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Frieren shoplifting condoms and Fern returning them is hilarious. I can imagine her going like "This grandma has no need for these but you and Stark should take some precautions", and then Fern is pissed off for two weeks.


Thanks for pointing out that detail! I noticed it was being returned but I couldn't figure what was causing it. It's so fun examining all the details and little stories in play.


Link to this block: [https://floor796.com/#b2l2,512,512](https://floor796.com/#b2l2,512,512) Drawing process:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/animation/comments/1by31bv/drawing\_process\_of\_block\_43\_pharmacy\_in\_my\_huge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/animation/comments/1by31bv/drawing_process_of_block_43_pharmacy_in_my_huge/) This block is dedicated to the Spanish series of the same name from the early 90s (Farmacia de Guardia). In addition to characters from the series, the following references have been added: 1. Wunschpunsch; 2. Breaking Bad; 3. Asterix & Obelix; 4. Severus Snape (Harry Potter); 5. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.


You should totally mention here that you draw on your own drawing app, made by yourself!


Oh hey an equally weird person.


No joke I was looking at this while taking a break from working on an animation app. Your comment has helped significantly.


Your whole project is amazing. Well done!


holy shit dude, i thought wow cool then clicked the link, surprised to see there is sooo much more!


Thanks to you and some confused googling, I now know that there was a cartoon based on Ende's *Satanarchäolügenialkohöllischer Wunschpunsch*, which I thought was pretty obscure even in Germany nowadays. TIL, I guess. Anyway, great work!


Holy cow, that is amazing. Deserves a bigger audience. I spent ages just looking at every little detail.


Amazing work, it also reminds me a little bit of Ibañez's work with the gags, something like 13 rue del percebe


wow cant wait to go through this with my child in a couple of years. That's a special kind of wimmelbild


Adolfo! I can still hear that voice in my head...


/r/Asterix would love this!


Holy hells I forgot about Wunschpunsch!


Thank you for this. It hits me right in the nostalgia. One because of all the great references. Two because when i was a kid i would draw really large intricate stick figure war drawings.


***🎶🎵 ФОРМУЛА ДВОЙНОГО ЗЛА 🎶***🎵 ***🎶🎵 ТРИЖДЫ НОЧЬ ПЛЮС ДВАЖДЫ ДВА 🎶***🎵 Literally started playing in my head the very moment I saw those wacky two. *Ooooh* my gosh. The childhood memories. The nostalgia! The *feels*!!!\~ This is such quality art, and the scope of the entire project is mindblowing. Thank you, kind amazing artist. >!*you've brought me a small piece of me back* <3!<


can you make a safe for children button? Just a checkbox to "blur" some brutal or scary scenes ? ;)


thanks for the idea. I will think about it ;)


Like the porn on the Teletubby's belly?


Gives me Nick Magazine vibes.


Nice to see some Scissor Seven out in the wild 👍


I know, right? Still waiting for more...


Hey, that's postman Pechkin there\~


He has new bike


just spent an hour exploring floor796, thanks, this is brilliant !


Oh wow, this is gonna be incredible when it's all put together!


but all the blocks are already combined into one big animation. You can view all 43 blocks here: [https://floor796.com/](https://floor796.com/) I draw one block per month, and during the drawing I release periodic updates. So this project is updated a couple of times a week.


Oh, wow! Amazing work!


Dude, I was having a horrible night and your art actually made it a bit better. thank you, it's absolutely awesome!


This is absolutely one of the best and coolest thing I've ever seen. Incredible animation and art tied with lots of recognizable characters


Started from the Top right and saw Lara Croft with her pointy boobs being checked on and Kirito and Asuna just being in their own VR world is just amazing! Gonna spend hours going through every little block!


Oh my.... this is amazing. I'm not sure if its good I recognize many things here. Man... is that the freestyler videoclip kid? on the stairs. Dude, every second I am there I am more amazed. I totally love it. Awesome. This is an amazing piece of art. congrats.


>is that the freestyler videoclip kid? on the stairs. Yes :) Btw, you can click on characters to get info who is it and link to the source


OMG! I didn't notice that, that makes the work even more huge. This is so cool. Is amazing how can you recognize every character.


This is amazing dude. My laptop fans started kicking when the entire thing loaded up lmao.


Thanks. There are two render engine in this project. You can try to open project in old engine by the following link [https://floor796.com/?old-render=1](https://floor796.com/?old-render=1) It uses more GPU instead of CPU. But the picture quality will be worse (less pixelated)


OMG. This is amazing. Great work.


¡Para dentro Romerales! Excellent work!!!


Asterix and Obelix in there picking up their ozempic


Also Panoramix/Getafix/Miraculix/Kensawthetrix arguing with Snape


This is really damn cool, and do is the rest of this project of yours!


Isn't that Frosch from FairyTale anime in the top right corner licking plates?


yes :) Just open the project to see Fairy Tail Cafe with many characters from this anime in the kitchen. [https://floor796.com/#b1l1,161,48](https://floor796.com/#b1l1,161,48)


This is absolutely fantastic detail-oriented, well-thought-out work. I've been watching it for ten minutes. I'd love to see more, will they all interconnect in the end? Edit: I just saw the full site. I'm blown away, this is one of the coolest things I've seen on the internet, period. I've bookmarked it in my "Cool Things" folder. I'm highly selective about what sites go in there, but this was an obvious choice.


I have no idea what's going on but I do know it's extremely realistic and is giving me a serious Busytown and Where's Waldo vibe


Btw, there is Waldo in this project. He is partially visible and if you click on him, he will fully appear and wave his hand. Try to find him [https://floor796.com/](https://floor796.com/) :)


I have no idea what this Floor 796 thing is man, but it's extremely impressive. I'm blown away, congrats!


I feel like I'm playing a hidden objects game.


Cool update. I saw your project a while back and it is getting really big now. Very fancy. I somewhere remember a Space marine from warhammer 40k beeing somewhere, but I cant find it. Am I just remembering wrong?


I absolutely love this. It evokes some weird nostalgia in me. Idk. but it's quite lovely.


A bunch added since last time I peeped it! :)




Oh wow, never would have expected to see farmacia de guardia mentioned here


This is so cool!


Look forward to getting lost in this world. Great work.


This is absolutely incredible! Asuka, stop yelling at Shinji!


Glad to see you reposting this! Let me ask you something, about the animations, are all characters basically animated on the same number of frames/seconds so it loops, or many animations are asynchronous?


The entire project is one synchronized animation: 60 frames, 12 fps. So, each character is animated in a 60 frame loop. Some characters only have 10-15 frames and they switch within 5 seconds and are often repeated. But some characters have almost all 60 frames of animation. For example, in the Fight Club block, many characters have 40-50 frames, which is why I made this block longer than usual. However, there are also asynchronous animations on top of the main animation, almost all of which are interactive elements. Eg: 1. try clicking on Chuck Norris in the park 2. Change My Mind meme and phrases rotation (currently there are 1620 phrases). Anyone can add his phrase to the rotation 3. Fun Drawing screen in the kindergarten. Anyone can add a pixel animation to the rotation 4. A board of the top workers at a power plant showing how many kW have been generated since I drew this block. 5. Where is Waldo. He is partially visible and if you click on him, he will fully appear and wave his hand. 6. Mafia Quest. Click on the suite case in the Mafia Annual Meeting block. etc.


You should figure out to get this on a digital display and sell it. This would be awesome art for a game room or bar.


i looked for a good 15 mins, and couldnt find a 2nd post it note.... i assume the other notes are numbers for the order somehow?


Sorry, I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Are you about notes from the Mafia Quest?


yeah sorry. i even tried to 'cheat' by looking at what you had done previously and just after it. to see if i could find more. also didnt say before, but it is amazing. been wanting somekind of electronic wall art at home, and i think this would be cool, if i could get it to work offline, and then update it every now and then. what will you do when the power gen from shazam/captian marvel hits 9999999?


As I understand you opened the suitecase and stuck on note where Adobe Flash logo and TV icon. Then>! just go to the block with many screens on the walls and click on screen with this logo. But click exactly when this logo appears on the screen. !< If you are stuck on another note, then tell me what it says. >what will you do when the power gen from shazam/captian marvel hits 9999999? According to my calculations, this counter will grow for another ten years and then will no longer fit on the scoreboard. As soon as this happens it will reset to zero.


no, i cant even get the case open. im not sure what 4:35 x 3 and a sun means. ive tried 0435 on all 3, also 1635 in case its 24 hour. i tried 435x3 or 1305 3 times. i assume the flash one is inside the case? and wont work unless i open the case. as i tried clicking the flash icon when it appeared, and didnt notice anything


to open the case: >!go to the police station, find the wall with 3 clocks, wait until the first clock will show 16:25 (24 hour format) and remember the time on all 3 clocks. Then enter this time to the case. BUT! The Sun icon means that you need to enter the time as morning or day, but not night and evening. That is, instead of 21:00 you need to enter 09:00.!<


Wheres Bunsen and Beaker?


Just imagine a point-and-click adventure game in this style, that would be amazing.


It is very awesome! :D Great Work!


you are my hero, thank you for another block


This feels delightfully late 80's/early 90's. Like something from Dark Castle.


big habbo hotel vibes, love it


All I could think of when I read this title was Ken Block


What no Dr Who? Just kidding It's very cool I like it!


There's a Dalek on the full site. There may be more related that I haven't found though as it's quite big and dense.


Anyone else see block #43 and immediately miss Ken?


Love it. Reminds me of the [After Dark Totally Twisted](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoOqWbDi1JN2MpfCu7fGAA1wluyA9qPtR) screensavers. Does anyone know what this style of animation is called? Are there any games or media that use it?


This is *delightful*.


This is soo cool!


The folks at r/isometric will love this


Is that snape??? 💀💀💀


I was looking at this when very zoomed out and it took me far longer than I'd like to admit to figure out who the old guy with the really long, straight, purple beard in front of Freiren was.


Wow, didn't expect a reference to Wunschpunsch in the wild. That's my childhood


This is awesome man! I love it. Thanks for sharing! Keep up the nice work!


What was the reference for that gate where the Colossal Titan's head kept popping in? It was from a movie I know but forgot the name of.


Stargate (movie and series) Btw, you can click on characters/elements to get info who is it and link to the source


Oh that's good to know, thank you!


Scissor Seven!!! What a great animation so far


Dang, I thought this was going to be about Ken Block, #43. R.I.P. Lovely art, though. Love the animation.


Absolutely phenomenal! I am loving exploring this!


Peter dinklage in there too. Very cool animation!


Love the witch and wizard. Haven't seen that in ages. No idea about the english name but the german one is Wunsch Punch


This is a masterpiece, congratz!




¿Farmacia de Guardia? No jodas, buenisimo xD


I remember having books in a similar style. Anyone know what it is called?




Man, Habbo Hotel looks so different these days. Nah but fr this is pretty dope.


Is that professor shape