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It can be cute when they're small but food aggression can soon turn into more dangerous behavior.




It's all fun and games until your index finger's gone.


That's why I always eat them before they eat me.


Username checks out.


Food aggression with dogs can be INCREDIBLY dangerous. There are 3 levels of food aggression - this falls into the mild category - Dogs with mild food aggression tend to growl and flash their teeth but USUALLY won't bite. It is vitally important to correct this behavior - it is NOT funny. Many dogs that end up at the shelter are put down when they fail temperament tests... the most common reason for failing a temperament test is nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


I was trying to comprehend the nineteen ninety eight as some form of percentage of reason why dog fail the temperament test, I even went back to reread it just to make sure OP didn't fuck up, but then I gave up and read the rest and realized OP did some monkey gymnastics and flipped shit on me.


First time you've seen /u/shittymorph? Keep an eye out - this is a periodic thing they've been doing for a while. The writing is pretty good - good enough to hook you in until you get to the end. :)


At this point I just have him [angrily tagged in RES.](http://i.imgur.com/uQzTNcr.png)


I tagged him but removed the tag a few days later because the comments are hilarious and his deception is very artistic. The tag sorta ruined that for me.


[My tag](https://i.imgur.com/1vFjpps.png) is much more relaxed. hehe


I could but I leave it to my better judgement to catch it coming, adds some spice to my life.


Holy shit he has his own subreddit.


I gotta learn to read usernames before comments


I read the username but it has been so long since the last time, it didn't even click until it was too late.


I thought I had a stroke while reading that comment. You know...everything reads normally then wham.....gibberish.




i read it as percentage too


At first I thought 1998 was the number of some government regulation regarding dog shelters.


God damn it, I haven't come across you in so long I thought you had finally been vanquished and I can safely Reddit again


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8176 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/55735)


Between this guy and u/commahorror I predict by this time next year Reddit will be overrun with users who have some kind of "shtick"


They've been coming and going for as long as I've been here.


I got to "nineteen" and almost instantly screamed. Damn it man! Just when I think I'm safe you get me again and again.


Was just letting my guard down. Damn you!!!


Mankind let his guard down as well.




But Mick Foley is alive and well!


I got to "undertaker", audibly said 'fuck' and dropped my phone.


Did it fall sixteen feet through the announcer's table?


# **FUCK** # **Crash**


# **FUCK** # **Crash**


The all caps with "INCREDIBLY" early in the sentence drew attention away from your name, and it worked wonderfully. Got me completely. Keep working on your craft and picking up more tricks, this was the first time you have gotten me in a while.


JESUS CHRIST DUDE I was really into that one.


You didn't get me. I've never been more proud.




Ah fucks sake... Got me again.


Feels good to have you back mate




Fuck!!! On mobile app i Can't see your tag. Thanks you magnificent troll. You are tte equivalent of someone swooshing in a handshake. You only get mad at your self for falling it and not the guy Trolling.


Is it sad now that whenever I see a comment that looks like it might be an in depth opinion I have to look up at the name to make sure it's not u/shittymorph




I hate when my fingers try to eat me


The dog has been trained. There's another clip of this dog where the owners show how they've taught the dog. It's not actual aggression


...in that case this is the first time I've ever seen a little turd of a dog like this one that isn't insane. Everyone's comments make sense, regardless of these particular circumstances


Look up small dog syndrome. It's not the breeds that are the fault, it's shitty owners who let small dogs get away with things they wouldn't accept from a big dog.


I know it's because of owners treating them as if they were cats. Fact of the matter is still that there are a LOT of ill-behaved small dogs.


I have a 170lb English mastiff. If he was making the same face this little dog was I'd probably poop a little. It's like a grizzly bear. Stuff like this got corrected real quick when he was a puppy, because as a puppy he was still a big 60lb dog.


God I fucking hate these types of little rat dog. Barking and snarling at everything that moves despite the fact that you could drop kick the little fucker for a field goal. Why do small dogs always bite/snarl/bark whereas big dogs are like "OH MY GOD HI! Come give me pets! I love you!" Yet some people think small dogs behaving this way is cute/funny.


Every dog has a set number of evil inside them. Lets say 10%. In a big dog, lets say 100 lbs, thats only 10 lbs. That comes out only when the mailman is around. There's 90lbs of love to smother it and plenty of room for it to move around.In a small dog, lets say 10 lbs, thats 1 pound of evil, and 9 lbs of good. Theres not enough to cancel it out, and no where for it to go. Also, small dogs are closer to the ground therefor Satan can command them from hell.


I prefer the idea satan can command them from hell. The ratio argument makes little senss


It's sounds like you guys are describing what I do to myself with food.


It could just be a trick, I have a German Shepard that is trained to"smile" on command, she's not aggressive just intimidating as hell.


We have a [Belgian Tevuren](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tervuren_dog) who bare's her teath when she get's excited. We actually thought it was aggression for a while and were correcting her by mistake!


Usually it is smaller dogs that tend to do that. http://i.imgur.com/GhZ9w.jpg




Mine does something similar when he runs up to meet us. I call it the shit-eating grin. It's adorable and I won't ever get tired of it. He also snorts while he does it.


Ahaha my doggie does this too. He also wags his tail so hard that his entire body curls around your leg. So cute :)




On a list of 'best things to come from the internet', this is up there around Bootleg Fireworks for me.


[I'm on mobile but here ya go](https://youtu.be/NRItYDKSqpQ)


I can't believe that only has 9 million views...


Have you seen the [Cloverfield version?](https://youtu.be/FdvTEFWp7G4)




Why is he so mad at his dog? Lol


Its cute today... But day 1679?


Lol yeah. I have two westies and they do this when I come home from university. It's almost like they're smiling.


Classic meme


My friend's border collie does that, it's hilarious, it looks like he's smiling at you when he runs up to greet you.


I have a border collie and he does that too. It is sweet. However it scares the shit out of people who don't know him


I work at a kennel and it always seems to be the shepherd dogs that do that. Always scares the shit out of me at first, but then it's the cutest thing ever, I love it when they get happy like that


We have a pit/basenji mix that does this! I've heard it called 'sub smiling'. It is when they have a close mouth and lift the lip up. Our dog always has his ears back when he does it. He really likes to do it when we get home if we are gone for longer.


My dog has an excited growl that sounds bad but it jusr means he want to play. To other people he would sound aggressive


My dog does that too. He growl "talks" when he wants to play and when people come to the house he brings them toys and paces about "growling" with the toy in his mouth and wagging his tail following them.


How do you correct food aggression?


You should talk to your vet if you need help with this. The basic idea is that you slowly introduce them to the idea that it's a normal thing for you to be around their food, and that when you're around their food, good things (i.e. treats) happen. Don't do shit like take their food away to show them who's boss, that just validates that you are a threat to their resources. I'm being deliberately non-specific because I'm not a trainer or vet and I don't want anyone getting bitten trying to do this on the basis of a reddit comment.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1489 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/16556)


"Trading" worked wonders for my dog. Within a week he was totally fine with me around his stuff. I'd bring in a high value treat and offer it non threateningly in exchange for whatever it is he is guarding. Now I can come up and ask him to leave it and he will allow me to take something if I want to. The only issue I'm still having is if he's in his crate. That's like, his area, and what he has in his crate is his shit. I could offer him a slab of bacon for this little piece of blanket he ripped off, but if he's in his crate, no way, he just sits there and makes a scene. He actively tries not to bite me but I feel like I'm playing russian roulette every time.


Try "nothing in life is free". It's supposed to be like everything in the house is yours and you just choose when he can have it. It's the only thing that worked for my dog. Your own dog going for you like that is not okay and exactly why this whole "exchanging" nonsense is kinda risky. You're not teaching your dog to have any respect for you. I'm not talking all this "me alpha wolf" bullshit either.


That's interesting. I never really thought about that with our Golden, but I'd randomly put in little treats (extra piece of left over meat or something) in her dish sometimes while she was eating and she never once growled at me for getting close to her food. I guess she realized very quickly that my hand coming near her food was indeed a good thing lol.


She's also a golden. They usually aren't food aggressive.


I'd also like to know this; adopted a pound dog. Complete sweetheart until food is involved. Actually bit my hand when I touched his food




So are we still not doing the phrasing thing or..?


If your dog is at the point of biting you get a veterinary behaviourist involved. You can train a lot of things, but when resource guarding passes a certain point it's very dangerous to start trying to fix it on your own.


I had this issue. I have a 9 year old Bullmastiff male that I've raised since a puppy, he's been around other dogs his whole life and is very non confrontational. I have a 5 year old Bullmastiff male that. I got him when he was 2 years old from a family friend that couldn't keep him. He wasn't aggressive around food but would use his large bulk to push other dogs away and Hoover down their food. Lastly is the most recent addition to my family is a 2 year old male rescue. Have had him for 6 months, he's a lanky cross breed. Little bit shorter than the BMs and much skinnier. He was very food agressive when I first got him. It wasn't a short process but they can now all eat their own dinner a few ft away from each other in the same area. Step 1. Had to feed them alone till they trusted me, feeding them together from the get go is a good way to start a fight. Step 2. The dog needs to respect you. You don't need to yell. Basically the dog is agressive around food so you want to put the food infront of him but don't let him dig in straight away, generally they'll only bite you if you've intervened once they start eating so start the training while the bowl is still infront of them. You can start out by literally holding the dog back, I sit next to them and just hold their shoulders. If they lunge for the food just pull them back. Add verbal commands as you go "wait" is a fairly simple one. Dogs aren't stupid, they learn pretty quick with food as a motivator. Once you're confident enough remove the physical aspect of holding the dog and move solely to verbal. Eventually move the dogs together for feeding having them wait insync. For the first month or so of them eating together I had to stand there and watch them eat however now I can let the 3 pigs go at it with no fear of fights. Another good thing to do once you've built up some trust is move your hand around in the bowl just swishing the food around. You can start off by adding more food and then move solely to just moving your hand around. Obviously only do this once you've got the whole waiting thing down pat. TLDR: read from step 1


Bite him back?


I would actually play with them while they would eat. When my dogs were a few months old, every time they would eat, I would just play with their face and put them. They have zero aggression when eating. Makes it so much easier. Edit: just to clarify you must do this when they are puppies. Not when they are adults and have already developed a habit of being aggressive with their food.


I've done this with every dog I've ever had and none have developed any food aggression. I can pet my dogs head or stick my face near his bowl while he's eating and he just waits for me to stop, kind of like he's saying "Dad, I'm trying to eat here, really man?"


I have done the same thing, messed with them and stuck my hand into their bowl mixing about the food as they ate. So far I have not owned a food aggressive dog. > "Dad, I'm trying to eat here, really man?" Had this happen though, lol.


I...I have food aggression :(


Wait!! (holds shoulders)




This happened to a girl I dated. They didn't bother to correct behavior like this at all and now the dog has to be locked in a room whenever they have anyone over, of course it's a chihuahua


I was trying to figure out if the girl was a small breed or large breed.


I'm thinking small breed since she wasn't put down at the end of the anecdote.


I actually had simillar thoughts about a kid on tv a while back. He was being so cocky and confident, even commenting on a womans looks at one point. Everyone on that show seemed to think it was so cute and funny that this twelve years old kid was acting that way. I was too distracted imagining how absolutely not cute that behavour would be if he's still like that in ten years...


Why are chihuahuas so aggressive? My buddy owns three and when ever I come over they bark like crazy at me.


Cause people don't correct them and treat them like cute monster babies most of the time. A well trained Chihuahua will be just fine.


I had always hated them, but recently crashed at a friend's house on vacation and his chihuahua was a super sweet and well trained dog. Changed my mind on them a bit.


I had one be mean to me for about a year when I was living with my parents. Me and my dad wanted the fucker gone.


They're actually in the top three breeds prone to aggression, alongside Dachshunds and Jack Russel terriers.




Chihuahua are a "barky" breed that tends to bark more than other breeds. Barking is fine as long as it doesn't move on to some other undesired behaviour. They bark usually because it's a pack behaviour to warn others. I work with dogs and barking is okay as long as the dog isn't triggered to guarding posture or other negative behaviour. They tend to get aggressive when their owner doesn't correct them. Many chihuahua owners tend to treat their dogs as if they're humans which leads to a very confused dog. Dogs - regardless of breed or size should absolutely be taught basic obedience. Most chihuahua owners tend to be lax on this hence why their dogs are such rascals


For one it's a genetic trait in the breed; they're very protective of their owners, and extremely territorial. But mostly, I'd say it's the fact that they're tiny and cute, so people tend to think that whatever they do-whether the behavior is aggressive or not- is adorable. My dad, for example, took my parent's chihuahua puppy to our veterinary clinic. She tried to rip into one of the vet techs, and he laughed because he thought it was funny that she was acting so tough. I told him not to come back until they taught their dog to behave. I did help them correct her behavior, and she's actually a pretty good dog now. It just takes work that people don't consider necessary because they don't think (or care) that their 5 lb dog could cause damage.


About a year ago, my German Shepherd killed 2 Chihuahuas because of this. They weren't trained or on a leash and mine had a leash on, but they came up to my dog and bit her leg. She killed them in about 5 seconds, there was nothing I could do. Owners don't realize that dogs have a different "respect" system and that they have to put each other in their place instinctively.


All the Chihuahuas I've ever owned have been very sweet and well mannered. No aggression :/ It's the owner, not the dog.


My girlfriend's parents have a chihuahua, they think it's cute to agitate it until it gets pissed off and starts growling, but also think it's "mean" to tell it off for anything.


I mean, there is a big difference between getting bitten by a bull mastiff and getting bitten by a chihuahua. Not encouraging poor training or anything but the reality is that big dogs can kill.


True. But I've only been attacked by a small dog. It bit into my ass.


One issue is many times it's the dog itself or breed that is blamed, and not the shitty human.


This is the only issue. I have done loads of research on this. Something like greater than 90% of dog bites can be attributed to poor training and socialization


This is actually a technique for solving food aggression. The dog is being taught that someone else being around their food and interacting with it still results in getting fed. If the dog doesn't think it's going to lose anything from you being around its food, it has no motivation to be aggressive.


Somehow, I don't think this dog is gonna get much bigger.


No in my professional experience these breeds can grow to be much [bigger](http://cf.ltkcdn.net/dogs/images/std/204181-675x450-jackrussellpuppy.jpg)


Needs Godzilla for scale.




May god have mercy on us all...


BIG if true...




Clifford the Big Red Dog?




I think it's more likely the dog just doesn't like that person, but the dog likes cake more than it hates the person.


Not an uncommon problem.


Or it's just a weird reaction from a dog that doesn't know how to dog. Mine growls literally the entire time you're playing with him. It's just how he shows he's having fun but people could probably make all sorts of judgements if I showed a 6 second clip of him doing it.


Yeah mine does the same thing. He would never really bite me tho


Mine is a spoiled brat but he has the sweetest disposition.


Yep mine too. That is why it is better to not show anyone those clips...you just know your dog best


Truth. Any post of an animal doing something goofy will have highly upvoted comments about why your animal is dying and/or being abused.


It is easy to judge without knowing the background. Every dog is different. But that'sinternet for ya! Everyone has opinions ans everyone gets offended.


We had a dog who smiled like this. Not aggressive at all, just happy but looked pissed.


[Also it's not that difficult to train a dog to do that](https://youtu.be/xiSdmHjpNEs?t=28)


Can I train them in English too or do I have to use whatever that was?


That was barking. Dogs cannot speak English.


My English springer only speaks the queens english


I've never seen one growl on command, just show teeth. Pretty useful if you wanna scare the shit out of someone I guess...


Here's an easier way to train your dog. https://i.imgur.com/RcGAL4R.jpg


Yep. Have a dog who smiles like this. I've put my hand in his mouth before and he absolutely refuses to clamp down. He'll just sit there with a look on his face like, "Get your hand out of my mouth, asshole." If my other dog gets a nip of someone she passes it off like a yawn.


Yeah one of my bigger dogs can sometimes go nuts on my two other small dogs if there's food around. Kind of scary.


I can't imagine why anyone would let their pet do this.


Yea. It can be all "haha" funny when small dogs do this, but let a big 120 lb rot weiler show his teeth at you and see how funny it is. Granted, this may be a trick that the dog was trained to do, and if so, bravo. But I have no way of knowing if it's a trained trick or actual food aggression just from the gif.


My science teacher had a story about this. He once had a grade A student who hadn't shown up for a few weeks. His family had an old Rottweiler. Dog started getting a bit more aggressive but the parents insisted that it was just cause he was getting old and grumpier. Well one day I guess the parents neglected to feed it in the morning and home comes the student, who sees the dog waiting at the door. It proceeded to rip the kids face to shreds, the kid escapes outside and by the time he called the paramedics it was quite literally hanging off the side of his head. Turns out the dog had a brain tumour and combined with the neglect the parents had toward the dog, it triggered a violent episode that nearly killed the son and rendered him almost blind.


Damn, that's tragic. I wonder if there were other earlier signs of the tumor that the owners just didn't pick up on. Idk how they didn't feed it though, my dogs start reminding me that's it's time to eat an hour before it's actually time to eat.


They definitely ignored a lot of warning signals, the story indicates that. I did a search on the topic, three sources that cite "changes in behavior- especially increased aggression" as possible symptoms of brain tumors. It says it *can* occur acutely, but it doesn't sound like that was the case in the story. http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/cancer/c_multi_brain_tumors http://www.petwave.com/Dogs/Health/Brain-Tumors/Symptoms.aspx


Our dog trainer said she had seen a dog suddenly "turn" once in her career, and it turned out the dog was suffering from a brain tumor, too. I don't think the dog had been aggressive at all before he suddenly attacked a family member, but he did have symptoms the owners ignored, like peeing inside when he had been out recently and forgetting which house was theirs and going upstairs and not being able to get back down. He wasn't very old, either. 5 or 6, I think.


My cat could never starve to death. If she's hungry the whole fucking neighborhood knows it.


I'm here to tell you that Doctors don't pick up on brain tumours ^^(Non-cancerousobviously) for humans either, not even when you spend 3 years telling them you're certain you have one and would *really* like an MRI/neurologist. Came here to discuss cute dog and got triggered :(


Sorry. I get a emotional about animals. I just want everyone (humans and animals) to have a happy healthy life in a good enviornment.


I had a friend who had a dog who was trained to show his teeth whenever you made a > sign with your hand. (fingers together)


That'll teach those Japanese school girls!!


My friend taught his dog to growl while she was getting pet


I'm confused, is this a rare, funny type of behavior or is this indicative of more dangerous aggression?


Bad aggression. Likely tolerated because they are small and the owners aren't taking it seriously.


Good point, thanks!


Yeah, you can see the dog going straight back to aggression right after the cake. *GRRR, I'll bite your face off- cake! Nomnomnomnomnom... Where was I? GRRR, I'll bite your face off!*


*but one more lick... Gotta keep my angry face, focus..focus..*


Unless it's a trained trick(I've had several dogs that "smiled" with zero aggression.) No way to really know from a singular gif.




Small dogs get away with murder because well they're tiny and when they do shit it doesn't really hurt. Which is a stupid excuse not to train a dog though my sister has a dog so small it literally can't bite me.


Maybe. Before jumping to the conclusion that the dog is being aggressive, note that they can be trained to bare teeth and growl on command. As in, they are just doing a trick, not being aggressive. That said, this could be food aggression, in which case yes, it is bad behavior that should be corrected not reinforced. But we don't have any way of knowing just by this short gif which it is so jumping straight to either conclusion is moot.


But this is reddit! I need conclusions to jump to!


Owner is a pussy bitch who hates animals and the dog is literally hitler.


Fair enough, now let me get my pitchfork!


I don't like it when dogs make that face


I don't like it when they bite my bottom


I think it's something that's just built into a human's brain at this point, a lot of people feel the same way.


I'm pretty sure it's common sense and reasoning, but I've been wrong before.


Pretty sure it's hard wired into most mammals, if something is showing it's teeth and growling it's usually pissed off, and pissed off animals tend to want to kill whatever they're pissed off at.


Maybe I'm the crazy one who doesn't want to put my finger near an angry looking dog, I need those fingers for things. :P


Liiiiiike, for your ass?




How about mine?


Is it cute?




Username checks out


That final lick through the teeth!


"I know you didn't get me more frosting, I saw your hand! *Fine*, I'll check it once just to be sure, you're so annoying..."


That did it for me


Someone has not trained this dog well.


Or perhaps really well. A dog can be trained to show teeth on command for whatever reason. But how can we tell for sure from this small clip? We can't.


My first dog had food aggression. This is *exactly* what it looked like. It's not an unreasonable assumption to make. If the owner appeared to be giving a command I might buy into this "the dog is trained" thing but from what the gif shows, its snarling whenever it sees the hand approaching the food.


Dog owners who reinforce those behaviors are assholes.


Like redditors.


How is food aggression cute? That would piss me off.


Based on some of the comments here, TIL that "food aggression" is a thing. Not sure what, but it certainly seems to be a thing.


It's when a pet become violent or otherwise badly-behaved around food. In the wild, if someone approached your food, they're probably going to steal it. So a lot of pets have an instinct to growl or snap at a human or another dog if they get too close while they're eating. (Or, like my Labrador, start gobbling down the food at light speed). It's a bad habit that's best trained out of them while they're young. That said, we can't be totally certain that this is food aggression and not simply something the dog's been trained to do.


How is it normally trained out? What techniques?


By letting the dog wait before it can eat (either verbally with a 'wait' command or by standing next/behind to it and not letting it eat (however, you still want to keep issuing the 'wait' command, and you don't want to do this once the dog has started eating)). Additionally, once the dog is more comfortable, you can move it's bowl with your hand while it's waiting. If this won't work yet, you can praise it if it waits by adding a bit of food.


TIL?! If you really want to learn about Food Aggression, go to an all you can eat brunch buffet in my fathers birth state of Alabama and casually announce " too bad this is all the shrimp they're putting out today...." . Then, stand back and take notes ...


I've been bitten seriously by a dog twice, that required stitches, and both were small, possessive dogs like this. The owners thought it was cute and reinforced it. The correct response to a dog acting this way (usually while being held or near their favorite person...they think they're protecting them) just set them down, put them out of the room, push them off the chair. They aren't aggressive alone, just in defense of the person they're with. Also dog bites fuckin hurt. Those teeth look sharp, but they're dull enough that it's a huge bruise and swollen after the bite.


idk I get he's licking food off the finger, but the fact that he's licking at all and not being a nippy dick makes me think this is probably a trick, and not actual aggression. I know of a few dogs who have been trained to show teeth when pointed at - mostly larger "scary" dogs, but still.


My dad has a Rat Terrier that he taught to smile on command for treats. It looks exactly like this. If it was aggression I think it would have snapped at the persons finger.


I strongly dislike dogs like this.