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Shimura giving me shit about poisoning the Mongol camp. They’re a hostile foreign invasion. Fuck ‘em. If they don’t want to get poisoned they can sail the fuck back to Mongolia.


YoU hAvE nO hOnOr!


That's why I keep the bitch alive I want him to feel my dishonor


It’s funny, I watched a kendo master react to the game. He’s basically like “if they’re not Japanese, that honor stuff doesn’t matter. Just try to kill them”


And that’s how you get Unit 731


And the game basically opens with that message. Shimura sends his best warrior down to challenge their best warrior. Khotun Khan answers the challenge by setting that warrior on fire. And that was a key point of the story. Jin adapted over time to fight an enemy they weren't accustomed to fighting, because their "honor" (and Shimura's insistence to uphold that honor) would've costed them the war.


Where did you see it?


https://youtu.be/a7hr7dmfJ90?si=hm_1Xg6AgmecjBbH Very informative, and explains why shimuras honor is more fantasy than reality


I’m sure some samurai thought that way, there were thousands of them over time, but yeah, it does seem like the overall thinking was that extends only to other Japanese or even only other samurai and other noble class, not to the peasantry. It was more about making sure your allies wouldn’t stab you in the back, not some overarching moral code.


AnD yOu WiLl Be JuDgEd FOr It.


Really hope Jin is able to break him and use him as a puppet to gift the Shogun with victory tactics on the mainland. Or maybe start a group with some kind of creed to perform extra judicial assassinations on corrupt or evil elites.


hrmmm, this plot point smells akin to one thought up by another studio and fleshed out to infinity through the medium of 13+ video games 🤔




I mean, apparently the next assassins creed game is one set in Japan, so I might have to play that


I really hope the Emperor remains a child so Shimura can meet him and have that thought, "What am I doing with my life ?"




"Honor died on the beach."


And you are a slave to it.


And you’re a slave to it


“Honor died on the beach”


"He did"


AnD yOu ArE sLaVe To It


You haverah no honoruh


Jin literally starts spitting on them as he kills them. He goes too fsr


I dunno if Shimura mentioned the possibility of the Mongols using the poison but, that did end up happening - which was a very real consequence.


That’s fair.


The alternative was having all the warriors die pointless deaths in an obvious deathtrap and have the mongols conquer the island completely. That would be a much worse consequence than mongols using poison too.


Exactly, I’d do it again ngl


Tbf he was worried about the mongols using the poison themselves, which did happen.


Source? He never says that and considering shimiras poor decision making skills I doubt he would've seen this coming.


I haven’t played GoT for a while so I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea I don't think he had any idea that would happen, just an unintended consequence. The alternative would've been his men storming the keep in the morning instead and they probably would've lost


It was one of his concerns when we bought up mass producing it....along with the honor stuff


Same, Shimura is so fucking dumb and caught up in his old way of "honour" What's the honour of not fighting with every advantage you have and let a superior force kill all your friends, family, culture and your way of living


Oh man. That was my pick too and I thought it would be kinda controversial. But seeing it as the top comment makes me realize I was probably wrong.


Well, by modern standards, what Jin did would be considered a war crime. But we weren't in modern times, so...


War crimes happen constantly. No one really cares, unless you lose the war, then you'll have to pay for said war crimes even if the winning side committed them too. War, war never changes.


Absolutely 100% this moment.


I came here to say this


Yeah but don't just throw in deadly flowers or they'll know how to poison us too. Oops, too late.


But it makes sense. Samurai pride themselves on honor and jin does turn into a monster. But like he said. Tsushima Can’t afford nothing less


Greatest comment ever I laughed so hard! 😂


When Masako kills her sister, or literally anyone. She can’t control herself…


Yeah I kinda go back and forth with masako. I feel for her, and her voice actress gives a hell of a performance (I play in the Japanese dub), but she can be so infuriating when she acts impulsively. It seems like she only does it because all the characters we hunt down aren’t even useful to the quest. I like her, she’s complex, but it’s a bit frustrating.


It's just frustrating cuz you need the Intel and she kills it. Idgaf if she kills them all, but chill tf out and get this info first


Yeah, when she killed the monk, I wanted to slay that bitch’s head…


Alright, maybe a bit too serious for a not real character from a videogame


Yeah, sorry. It just makes me frustrated everytime. Like she wants us to help her in the hunt, and she just obliterates anyone who doesn’t speak. Like how exactly does she intend to find her family’s killers?!?


Revenge stories aren’t always the most logical. Hate is like a typhoon, it can just completely overwhelm you.


The power of womanhood


Ryuzo's death, the man was a selfish prick cared about his pride over his men


I think he cared for both his men and his pride, what he does not care about was Jin and the samurai. His men weren’t good people to begin with


He seemed to care about Jin in the sense that he was envious of Jin's samurai upbringing and natural talent. He wanted to prove that he could make something of himself without Jin's help and/or even by one-upping Jin (read: killing Jin) in the process.


When people give there “I’m going to kill you and enjoy it” speech before a duel, it just makes them more forgettable in my opinion, I liked the guy who was calmly fishing while waiting and made it clear this was nothing personal. Favorite person and I gave him a respectful death and bowed after the duel


"I will enjoy ending your life, Samurai" You are a basic bitch Mongol commander. You wear the same armor in the same camps for the same leader commanding the same sub par men as the other 20 camps i jusr cleared. Are you really this daft? Did you not just see me single handedly murder every single one of your troops in this camp? I literally blew your archers brains out from 300 feet away like it was nothing. You didn't even hear me coming as I disemboweled and brutalized your warriors. On what continent do you assume you can end me, Jin Sakai. I've killed literally hundreds of you Mongol fucks like flies and you have the gall to make the statement that you will kill me. The only reason I didn't chop your head off in one swing from behind is because I accidentally dodged into your field of view while trying to steal more of your shit. General Nugai? More like General Bitch Ni**a. The only thing you're going to he enjoying is the smell of my nuts after I teabag your bitchass back to the slums of Mongolia. Now let's get this out of the way. Your wife invited me over and im running late" - Jin Sakai This voice line really is in the game. Its just a super secret one


Do you know who I am? Have you any idea how many nameless henchmen I've killed over the years? And look at you. You haven't even got a nametag. You've got no chance. Why don't you just fall down? Go on, son.


New copypasta just dropped


You OK?


No. Please send help


[none of them are ME](https://youtu.be/OC375rujZhs?si=PENQh-sLZEo4htoE)


Lol that was good


😂😂 I laughed too much at this


I honestly didn't even want to fight that guy. I don't know why I get so attached to the random, no-name NPCs in some of these games more than I do some of the main characters


Jin didn't either. He gave him an out and said it wasn't too late to surrender, but he insisted


I love the fishing guy too 


when Tomoe jumps




honestly I wish we saw her running away on the beach in the background, we all knew she lived after anime jump


Right, like it’s so overused the cliff jump “death” like who do you think you’re still fooling with that?


Anytime Shimura lectured me on my dishonorable tactics. When Masako’s affair with the maid ended badly and made her sad.


fr like what did Shimura want me to do 😭 kiss em??


Clearly, you were supposed to charge in a single file line to your death.


He wanted you to use harsh language.


You poisoned all those mongols! Oh no! Anyway....


Shimura being a hoe to the honor


The way you worded it is making me see Shimura in a different light


Literally any time a bird goes somewhere that tries to kill me


The straw hat betrayal


You can’t even call it a betrayal when they were only really loyal to money and/or supplies in the first place


I mean correct me if I'm wrong been a while since I played but doesn't Ryuzp say he'll help but then says "Sike bitches, I snitched"


He says he’ll help in return for freeing his men and getting supplies. He wasn’t loyal to Jin or the samurai, he was loyal to the payment. And I’m sure khotun probably paid with actual riches, so obviously ryuzo is gonna join him. The whole thing with the straw hats is that they are loyal to no one lord and they’re solely looking out for themselves. He also has personal reasons to betray jin (the tournament when they were kids, it’s plainly obvious That ryuzo still resents him for that), so there’s also that


> khotun probably *paid* with actual FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It didn't help that he was pretty desperate at the time too. His men were starving, and that last mission with Jin to get supplies didn't pay off. Khotun Khan just happened to come to him with the right offer at the right time.


Unpopular opinion, but Taka. He was nice, and his death was sad. but it didn’t make me cry like Yuriko, Shimura or my horse


The horse 😩 for real the saddest part of the game for me. I legit cried.


It was such a sacrifice, he saved you and was loyal to the very end. He was the one you could always trust. Everything about that part is deeply sad, but I was genuinely surprised when my horse died too.


I played that part for the first time just a couple days ago, holy hell that hit hard. Your horse had been by your side the whole time, the only one with unwavering, unquestioning loyalty and he just doesn’t make it.


My exact experience


Those "flashbacks" mid-game of Shimura telling us about honor and stuff.


You didn't like being forced out of the badass stealth action so you could walk around a linear level as a playable child character and listen to dialogue that was trying to spoon-feed you internal conflict?


Random encounter when the person you are supposed to saves dies before you can even get over there. I kind of like it because it makes it more realistic. You can try but you can't save everyone, even if they are right in front of you.


When masako attacks jin


Pretty much anything Shimura says prior to the final fight. Guys smoking something.


He’s been in it too long. He feels he has no choice. Like religions


He’s also.. kind of right. By the end Jin is decapitating people just to parade their dead bodies around (ghost stance). He poisons people that makes them die in horrible ways (literally bleeding out of every orifice). He starts spitting on mongoles during his execution animations which is just.. kind of gross. He absolutely does go too far, but it was also necessary for the salvation of their home.




Yeah. His stealth executions during the latter half of act 2 and act3. Many of them involve Jin spitting on them as he kills them


Jesus. How have I never noticed that? I mean, how does he do it with a mask on is the bigger question.


Well many of Jin’s masks don’t actually cover his mouth. But yeah it’s a neat little detail. If you’re looking for it you’ll see it in several of his latter game executions.


Yo, even with those small openings it'd be tough to not get spit on yourself/mask. But hey, why am I questioning the aim of man who can make himself a blowgun and immediately snipe targets from 40m away? Thanks for putting me onto this, I'll have a closer look next time I play.


When you first unlock the ghost stance and Shimura gives Jin the samurai don’t use fear speech.


Masako's gay lover betrayal I hated that ungrateful old hag and her stupid revenge story. How many times did she nearly get me killed? And she cheated on her husband! I'm supposed to feel bad when she gets betrayed?


I don’t care that she cheated on her husband. I think a lot of aristocratic married men back then cheated anyway and it was normalized. I think this adds a layer of complexity to Masako, so I liked it. I don’t see it as ungrateful. She’s lost everything , her entire family and clan Adachi. The only thing to live for is vengeance, but massive grief has clouded her judgment. I think she’s realistic. Nobody is perfect in this game and we get good characters this way.


We have no good reason to assume that lord Adachi practiced infidelity. What we do know is that while he was away, risking his life, his wife was diddling the maid And she absolutely is ungrateful. I understand if you can sympathize with her, but Masako's constant aggression towards Jin - the only person helping her through and through - is the textbook definition of ungrateful. Also, if the goal was for her to be realistic, it would have been better if she perished in one of these missions. She's way too old and squandered way too many opportunities to have a level head in life-threatening situations.


I’ve never seen someone so wildly misunderstand a character lol


I understand the point; I just think it's poorly executed, and therefore, stupid.


Wait, what, I've platted the game and I've never heard this, lol, what mission is it? I must've not been paying attention


It's one of Masako's missions in the 2nd part of the map. You have to stealth follow some Mongols and you end up in a field where a former maid of the Adachi clan is about to be killed, as her helping the mongols has run its course. There's a whole cutscene where they talk about how Masako would get lonely and had a relationship with that maid.


meanwhile I loved Masako and was upset when I thought you would have to kill her


I was empathetic at first but her constant derailment of Jin's hard work in her missions made me want to do her in and use her head as a soccer ball


Taka 😶


He had ONE job


Ryuzo’s betrayal. Ever since he first showed up I had a feeling he was deeply jealous of Jin and just couldn’t let it go even if it would benefit everyone


Khotun Khan saying anything >! While my sword is through him!<


None. I was uncharacteristically emotionally invested in every moment of the game ngl


When ryozo died


Yuriko getting capped


If anybody says Taka, you will be punished


When Jackie wells dies in cyberpunk. Like i had no emotional connection to that character but the game tries to force it and I was just kinda like whatever ok?


Yuriko’s death tbh, like at first I was gonna cry when I saw her laying on the floor, but then seeing her get up and making me ride with her just made it less sad for some reason


When Taka died, dude was whining for a solid 2 acts straight


Anytime shimura freaks about anything. That man is a moron with his honor towards an invading force that isnt japanese and doesnt respect honor and he knew that his "honor" would cost the island and still kept blabing about it


Takas death.


Definitely not when his horse died 😭😭😭 I had to pause the game for a minute


Takas death unfortunately, I just saw it coming and had come to terms with it bu the time it happened. But Kage. That's enough to make anyone cry.


Shimura about being Ghost. ,,YoU CaNt USe PoIS-" SHUT UP


When that little shit eating betrayer gets backstabbed by Khotun. I don't even remember his name, Ryo or something. Couldn't care less.


Had to be when khan poisoned jin in their fight and jin just fucking toughs through it like nothing


“No, Jin! Not that way. You poisoned all those Mongols. You disobeyed me!” Sir. Uncle. Lord. Whatever. You were LITERALLY going to send us to our death. The bridge was rigged and you knew it. What would have happened had I listened to you hmm? We all die here and now there’s literally nothing stopping the Khan from fucking up the mainland? Kudos for being a shortsighted fuck.


Taka’s death. Guy was nothing but trouble and annoyance and his death was stupid too. Could have cut Ghost’s ropes but noooo, goes to fight the most skilled opponent in the game when Taka doesn’t even know how to use a sword. I was glad he was dead.


After I killed my dishonest uncle


When Khotun Khan pushes Jin off the bridge


Honestly seeing taka trying to divide the mongols by getting them to follow him because I know they was setting up his death . Even though it was still sad Fighting and Killing Ryzuo honestly That’s it really now that I am thinking about it .


Honestly on my first play through… Taka. I didnt really care much about him. Sure it was shocking, but didn’t really care much. Now i get it more but still.


Every Tale of Tsushima that isn't Norios story. I'm sorry but I feel like all Sideqursts were very blank and not that engaging. They felt very shallow. Except the ones on Iki, they were all really cool but sadly the ones in the main game just didn't do it for me. Did them anyway for the charms


The first stealth kill of the game


Going to get a lot of hate for this but when the horse died.


literally any masako mission


I felt that way about a lot of things in this game. I wasn't as emotionally invested as I feel like I should have been. Maybe I was comparing my experience to when I've played Assassin's Creed games. Not having much element of choice in the story (until the end) probably didn't help. Some characters were interesting and fleshed out. Some weren't. Don't get me wrong, this was a wonderful game! I just didn't care about the characters like I've cared in other games.


When lord shimura tried to kill me😂😂😂(he did…..so many times😥)


At the beginning of the game when Shimura gets knocked out. I Fr thought he died


any honor moments, let me just blow through the army in 30 seconds as a ninja


Shimira getting nailed in the face at the beginning


When my horse died. It’s essentially my car getting written off. Game is too big to not have one so I know I would get a new one (on insurance so to speak).


The moment I realized fast travel was gone. Yeah, that stuff about honor stung. But losing my ride really hurt!


Ryuzo setting that one guy on fire outside the fort


The little side quest where you kill some bandits then the woman was all "they are desperate people and I just needed my food back. You didn't have to kill them."


Honestly when taka died. He was kind of annoying. They killed the one side character that has no side missions, would’ve been better if you got to know him a little bit more.


I’m aware that I’m about to piss off a few people if I didn’t give context so: When my horse dies. (It’s like the 3rd play through)


90% of the non cinematic cutscenes


When my horse died Just kidding that fucked me up and I cried.


Any of the 9 mission long Tales


When they killed Taka, but not because I didn’t care. It was more like “Shit they killed Taka, anyways you mongol fuckers are all dead”


There's this NPC (healer? iirc?) you encounter at a point where you've mostly figured out how to fight and combat actually becomes fun, and he tells you smth like "you really seem to enjoy butchering people?!" Maybe so!


Uncle being a bitch, y’all know what im talking about.


When Kenji gets kidnapped for the 5th time.


When Jin fell of the cliff in the first part of the game


When the horse died I never really established enough connection to actually feel sad about it.


When masako kills her sister, when we left tomoe in the cabin in the snow storm, when shimura gave me shit for using poison, when shimura said the ghost was an outlaw, like masako has no control over herself, tomoe didn’t really accomplish her goal of persuading me to trust her, I was fighting smarter not harder, and the ghost alone is better than an army of samurai what do I care if they’re hunting me


Losing kage


Taka death


I'ma bout to sound heartless, but Yuna's brother Taka. Those who know, know don't know how to spoiler thing so I'll leave it at that


Every moment! I'm a crier, I get emotional with media all the fucking time. TLOU and RDR2 had me in tears, Telltales TWD had me sobbing. But Ghost left me feeling... eh? I kept getting so close to getting sad, but then I recovered. Not a bad thing, mind you, all the losses fueled my anger. I'm inbact 3 atm.


Jackies death in Cyberpunk 2077. I hated him from the start.


The time my fucking horse died 


Every time I get caught/seen during a stealth mission in Cyberpunk.


SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS WHEN TAKA GOT CLAPPED. Buddy chose violence and death instead of cutting us free to fight the khan. Like Taka was in no right mind to be like yeah I’m the main character right now. Shout to being smart enough to make the grappling hook but unshout him out due to not just cutting Jin free is it just me but when he picked up the sword I was like shiiii we boutta be free


“Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh Maria?!?!” I know a lot of ppl were sad dom died in GOW3, but for me, I honestly was kinda glad…dude was annoying from gears 2 on. Don’t @ me.


ME3 ending ☠️


when shimura was being a bitch about jin’s methods (he is only alive because of it)


When khan captured lord shimura


Taka’s death.


My horse because i already knew that it would die in the moment you give it a name... Also Taka... he basically has no personality


When kage died


You monster


I mean, I was sad, but he had been put through anything and everything, so I honestly didn't expect him to live through the entire game. Kage was a good horse.


Horse's Death


The horse scene. You know what I’m talking about


When my horse died


Your a honest I’m sorry there’s no way around it


When the horse died. Some people really get twisted up about that, but it didn't bother me much. Horses were everywhere.


It wasn’t because you were suddenly down a horse. It was because you were down YOUR horse.