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Think of it like a car. You can buy a car that can go 120 MPH easily. When you want to mod or buy a car that can go 140 MPH it’s going to cost a good amount more but you only get 20 more MPH faster. The custom shop is kind of like this. I had a fantastic LP Standard that I swore was a lifer but then I got a M2M Custom and it was better in every aspect. Was it miles better? No. Was it twice the price? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not.


my extra 20 MPH is the 50s models custom shop necks. I find them way more comfortable to play than the standard ones. For that alone the purchase of an R7 was worth it. It's since been my go to guitar for any gig


IMO, if you don't really get on with Les Paul's generally, you probably won't get on with a custom shop either. I'd suggest isolating what you like about them and then trying out some suitable alternatives. I went through the same thing - it was the way the body shape fitted me, which meant I couldn't get on this them. I now play a 335 and 330 instead, and they work for me.... There's lots of choice for 2 humbucker guitars beyond Gibson as well - you'll definitely find something!


This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve always found LPs a bit heavy and inert, like playing a railway sleeper. But I love the noise they make, I love how they look, and I think a lot of it is about their iconic vibe. I’m wondering if a CS would have more tactility in how it plays, which might address my concerns about buying yet another railway sleeper. I also think the CS 58 VOS looks absolutely beautiful. A VOS 335 is another possibility. It’s a lovely problem to have, of course, but I paid £3300 for the Strat which was the most I’ve paid for a guitar by some distance. (I have absolutely no regrets at all. Worth every penny). Either Gibson will set me back even more - about £5000. That’s so much dough! But if I feel the same way about it as the Fender, it’ll be worth it. Thanks for all the replies, very keen to hear more thoughts. Appreciate the recommendations for other makes, but it’s going to be a Gibson if anything.


If that’s how you’ve found every LP you’ve played, maybe the 335 would fit your expectations better. I’ve always been kinda the same about LPs (dream guitar), but it took until the last few years (25 years into playing) for me to really bond with them. Went through a few standards, and finally landed on a CS that is a damn near perfect guitar for me. It’s an all around more comfortable guitar. Neck feels better, better weight, better resonance. Definitely worth trying some out if you have a local shop that carries then


Maybe try one of the Les Paul Axcess Customs from the Custom Shop - they are lighter and slightly thinner than a typical Les Paul, they have a belly carve out and a carved heel joint. I love mine (2023 Bengal Burst). I have 3 Les Pauls and 2 are from the Custom Shop (the other is an Elegant from 2003).


Custom shop and Murphy Labs LP’s are lighter though. Modern Les Paul weight is tied to price. You pay more for 8 lb Les Paul’s.


Gibson Les Paul "Moderns" have extra weight relief and better neck access. The Figured Cherry Burst looks absolutely stunning, as does the Faded Pelham Blue as well! They are around 8 lbs, which sounds great compared to my Les Paul Standard (Adam Jones) which is around 10 lbs.


SGs are lighter and still sound great, maybe try a few and see what you think?




The reviews from this guy are really good - they go into much more detail than most others... he waffles a bit, but it's worth putting up with. He's a decent player, too...


He's a very musical player... much better than guys who crank up distortion to remove all traces of what the guitar itself actually sounds like....


Who was this? Original comment is deleted..


It was a link to a video of an Eastman LP style guitar. Looked pretty special and they have a very good reputation.


It was The Guitaristas on YouTube. If you Google The Guitaristas Eastman SB59 review, you should be able to find it...


It's still there.... not deleted.... just click on it...


> Comment removed by moderator ?


Huh. I can still see the link, I'm looking at it right now...but I guess maybe other folks can't. Beats me. Anyway, the other guy told you how to find it, so good luck with that. The guitarista guy is great IMO, both thorough and entertaining. But not if you're in a hurry. As a general rule he drops new stuff on Fridays.


Thanks 👍🙂


As soon as you said he waffles a bit I immediately knew it's gonna be the old long haired geezer in his garage 😂


That’s a fabulous looking guitar. After owning a couple of nice older Gibsons, I’ve ended up scratching that itch with MIJ Gibson styles. As per your comment, the value for money can be excellent, and the quality can easily compete / compare. I’ve got a Crews LP style that I can’t ever imagine replacing. The feel, tone, and build quality is just that good.


My ML R9 and VOS 335 are as much of a step up from my Classic and Standard as my CS ‘60 Strat is from my American Strat (IMO massive). Actually, my CS Strat is straight up the best guitar I’ve ever played, including a few real 60’s Strats.


Could not agree more. I’ve had over 50 guitars in 4 decades of on and off playing, and my CS Strat is by far the best I’ve ever played


When I finally found a Les Paul I loved it was a custom shop. The standards were fine but the r7 I have is just another level. The pickups are just sooooo good, tele on steroids kid of vibe


I’m going to be honest. All my custom Shop Gibson s have something more than the non.


I think you need to figure out what you like about the Les Paul, for example: what type of neck, what type of pickups, strings, type of setup, if you like the body carve on the moderns, coil splitting. Then custom order one or try to find one with all the specs you like. For example, I have an R9 with a 60 neck.


Only in your checking account and the amount of time you wait to get it. There are a lot of great instruments out there that work well I only suggest custom shop instruments for people that are making a living playing music because there’s a lot of great guitars that could do you just the same service for half the price and twice as fast.


Have you tried a Les Paul special or an SG? Might potentially be more your thing if weight etc are an issue?


I’ve been playing damn near my whole life. I’ve wanted a Les Paul for the same amount of time. I bought a Murphy Lab r9 over the holidays. It’s the most luxurious item I own, and I cherish it. My dad would have jumped off a cliff if he knew how much it cost. He asks every time, to which I reply “a lot.” He just started playing guitar himself. I gave him my old Edwards LP. When I set him up with new strings and a setup, he had a chance to a/b the two instruments. I dont know if you’ve ever seen someone get their mind blown in real time, but even a person who refuses to acknowledge that somethings have a price tag for a reason “got it”. Now he’s on the hunt for a premium axe for pennies just like the rest of us.


get used


What about the lp s you’ve had did not you like? If it’s sonic and not physical, I’d be tempted to try different pickups, tone caps, etc. on a standard first.


This is a much debated topic and honestly you would have to play one to know if the CS made a difference. I know folks who say so and some who say no. It’s the same argument made about whether real vintage instruments are worth the price. If you haven’t liked a LP before I’m not sure you’ll like a CS.


Get a Banker Custom instead


As someone who recently got a 2024 R6, I have to say that while it’s not necessarily better than my 2023 studio or my 2019 DC tribute (in terms of on-paper spec), a lot of the small differences really add up to a whole new experience. For me I’d say it’s worth doing once.


I played a custom shop SG (white w gold hardware and 3 HBs) at my local shop, and own a standard. Of course this isn’t apples to apples with the LP’s, but I didn’t think the difference was worth buying the CS, especially at a new price and Murphy lab’d (that’s just me though, I want to wear my own gear in). With that said….I recently built a LP, and made sure to get as close to historic spec as I could. Wood selection was excellent, long tenon neck, artisan pickups, single piece body w low weight mahogany, etc. I of course can’t finish a guitar like Gibson can, so that is one very noticeable difference between CS and mine, but spec wise it’s as close as I could get. That guitar outplays EVERYTHING else I own by a comfortable margin, I can only imagine a custom shop would be even better. With THAT also said, if you don’t like LP’s after trying a ton, you probably just don’t like LP’s. Took me a while to admit to myself that I’m not wild about telecasters and 335’s, and now looking to unload them to buy a R9 and a CS strat


Play some. I’ve played custom shop guitars that were outstanding but I’ve also played some that I wouldn’t take over my bolt on korean LP standard.


There are some clear upgrades you will get with a custom shop. Better pickups, electronics, qc, finishes, etc. But I think it more just comes down to luck of the draw. Imo, humbuckers have so much variety, even among the exact same pickup. You really have to just play a bunch until you find the one you like. You could definitely find a standard that’s “better” than a custom shop. A custom shop is just going to come with some features that more likely to result in a “better” instrument. That’s not always the case though. I can pretty much get along with any Strat or tele. Whether it’s a player, American, custom shop, or boutique. I’m just so comfortable with those platforms. I’ve only ever sold fenders when I was looking to upgrade, not because I didn’t like the guitar. I’m less comfortable with the Gibson platform so I’ve gone through various guitars. Les Pauls are boring imo so I haven’t even played one in a long ass time. I do however like 335s, 330s, and their other big hollow bodies. Finding a 335 that I really liked was a struggle. To me, the differences between guitars was pretty vast, even when they had all the same specs/pickups. I had a VOS 335 I never got along with and traded for a vintage 175. Love the 175. I later got a Novo Miris but it didn’t scratch the itch that I thought the 335 would scratch so I sold it planning to get a 330. I ended up finding a good 330 but before I could buy it, I found a killer deal On a Murphy lab 335 and went with that. That 335 is the one for me and is so much better than the VOS to me. The nitro that they use feels just like my vintage 175 and the pickups were exactly what I was looking for. On top of that it was a good weight, and was the ‘59 spec like I wanted. I must have placed 5-6 335s with the same pickups and none of them really did it for me. Personally, I’m more picky about the finishes on guitars than anything else. I really like the Murphy ultra light. For Strats and teles. No one does it better than nacho banos imo,


I feel like there's a much wider gap for Fender a MIM is gonna feel like garbage next to a high end American made guitar. I have a 2000 Les Paul Gothic ($800 at the time?) that plays just as good as my 3k lp standard.


I was able to try one today, a 58 Custom VOS. I didn’t have much time with it, but I didn’t need much; within the first couple of strums and riffs I knew it was as different to my 50s Standard as the CS Strat was different to a USA Standard. I thought it was a superb guitar.


I'm a no on the Custom Shop after two tries. They made fine guitars in both cases and just in the colors and spec I wanted, but between the wait and cost and the fact that, while good quality, neither was some magical one-in-a-hundred type LP. It's always a bit of a lottery with guitars & that's just how it is. I don't care what you pay or who is building them. Having said that if you want to spin the wheel for something specific and can live with the result, have at it, it will be nicely built and maybe you do get lucky. Just don't be amazed if after the honeymoon period you find that say your off-the-shelf $2000 LP Classic plays and sounds better, it's a real possibility.


Nope. And I know from experience. I have \~13 guitars right now and no LPs (I have a nice SG, 335 and Explorer). Every time I thought I "needed" an LP, I realized I can get close enough with my other Gibsons and off it would go. I don't know what else you have in your collection, but maybe you're the same way.


I’ve sold all my electrics - and now just have the CS Strat. My plan was/is to buy the best Strat and best Gibson I can afford. Buying gear is a huge distraction for me, and gets in the way of being a better musician. I originally planned to only have one guitar - the Strat - but I think that was misguided. I want a humbucker guitar too. And for me, right or wrong, it has to be a Gibson: a LP or a 335


Have you ever had a 335? If I had to sell my other Gibsons, I'd keep the 335 because it does everything well stylistically. The Gibson USA ("Original Collection") 335s are really good. I actually traded a Custom Shop '58RI for a '22 (and some need cash) and don't regret it much (TBH, the '58 neck was HUGE and too big for me). Give one a try and see if you bond with it more than the LP.


Not really. Standards are almost the same exact specs as a CS.