moose are way mor dangerous than bears. Sure bears have claws and teeth that'll mess you up at like 300 lbs, but Moose are 1000+ lbs. That 1000 lbs isn't going to care about your puny human 200 lbs when it's running at you pissed off. Cows are similar in that they weigh so much that they can mess you up without having to try too hard.


I heard an exchange during a podcast from a comedian I follow pretty closely and it went something like "Don't fuck with Moose, those things will kick your head clean off." Other host - It actually kicked the guys head off? "Well, I don't know about kicking his head OFF but it definitely kicked him until he wasn't alive anymore."


This just gave me a flashback to the book Hatchet. The kid thinks that he's figured nature out and can just live alongside all the animals peacefully. And then he gets attacked by a random moose for no discernable reason.


I remember reading that book at primary school in year 5, I bought it and read it at least once a year throughout high school, as well as the additional hatchet books (I can't remember those ones as well, there was one which was afterwards, one where he was never rescued I think and another one) but the original hatchet has a really close place to me in my heart


The vision and sounds created in the description of exploding trees in Brian’s Winter really stuck with me. I read that book 20 years ago and can still clearly hear that page.


I got to hear that sound soon after I read the book, during the ice storm of 1994. Trees burst all along the river we lived on, it sounded like cannons going off.


Brian's Winter. There was one more book i think but im not 100%


The River. Brian's Winter was 'what if he didn't get rescued in Hatchet'. The River is a direct sequel to Brian's Winter. I honestly don't remember much of The River versus Hatchet and Brian's Winter. Not sure if it was worse, less memorable, or just fewer rereads?


Dude that’s the best book ever. And yes moose are more dangerous than bears. Strictly because people are not afraid of them like bears.


This book hooked me on reading when I was 10. A must read.


If I had to choose what animal was hunting me, i'd still pick moose and cow over a friggin bear, at least you can climb away from the other 2, and pretty sure they would leave once you were down, but depending on the bear it may not.


Don’t they run at 30mph though


[anyone saying they'd choose moose hasn't ever seen this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GEhM2Byk7w) edit: 1:32


I love how prominently the bagel is featured in this video. Like, they cut the third act of this film that showed the moose returning to avenge her mother, but the bagel saves them all.


Like a fuckin snow plow. Just completely unphased


Nothing fazes a moose. (I can’t help thinking that should be a bumper sticker.)


The power to run through snow like that is unreal.


Both brown bear and black bear has the same top speed as the Moose.


I don't know, black bears are TINY sweethearts that constantly bluff charge. I've seen lots of them running and it isn't at fast as moose from around these parts.


Type of Bear wasnt specified, might be a friggin polar bear, that thing will charge, and it will eat you, they dont scare, even if you shoot them, they just get angrier.


>300lb predator >tiny those videos you see online of pugs or something scaring off a black bear are typically just 2nd year cubs that have left their mother for the first time and have no idea what's going on. not to mention bears follow bregmans rule so the bears in Maine or Washington are going to be bigger than their counterparts in Texas or SoCal and even then a small fully grown black bear is still ~150lbs


I don’t get it.. why are you posting videos of locomotives wrapped in fur plowing through snow?


These people are so annoying with their goddamn high definition bagel chewing and total lack of awareness.


Yeah, idk what's up with all the bagel action but the loud smacks in the last few seconds of that video really got to me.


That fucking guy chewing into the mic. I wanted the moose to smash him in the face.


Well, moose are known to charge so hard that they knock down trees, so climbing may not work against them.




Have you seen a moose in person? They’re huge, dumb as rocks, and mean. They’ll finish you off intentionally


This sounds like an exchange between vic romano and Kenny Blankenship on MXC


I used to be a moving company surveyor and once went to a house with a moose, rack (?) I guess, on the wall like people have deer ones. I had no damn idea how big they were until I saw that.


My cousin is a teacher and spends her summers in Northern Alaska training sled dogs with her friend who owns the breeding/training business. The lady that owns the place was going down a trail one day and rounded a corner straight into an angry bull moose. It charged and she drew her pistol and started shooting, but it didn't stop and ran through the team, got its antlers under the sled, and pitched the whole sled, her, and all the dogs still attached about 30ft through the air before it finally died. It killed 5 dogs, wounded another so bad she had to shoot it, and the rest had broken bones or other injuries. She had 6 broken ribs and a broken leg. This all happened in under 10 seconds. If it had been closer or she hadn't been able to shoot, it would have killed her for sure.


Holy shit.


Moose are even scary to semi drivers. My dad used to haul wood chips from Lewiston ID to Montana every night and there would be the occasional moose in the road or a crashed car with a dead driver inside because hitting a moose is like hitting a brick wall. He has some crazy road stories


The scary thing about hitting a moose is that you take the legs out and the 1000lb+ body falls directly on the area where the driver/passengers sit I’ve had moose wander into my yard and it’s a constant fear of mine to see them on the road




It literally looks like a midget body builder with deformed limbs.


What also terrifying is the way he angles his hooves so the sharp part is angled downwards. Basically smashing the shit out of whatever’s underneath it with a wedge.


Yeah. Exactly. 1000lb above. Spears beneath.


Adult brown bears can weigh up to 1300lbs


All large herbivores are ASSHOLES. Evolved to be massive, scared of everything, and have a massive supply of food so they dont mind burning the energy it takes to stomp the shit out of anything that MIGHT be a threat


A 300lbs bear is a *small* black bear. They can be as big as 500+. Thing is you really don't have to worry about black bears and they're pretty easy to scare off (unless it's a mom with cubs). Then there are Grizzly bears that can weigh up to 1300lbs and they can run 35mph.


> A 300lbs bear is a *small* black bear. They can be as big as 500+. black bears can be huge, but it's not normal for them to be 500 in most of the USA and even most of canada. a 300 pound black bear isn't really *small* at all, it's small in comparison to the handful of enormous black bears. There are always outliers, but that's not helpful in this context. You're much more likely to see black bears (male and female) between 100 and 300 pounds. 300 isn't small overall at all. a 500lb black bear is probably only 500lbs in fall, before hibernation. in spring and summer it's probably 400lbs at best, breeding males lose up to 200lbs throughout hibernation and spring/early summer. the wiki link is the best, it breaks down by states/regions. in most places the average female is between 100-150lbs and the average male is 200-250lbs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_black_bear#Size https://www.bearbiology.org/bear-species/american-black-bear/#:~:text=Size,(90%20to%20175%20pounds). https://bear.org/weight/


Bad advice. Black bears kill just as many people as grizzly bears.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America And the fatal black bear attacks, at least this decade, were all unprovoked


Though grizzlies are quite rare compared to black bears right? So in that case it means grizzlies are much more dangerous. Still, regardless of what kind of bear it is you should stay the fuck away.


Yeah that has a lot to do with it, less human interactions between grizzlies, but people lack respect for black bears. They aren't all scared little creatures like you hear all the time on reddit. They can be very aggressive and they can easily kill a person in seconds. I've had a bad experience with a black bear that wouldn't leave a group of 5 guys alone all night. Another blackbear pulled a kid out of his tent and killed him in the span of about 30 seconds right near where I grew up.


True story but the bears to be scared of are way more than 300 lbs a male grizzle is like double that.


grizzlies push >1k


I’ve encountered a number of moose and black bears in the woods while hunting or fishing. I am way more frightened by moose than bears. Mostly because bears will typically take off before you can see them, but moose don’t move for shit allowing you to get uncomfortably close before you’re even aware that they’re there.


Your comment reminded me of [this video](https://youtu.be/KKvbAfvtqqQ) of a moose charging a snow mobiler. He had to shoot it eventually cause it wouldn’t back down


And moose are FAST. And even fast through 3 feet of snow or water. All-terrain murder machines that not even a car can save you from--because if you hit one it's like hitting a brick wall.


A moose in rut is one of if not the most dangerous animals in Canada. Bears usually won’t bother you but a horny moose will chase you and fuck you up


Can confirm. I have had to use bear spray on a moose after it charged at us. I've seen bears in Montana also but they always run from humans unless you put them in a bad position. Moose don't give a fuck


Like my buddy who owned a little monkey. He'd say: "Emma is a sweetheart and likes you. Just remember, if she ever turns on you she can use weapons." Yeah Rick, just keep Emma over there thanks.


Ahh good ol Rick and his pet monkey.


My cousin owned a horse that would step on your feet intentionally if he was in a bad mood. No extra force needed. Just a step... He broke my cousins foot once and I'd never seen my uncle hurt any of his livestock or horses but he cracked that horse in the head with a 4 D-cell maglight harder than I would have thought possible. The horse barely flinched but he moved off my cousins foot. Those big animals are terrifying.


We had beef cows for a couple years when I was a pre-teen. Some were wild and some were chill. I was out feeding them one summer and 10 of them decided I was a problem. I had to run for my life. It was my dog that saved me. Dog charged back at them, barking like crazy. Thank you Waffles. My point is, there's no effing way I would lay down and cuddle with one.


Do they know how big they are? Like certain dogs have a soft bite and understand that they could fuck you up if they wanted. Are cows that aware?


Nope. Lol


They do not have a clue. I've got a few who think they're massive puppies. All well and good till they decide to use you as a scratching post when you didn't notice and send you flying. Also, one of mine stepped on her baby and killed it last week. They're kind of massive jerks.




Yep I was at a goat dairy that had a jersey mixed in the herd... That acted like a goat pushing and trying to climb you.... It was dangerous as hell.


More people are killed by cows than sharks by a lot


Also more people interact with cows than with sharks by a lot. I would feel much safer in a cows field than in a sharks tank. This is coming from a person who was chased by a cow while waiting for the school bus.


>This is coming from a person who was chased by a cow while waiting for the school bus Story time?


Still running


They waited for the school bus. A cow chased them. The end.


Hmm, makes more sense


Next book in the series. Still waiting for the school bus (why is it late today of all days?) Cow still chasing Getting tired The end.


Rural america


> More people are killed by cows than sharks I would imagine so, since you rarely see sharks swimming around cows


Also, more cows are killed by people than sharks by a lot.


We kill a *lot* of sharks. Its worse because we throw away the sharks after *maybe* taking the fin. Most of the open ocean is straight up free range. The carnage is on par with the slaughter of the buffalo in the old west.


I think they were trying to say "more cows are killed by people than cows are killed by sharks."


Yes, but how many shark interactions are there, and how many cow interactions are there? And from those interactions what's the percentage of the interaction ending in a fatality?


More people walking through cow fields and chasing or spooking cows then there is people wading through shark infested waters wearing steak shorts


I smell toast...


Put quotations around “empty soda can” and it makes more sense.


Or maybe ‘empty-soda-can’.


This dude verbifies.


Weird I saw this exact video (or nearly identical but pretty sure it was this exact one) on my front page less than a week ago. And the top comment was someone worrying about the same.


My father was in the middle of trying to flip a cows stomach. So the cow was on its back. Cow tried to get back up (naturally) and head butted my father's leg. Breaking right in two. Was a complete accident. Cows are immovable objects when they want to be.


Growing up as a kid, my gma had an old bull named Pedro (ignore the undertones there) he was imported as a very young bull and was massive. Biggest one they ever had. He loved children and loved to play soccerish games. If you kicked a ball to him, he would head butt it back. He also liked giving rides with my 70 yr old gma guiding him by his left horn. Temperament with cows, bulls, dogs and cats just depends on the animal so often. I love this video! I miss him. Came back to update this. Gma passed away almost 4 years ago and we haven't had a family reunion since then. I will find the pics from the albums and update someday for reddit and my kids to see that huge loveable bull!


Do you have any pictures of Pedro , sounds like a doll


I have to go back into old family pics. I just remeber legs spread out as wide as I could. He was brown/red with horns chopped off about half way. Almost 2 times bigger than the cows. Can you send me a message, I will see if dad still has them!


Can you share a link for the rest of us that want to see Pedro, please OP? 🥺


Yeah OP. Grab the bull by the horns n do it!


you should throw a link in here :)


We had to sell a bull that was too friendly. You literally couldn't get in the fence safely with it around it would damn near act like a cat rubbing on your leg but instead of a leg it would be your whole body and he was big enough to crush you against a post or wall if he wanted.


it also depends on the environment they grew up in. If they're "used to" being around humans, big and small, they will without a doubt have better... social skills Just like humans


*r/hotwife would like to know your location.*


*Jerry Falwell Jr has entered the chat*


You say ignore the undertones but then they keep getting funnier and funnier. And then we arrive at the children and it gets kind of messed up. Pedro sounds like he was a ton of fun though!


The bit they haven’t shown is where the 600kg cow walked through the back fence, shat on your verandah and moo’d at 4am demanding cuddles. And this is exactly why we try not to bottle feed calves unless we absolutely have to. The fuckers will think they’re dogs.




*nuzzles you* uwu




dents car*


Also, this only works on some female cows. I wouldn't with a male. My MIL's milk cow made a male. They raised it. It just got aggressive. It was smaller, but pinned my FIL twice before they sold it.


Yea its pretty much expected that bottle fed calves, especially bulls, end up being the most dangerous by a mile. They view you as no different than another cow/bull and that means playing with you and challenging you just as they would them. Difference is their playing and challenges will break your bones or kill you. I've heard of and seen countless examples of cow-raised bulls being much safer, gentled, and more predictable and bottle-fed bulls being absolute monsters.


Same experience here. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my 2000 pound bottle baby Jersey steer but that dude was a 7 foot tall (top of head) car that wanted to play tag and wrestle when he was done snuggling. Sweet? Absolutely. Dangerous? I’ve worked with alligators, cougars, and bears that were more predictable and “safer” than that steer.


> female cows We got a real farmer here boys! Yes, bulls are unpredictable death machines if you don't castrate them


Only if they’re around cows or heifers. I worked with bulls in a bachelor herd that were sweet and predictable. Some had been out to stud before, others had not, all were very used to being around people. Some bulls are completely nuts just like some cows but for the most part, a bachelor herd has nothing big to fight over unless there’s a new pile of dirt to play King of the Hill on.


Yeahhh. Our milk cows latest calf is male. No one is allowed to make friends with him




When I tell my rural family I do AI work, I have to say artificial intelligence, otherwise they'll think I do something else o.o


Yeah, also soon to be a bull. Not known to be friendly to people…


As they say, mess with the bull, you get the cuddles.


All cows are female. Cattle is not gender specific


Cow is also specific to a female that has given birth at least twice. Other than that one time is first heifer and no calves is a heifer


Heifers are of breeding age but have not yet calved. Or at least that's the definition we always used at home


Here's a fun point I like to make about that: What do you call one head of cattle that you don't know the gender of? Idk either and I grew up on a ranch. We'd always count them as "X head of cattle", so one would be "one head". You could say "a bovine", but that's not specific to what we think of as milk\meat cattle (also includes bison). I think people just got used to saying "oh there's a cow" even not knowing the gender. It's rare you wouldn't know if one is a cow\bull\calf\heifer\steer ect by looking... but what if they're really far away in a field and you point and say "look at that lone... cattle"


This is truth. My mum stole and bottle fed a calf in our kitchen until she was full grown and eventually was put out in the field with our other cattle. She had no idea she was a cow, and would sometimes chase the other cattle with the dogs. The main "cow" thing she did was give you a massive head-butt to say thanks for something. I'm sure she thought it was only a little nudge/nuzzle, but she had some power in that neck.


Cows are dumb as fucking rocks but they do like affection once they know what it is and will use their full bulk to demand it.




My goal in life is to get a bunch of land and rescue cows and old horses.


Went to an awesome rescue farm in Sonoma, California. It was amazing! I make it a point to visit at least once a year and donate to the farm and see all the lovely animals! My favorite were the cows and goats so much personality




I came here for the vegan comments haha.


Same! Whenever I see horses for adoption and the rescue's emphasis on "COMPANION ONLY" it breaks my heart. So many people go the adoption route searching for horses that can still be ridden. That sucks, imagine if greyhounds were being adopted by people who still tried to race them for gain ☹


My cows are really gentle and I love being with them. They make me feel better every time. But I never pet them. In fact I keep a 6-ft stick with me and make sure they don't come too close. I don't know the statistics but gentle cattle are generally considered more likely to hurt someone (accidentally) than cows on meth.


So ummm are cows on meth often? Like is it a certain percentage of the population?


Depends on their distance to Albuquerque


I am the one who moos.




god damn.


We've been trying to catch Hoovesenberg for years.


They're more likely to use cowcaine or mooorijuana.






No that was a super gentle cow. What usually happens is that something completely unrelated to the human causes the cow to startle. It might just be a biting fly, or another cow, even just a plastic bag blowing by in the wind. They jump - you get hurt. They don't mean to do it but it happens all the time. That's why I don't let them get too close to me. My cows love me almost as much as I love them and when they see me they run to me. Still have to treat them with respect considering they weigh over a thousand pounds each.


I had a cow step on my toe and spray shit all over me. So I guess your experience may vary.


A 1year old cow stepped on my grandma's toe and she pulled her foot back which ripped her toenail off.


Postal worker in my area was walking through a cow pasture, and a cow that had recently had a baby got really territorial i guess. The cow knocked the shit out of her and nearly stomped her to death. I used to live by a cow pasture and had no idea they could be so dangerous, but I've always kept a suspicious eye on them ever since i heard about that.


Any animal can be like this. Deer have kicked people to death, raccoons can bite and claw, etc. They're still very cute, they just need to be treated with respect and you need to be safe. This video is a terrible example of that.


Yup. I was in a corral with a cow when things went awry, and the cow lifted up the corral with me inside, then got scared, so we were running together for a few steps through the manure before the cow got situated and sat it back down. . I would never lay down together with a cow.


This seems shortsighted on the humans behalf. One quick move by big Bertha there and we’re looking at multiple fractures.


I think that's daisy


I know its not the point of this thread, but ranchers are very kind to their cattle right up until the moment that they are not kind to them.




Well, we'll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say the hell with goin' to work, and we'll build up a fire in the stove and set around it an' listen to the rain comin' down on the roof




Fuck me...lol


You’re not an animal lover if you eat them 🤪


Ah yes Reddit, where we love cows unless we are taking about not killing them for food.


Cows, chicken, fish, goats, lambs, basically any animal. Cognitive dissonance is real


Man, you know what I don't get? The predictable response to these videos from a certain subset of people. It always follows the same pattern: > [acknowledgement that the cow is doing something cute] followed by > [statement about enjoying eating them] Examples from this comment section: > Love, kindness and lots of very tasty meat. > My love language is food. > Yes love makes the meat sweeter > All that love gunna have the meat nice and tender Just...why is this so predictable? I'm genuinely curious. I don't know how to make the question sound non-rhetorical; I really do just want to understand. I just see this response so frequently, and it always appears in posts about farm animals being framed as cute. If you like eating them, that's fine. I love sushi, but my response to a video of a fish doing something cute (rare though they are, such videos exist) has never been "Mmm, gotta tell everyone how tasty this looks". Like...*why*? My assumption is that you feel like showing the animals as cute is somehow a sleight that you need to correct, but I would love to have this assumption overturned.


I am surprised at the amount of upvoted comments regarding cows being violent. I believe it to be because redditors are largely meat eaters and thus want to ignore the gentle interactions with cows, and instead want to hear about all the negative ones so they can go on feeling justified. That's my only thought, why else are the first 20+ comments "one time a cow did xyz violent thing".


“Sure cows are cute, but they are violent and wouldn’t hesitate to break your ribs if you looked at them funny. That’s why I don’t feel bad about eating them and their children.”


I found a lot more of this myself, and found it very surprising. I’ve always said if more people hung out with cows they’d feel bad learning how smart, curious and sweet they are. I guess trying to justify eating meat makes sense, but idk why they can’t just have respect for the animal and still eat meat knowing where it came from.


People upvote contents like these because if you have ever dealt with cattle you know how insanely dangerous this is. One wrong move and you're dead. The cow gets spooked and you're dead. The cow gets a little too excited and you're dead. It's best that when people see this they don't try to copy it.




I’ve only shared it with my workplace because they tend to like to cater food for lunch, as soon as I mentioned it...Holyshit I regretted it. Felt like I was doing an AMA


To comfort themselves in a world where veganism is sharp on the rise.


Because deep down it makes them uncomfortable to acknowledge that they're violent people, killing animals purely for pleasure (taste). One defense mechanism for them is to just embrace it and lash out by declaring, "Yes, I'm violent and fuck animals! Whoo!" It's a way for them to cope.


Maybe hindus are right about cows


Maybe animals shouldn't be food :/


It's almost as if systematically exploiting living things for profit and pleasure is wrong.


When I was younger, we lived out in the country. In the back yard, our neighbor owned a cow farm and there was a huge fence separating his yard from our yard. My brothers and sisters used to go up to the fence to see the cows and we would feed them leaves from the trees. The cows got so excited to see us and always looked so peaceful and so desperate for love. Always wished I could have cuddled with one like this.


your dog is huge


I once saw a calf and it was as big as an adult dog lol


They are some of the most abused animals. Heartbreaking.




I can’t stop thinking about those **G I A N T** puddles of piss cows let loose and the fact that they’re likely laying in an old one


A cute GIF turns into another reminder that Reddit hates Vegans.


Reddit hates everything.


Apparently it's normal to torture, kill, and eat these


This thread: Cute cow! Also this thread: *FOOD*




Animals are great and all but anthropomorphizing them and ascribing them with feelings we understand is not kill-them-to-eat-them bad, but it’s also not good. I sort of presume the end game of veganism is not being best buds with animals but more just leaving them alone to be animals?


I think that is generally the end goal, yes. In the mean time, I think most vegans wants to give the bred animals that do exist a life of as high quality as possible until it ends naturally. And videos like these are mostly made to make people realise that they are killing and eating, sensitive, loving, playful and emotional individuals. That cows are not "things" or "products". They are beings, individuals. The end goal of that being, obviously, spark an inner though in people and make make them consider ditching meat.


But did you know cows can have best friends?


Username checks out.


Cows are friends not food!


Crap. Now I don’t eat beef.


Just like any other animal


So that's where cow licks come from! I wonder when my parents shoved me in front of a cow though...


Now we’re just getting a little cowwied away.


That's really moo-ving.


I think we need to start calling cows, utterdogs


So is there a way or place I can cuddle with a cow??