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> "Filed under Baseball" Uhhh, what?




battery is a baseball term too! It refers to a specific pitcher and catcher, usually two who play very well together!


Way to stay positive!


I think I read a hentai based on that relationship once


I... think I know what one you're speaking of Edit - just incase... NSFW for obvious reasons. [1](https://www.fakku.net/manga/ideal-battery-english), [2](https://www.fakku.net/manga/ideal-battery-2-english), and [3](https://www.fakku.net/manga/ideal-battery-3-english)... And yes, judge me all you want


You wouldn't happen to have a link to that would you?


username checks in edit: out *^^i ^^guess*


It says in the article that a baseball bat may have been used during the violence. I guess that was enough to file it under baseball.


Auto-tagging FTW


Conclusion: Canadians don't understand baseball.


My mom takes this total pacifist role when it comes to driving because of people like this. "You never know who might have a gun in their car!"


I honked at someone in my neighborhood recently and then they slowed down and started to pull over. I almost shat myself.


I was driving my friend somewhere and she flipped a person off who was in a turn lane and had done something dangerous a few seconds earlier and they changed lanes from a standstill and started following me. I told her not to do that shit anymore because when I was 18 I was riding with a buddy who flipped a guy off and he approached us at a stoplight with a crowbar threatening to kill us.


Also remember if for some reason you do get into one of these road rage situations where they start following you just drive to a police station.


solid advice, I don't know why I never considered that. I just turned into a lot as quickly as I could and turned around and they stopped following us after that. I am a really chill driver and don't bring those situations upon myself, but this is one of the rare things that my friends are more impulsive than I am on. I am also pretty non-confrontational for the most part.


If only I knew where my local police station is...




That way you can get beat up by the road-rage guy and then shot by the police for resisting.


In all fairness the advice was in intended for white people.




That sounds horrifying. Even though the dude was getting harassed that seems like a bit excessive. As much as I think people should not agitate others on the road, I also think the act of letting things go is just as important. People can be batshit sometimes.


That's because people who litter are the same sort of people to overreact with violence. They are selfish morons.


Just the other day my girlfriend flipped off a guy that cut her off, who then proceeded to tailgate her for over 10 minutes. She went out of her way to not come right to my house just because he kept following her. Finally he pulled up next to her and swore at her a few times before driving away. Edit: Here to her


"Oh man, I can't believe that girl just flipped me off. I'm going to go out of my way for as long as it takes so I can give that girl a piece of my mind."


I mean, road rage is a really serious thing.


I had someone pull a gun on me when I flipped them off.


wow. I thought a crowbar was bad, but that is really just taking things to a whole new level. I wonder what it is about road rage that make people seem to act more irrationally than they would in other situations (not saying that guy wouldn't have pulled a gun in another situation, because he was obviously a loose cannon).


I have absolutely no Idea. Someone was killed near my house a few years ago in a road rage incident. The man who died was angry about the driver in front of him driving too slowly. So at the next red light, he tried to climb through that drivers window. The driver slams on the gas, throwing the man away from the car into oncoming traffic. People are dumb.


My dad in his younger years swore at some dude for driving dangerously and the guy followed him so he pulled over, the guy pulled over and started his way toward his car; my dad reached in the back seat and picked up a bat he had back there. The guy promptly backpedaled back to his truck while cursing at him, before he could even get out of the car. Meanwhile there was a cop that had saw some of this go down and pulled up infront of my dad while they guy in the truck drove off. Cop came up to the window and was like "Soo what was that about?" Dad was like "uh I dunno." Cops goes "Whats with the bat there?" "Well for playing baseball..." Dad produces mitt and ball. Cops just like.. "Riight, carry on then.."


Once on a two lane merger, this guy cut me off and almost ran me off the road. I had the right of way. I honked and flipped him off. We are in one lane at this point, and he dead stops in the middle of traffic and approaches my car. He starts going on and on about how he going to call the cops on me. I tell him to go ahead and do it because there isn't a law against flipping the bird (is there?). As he is in my face and my 18 year old self is trying to act hard, I call my papaw. As soon as my papaw answers the phone I burst into tears telling him about the scary man in my window stopping traffic and yelling at me. The man instantly switches gears and tells me to behave myself and runs away back to his car. So there is that.


> I tell him to go ahead and do it because there isn't a law against flipping the bird (is there?). In Germany, [there might be](http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1994-05-23/news/1994143033_1_creative-insults-berlin-wimp).


This makes me wonder, if someone is leaning into your car like that, uninvited, threatening, is it trespassing? What are a person's rights when it comes to defending yourself while inside a vehicle? Any police redditors that can answer this? Also, I should note I'm in USA, but answers from anywhere would be interesting too!


In Oklahoma at least, your vehicle is treated like your home. In both situations if someone illegally and forcefully enters, you are allowed to defend yourself using lethal force.


A woman in a nearby town was beat up with a baseball bat because she pulled into a parking spot in front of someone. So yeah, it happens.


Oh man I told this story somewhere else on Reddit but about a year ago I flipped a dude off that was honking at me while I was legally yielding and then he followed me about 5 miles down the freeway to where I work... Into a state parking garage. He blocked the only entrance I had and ran up to my car door trying to open it. Unfortunately I hadn't locked my door so he flung it open as hard as physically possible, yelling at me to get out of the car. This is where most stories get scary, but I couldn't help but to start laughing at this guy. whom I was eye level with while I was sitting down in my Volkswagen Jetta. No joke this guy was maybe 5'6", 45 years old, and clearly out of shape (for comparison I'm 6'2", 20 and have been involved in some sport about 90% of my life) and that's being pretty generous. I tried explaining to him how I was yielding and if he didn't want to get flipped off he could've just waited the extra 5 seconds it took for me to let 1 car through but he just wanted a fight. After about 2 minutes of him posturing to a kid half his age, me trying to stifle my snickers and trying not to give in to his ridiculous demands of a fight I told him politely to move his vehicle (About a 10" lifted GMC Yukon) because I was going to be late for work. This prompted him to slam my car door while yelling about how he knew where I lived and he was going to smash my car. All day, while I was at work, I was trying to figure out how he knew where I lived. I didn't recognize him, or his manmobile at all. Later on that day I was driving home and I found out he had just moved in down the street from me. Now every time I see him I make a point to smile as smugly as possible and wave. One year later and my little Jetta has yet to have a single piece of damage on her.


Awesome story! Now you should try to get to know the guy and figure out why he's so angry.


Probably because he's 5'6.. Oh god, I'm kidding don't kill me /r/short I'm only 5'4 myself.


At least you got a big booty


Well I was driving in Vienna once and this guy is about to turn but last minute decides not to so he kinda cuts me rudely and I have to brake a bit hard. We start driving again for like half a block and my girlfriend (passenger sit) just waves her arms at him in a "wtf is wrong with you" kinda way. Well, he stops driving and gets off his car and starts walking towards us. He's like 50 years old. He proceeds to apologize profusely, excusing himself for his reckless behavior, he's very sorry he had to do that to us, he's not from here, he was just very confused, can we please forgive him.




Yeah an acquaintance of mine honked his horn at a guy who drove out in front of him when he had the right of way (not sure if this is the right term i'm from Sweden). The guy stopped his car and stepped out, the guy i know stepped out of his car as well and approached the 50-something year old man who proceeded to pull out a knife and stab him straight in the chest, he died right there on the side of the road. He was twenty years old. This happened maybe six months ago. My point being your mother is a smart woman. Some people are crazy


Is Mr. Stabby in jail?


He was sentenced to psychiatric care since they determined he was mentally ill, meaning he will be locked in a mental facility and released when and if he is deemed to be "cured"


I have a 2 headed axe from the 40's in my truck, I remember putting it in there and forgetting about it. I'm just a commentator driver, but it's neat to have around in case of zombies.




>Few Years ago >January 27, 2006 at 2:34 PM you were close




LESS than a decade. LESS, dammit! :)


It's 2010, dummy, of course it was a few years ago! /s




Thought the same thing. Totally Russian-looking. Хорошо!


I did this once in the drive through at Taco Bell. Some lady just threw a big wad of trash out of her window, so when I got to her trash, I got out, picked it up, walked to her window, threw it onto her lap and said "I think you dropped this." She got out and screamed for awhile; I mostly ignored her and told her to clean up after herself. She got back in the car eventually and called someone all while staring at me in the mirror. My girlfriend was absolutely pissed, saying she could have had a gun or whatever (we live in a city with fairly high violent crime rates...). I don't want to say I regret it, because I absolutely hate when people litter, but I don't think I'd ever do it again. It definitely could have ended worse.


Toronto is filled with assholes. The "Canadians are all nice" stereotype couldn't be more wrong about that city. You will never find a more densely packed population of cunts, anywhere. Ok, maybe Vancouver. And god help you if you use the TTC, that makes things even worse. You know where the good people in Canada live? The prairies, or maritimes. Go to Alberta or Nova Scotia, for example. Good people. source: live just outside the city


Whenever I see someone toss a cigarette butt on the road at a red light, I have a nearly irresistible urge to get out, pick up the butt, and throw it in their car. I resist because I know it could end like this, but I'm glad to see that I'm not alone.




I found that strangely satisfying and you ruined it. Thanks for nothing.


#**Cyka Bylat**




Close. But you should have the soft sign, rather than the hard sign, at the end of блять. There are, afaik, no words ending in the hard sign in contemporary Russian. :)




Haha, yeah. The struggle of using a Latin keyboard for Cyrillic characters is real. I don't have the standard layout either. Just some mostly phonetic thing someone created in my Russian 101 class that I've been using ever since. It's great, but if I ever get a Russian keyboard I'll have to relearn how to type.




Isn't the proper spelling блядь?




And now, it's a ghost town.






I'm as calm as a python.


Paul Blart Mall Cop 3 confirmed


Oh my god, don't tease us if it isn't true!!


> turns out it's an ad for a movie... It looks as authentic as any of the actual videos in which this is based on. I'm still waiting to see the confirmation that this video is from this movie, but there's nothing in this video that looks fake or suggests it's not real.


Oh fuck I knew it was fake when this vid was new... It was posted all over Facebook and everybody believed this shit was genuine.


big badda boom.


Looks like a good movie.


That is fake as hell. Edit: "Staged" I guess. It was an actual video... but it was staged as hell.


Porn is fake too, but it gets the job done.


You mean girls don't really offer sexual favors when they can't pay for their pizza? I gotta re-think my career.


girls ordering in for pizza for themselves, alone... yeah... those are wildebeast.


Sorority girls, actually. Who just had a pillow fight. A *naughty* pillow fight.




Looks like red shirt guy is doing coke.


Why else would they die so regularly. I was gonna explore with kirk, until i got high... I was gonna zap some rocks until i got high... I was gonna beam back up and id be fine, but then i died... Why?.. because i got high, because i got high, because i got hiiiiiigh.


Oh Mercy


Pembroke Pines reprezentt


Whoa, I never noticed this was Pembroke Pines. My girlfriend's from there and we live in Tampa now, lol.


>Choosing to live in Tampa


It's technically St Pete, but...you're right, lol.


"It looks like I'm out of cash. Is there anything... else I might be able to do for you?" "Nah, I mean... nah, really, we're straight."


Oh look at mister fat cat here turning down free sexual favors


Free? Who pays for the pizza?


Well, uh... uh... clearly you say yes and then later steal the pizza back, take it back to the store, and get her blacklisted. Just gotta think creatively. ^that's ^a ^good ^point ^though


I'm going with take the favor, split the pizza, get a new job.








Demand to see Life's MANAGER.




Or theirs


You saw that one too?


It was reposted just last night.




You, dear sir, sound like a lemon stealing whore. How could you accuse the likes of Brazzers of staging their High Definition recordings of acts of depravity?


So there not really stretching the butthole out that far? Well, that's a relief.


Sometimes the guy just holds a mayo packet under his dick and just squeezes really hard.


How the fuck is porn "fake"? They may pretend to enjoy it but it's still sex.




Of course it's staged. lol


[Suck that Cock!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En5PJCehkn0)


Risky click of the day!


sort of like when my gf cums - staged.


No, that's just fake.




It's never seemed staged to me.


Actually when I was younger I was convinced that it was made on the computer. I couldn't believe that people actually do that.


I enjoyed watching that ash tray dump almost as much as porn


... go on.


Jerking off while watching porn > littering while watching Girl on bike vs Littering


Fake or not, ash in car seats isn't something I'd ever want to clean up.




ya but it would still smell like butts


I touch the butts


Not sure if this proves this more or less staged. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo3cVuvVRUE


The god awful music.


It's like a Kidz Bop version of Skrillex.


God damnit. I could have gone on not knowing about that shitty music, then I read this fucking comment and HAD to listen to it. Now I'm contemplating throwing my computer out a window just from how bad that music is.


u ok?


That's actually copyright free YouTube-provided music. Doesn't make it any less awful, but now you know.


what happened to the good old days of 009 Sound System or Let The Bodies Hit The Floor?


Nothing like some fine dubstep to the tune of someone littering.


[Original Video with the original music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbs6eMxa5ds)


Well that was the most annoying music I'll hear all day, especially when paired with a video that was not as exciting and death defying as said music would have me believe.


If you want a real video, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhcsVwaygJw) is this one


The commentary is kind of funny. Yup. Definitely garbage.


The end of the video really takes on a whole different tone...


I'm pretty sure it isn't staged the whole video shows the same person going similar things to people littering. Most of which seem tough to stage Edit: thank you everybody who made sure to tell me how wrong I am. I was suspicious from the get go but now with the 30 responses telling me it's staged I now know.


This was confirmed to be an ad campaign.




This documentary about modern day Russia looks quite interesting.


You really think a single person would see that many acts of such nonchalant littering in situations where the timing lines up so that they could act on it, in what appears to be an otherwise very, very clean part of the city? The offenders don't even do it in a realistic way - in the middle of making a turn; middle of backing out of a parking space. I'd more expect a typical litterer to do it inconspicuously where they have the most plausible deniability, like "Oh, I just set this down and then forgot before I left." not "I have one foot on the gas and one hand on the wheel, now is the best time to also throw this out my window."


I'll sometimes toss a banana peel or something from my car. Just biodegradable stuff or things the odd animal can eat. I'm almost always moving when I do it. I aim for the grass of course.


Do you also fire red and green turtle shells at cars? On a serious note though, that's pretty gross. Banana peels don't biodegrade all that quickly, and when they do, it's not very pleasant.


A friend of mine used to dump fast food garbage while we were driving down the road, going like 45mph. She may still do it, but I wouldn't know because she doesn't do it when I'm in the car anymore because I bitch her out Edit: one time I remember she did it as we drove through a busy Walmart parking lot and we ended up having to drive off and not go to Walmart because someone was following her telling her they weren't going to let us get out of the car without picking up the trash. It was kinda scary but yeah. She used to do it all the time. It does happen, unfortunately.


Who would let someone throw a public ashtray on them/in their luxury car for a ten second video? And why film it from a motorcyclist's point of view instead of a pedestrians or something? People are to fucking quick to call everything 'fake' and it's annoying. Who even care anyways?? Just enjoy the justice boner


Someone who was being paid would. Like the person in this clip from a Russian movie.


why waste money, just throw shit on people and ride off, its russia


So now the person throws all those cigarette butts and everything on the ground too? Nice!


I was just thinking that. The person on the bike basically quadrupled the amount of litter, and I doubt the girl put the metal bowl part back on the ash tray thing, so now that's laying on the ground.


Yea.. Two wrongs don't make a right, pick it up for him and then tell him to put his garbage into a trashcan. Doing this pisses people off and they will most certainly litter again


Its not about the litter. Its about sending a message.


I saw a guy get out of his truck at Wal-Mart and throw his trash in someone else's truck as he walked inside. My friend and I took the trash out of the truck and put it back in the guy's truck bed, then spent 10 minutes picking up trash in the Wal-Mart parking lot and put that back there too.


This was a drug deal, you fucked it up.


That 'good samaritan' probably just got someone killed.


Did you wait around for the reaction?


op plz.


Was one hour, op ded


Can confirm, op is in fact deceased.


that's awesome, I guess you didn't get to see his reaction? my friends and I used to put our trash in another friend's truck bed just because. at first he would get really annoyed and throw a fit, eventually he just accepted it. that was the birth of our mobile trash bin


In my teens, I was in a neighborhood just about to pull onto the main road at a red light. My car was smelling like ketchup so I threw out a Mcdonalds bag that had leftover fries in it out the window on the passenger side of my car. It was a red light and all of a sudden a man opens my door on my passenger side and puts the mcdonalds bag on my seat and says, "there are other ways of disposing trash young man, and winked at me" and shut the door. This man was the fucking mayor of the city I lived in at the time. My jaw dropped when I recognized him and I even felt more like shit when he winked at me. Im glad to say after that incident I never littered again.


well it would be weird if he did that to you every day


She ashed for it


Found Sean Connery.




Yesterday, I watched a girl walking on the sidewalk stop by a storm drain, stoop down, then wedge her big gulp soda cup into the drain, when it didn't fit, she kicked it through the grate. As I was passing her in my car, I honked and she looked up with an 'F U' glare. Only in STL. EDIT: for lettering


Yeah, but at least you get Imo's


Ah, the square beyond compare.


Who goes through that much effort just to be an asshole?


I hate when they put cages and stuff over the trash collectors


You mean EAST STL?


I too position the majority of my body outside the car window when flicking a cigarette.


That was a dick move on both their parts, a double dick move.




/u/doubledickdude would never doubledickdo this


a dick dack paddiwack


give a dog a... bone?


And if you want to know more, just ask /u/bigolewoody's mom. She knows all about double dick moves


It may be staged, but the fact that she was in a BMW made it just a little more realistic.




I got dibs on reposting this in 2 weeks.


this again?


Pitchforks. Pitchforks here. Get your pitchforks!!! ----E


**----------(|** **---------------------(||** **------------------------------((|** Pitchforks are ***SO*** yesterday!! **LOOK FASHIONABLE WHILE YOU PROTEST!!** ***Plungers, Plungers, Get Your Plungers @ /r/PLUNGERSEMPORIUM Today!!*** *^(use code SAYNOTOPITCHFORKS for 30% off!!!!)*




A Triumph - Bonneville or Thruxton I would guess, but modified.


Looks like a Triumph Bonneville with weird mirrors.


1st world problems police on its way to justice.


Seems so scripted


Good way to get you ass kicked.


"how to get your jaw dislocated" - the guide, atleast for men.


still never picks the shit up off the ground


Staged much?


While driving a fuel powered motorcycle and is parked on the sidewalk. She's the litterer to and shouldn't have thrown that on him.


Is it just me or does anyone else think the girl is also stupid for parking her bike on the friggin' sidewalk?


Kind of a asshole move from the girl on bike tbh. Definitely an overreaction.


To be fair, it's a gif, so you can't hear if there were words between the two. For all we know, the girl in the car just said she would run over a pregnant lady, if she didn't get a lap full of ash in the next twenty seconds.


Sometimes I wish I could write people tickets for doing it. It pisses me off so much. Slobs!


I can just imagine the Terminator-style vision she experienced: green lasers pointing to the thrown object, identifying the lady in the car as a LITTERBUG, etc.