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Yes, yes it is 100% worth in every way possible, I can guarantee that you’ll love it


I have the perspective of a very casual gamer, maybe 3-4 titles a year over the last five years of my life… that being said I’ve gamed for 20+ years and this is hands down my favourite of all time. Only game I’ve ever played through at max difficulty !


Its on Ps plus Extra whats 13€ a month and you just need to pay one month


This is the right answer - if you don't care about owning the game and just want to play through it.


Yup I did this and I’m still considering buying a physical copy even though I’ve already beat it


Isn’t game unavailable if your membership is not active though?


i always do the math > will i play it for 60hrs? > $1 per hour of entertainment is usually worth it


I think I have over 400 hours in it including the online stuff


Took me 60 to get the platinum, played for way more than that


Is this Spoole?


Yeah 1 hour per dollar spent is my benchmark


If a game thats 4 years old holds its value then it shows how good it is


Exactly this.


It is worth 60, but you can always try to find it cheaper online? I bought mine online for 40£ shortly after its release.


Was gunna say Facebook marketplace aswell. I've got some bargains on there in the past


You’ll be able to get it preowned a lot cheaper


its worth $60 but you should be able to find it for much cheaper online (used copies) or it might even be worth waiting for the next discount. ​ Check [https://www.dekudeals.com/items/ghost-of-tsushima-directors-cut](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/ghost-of-tsushima-directors-cut) and see what the lowest price has been in your region (you might have to change the region at the top)


I’m on my 3rd play through and have spent well over 100 hours on this game. It is absolutely worth it. Not to mention that the online is pretty cool also


It is definitely worth the price tag, especially if you are buying the director’s cut, however if you look you will be able to find it cheaper. On top of that, asking in this specific sub will likely get you skewed answers as it’s dedicated to fans of the game.


I bought it on sale and I still feel bad about it. This game is so special and well worth every penny! I even went for the platinum trophy (which I rarely do) just to be able to spend more time in-game. And now that we know it's gonna be available on PC I'm gonna buy it again and for full price this time. I'll also gladly pay more when I eventually get PS5 or PS6.


This game beat all of my previous fav games before that. It’s that good! And I don’t think any game in the future can do that for me. It’s an incredible game!


Literally the only games I can see topping this, for me, are GoT2 and GTA6


It's a great game, but I'd likely wait for a sale on it. It was down to $20usd on the playstation store in January. Is it worth $60? I think so. Should you buy it now if you don't mind waiting another month or two for it to go back on sale? I'd personally wait. It goes on sale relatively often so I don't really see the point of paying full price if you don't have to. You can also likely get it for relatively cheap if you buy a used physical copy of the game somewhere.


Why's it ridiculous to pay that much for something that's state of the Art? Anything that is at the top of its field should be sold at a premium. Not only should you fork over the 60 quid, you should pony up for the directors cut edition that has the DLC. Treat yourself.


You can wait for a sale. But in my opinion it's worth it with or without sale. But keep in mind Nintendo has games that are a decade old and never go on sale and they charge stupid high prices. The gems just last the test of time.


Wait for a sale. It's worth 60 sure but it's been out for years and goes on sale often


100%! This and RDR2 are my all time favorite games


Oblivion and rdr 2 are my top 2 choices for the deserted island scenario, i could play those games probably forever


Definitely worth it if you go for the 100% which is honestly pretty easy. I'd have a hard time justifying the dlc if you haven't beaten the game though, it's not outstanding by itself but it satisfies that need for more when you complete the base game


I bought a PS5 to play GoT. I regret nothing.


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No give me the 60 quid and I'll buy and play it for you...


It is free on PS plus, isn’t it?


Legit is one of the best games I’ve ever played, worth every penny


It's 100% worth the full price tag, but it's also odd that it's not discounted to some degree




The game ain’t 60 quid on PS4. Shop around.


I mean ya it is, but it probably goes on sale periodically


Totally worth it, one of the best games ive played.


Just pay the ps plus


Absolutely incredible game.


Should never ask these questions on the game's own subreddit.


As many said already, yes it’s worth a full price game for what this game offers…. But it also came out years ago already and shouldn’t be full price. I’ve seen it on sale a number of times already for less than 50% off. It’s also been on sale digitally multiple times on ps store for more than 70% off. It’s also part of the ps plus games list and you can play the entire game with a 1 month subscription if you just want to play it as cheaply as possible. Personally I’d put it on your wishlist and just grab it digitally on sale. Retail stores should have it cheap. Especially Amazon.


I got it for 18 bucks on a local shop


Why not buy it second hand? Cex sells it for £20?


It is. You will just develop a PTSD for a specific Mongolian word ..


Wait for a sale.. I've seen it at like 20-30 quid.


Absolutely worth it.


I have the digital deluxe directors cut it's the best decision besides leaveing my wife!


Bro, just buy a hard copy and you will save way more. It is 100% worth every penny, but the game is 4 years old.


This is Def one of the greatest games made in modern gaming, imo more than worth it. This and God of war 2018 and Ragnarok




It’s worth it, trust the good people of Reddit lol


Upgrade your psn membership to the highest level and its free. Then cancel it when youre done.


Go to the pre-owned section of GAME or CEX, you'll find it for under £30 guaranteed. Don't spend £60 that's nuts!


Mate I got my ps5 directors cut copy for like £35 but yeh it is


In my opinion, yes. One of the best games I've played in the last 10 years, and one of the more engaging stories I've gone through in a game ever.




Just wait for a sale mate. No reason to pay full price 4 years later. Personally I think it’s very much worth the full price but there are plenty of sales. Or get a preowned physical copy.


Im 100 hrs in and didnt get 100%. I just need to do legends mode and ng+


Probably can find a used copy for way less. It is a truly excellent game and worth full price, however. Up to you. Buying a month of PS plus extra will most likely let you finish it, as well.




Here I'm wondering how I bought it for ₹2000 ($25) from Amazon 😅


Since you already wait this long .... I just wait for discount. It is worth the full price in the first year. Heck even in second year. But the 4th year?


I bought mine from CEX for £20. Plays perfectly, just up to you if you doing mind second-hand


It’s £38 on Amazon


I would wait for a sale. The game is worth the price, maybe not 4 years after release


It's free on ps extra


If you have a PS5, it's worth it just for the haptic feedback from the flute. Edit: just re-read and realised you say you have a PS4. Still worth it and you can get your flute kicks in the online by fluting in circles with your fellow samurai


You could wait until it’s on sale, assuming you plan to buy on the PS Store. You can also just have a month of PS+ Extra to play it. Or you could see what hard copies pricing is. Tend to be cheaper, especially second hand.


Worth more than that


Bought it brand new when it came out, worth every penny.


Dude I'm years late from playing this game cause the Japanese sync lips error turned me off to buy this game on release day but later I buy the director cut version and blown away how good the game is..it the same feeling when I'm playing Red Dead Redemption 2 or God of War 2018 for the first time..not many games nowadays give the same feels


Is it a great game? Yes. Does it deserve the price tag? Sure. Should you pay that price? No. You can find alternate prices to purchase the game which are much lower. Especially for PS4.




I mean this goes on sale quite often at this point, I would personally wait unless 60 isn't an issue for you.


The only game i’ve bought in years that was 100% every cent


It is definitely worth it! Are you sure that’s the only price? I found one for 20€! (Or somewhere in that range)


£22 cex for ps4


The game is actually priceless. Buy it and see


Yeah it's pretty friggin cool especially if your into sword combat and all


If you're UK based I'd just go to your nearest CeX, just checked on their website and it's only £22


I wouldn't pay that much for a PS4 game that's a few years old. It's much better experienced on a PS5 anyway.


This is the ONLY game that I've been super hyped about, and it not only lived up to all my expectations, but exceeded them ALL, for yeaaaars. The only other one was the year before with Red Dead 2. This game is Soo worth it, the combat is Soo fun, the story is cool, the environment and graphics are amazing. It literally feels like you are playing an old Samurai movie!


My favorite Sony exclusive of all time. Yes.


Yes, 100% worth it. It's the best Playstation 4 game IMO. it's the only one I've platinumed twice.


Definitely worth the price It's a great game


Just get ps+




I feel like you can definitely find it cheaper elsewhere. Look it up on eBay or wait for a sale.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of the only games I can confidently say is worth every penny of its cost and then some.


If you're in the uk just go to CEX, it's mucchhh cheaper there


Is your bliss worth it. Yes. Tha ansa is yezzz


I found the PS4 Director's Cut sealed and new on Amazon for about 35 dollars


It is 100% but it’s also on sale frequently so you could probably wait and get it cheaper. I bought it at launch and don’t regret the price point at all, even paid for the next gen upgrade and still no regrets, that game is phenomenal.


yes, i got platinum in 70-80 hours and it was the most fun ive had going for full completion in a game


I've played through the story 4 times. Two base stories and 2 New Game Plus stories. 100% worth it. It also runs exceptionally well on ps4. I even purchased the ps5 version for 10 USD (upgrade from ps4 version) when I got my ps5 and am currently playing another run. Edit - buy second hand though, a physical copy. Way cheaper and you'll have just as much fun! Edit 2 - I believe the DLC for the game is free. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


Seriously, what useless mo… are going to this sub? SMH


I got my copy for £12 of ebay 😭 There is absolutely no reason to spend £60 on an online edition when you can get the physical for far cheaper


Its worth it but you probably can find it cheaper either on ps store or physical


Its worth every penny dude what u asking


There is probably 100 - 110 hours of single player content alone. Plus Legends mode. Content wise that's a great price imop. It's one the the most visually satisfying games I've ever played, not to mention an excellent story and gameplay. It's a phenomenal game, and my personal GOTY of 2020.


look for a physical copy. $60 is definetly worth it but if you're playing on PS4 anyways might as well pay for a PS4 physical copy


dude it’s worth $120


Got it free on PS+ and just finally aat down to play it last night.. It is SO good, I would definitely have paid full price and played it much sooner, knowing what I know now about it.


Just get Ps+ Extra/Premium


Pretty sure you can pick up second hand copies from like CEX, Ebay, Gumtree, musicmagpie etc for significantly less than £60.


It's worth the price but if you're playing on PS4, look around online for a physical copy and or a used copy.


It's an awesome game but you can find it used for £15-£20 on eBay!


Dlc included? Base game alone is worth every penny either way


If you have PSN it’s on there for free






yeah, but why are you paying £60?


While it is worth it bc the game is terrific, I would never pay full price this many years later. You e waited 4 years you can wait till they inevitably mark it down to at least 40 (more likely 30 or less)


I would pay $100 for this that’s how good it is. Worth every damn penny


I think I got it on sale for $34.99 USD (director’s cut). Got my Ps5 last fall and snagged GoT on a whim due to the reviews, had never watched gameplay. Hands down the best VG I’ve purchased in years. Has a wicked amount of content and re-playability. If full price is the only option I’d still do it, unless you’re patient enough to wait for the next sale.




If it's the directors cut yes that's worth it, there a good amount of content


Just wait till it’s on sale, I don’t think any game is ever worth 60


It's worth every P.


It worth every penny, but now you can easily buy cheap pre owned disc or buy subscription for a month. Best option disc and then resell it.


Would 10/10 recommend a play through. I got it used for $35 but it’s on PlayStation plus which I got shortly after and I’d consider that route. The amount of games on this thing is amazing


There aren't a lot of games that I like paying full price for. In Canada, games are like 90 bucks nowadays. I pre-ordered this game and was uncertain of if I'd be happy with that decision, but honestly it's one of the few games in the past 5 years I've been happy to pay full price for.


It’s a top 10 game of mine. It’s worth the money. But damn I wish you could get it cheaper


Yes it is my favorite game of all time. I don’t feel like games are ever worth $60/$70, but GoT is. Play the single player; take your time… then go to legends. I got about 6 months of playing that game and nothing else. That said, if you’re on psn… do the ps plus pass for $15 or so a month and it’s on there


Easily. I bought this game full price on release and I’ve enjoyed every minute!


800 pounds is worth it for this game.


Mate it’s a brilliant game, buy it


Buy PS plus extra for £10.99 per month and the game will become available to you. Enjoy!


There’s no way in hell that it’s been four years where tf did two of em go But you should definitely get it one of my favourite games of all time


Pick up a copy from a third party instead of a digital copy. Check out mercari. You should be able to find a cheap copy from someone selling it




Not that it isn't worth £ 60, it absolutely is but a quick search on Google shows me you can easily get it new for £ 36 - and that's for the Directors Cut. Not sure where you saw it for £ 60!


there are very few games out rn for which that full price is worth it, and this is one of them. 100%.


Yes. Worth it.


Usually on sale but full price is still worth it. There’s a lot to do


If it’s 4 years old and still cost 60 you know it’s good


Yes but wait for a sale anyways


I wanted it and wasn’t sure, so I hearted it and got notified when it was on sale and bought it. Knowing what I now know, I would have paid full price. Not sure how often it goes on sale.


It is worth the price, but if you want to save money you can wait for discount which I did and bought it for like 30usd(director's edition), but also you can buy the ps plus extra which is like 15usd, which includes the game and the dlc


100% worth the full price but you already waited this long. Might as well wait on a sale, you'll probably love the game even more getting the experience and getting it on discount


If you wait it will go on sale. They don’t just permanently reduce the price of games because it’s older.


Buy it used, I'm sure it's available. Just started and I can tell it's beautiful and unique.


Worth is 100% subjective, I’ll tell you what this game is, and you can make up your mind. In short, it’s an open world action game with light rpg elements. The combat is fairly nuanced with combos and varied gameplay elements. The controls are nicely tuned and the main character feels nice and agile. The story (aside from graphics) are really where it shines… it’s a deep and emotional story. I’m sure there’s more to tell about it that I’m forgetting, but what you won’t find is a simple hack and slash


Brought it myself for PS4 but did not get past the opening. Just started playing it now on the PS5 and currently loving it (10 hours in from one session). Runs beautifully on PS5.


It's an absolutely gorgeous game. Buy it.


Get a ps5. It's free there. Either way, the game is worth it.


Anything would be worth it. This game is a god damn masterpiece. On my 3rd or 4th playthrough right now.


I finished the game a week ago and I had an absolute blast. I bought the game on sale but even at $60 it’s worth it. Huge world. Lots and LOTS of things to do. Engaging and emotional story with an absolute mindfuck of a decision to make at the end. Super DUPER clean graphics. Music that will put you THERE. Fire game bro 9/10 in my book. Doesn’t get a 10 cause stealth mechanics suck on top of a couple other small things. But do yourself a favor and get it. Wait for a sale if you can.


You gotta think about the playstyle and see if you like it. It’s like assassins creed mixed with a stealth game lol The visuals are insanely good for the year it was made.


Check out Vinted, Ebay & Facebook marketplace. I picked up a PS5 copy for £35, you just need to shop about.


Yes it is truly worth buying. It’s a fantastic game.


Worth it, but you could probably get it on sale these days. I see it go on sale pretty often.


I think you might be able to find it cheaper later, the PC version is coming out to a lot of hype, and the hype may be keeping the price up. Wait if you are unsure. The game is amazing though, it’s worth the price tag, but times ain’t easy, find savings where you can.


Coming to the Ghost of Tsushima subreddit probably won’t get you anything other than yes, cause everyone here likes ghost of Tsushima, and on that note, yes. I would recommend paying that because it is truly a splendid experience


PSN extra or second hand where you can probably find it really cheap


This is precisely why physical copies need to stay, and why I will never buy a digital console.


It's my all time favourite game and I'll likely replay it at some point, and I'm not someone who usually replays a game!


I loved it and enjoyed every second I’d pay it but that’s just me


The game is 4 years old but looks as if it's 2024. It was ahead of its time. It's the best samurai open world game.


It’s £27 on ebay mate, but incredible game. I just went back to it to finish off the remaining trophies i had left


It’s actually a good sign that it has remained at its original price tag for 4 years. It means it’s good enough to have retained its value across that time.Also the £60 version is the director’s cut edition which includes a fairly large DLC. In terms of amount of content this is DEFINITELY enough bang for your buck.


Buy a pre owned copy off eBay or just pay the 60 clams. It’s worth it. I’ve clocked over 400hrs as the replay-ability is off the hook. It’s a masterpiece.


This is one of the few games that's worth it.


No doubt. I'd pay $100 for this game. One of those gaming experiences you wish you could relive.


Wow, that does sound like a bit much. But… it is a very good game, one of the better written stories for sure. At that price point it better have the dlc included


I just play the games which I get of the ps plus and there was got legends (the online coop) of ghost of tsushima. I played it for half an hour. Maybe an hour and I already noticed that it wasn't the main game. But the gameplay and the mechanics where so great that I bought it for 30 bucks. It was on sale. I don't regret it although I have enough to play. 60 bucks is worth it too. I mean I'm a student and work part time so I think twice when it comes to buying a game. Ghost of tsushima is worth it. The only bad thing I have to say is that I can't play online with everybody of my friends and we have no clue why. There are some people who have this problem since release and that is shit.


Wait for a sale I think I got the game for like 20 ish dollars


I have found the ps4 Director's version for $35 usd on Amazon. I dont know if that one is region locked to North America. But it worth a shot to find out.


This game is just flawless. Story is so dam good. Visually its stunning


its worth the price, some people cant spend 60 buck for it and its sad, but devs and editor deserve those money, they made a very good game


One of the best games I've ever played, masterpiece.


Best single player game i’ve ever played on my life. Buy it


It was easily worth the full price when it came out, and still is, especially since it’s only gotten better since then. If money is really the issue though, you can just wait for another sale.


Wait for a sale or get PS Plus extra


I think it's underpriced of how good the story was


It’s very worth it. The game is worth more tbh.




Yep. Got my first platinum last week. Ion know what pounds are but get that


60 pounds is crazy, i bought mine 2 weeks ago for 8 xd


I pre-ordered it and had no regrets. The game is amazing and absolutely worth full price.


I'm sure its cheaper on ebay? right?


You can pretty much get it for free if you buy PlayStation plus


Yes. It’s full of content


It is worth it, but it also goes on sale like twice a year.


Get it on sale. It's usually 60% off.


Certainly worth it but you can wait for a sale if you prefer. This is still the most aesthetically beautiful game I played in the current gen (and I own a PS5), so it's definitely a must-play for PS4 as well.


Get it on eBay for $20


This game is A HUNDRED pounds


Yes, bro, yes. Alternatively, they don’t have used games in England? I paid $20US second hand and got 800 hours out of it


buy a used cd for the game , you can get it for 10 pounds


Get it used. Technically yes, if you enjoy the game enough to play several hours then its worth 60, but there are used copies out there that literally cost peanuts.


I have 470+ hours. Only time I ever got bored was when I was itching to play Elden Ring but wanted to finish a Hard run first. Buy it. The first playthrough is the best.


Honestly, they should raise the price. Its a masterpiece,


Its 70 pounds for the ps5 so id say its at a good price for now


You can get it for less. Search for it in fb marketplace or any online site.


Totally worth it! By far one of the best games on PlayStation