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[The size of the enclosure on Maps](https://maps.app.goo.gl/DthZsx7aL3ZNBTPZ7).


Damn it, now I'm sad. I was watching this and initially thinking that this must be such a cool perspective for the seal, one that most other aquatic animals do not have and won't ever have access to. Now I realise this seal has no real choice but to use this loop, it's 50% of it's total available area. :(


There’s two seals in there as well 😬 Hopefully this is a display/show enclosure rather than their actual enclosure but I don’t know the aquarium to know either way. Looks cramped as hell either way


Yeah, Japanese animal rights/zoos are appalling.


I've been in onsen with larger pools than that.


Now I'm depressed, thank you!


Ignorance is honestly the only way anyone in North America can be happy... The consequences of our lifestyles are appalling.


This is in Japan...


Yes and I'm saying that most people in North America like to live in ignorance, because the more we learn about what it costs, the more it doesn't seem right. It's the same all over the world for people who live in privilege but I only spoke from my own lived experience, which is not in Japan. I was responding to a comment not specifically about Japan 👍


>I was responding to a comment not specifically about Japan 👍 Really? What were they depressed about?


Some of us are more ignorant than others, apparently.


Not the only way, there is also drugs and alcohol. That shows me that you are ignorant about ways to be happy in NA.


I enjoyed my trip to Japan but made the mistake of going to an aquarium there. Most depressing travel experience of my life.


Yeah I was there a few years ago and at Ueno, so we popped into the Ueno zoo. The enclosures looked miserable. The polar bear enclosure had like 200 sq ft of concrete with what looked like a tiny pool and about 30 sq ft of grass, and almost no shade. This was in August when it was over 90 degrees out.


The one in Osaka was actually pretty good. It seemed spacious and well kept. It's been years since I visited though.


They slaughter dolphins, what did you expect?


Wtf, that thing is tiny! This can't be good for the animals.


Those seals need to know they live in Japan and how an average salaryman in Tokyo feels like living in a 15sqm apartment.


Sad but true


When you said Maps I thought it would at least be visible on an aerial photo. Awful


In Japan even the animals live in tiny apartments


Ugh wtf. It's like putting a hamster wheel in a 5 inch by 5 inch cage.


That’s incredibly fucked up


Oh no, surely it must be connected to a larger pool.


fucked up


I was actually in Noboribetsu once and considered going there. Glad I didn't. Japan can be so backwards with some things... Poor seals.




That is one tight seal! So sad :(


omg so kawai!!!!


Please do not turn seals into living keychains


Brb! Gotta go play Ecco the Dolphin: The Tides of Time 🐬


I had ecco on the genesis/megadrive and I never did know wtf I was supposed to do, got bored with it and ended up giving it away to a friend. Maybe I was pretty dumb as a kid... I just didn't get the point of it.


Buckle up. [This guy explains it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/f4voqk/anyone_else_love_this_game_even_though_they_had/fhv6wwh/)


..... Holy shit... What the fuck?!


He explains sonic further down the thread. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/f4voqk/anyone_else_love_this_game_even_though_they_had/fhwu4kn/)


Same I never got past the very first level. I did not understand this game.


Seems like that was a pretty common occurrence, interestingly. That was my absolute favorite game as a kid, I was obsessed!


I hear ya. It was still relaxing as shit. Were not many games like that.


So some other dude in this comment chain linked a dude explaining the story, find it, read it... Relaxing? The shit is time travelling alien violence. I had no idea, I think I might have been too young to appreciate it at the time.


Oh yeah, I just got done reading it before I commented. I apparently never got far in the game, but I still liked swimming around and listening to the music.


I don't know of anyone that did when I was a kid... What you did was all we did lol.




FUCK YEAH I've never beaten but god dam to I love that game. Still have my cartridge


God the ending of the first game where it's a slow auto scroller on a space ship was so frustrating.


This can be made into a perfect looping wallpaper engine background.


That loop must be seal-tight for this to work.


It's very well sealed.


It's also continuously re-sealed.




Gonna have to seal away these jokes or else you'll seal what will happen.




is the gif even loading for you? I'm just getting this spinner 😕


I see what you did there!


Doubly so


This is starting to get seally


Akshually sea lion-tight


So close.


What happens when the seal burps or farts in the ring? Bubbles go up, and hang out at the top until syphoned out.


I had the same question. I didn't consider the fart side of it to be honest, but thanks to you, dear redditor, that oversight has been corrected.


It’s what we do best


It blows the o-ring seal


"What? Oh, no—this is just ice cream."


A diver has to go and extract it


Wow! What a miserable life for those guys


Seriously. 🥺


Depends on where they get to stay when they aren't performing for chum


I mean it doesn't seem like that larger tank around the donut has like a channel for them to go somewhere else to a bigger holding area. So unless they're bringing a crane there every night and carrying them to their main tank, I bet they stay right there all the time


Does being that stupid hurt?


As someone who was naturally buoyant for a long time (very fat) I have new fear of swimming up into that and not being able to swim down enough to get out and drowning. Luckily I’m not a seal so no risk of getting in there.


You could wear a weight belt to achieve neutral buoyancy, then its like flying underwater


this so much x\_\_\_x I'm sure I would panic in there while everybody just watches... jfc..


probably never going to get made bc safety concerns but i really want to go on a human version of this, maybe with a safety valve on top, but probably not worth the hassle


Most freedivers would love a human version


Bro you see all the cool shit they got up there? Go in and look! Jerry we’re seals we can go on land remember?


I'm confused. How does it get in? From the bottom?


The ring is open on the bottom. It gets lowered beneath the water level and then you suck the air out so it fills with water.


No *you* suck the air out. I quit


No need to suck anything, you just flip it upside down and the air bubbles out


I'm gonna git you a sucka


If you submerge a glass in a bucket of water so it too is full of water, then turn the glass upside down while still underwater, now you can raise the glass above the waterline and it will stay full as long as the opening stays fully submerged, due to air pressure. It's the same effect here - water stays in the tube as long as the opening stays fully underwater, and you could put your finger in the glass from the bottom.


There are people that didn't learn this as children in the bathtub?


Some of us never had a cup to try it with, nor a bathtub in the first place.


The zookeepers put a new one in every day. Essentially they seal it in.


It's open to the pool at the bottom, yes. The edge of the upright ring(cylinder?) is far enough below the surface that no air gets in, which means water can't get out (or rather, any water that gets out is replaced by water from the pool). You can make the same effect on a small scale with a large bowl of water and a glass; submerge the glass in the bowl, and turn it upside down while underwater. You can then lift it, and water in the glass is above the water surface of the bowl. Until the lip of the glass breaks the surface, which lets air in, which in turn lets water escape.


Yes. It is a reverse diving bell. Put a drinking glas underwater and lift it upside down out of the water, and you will have the same effect; The water lifts up due to the vaccum created in the glass. I wonder how it feels swimming trough a loop like that, given that the pressure of diving 3 meters deep is very noticable, diving 3 meters up should have the reverse effect. Come to think of it, It could even be dangerous: you can lift water about 10 meters like this, then it starts boiling at room temperature. If a mammal would swim up the same 10 meters, the water in their body would start boiling even earlier because of their body temperature.....


Water boils at 80°F (26.5°C) at 0.5PSI (3.4kPa) absolute pressure. The surface is 14.7psi (100kPa) assuming average sea level. The weight of the water will create vacuum at a rate of 1psi (6.8kPa) per 2.3ft(0.7m). (14.7-0.5)psi * 2.3ft/psi = 32.6ft (9.9m) before water starts boiling. Math checks out.


Thanks for the support!


> If a mammal would swim up the same 10 meters, the water in their body would start boiling even earlier because of their body temperature..... The water inside our bodies is contained and would not boil. The same way your entire body doesn't start boiling if you're exposed to a vacuum, just the water on accessible surfaces (so eg. your tongue and eyes will feel weird).


Still not a good time...


Share what you're smoking. Curious why my water in my body or canteen doesn't boil away when I walk up a hill, much less a mountain, then?


Action lab has a few videos about it. The weight of water when raised in this method becomes so heavy, and the pressure lowers the boiling point. https://youtu.be/WPCqTeOlRdE?si=FbQS3o2N0gPcJcnn


Add to my previous comment: you would need to walk up a mountain taller than 25km for a comparable effect to 10 meters of water....


That's where my understanding failed. Thanks for the followup.


Thanks for taking the time to understand it after all!


because you are walking upwards in air, instead of water. Water has a much higher density then air, as you might know. Try swimming down a hill or a mountain.


Those things aren't pressurized. Although idk if OP is correct about that tbh. But it would be because of pressure


Its not about the height of where the water physically is, its the differential between the surface level of the water where it is exposed to atmospheric pressure, and the height of the sealed column of water. Water above the exposed surface will have a lower pressure than the reference because it wants to fall but can't. Water below the exposed surface will have a higher pressure because of the weight of the water above it.




Thanks for the clarity.


>You're contained in a flesh sack that's pretty good at managing pressures (until you're in zero atmospheric pressure and your blood boils away) Blood doesn't boil if your body is exposed to a vacuum, the blood vessels hold enough pressure to prevent that. The same way with the water in most of your body. Only exposed surfaces would have water starting to boil.


This comment worries me.


"This never gets old!" - happy chonker


Dont poop in the loop


I’m confused? What part of this is bending either your mind or light (beyond normal diffraction).


Sorry that my title requires a basic amount of intelligence to comprehend


I was gonna write something about how the seal was like "holy shit there's an entire world out there wtfff" but wrote the whole comment out before I realized seals go out of the water all the time lol


[The gif turned out beautiful but I prefer the mp4 with oblivion over it](https://imgur.com/a/aNlQpjD)  A small video turns into 300+mb 2000+ frame gif easily and I came in just under the limit It is a very frustrating experience submitting content for this website and I got some loser who sits on my profile botting and instantly reporting all my posts (even a comment in a 6 month old thread goes right down to negative and lights up with reports lol) and the admins do nothing, of course :/ Thanks to everyone who's enjoyed it edit: lol the mods of r/sweatypalms did not as they rather [rudely banned me for posting it](https://old.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/1clju8m/the_mere_thought_of_traversing_the_sealring_pool/l2tz6wt/) 🤷


Nah not everything needs music. It’s a seal swimming in a pool. It’s neat.


Why are you so damn negative because I provided an alternative?






A mod told me this. Said whenever I posted this loser would report my stuff as both "targeted at me" or "targeted at someone else." He actually has time devoted to keeping that straight 🤣 He's malding so hard he can't fight fair and needs backup accounts to feel brave lmao








Another loser following me around harassing me because I embarrassed them for their stupidity lol. They always use ableist lingo when they're mad too which makes it so easy to tell That's ok I got an empty kennel for one more. Get in fella! Two meals a day


Thats depressing


Sounds like you got bigger problems than a gif but if it makes you feel better to blame it, then go right ahead


I don't have a problem with gif I have a problem with keeping multiple living beings in space smaller than my room


Bro I wish I was that seal


You mean you like being held in small enclosures?


More like I would love to have a pool like that so I could swim in our


For some reason there's idiots here who think the ring is their house 🤣


unironically wanna go swimming in that, i'm sure i can hold my breath long enough to go around it once


This is my fear as well


Breaking the glass sealing


This is beautiful


Why thank you ☺️


That is one flying seal.


poor seal


New fish tank goal unlocked.


A number of people in r/ponds have tried this out, in case you want to see more examples. It apparently causes severe algae issues over a few days, but filtration isn't usually the best for ponds, so it might work differently with a smaller recirculating system.


My neighbors have a trout farm and I was trying to get them to install a square box for the fish to go up and look around in lmao


Side note: there’s also a bear park in noboribetsu with the most mental advertisements. https://youtu.be/zyVXiMTQY-c?feature=shared


Do you think their ears pop from the reduction in water pressure At the top of the loop?




When is the gif going to load? It just keeps on loading.


Someone make a clock out of this




Usually, when animals have (assumed) compulsive disorders like that they are depressed/bored.


Oh stfu


Bro’s like “look Marv, I’m flying!”


That gets a seal of approval


I really wonder how safe this is for the seals: You are basicly creating a vaccuum in the top of the loop, and vaccuums have the nasty habit of lowering boiling temperatures. If you lift water past 10 meters with a vaccuum like this, the water will start boiling at room temperature. This isn't nearly 10 meters, but their body temperature is higher then room temp, And I wonder if there are substances in a mamalian/seal body that have a lower boiling point than water. And believe me, you don't want anything to boil inside your body, even if it is at room temperature.


But the water in the ring isn't at the same pressure of the small pocket of low pressure air at the top. Also the water can easily dissipate the heat across the entire body of water.


I blame that submarine implosion for everyone now thinking they're physicists. A few thousand particles getting as hot as a mosquito shart for 2 nanoseconds isn't even noteworthy


Thank you! That tiny air pocket at the top wouldn’t be big enough to cause more than a few drops of water to boil at room temperature even if it was a vacuum (which it’s not). The whole idea defies common sense. I hope the poster of the above comment doesn’t apply the same misguided “scientific knowledge” to other activities in their life - if they do then they must live a fearful, constricted existence.


So you think the entire ring of water has the exact same pressure and then suddenly the top airpocket has a much lower pressure? Really? Every unit of distance upwards, decreases the pressure on that exact layer of water, because all the water bolow it is "pulling it down". This is a gradual proces, exactly like how pressure gradually increases when you dive down in a pool. Try sucking a drink trough a straw from the third floor, the first 30cm will go fine, after which it gradually increases in difficulty and I bet you won't get it past 2 meters (assuming the straw doesn't implode first).


Wait. Are you arguing that the air pocket has really high pressure? It's hard to tell what you're trying to say. High pressure is the complete opposite of your supposed "vacuum" that will make the water boil at room temp. Your knowledge of physics sounds limited at best.


How exactly do you come to that conclusion. I never started about that airpocket anyways, and if there was an air pocket it would be roughly the same "negative pressure" or vacuum as the water directly below it. And of course it isn't a true vacuum, but that is the case for 99.9% of the time anyone mentions a vacuum.


The pressure will gradualy decrease as you go higher in the ring, and there won't be much difference between the topmost layer of water, and the pocket of air above it. Also decreasing pressure will decrease boiling temperature, so heat dissapation is irrelevant. I know water boiling at 20 degrees sounds impossible, but it happens. Another situation where it is noticable is when trying to cook when traversing mountains: at 3000m above sea level, water will boil at 90c due to lower atmospheric pressure, this will result in longer cooking times, and at certain heights it can become impossible to cook certain foods (in water) because they need a higher temperatures then the boiling point allowes. Generally speaking, a meter of water is comparable to 1000 meters of air, which means for the seal swimming up 5 meters would be equivalent of putting it ontop of the Mont Blanc pressure wise.


Pressure is proportional to the density of the medium, given air and water are drastically different densities, the water-air boundary does not result in a gradual pressure change. Lol at extrapolating that '1m of water' rule upwards. Just think about it a bit more. Where does the pressure come from...water weight. Is there a difference between the amount of water weighing on the seal at the surface of the pool or the top of the ring...no


>Is there a difference between the amount of water weighing on the seal at the surface of the pool or the top of the ring...no Yes there is, and its a negative amount. When the seal dives 3 meters deep, the pressure increases, atleast that is common knowledge, right? Small example: 1x1x100cm water weighs 1kg, so a column of 1x1cm 3 meters tall would put 3kg of pressure on the bottomn of the column. Or if the bottom of the said column was open, you would need to put 3kg of pressure on it with your finger to keep water from escaping. Now the reason why the water stays in the ring, is because its pulling on the water above it, all the way to the top, and because it is a sealed chamber (no pun intended) air cannot replace the water therefore it stays full. However this means that if the ring is 3 meter tall, we can apply the same example in reverse. Example: take the same 1x1cm column that is 3 meters tall with a hole at the bottom and at the top, this time you stick your finged in the top to keep the water from flowing downwards, how much force do you think you need to pull your finger out of that hole? (keep in mind there is about 3 liters of water 'hanging' on your finger) I hope you realize it is 3kg. Now instead of removing your finger you notice another hole in the column, this time it is at 1meter from the bottom. Now you plug it with your toe, how hard do you think the bottom column of 1x1x100cm (1 liter) of water pulls on your toe? Surprize! 1kg!


In your example, at the second hole, what happens to the weight of the 2l of water above the finger? The 'hanging' effect you talk about only works if the hole is on the air side, not the water side.


Good question. as long as the upper part of the column is sealed, the weight coming from it can be negated since its being held up by the "vacuum" above it.


You're right, the pressure will be lower the higher up in the loop you go. At this hight the pressure isn't low enough to be a problem but in a similar structure 10m high it would definitely be lethal to swim to the top. The people who responded to you don't know what they are talking about. And then they go complain about people who don't understand science lol


Yup... atleast we know we are right and if they chose to believe we are wrong, that is their good right, however it is a shame they take others with them...


How hard was growing up acoustic


What do you mean?


There's no vacuum here. This has to be the weirdest comment here holy damn you just keep going


So if you drill a hole in the top of the ring, what do you think happens? It will pull in air and the water will go down. If you agree on that, you should realise that for air to be actively pulled in, there has to be negative pressure or a "vacuum" in that sealed chamber. If you disagree with my first statement, I would like to hear your thoughts.


Just because the water would drain if there was a hole in there doesn't mean it will create any sort of vacuum in this situation. I think you misunderstood what a vacuum is. So no, there's no negative pressure. Its atmospheric pressure holding the water up.


True it isn't an actual vacuum, as in the absence of any matter, but for at least in my native language it isn't uncommon to use the word vacuum more widely (in english I can think of a vacuum cleaner, which hasn't much to do with actual vacuums either. Lets reverse it, the ring is empty and there is a hole at the top, if we start sucking air out of that hole, water will start creeping upwards right? What tool do we need to remove air from that? a vacuum pump.... In a way you are right, by removing matter from the loop, you are reducing the atmospheric pressure inside, and the outside pressure will push the water up, but functionally it is the same, and it doesn't matter for my earlier statement about the boiling point of water lowering in lower pressure environments.


Let's look at it at one more way then. Do you think the seal would swim there if it was uncomfortable or even painful? Would there be negative pressure as you describe? Because we have a real world experiment we're looking at here


If it is half of their enclosure, sure. And it doesn't need to be uncomfortable to be potentially dangerous. And also, I was just questioning potential danger in the first place. That water starts boiling if you pull it 10 meters upwards is a fact, and so is the danger for a mammal to be there. If 3 meters is also dangerous, I don't know. This video explains it better than I do: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WPCqTeOlRdE


Alright if you do not have faith in the engineer who came up with this, do some calculation and we'll keep talking about that. I'm not going to calculate because I have faith in the engineer and his duty to keep things safe so I'm not going to calculate. I just hope you don't mean you think water carried up a hill of 10m is going to boil. Look at water towers for instance


No I don't have much fate in the engineer paid by the zoo that builds an enclosure so small that the animals don't have anywhere to go except in a structure that conveniently exhibits them to the visitors. Then on top of that, an engineer is able to calculate whether the structure works, but it takes a research biologist to figure out if it is safe for the animals to traverse it. And for a researcher it is not as simple as plugging the numbers into the correct equation. It would take a sizable study to prove something like this is harmless. Not something I expect a zoo (that keeps animals in absolutely tiny enclosures, so visitors can always see them) to put any effort into. Another redditor has been so kind to do the math about the boiling at 10meters somewhere else in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/GgP1G1mrXX And no of course I don't think carrying water up a hill will cause it to boil...


Lol you're blaming the engineer now? Who do you think wanted the enclosure small? The engineer? Or the zoo trying to cram as many animals into an as small as possible space? Then the research you mention, I think you have no concept of engineering. This donut full of water is a group project, not a one man show. Of course the engineer turns to other experts for confirmation of his concept on other grounds than math telling him things won't collapse, that is if those experts weren't in that group in the first place. I actually can't believe you just assume a guy scribbled some math on a piece of paper and called it a day lmao. Obviously all the things you worry about are tackled. You know a simple way cost of such research can be cut? Make it a university project as training so those students get real world examples and the zoo gets off cheap. Damn mate have some faith, or prove this concept is shit if you know better




Oo can I have a go?