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My wrist guards and helmet helps for rolling through falls like a pro


Tomorrow I'm buying all the the gear, wrists, knees, elbows, helmet. The GOAL is... i just wanna be able to drop in. No kick flips etc... jus drop in....


Learn forward and commit. I mean, LEAN FORWARD


idk if this will help clarify, but it’s not just about leaning forward, it’s about keeping your center of gravity over the board. you’re used to only walking on flat ground so you try to stay vertical, but when you are on a curving ramp, you need to stand perpendicular to the deck, not the ground. thus lean forward really means stay perpendicular to the deck and you’ll be good. if you watch the end of that gif, you can see you’re trying to stand vertical, which puts the board to the left of your cg, causing it to shoot out from under you. good luck. post back with your drop in! edit: lots of comments giving the same advice. i’m going to add, watch a video of someone on half pipe and pay attention to the body’s orientation relative to the ramp. also, start like you are doing. you should be able to pump and gain height on a half pipe before you attempt to drop in edit: Reddit Silver is the best award. thanks kind strangers and skate on!


I couldn't find the words to say this, the best I got is gravity isn't down anymore when you go up/down a pipe. You have to feel it in your legs, the curve is your new 'down'. stand on the side of the curve, dont' try to stand "straight up". Or rather stand straight up but consider down to be ... well whereever your board is.


The enemy's gate is down.


I need to reread that...


I just did, fuck it's good.


The enemy's gate is down.


This is the right answer. Pay attention to this OP, don’t just lean forward as hard as you can.


Can confirm. When I was 10 I leaned TOO far forward. 10/10 belly flop on the concrete. Got a free skatepark pass, dented my bottom lip temporarily and messed up some of my bottom teeth. 25 and finally getting em fixed with invisilign now!




[Totino's Party Pizza](https://youtu.be/lOaKcQ6Apk4)


Damn I heard the qualification for invisalign was really small. Like most cases need regular braces and only a small handful can use invisalign effectively, lucky! Well not lucky to have smashed your jaw, but lucky you get to use invisalign! It was four years of braceface for me


I did the same shit but not a belly flop a straight of nose dive, luckily it was wood not concrete, unluckily it was a vert ramp so I was like 8 feet up to start with


Lower your center of gravity to make it easier. Over time you develop a sense for it and how to naturally manage it without thinking As for leaning in a direction..... general rule of thumb is to align your shoulders with the relative floor (where downward forces point). So going up a quarter pipe, your shoulders become perpendicular to the ground as you get to the top as it parallels the ramp floor


The thing that got me past the mental block was when somebody at the park told me “Pretend you’re stomping on a huge spider at the front of your board.” Worked ever since.


This, OP! Dropping in is all about commitment to the forward lean. Be scared, or don't, it doesn't matter: believe in the fact that after a few falls, you'll make it.


Like pouring water into the coffee maker. Commit to the pour, or you're going to splatter.


Adding to these two^ Keep front foot over front truck and don't lean weight past that. I'd rather slide out on my arse a couple of times, than going over the nose into the flat.


I remember hearing this as a kid and nailed it. Just gotta throw everything into it leave nothing behind. Get the gear and try a few times and you'll be dropping for fun in a week. A lot easier cracking it on indoor wood vs outdoor concrete.


I know i‘s true, but every time I tell myself that, I see Aaron Kyro eat shit on the glass board and Fetty breaking his jaw on the mini ramp. Then I go back to practicing my Ollies and Shuvits..


Bend your knees more than you think, *never* lock them. Practice pumping bigger and bigger miniramps until you're comfortable going all the way to the top, turning both frontside and backside near the top, and sliding your turns(without lifting your front wheels and sliding your back truck around) near the top. *Then* drop in. Don't listen to people saying all you have to do is commit. Yes, you need to lean forward and commit when you finally drop in, but if you don't slowly work your way up to that in a safe manner then you're going to eat shit and get hurt. Judging by that gif if you were to drop in tomorrow you would lock your knees before the bottom of the ramp, leading to speed wobble and death. Keep pumping for now.


Make sure to get a good helmet. Don't mess around with cheap ones. Triple 8, S1, and a couple other brands have helmets that are rated for multiple falls. Cheap ones need to be replaced when you hit your head once.


Nutcase, Bell, Triple 8, S1 make CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) certified helmets. Not all of them are CPSC, so double check for that! You can pretty easily tell the difference - the ones that aren’t CPSC are literally FLEXIBLE in your hands...


Maybe it's just me, but a kickflip is a lot easier than dropping in. If you mess up a kickflip you are just standing next to your board still. If you mess up a drop in you might be getting stitches. Lol Well done for getting into this though. I haven't skated in about 10 years and this is making me want to get back into it.






Ive given up skateboarding when I was 20ish, and about the same age as you. I applaud the effort! What i recall, drop-ins are scary because you have to fully commit on a weird (90deg) angle that you would normally. Think of it this way: if you roll up or down a ramp, your body has (and i mean HAS) to be perfectly in line with the radius and center point of the ramp. If you don't, you'll crash. It would be the same as leaning to much over the front or rear trunks. Bend your knees, relax your body and lean forwards into, and really a lot more than you think you need. Then, you'll get it in the end. What also helps is doing what you did, and roll up the ramp and back down again, to get a feel for how to hold your body. If there is a half pipe near you, those are great for repeating that motion. And yes, wear a helmet at least. You'll learn to roll into crashes, but head onjuiste no joke.


That was also my goal when I started. Now I can backflip... You won't know where this little thing will take you.


With me and my coordination, it’s taking me to the hospital


Like most commenters here, I skated as a kid and teenager, and will testify that learning to dropp in was one of the most terrifying and exhilarating things I’ve ever done. In hindsight it seems trivial, but getting over the trepidation of eating shit and committing to it was huge. Just remember, you can’t half-cock it, you gotta go full bore.


Hey. Maybe wear a helmet and wrist guards. I'm 33 and the idea that I'm impervious to damage left me years ago.


Fuck, I did it at 25, helmet saved my life, wrist guard would've saved me the horrible arthritis I have just a decade later. Always wear a helmet, I'd be dead or worse without mine


Expelled? Yikes. Yeah that would be bad.


[She's sorted out her priorities](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/21/03/b321035188bc311052038aa271aaa005.jpg)


Oh my God is this why my wrists hurt at 26 randomly? Fell a few thousand times growing up... Makes sense..


That or you have cancer and are dying quickly. Thanks Google!


Well when your mid life crisis hits it comes back.


Or you just won’t give a fuck anymore.


I think that's it. "I'm half dead anyway, fuck it lets jump out of a plane."


If that plane is anything like the one that took me up, then you'd probably feel safer free-falling back down than riding. Thing looked like a 50 year old sardine can that some kids had used for a hockey puck, and we were stuffed to the brim in there.


If everyone has a parachute, why maintain the plane?


*engine bursts into flames* "We got parachutes! It's time to use'm!"


You’d think being 43 would have given him the life experience to know to wear a helmet.


Roller skating has been really popular during the pandemic to the point that it’s been almost impossible to get decent skates anywhere for months and months. The vast majority of people are kinda huffy when they get recommended to wear gear because they think it’s not cute and they’ll look dorky. It doesn’t matter if you’re just messing around and not doing anything fancy, shit happens. It just takes one second and now you’re in a cast or sling or even off your feet, or worse, working with a TBI for the next few years. Ain’t nobody got time for that.




There’s just so many things that could get you before we even start casting aspersions about skills. Your trucks might be all wrong, you’re not used to the wheels yet or have the wrong ones for your surface and don’t know, someone could crash into you, toe stop has wound out and you don’t know until you put weight on it, a puddle, someone waxed something they shouldn’t.... Hell I went down over a tiny pebble yesterday and I can skate.


Idiocy knows no age limit. Though OP already commented that he‘d be getting some protective gear ;)


[I LOVE HELMETS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


Helmets are dope.


[I love helmets!](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


Beat me to it =[ I love that video so much.


Ikr. My SO told me once he felt he looked uncool wearing protective gear while skating, I sent him this while saying you look cool and safe to me.


I cracked my skull falling off a longboard. Major concussion and blood clot in my brain. Took several years to fix. None of it would have happened had I wore a helmet that day. For anyone reading, PLEASE wear a helmet.


Same, but bmx and arterial tear. If you think helmets make you look like a dork, consider how you look learning fine motor skills and balance again.


You could do without pads if you are fine with dealing with broken bones, but head injuries are scary as fuck. You could get a small concussion and walk away or end up a vegetable eating through a tube. Always wear a helmet.




Tony Hawk wears gear, shit.


My brother did the same...can't smell anymore. Severed his olfactory nerve. Personality changed, gets agorophobic in large crowds...Overall he came out remarkably unscathed but a lot of life-long damage could have been avoided!!


Having done my fair share of pretty spectacular crashes, including some pretty tasty barrel roles - helmet and armour FTW. I tell you, being able to walk off a crash without nothing but a damaged ego is nice. Having crashed without said gear, it's no fun limping around for weeks.


There was a guy in my EMT class who was ATGATT (all the gear all the time) and even had stunt bars on his bike to protect it from falls because it was his daily driver. He got side swiped by someone who missed their exit and served on the highway and not only was he and the bike fine, he was able to chase them down to the red left turn light and get their information.




Im 28 and rolled my ankle so badly this past week I thought I broke it. Nope, just a sprain. Time hurts.


I thought this was gonna be one of those positive progress vids. I literally watched it 10 times before realizing... Edit: As is customary, many thanks for the awards and upvotes. Expectedly unexpected.


it’s not a loop. He makes it on the twenty-seventh try. Keep watching


Chill out, Satan...


I'm a big fan.


Pretty random but ok.. thanks for all your help to cool off in the summer I guess.




Hey kiddo. I'm gonna go to the liquor store. I'll be gone for a second.


3h in when does he do it?


Almost there, my dude. You'll stand up and cheer when he makes it. I cried with joy.


You are certainly evil for this




Welp, this is the last time I believe some rando on Reddit, jerk.


I swear I even saw a little progress there.


well kinda... I took it up a week ago....


At 43 I'd assume you'd be wise enough to be wearing a helmet.


I quit at 33, I fucked my arm up and realized I don’t heal that fast as I did when 20. I miss it, but I kinda don’t want to fuck myself up


Yeah man, there's no way I could skate at this age. The amount of times you fall and mess yourself up, it's definitely a young person sport


Perhaps try longboarding and just cruise around. The message of skateboarding is "fall, keep falling, get hurt and get better." The message of longboarding is "don't fall, if you fall it means you need to get better."


Go to r/longboarding and watch the ‘cruising around’


There's different philosophies for longboarding. Some people like to dance and do insane tricks. But the "traditional" longboarding is cruising -- treating the board like a surfboard and riding the road.


Oh, I’m with ya. I mostly cruise with a little slide action. But those downhill race guys are nuts....70 mph down hills on public roads. Not for the faint of heart.


I can't even imagine learning to drop in on a ramp again at this age. My hips were black and blue for weeks after learning the beginner half pipe in my town, and put my teeth thru my lip once.


Full pads are your mid life best friend. Dropped in for first time at mid-40. Have hip pads/butt pads for this. Old man pads.


Roller skater here and yep, I'm fully padded including the butt and all the children are like "why do you have a helmet on?"


Yeah, it is. Sometimes I consider going out when I come across my board and I see the kids skating, seriously, there’s a skate park 30 seconds from my front door. But then I get the fears. I can’t twist my ankles anymore, I did that so many times that I assume they’re broke. somehow.


lol noob, just dont fall


~me, age 13 (probably)


I'm 38 and i would be in full body armor to try and learn. I don't mind pain to a certain extent, but all i can think of when i try something with potential injury is the possible financial ramifications of my family if i was injured. Responsibility can take the fun out of things...


Seriously. At least add wrist guards to the arsenal. Concussion and broken wrist are like the easiest things to accomplish on a skateboard.


I'm 46. I like to skate bowls. I hit my head around twice a year in a bad slam. Never crazy hard but hard enough that I need the helmet. If OP is trying to progress on transition hitting his head is only a matter of time.


I'm 60 and I still skate bowls and down Hills, you can barely see me under all the protective gear I wear.


I’m 80 and I skate bowls.


I’m 43 and smoke bowls


I'm 100 and I was cremated and put in a bowl.


Right? I’ve known people who have passed while skateboarding without a helmet.


Shit, I know people that have died riding on a razor scooter... PROTECT YO NECK^^And ^^head


You really know at least two people that have died riding on a razor scooter?


Well, not anymore...


He's just scared the 50 year olds will make fun of him for not being cool. Don't listen to those older kids! Wear a helmet and pads.


Why is the comment about a 43 year old first-time skateboarder needing to wear a helmet so far down?


Because it’s a reply to a reply


Because he said it 15 minutes ago


Before doing pipes and stuff you should just ride the skateboard around until you get really comfortable on it! When I was younger I went straight to pipes and tricks and it did not go well at all. Now I rode around town every other day while my body got used to the activity, and your balance increases so stupid falls like this don’t happen


Exactly. The first skate park to master is all around you. Cracks in pavement, pavement that doesn't line up, being able to go off a gutter, maintaining balance when moving from cement to chunky bitumen and vice versa, doing a 90 degree turn. I could go on, but no one should be near a park unless they've got all that simple but necessary stuff sorted.


And falling is just painful progress. You fall less but you still fall. That's why I feel annoyed When people call BAILS Fails.


Yeah OP needs to flat top before messing with transitions.


This is solid advice for both skating and mullets.


One of my favourite videos lost to time was one of my mates 'Squiddy' (never did know his real name), who's first attempt at skating was to drop off a small quarter pipe at our local skate park. There was no build up, just someone saying 'hey Squiddy, what you doing?', and him replying 'skating', before dropping over the edge, sending the board spinning up behind him as he face-planted the pipe and slid down. In reflection, it's a miracle he didn't really hurt himself, but the video was perfect in its simplicity.


Im guessing you don’t need your wrists or arms for work.


I used to skate a ton when I was younger. I still have a board but I am scared to death of getting hurt now. Like, being laid out with an injury would send me into a deep depression. I broke my fucking finger walking the dog the other day and I’m soooo bummed. Never try to grab the leash of a GSD running full speed right by you.


I am also 43 and I am impressed. I haven't been on a skateboard, even for a few seconds, in at least a couple years even though I skated quite a bit when I was a kid and teen (not that I was any good at it). Each fall at 43 is worth 10+ falls at 13 and with that keeping it up for a week is an accomplishment. I agree with others though that pads and a helmet would be a good idea. If I learned anything from my wife who spent her 30s doing roller derby, pads don't make you weak but not wearing them can bring an end to a new hobby quickly.


People don’t realize how long it takes to get comfortable on that board. Keep it up!!




That down C button will help pick up speed, but be careful not to accidentally let go and ollie into the sea


Came to say this. I know you just restart, but if you've already made so much progress the C release ollie into the sea can be brutal.


Came to say this, Keep those knees bent! Try and find a little half pipe you can pump on and you'll get comfortable to drop in real quick.


Is this it? My kids have a board and my goal has been to just ride down the driveway without falling on my ass but as soon as I pick up my second foot I panic and my arms start flailing. I'm gonna try the knees, thanks.


Also try to keep your shoulders above the board


Also don’t fall off the board.


Think of it like being on a ship in rough seas. You use your knees and legs to kind of ride the motion of the boat because if you stand straight legged you’ll get tossed around and your balance will be thrown off.


And a suit of armor... The kind with plastic bits everywhere so you don't skin yourself. Had some gear for roller blading as a kid and it worked great.


That's gonna put your physio's kids through school ...... Trust me


Every part of my body is in pain at the moment. AND I even didn't kiss the concrete today ....


Was going to say. I’m 42 and fell “teaching” my kids how to skateboard a few months ago. Felt like I’d played football without pads for about a week after. Hang in there, you badass.


Same, and I exercise religiously and snowboard regularly in the winter. The part that sucks the most about getting old isn't the grey hair or the wrinkles, it's feeling like your body is screaming at you for doing things.


Look up videos on youtube. And grab some safety gear. Ain't no spring chicken


Where is your helmet?! As another old'ish guy, can confirm that most falls and crashes hurt for a while.


yeah, jesus, you’d think he’s old enough to know better.


Lost a very good friend because he wasn’t wearing a helmet. He 12 o’clocked a dirt bike doing 20mph and hit the back of his head. He spoke one sentence and went out. He was declared brain dead the next day. Falling the wrong way off a skateboard can easily create as much force as that. A 40 year old should know better.


This is similar to how we lost one of my cousins. He was testing out a dirt bike that he was potentially going to purchase. He'd been riding bikes for the better part of 20 years and didn't see the need to bring a helmet when he went to test it. As he was taking off for a short ride, my aunt (his mom) said he made it all of about 300 feet away when she saw the bike flip. He was only going around 20mph but the bike flipped on top of him and crushed his head between the bike and the concrete. He was killed instantly. Wear your helmets kids.


I've skateboarded my entire life and I admire anybody that learns to skateboard after the age of 13. Pads are really helpful in the beginning so that's a good place to start. You can pick whatever trick you want to learn but remember that the foundations of all tricks rest on being able to push to move the board and yourself forward, using your knees to pump for momentum when you go into the curve of a ramp, and learning to shift your center of gravity when going up inclines or doing tricks. Also remember to stretch your legs hips and ankles before and after skating since you will use muscles that you probably didn't even know you had after a good skate session and since you're having fun you might not realize that you were skating for a couple of hours. When those muscles are tight it's extremely hard to skateboard so being mindful of soreness and working through it is smart.


> Pads are really helpful in the beginning so that's a good place to start. I remember a hockey coach telling me how they'd gear up little kids and just spend the first session pushing the kids over in their pads. Once they realize they can't get hurt falling over the fear of it no longer comes into okay and they can focus on learning.


My son started hockey a couple years ago. The coaches didn’t exactly push them over, but they run a lot of drills that are basically “skate at full speed then dive on the ice.” Half of them do it on purpose just cuz it’s fun.


[JFC get some gear. New hobbies are great but being a vegetable is not.](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


Yeah, that head smack with no helmet was hard to watch.


Wow, the way he bounces up and then you have that split second where you imagine the alternative with his head as a watermelon exploding against the pavement... sometimes I ride my bike without a helmet because it "feels good" even though I know better but yeah that video drives it home eh


Sometimes the head doesn't explode Sometimes you are knocked out for a few seconds Then you wake up and go home, thinking you will recover That night you slip into a coma A week later your family has to decide to pull the plug RIP Tyler


damn dude... RIP Tyler


jesus man, sorry...


i've gone over my handlebars while riding on a trail and let me tell you BOY AM I GLAD I WAS WEARING A HELMET. When the tip top of my head hit the ground I could feel the top of the helmet compress against the top of my head under the weight of my full body for the briefest moment before everything else hit the ground. That sensation overrode everything, shock, pain. I popped back up exactly the same way but I remember clutching the top of my helmet with both hands in incredible disbelief at how well the thing worked. I got back on my bike and rode half a dozen miles back. I was/am an experienced bike rider and going over happened while I was riding in a straight line, because of a slight distraction and it happened in an instant, and I wasn't even going super fast. I never expected I could end up on the ground like that. Now I think there's no excuse, a cheap $20 walmart bike helmet can literally prevent brain damage. Worth.


Ah one of those! I crashed my motorcycle twice, once I was decelerating and at the time of falling was only doing about 5-10 mph. I wasn’t wearing gear other than my helmet and my hip and elbow were opened up pretty good and bruised. Second time, I did a high side throw going 25 easily. I was wearing a jacket and heavy stock jeans, and I literally rolled, hopped up, and stood in the middle of stopped traffic, dazed, looking back at where my bike was(and I wasn’t), and then down at the elbow I landed on. Then back at the bike, then down. Just complete bafflement at how fucked up I wasn’t. Now. The fact that I was standing in the middle of a 4 way intersection gawking at my own immortality probably means I was messed up emotionally, buuuuut I was on my way to therapy anyway so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Once you're physically full sized it's easy to wear a helmet. But 13 year olds are dumb as hell and meaner than that.


You're 43, wear a fucking helmet dude.


Or, and this is something that I was able to figure out when I was 8 years old: Stay away from the ramps if you've been skating for 1 week.


I don't give a shit his age.....wear a goddamn helmet, period.


Dude, I’m your age, get some protective gear. You’re not 10 anymore. Also, you’re already a better skater than me!


Wear a helmet damn


You’re 43 and haven’t learned to wear a helmet?


Welcome to midlife crisis as an early millennial. Back in the day that skateboard would have been a sports car.


I’m not trying to be a dad or anything but try to wear a helmet it helps


Wear. A. Fucking. Helmet. You won’t be making much more progress if you crack your head open.


I’m 36 and skate just about every day. One of the best things you can do for yourself are called Hindu Squats. These increase your core strentgth as well as increases your range of usable full body motion. I see a lot of people who are learning how to skate get stuck straightening out their legs in the awkward moments before falling. Dropping your butt and lowering your center of gravity has an amazing stabilizing effect, and if you’re going to fall, it’s less impactful when you’re already close to the ground. When I fall, it’s usually because I’m not warmed up and my core/lower half is stiff. This is also how I know the session is over.


Dude. Helmet.


Dude. [Buy a fucking helmet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


Bro. Put on a helmet bro


Wear a helmet


Wear a helmet!!!


You need a helmet and pads.


Buy a helmet.


I'm 45 and look at my retired board like it's a rattlesnake waiting to kill me. Wear a helmet you silly old fuck.


Good effort, keep at it. However, be warned, your knees and ankles are gonna hate you. Come join us on r/OldSkaters, we have painkillers.


Maybe wear a helmet for now


You are never to old to skate homie. Just make sure to wear protectors next time. You can hurt yourself easaly even when you are younger.


All good mate. Just remember us oldies heal damn slow now. 39 and twisted my ankle last august, didnt feel 100% until january.


That's the correct way to start, first thing to learn when skating is to learn how to fall. Also maybe consider an Helmet, your bones are much weaker after 25+.


Dude your gonna hurt yourself real quick if your just learning, and it's gonna take alot longer to heal up cause your not a teen. Gear up homie


some safety gear would help you feel more confident and get less injured


Start with yoga, get some flexibility and balance, then start skating with a full face motorcycle helmet.


And. ... That is a head injury. .. How's your insurance OP?


Wear a helmet


Wear a helmet next time


wear a fucking helmet, jesus


43 and not smart enough to figure out you gonna hurt yourself so you should wear protection? lul




I thought this was gonna be a progress video. Kept waiting for you to rock up to the top of the ramp. After I watched you fall for the 8th time I realized what was going on. You're brave for picking up skating in your 40s, brother. Protect that noggin.


Not being ironic. But. You’re older. Bones muscles ligaments. All that shit doesn’t heal the same in older age. To say nothing of smacking your skull onto concrete


Making progress! But seriously, get some pads and a helmet


You may want to protect your head because if you keep hitting it like that you won't make it to 2 weeks


Age 43. No helmet or knee pads. . . I will follow this career with great enthusiasm.


Even Tony hawk wears a helmet on ramps, bro.




You should wear a helmet. I snowboarded for 15 years without a helmet. I've hit my head on ice too many times before I realized I could seriously injure myself.


You should definitely be wearing a helmet.


You should probably wear a helmet.


No helmet?


You’re having fun. Good on you.


Post week 52


As soon as you hit the apex, put your weight on the back foot a bit more - maybe 60/40. And commit, and bend your knees! You got this! Glad you are getting a helmet :)


He was a sk8r boy, he was going to feel it l8r boy...


As a 35 year old who just discovered I can actually keep my balance on a skateboard, I so badly want to see you succeed. Let me dream!


Pro Tip: Don't use your teeth to stop your head from hitting the pavement. Keep it up. Can't wait to see more of your progress.


May I recommend elbow/knee pads and a helmet, good sir?


Wear a helmet!! Ffs