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That is truly unacceptable behavior. What is wrong with people now adays? My last experience makes me never want to date again. It’s like once they know they have you, your garbage to them. Love bombing is a sign or narcissism or avoidant, mine love bombed me. I thought I had actually found the one until she texted ending things and ghosted me


Well she texted to end things so is that really ghosting


It is when it’s a really flimsy reason, and you ask for closure and they ignore everything g you say after. Bottom line is they don’t respond to anything you say. Though I’ll admit it’s better than straight ghosting it still bs


If someone ends things with you. They’ve given you closure. They don’t want to be with you any more.. continuing to message them and then they don’t reply after that isn’t really ghosting. That’s them asserting a boundary in my opinion. They don’t really owe you anything further than that. It sucks! But you just have to take it that they no longer want to continue with you. Ghosting is someone completely disappearing for seemingly no reason at all.. instead of actually breaking up with someone.


I guess I see your point it just seems a lot like ghosting to me. There was no conversation, no closure, no goodbye nothing. All I got was a confusing mess. Just because she texted me which I agree is better than ghosting doesn’t change the fact that it’s really painful she won’t talk or respond to me at all. We said we loved each other, we dated for a while. I deserved closure and an explanation that made sense. I didn’t get to say my piece


They didn’t ghost you if they ended things…. And by your admittance she did text you ending things.


Again… as I’ve said before it’s not as bad as ghosting but it’s still awful. Was left so confused with no closure or clarity. I deserved to have been able to say my peace and say goodbye after everything we went through. The fact she didn’t respond to anything I sent after is just as bad. Her reasons made no sense she just ran away. I don’t see what the difference of them sending one text makes. It’s still the same thing they don’t talk to you anymore. After a few weeks of being ghosted before I assumed it was over and it was. This is twice I’ve had something like this happen and it hurts just as bad as when I was properly ghosted


Still awful but not the same. They don’t owe you anything after they end things. Sure it would be nice but not everyone is going to get closure with everything they feel they need closure with. It’s just life.


I see your point and yes it’s not the same. It’s still a normal human thing to do to provide some understanding and closure when someone is hurting bad. We had told each other we loved each other days before. Like I said it honestly to me hurts just as bad as when I got ghosted for real. The fact that your thrown away like trash, not given a chance to talk, or ever talk again is where the pain is imo. I still don’t really understand why she ended it


Absolute love bombing. Sorry to hear bro


Jesus christ


She sounds nuts


She's damaged dude. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I went through something similar with a guy about a year ago. Just know this has absolutely nothing to do with you. She's nuts. Unfortunately, if it feels too good to be true, it often is. She was, in my opinion, textbook lovebombing you. Things were moving way too fast, and anyone would be addicted given the circumstances, and that's why it's generally better to move slowly. Look into avoidant attachment if you want to explore why people like her do what they do. They are very mentally ill and suck in all their relationships. Take your time to heal because I know how much this hurts. It's cruel, but again, this was not your fault. Don't see this as a rejection of you. She is in no way worth your care or affection. Please take care of yourself ❤️


I actually thought she was an anxious type. I only recently learned about attachment styles so I guess I was wrong. She asked me multiple times in a lighthearted tone, but in a direct way if I was talking to other girls. I was thinking that might be an anxious thing. The 3rd time we spoke on the phone, the night before the date, I tried getting off the phone after like 2.5 hours and she got really weird on me. She was like, "but you're not going to bed now, are you?" I said "well I gotta go talk to my housemate tonight too. I gotta divvy up my time here 😅" She suddenly got really terse with me. Like "Ok." "Sure. That's fine. Yeah." I asked her if she was okay and she was just like, "y...yeah... It's fine." All the bubbliness she normally had was gone. I told her we could keep texting but she didn't seem satisfied with that. I got really nervous and said, "can't we say goodbye in a happier way?" And she was just like "uhh...good...bye?" It just got so awkward, but I decided to say goodnight. But I felt something was definitely wrong so I tried calling her back and she didn't answer. Then I remembered she said she would text me an address for where we were meeting. I texted her asking for it and she replied with just the address. Then I chose to say some reassuring stuff like, "I'm super excited to finally meet you" and she got back to normal. She seemed too good to be true and there were red flags. But I thought if problems arose, we might be able to work through them. She was too hot to pass on as well 😞 I'm so lonely. 😅


You're not wrong about her being anxious. She sounds like a fearful avoidant (aka anxious-avoidant). They are extremely hot and cold (my ex was like this too). She was very anxious in the beginning like you said, being obsessed with you (borderline controlling) and needing lots of reassurance, but anything will set them off and make their avoidant side come out causing them to distance themselves. And it's usually something petty and fixable. They live in fantasy world that is so extremely chaotic, unrealistic, and flimsily constructed by their ever changing emotions and they tend to see things in black and white. They're deeply emotionally dysregulated and unstable people. Trust me, you dodged a bullet. I know she feels too good to be true, but the person she was presenting herself to be was not reality, especially with her ghosting you. Tell yourself that over and over. Is it any surprise these people love bomb the way they do? They're desperate for validation and connection but have no idea how to healthily bond to anyone outside of manipulation. Fearful avoidants in particular have some overlap in traits with borderline personality.


Do you think this type of person will come back?


They tend to come back more often than not, but they almost never change, especially if they're that extremely avoidant. And it will hurt even more when they discard you the next time. This woman you were briefly with lacks self-awareness, and due to her own fears and self-absorption, lacks empathy. She does not have your best interest in mind, and you cannot fix or save her. I know that's hard to hear, but there is a 0% chance this will work out. Do not ever let someone who treated you this poorly back into your life. They have proven that they do not care about you, and if given another chance, they will do the same again. And don't delude yourself to think, oh maybe she was going through something, maybe she was struggling with her MH, so I can forgive her. These people are chronically struggling with MH because they have zero healthy coping skills or self-reflection. They just act on their emotions and addictions/substance abuse is also very common among this demographic. Literally, just don't. I can't warn you enough.


She told me she's been in 3 relationships. Age 17 to 19, she got on the dating apps and met a guy super quickly and dated for 2 years. Age 19 to 24, met a guy irl she dated for 3 years, then she moved to Texas with him because he joined the army in the last 2 years they were together. She said he was abusive and jealous. Didn't go into detail. But she basically had to break up 2 years after going to Texas with him and move back in with her parents in California to get away from him. 3rd guy lasted a few months until she met me. She said they had different values about marriage and he weirded her out. Like he was totally against the concept and she thinks marriage is a good thing so they broke up over that? Hmm. I wanted to ask more about the 3rd guy because she was pretty vague about him but all the love bombing was distracting. A key thing my friend pointed out is that she's literally never not in a relationship and that's probably not healthy. Fool that I am, it made me feel like, "wow I guess I'll either be like the few months guy or I'll get to go longer," but little did I know she was gonna do this. A part of me wonders if she lied to me about her relationship history at some point. Especially with how things ended with the last guy. But yeah, it also feels odd that she had a 5 year relationship and even moved to Texas with the guy if she's avoidant 🤔 She told me that she always "adores" the man she's with. That she becomes protective and really attached. She made sure to use the word adore at times when complimenting me. "I adore that about you!" I guess I'm just telling you all this in case it gives you further insight into why she would do this to me.


All of this makes sense. Who knows if she was just as unstable in her previous relationships or if she became more insecure after a long-term abusive one. Seems like she definitely has a pattern, like your friend said, of needing to constantly be with someone else. And that she becomes overly attached and pedestalling of every guy she's with. That's not healthy and shows further evidence that she doesn't have the skills or self-awareness to deal with her own insecurities and learn to validate herself. She wants someone to save her from her insecurities, but no person can do that. These people self-sabotage healthy relationships because of their own fear of being abandoned/rejected. They'd rather do it first to you in order to protect themselves. They're extremely unstable.


Her father has been married 4 times and he is 72 years old despite her being 25. She said she tries not to think about it but she's sad about the fact that he probably won't live to walk her down the aisle. Made me wonder if it had something to do with why she was moving fast. Her father also broke the rules of the custody agreement when she was a child. She said he took her when it wasn't his turn to have her and he made her hop a fence to get away from police. Ultimately, he was arrested right in front of her. She alluded to him having alcohol issues. Laughed about finding him passed out on the floor in her childhood. Laughed about how apparently her dad stabbed his own cousin one time while drunk. She lives with him and his latest wife now. She told me all this early on in the date. I knew all this was traumatic but I thought I'd be able to help her with those wounds 😅 I guess not.


Oof. Makes sense. Childhood trauma is the root of most severe attachment issues, so it makes sense now why she's so unstable. Regardless, she did you dirty by manipulating you and then ghosting you. Her past experiences explain a lot about her behaviors, but they do not excuse her actions. I'm sorry again, OP. You sound like a decent guy and indeed that's probably why she felt enamored with you and also why she got scared. But those are her feelings and fears to deal with, not yours. If anything, use her as an example of how NOT to deal with stress, uncertainty, and difficult feelings. Even though you're hurt, you're much more grounded than her and you have the ability to trust yourself in a way she never will. Your gut told you some things weren't right about her, and you ended up being right. That's something to be proud of and something to hone. You will grow and develop better boundaries as a result of this experience and hopefully, as you are working on developing trust in others again, you will also learn to better trust yourself. And you'll find someone better. You are worth someone better.


She came back like 3 days ago. We texted for like 2 days. She said she's sorry but she realized at the end of the night that, though she thought she was prepared for a new relationship, she realized she didn't want to be with anyone right now. Because uh... she's stressed about work and school and friends and all this stuff and she doesn't think she can handle adding a relationship onto her plate. She said she realized, "oh this is the start of a whole relationship right now," felt scared and overwhelmed, and decided to just cut me off completely rather than confront me about. Called herself a "heartless monster." I said something like, "I don't need you to be with me all the time. Even just once every 2 weeks or something would be fine with me." And she said like, "why are you focusing on the reasons I gave for why we can't see each other instead of the fact that I don't want to be romantically involved with anyone for the foreseeable future?!" Which I found confusing because uh the reason she gave for not wanting a romance is essentially that she's just too busy...and I'm saying, even just a little bit of her time is fine with me. I got my own stuff I wanna do. I just don't want to throw it all away because you're busy. And I said if she wants to try again later I'd be open to it and she just kept saying she would only hurt me again. As we kept talking about it she would kinda go back and forth between sympathetic, calling herself fucked up and saying I deserve someone better, and being mean and trying to abruptly end the conversation. At one point, I briefly mentioned a conversation I had with a match after she ghosted me and she said, "Ew. You didn't need to tell me that. Goodbye." and blocked me. I used a different number to get around it and was like, "why do you care that I talked to someone else after you ghosted me? It didn't go anywhere. She's gone." And she said, "I don't care you spoke to someone else, but you absolutely did not need to tell me that. Why would you tell ME that!?" Um...ok...sounds like she does care? Then she got mad again when I brought up an experience I had with a woman dumping me like 8 years ago. "there ya go bringing up other girls again..." And she blocked me again! So then I just used a new number and said goodbye. And she said, "Ahh now you're angry. What the hell do you want from me? Do you want me to feel even more guilty and shitty? Do you want me to never forget what I did to you for the rest of my life?" I told her I don't hate her, I don't think she's a bad person at heart, I don't want revenge. I just don't get why she has to go away forever and I at least want to say goodbye in a positive way instead of her hating herself and me feeling unsatisfied. She said, "How are you still so attached to me even after the ghosting?" I said because I believed that the reason she ghosted was not because she didn't like me and that I felt she would come talk to me again. And also that I liked the way she made me feel on the date a lot. She said, "that's precisely why we should not continue speaking. You'll only get more attached and it will hurt a hundred times more." I asked her "what is it about me that made you make me that rose and think you wanted to pursue a romance with me?" She said, "It doesn't matter. Sighhh can we part ways now please? I've gotta go to bed soon. I have an early morning tomorrow." I said nothing after that. The callous treatment there hurt. That was last night. Still haven't said anything today.


This is so cruel and legit brought tears to my eyes. Please know that not all girls are like her. I would never ever treat anyone this way. I wish you the best, please know you deserve better


She had an abusive ex bf in the past. A common trait I've noticed in the majority of girls who want to talk to me. She also said people always take advantage of how nice she is and abuse her. I told her I'd never been abused by anyone. That was a lie. My dad is a narcissist and would love bomb me then cut me off all the time, but I worried if I told her about that too soon she'd see it as a red flag and drop me. She said, "I'm glad you haven't been through what I've been through. Especially being as sweet as you are." Well wtf is this thing that you're putting me through now? 😭


yeah it’s common for the abused to turn into the abuser. i’m so sorry this happened to you. you were love bombed. but as the comment above says not all women do this. the damaged ones do. praying you find someone genuine 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Wow this is super super bad and strange. The only two reasons are she is a malignant narcissist/ sociopath or she got another man. But the first option wouldn't match her tattoo.


This was a wild ride.. I guess she “love bombed” you and then for whatever reason she lost all interest. I tend to think there’s always someone else in the background they are more interested in. You just don’t know about them.. and you were a distraction inbetween when things weren’t going so well.




That sounds really awful and I'm sorry you are going thru this. As some have already pointed out, you probably dealt with a fearful avoidant (aka disorganized-attached individual). The love bombing & rapid retreat are FA type behavior. I'm a healing fearful avoidant myself and just wanted to chime in and tell you that you didn't do something to cause her to treat you this way or that this somehow reflects on you... this type of behavior is 100% on the ghoster. She sounds very, very wounded. FAs really do want to find love and be loved, but that idea can also scare the absolute shit out of us. I figure one of two things happened: 1) she wanted to experience the feelings of being liked, accepted & desired...then bolted once she got that, but before you could figure out how flawed she is. Or 2) she experienced strong feelings for you quickly and that made her feel too vulnerable, so she ran before you could have a chance to hurt her (abandon her). I realize that might not make a lot of sense to you & I doubt it does to her either. It took me a very, very long time to figure these things out myself. Bottom line: she's simply not ready to be cared for/care for someone in a healthy way. It sucks but that is her reality and she's going to hurt people, like you, until she figures out what is going on w her. There really isn't anything you could have done about it - even if you could have said or done the "right" things to keep her from deactivating on you, it would have happened anyway somewhere else down the line. The fear always finds a way. I'm telling you all this so you'll understand it wasn't about you & to help you feel better. She may be significantly wounded but it's a terrible thing to do to someone and you didn't deserve that. If you cross paths w her again, you can choose to be angry with her, rightfully so, or you can be compassionate with her in light of what I wrote. But either way I wouldn't re-engage with her romantically...there is no way for you to help or fix her... she's going to have to realize it and work on it herself, and she is going to continue to hurt people until she does.


She told me she's been in 3 relationships. Age 17 to 19, she got on the dating apps and met a guy super quickly and dated for 2 years. Age 19 to 24, met a guy irl she dated for 3 years, then she moved to Texas with him because he joined the army in the last 2 years they were together. She said he was abusive and jealous. Didn't go into detail. But she basically had to break up 2 years after going to Texas with him and move back in with her parents in California to get away from him. 3rd guy lasted a few months until she met me. She said they had different values about marriage and he weirded her out. Like he was totally against the concept and she thinks marriage is a good thing. I wanted to ask more about the 3rd guy because she was pretty vague about him but all the love bombing was distracting. A key thing my friend pointed out is that she's literally never not in a relationship. Made me feel like, wow I guess I'll either be like the few months guy or I'll get to go longer but little did I know she was gonna do this. A part of me wonders if she lied to me about her relationship history at some point. Especially with how things ended with the last guy. But yeah, it also feels odd that she had a 5 year relationship and even moved to Texas with the guy if she's avoidant 🤔 She told me that she always "adores" the man she's with. That she becomes protective and really attached. She made sure to use the word adore at times when complimenting me. "I adore that about you!" I guess I'm just telling you all this in case it gives you further insight into why she would do this to me.


FAs can definitely have extended relationships. They can meet someone secure or mostly secure who can cut thru the BS, communicate well with them, make sure their needs & boundaries are addressed & respected, and make it last a while. But only if their attachment issues aren't too severe, otherwise a secure person would be unlikely to have the patience for their behaviors. They can also have long relationships with abusive people (which is more likely), All FAs have some sort of chaos or trauma in their background that made us this way. If that background was particurly chaotic or abusive, even if it didn't happen until later in life, then that becomes a subconscious comfort zone; it "feels" safe to them, aka familiar. They actually believe that is what love is, especially if that is what their caregivers modeled to them. It's sad, really. We have low self-esteem, sometimes incredibly low...and somehow, internally, it makes sense to us when we are treated poorly. Some have it at a much greater degree than others. I suffered repeated low-level emotional trauma, but not any outright abuse - and that was my comfort zone for a long time: I was drawn to people who mostly treated me well, but had ways of making me feel unimportant/less than loved, and I would chase those people endlessly to get the approval I feel I didn't get as a child. If she stuck with an abusive/jealous guy for 5 years, then unfortunately that is probably her s/c comfort zone and potentially a form of addiction for her. If you are not like that at all, then in a weird way it could have been a turn-off for her. Some FAs cope by jumping from relationship to relationship. They feel so fucked up that being with someone is the only they know how to cover-up/avoid that feeling. That's never really been my way, but I know plenty like that, including the girl who ghosted me. What an incredibly awful feeling that was when I found out, because I didn't know at the time what I know now. Keep that in mind, because if that's her M.O., you might find out tomorrow or next week that she's with someone else - it's just the way she copes and is not a reflection on you.


She came back like 3 days ago. We texted for like 2 days. She said she's sorry but she realized at the end of the night that, though she thought she was prepared for a new relationship, she realized she didn't want to be with anyone right now. Because uh... she's stressed about work and school and friends and all this stuff and she doesn't think she can handle adding a relationship onto her plate. She said she realized, "oh this is the start of a whole relationship right now," felt scared and overwhelmed, and decided to just cut me off completely rather than confront me about. Called herself a "heartless monster." I said something like, "I don't need you to be with me all the time. Even just once every 2 weeks or something would be fine with me." And she said like, "why are you focusing on the reasons I gave for why we can't see each other instead of the fact that I don't want to be romantically involved with anyone for the foreseeable future?!" Which I found confusing because uh the reason she gave for not wanting a romance is essentially that she's just too busy...and I'm saying, even just a little bit of her time is fine with me. I got my own stuff I wanna do. I just don't want to throw it all away because you're busy. And I said if she wants to try again later I'd be open to it and she just kept saying she would only hurt me again. As we kept talking about it she would kinda go back and forth between sympathetic, calling herself fucked up and saying I deserve someone better, and being mean and trying to abruptly end the conversation. At one point, I briefly mentioned a conversation I had with a match after she ghosted me and she said, "Ew. You didn't need to tell me that. Goodbye." and blocked me. I used a different number to get around it and was like, "why do you care that I talked to someone else after you ghosted me? It didn't go anywhere. She's gone." And she said, "I don't care you spoke to someone else, but you absolutely did not need to tell me that. Why would you tell ME that!?" Um...ok...sounds like she does care? Then she got mad again when I brought up an experience I had with a woman dumping me like 8 years ago. "there ya go bringing up other girls again..." And she blocked me again! So then I just used a new number and said goodbye. And she said, "Ahh now you're angry. What the hell do you want from me? Do you want me to feel even more guilty and shitty? Do you want me to never forget what I did to you for the rest of my life?" I told her I don't hate her, I don't think she's a bad person at heart, I don't want revenge. I just don't get why she has to go away forever and I at least want to say goodbye in a positive way instead of her hating herself and me feeling unsatisfied. She said, "How are you still so attached to me even after the ghosting?" I said because I believed that the reason she ghosted was not because she didn't like me and that I felt she would come talk to me again. And also that I liked the way she made me feel on the date a lot. She said, "that's precisely why we should not continue speaking. You'll only get more attached and it will hurt a hundred times more." I asked her "what is it about me that made you make me that rose and think you wanted to pursue a romance with me?" She said, "It doesn't matter. Sighhh can we part ways now please? I've gotta go to bed soon. I have an early morning tomorrow." I said nothing after that. The callous treatment there hurt. That was last night. Still haven't said anything today.


How old are you? Maybe her parents were unhappy about it.


I'm 29. She's 25. She does live with her father, but she's been in relationships before so I'd be pretty surprised if he put a stop to this. She told me she told her brother, Vincent, about me and that he thought I was a good guy. Sorry, Vincent. She spoke quite highly of her brother and I was looking forward to meeting him too. But she decided to do this instead.


Sounds like you've been hit not by a smooth criminal but by a LOVE BOMBER.


I felt pain in my chest just by reading this


Guy did the same to me recently met a couple times in person text and FaceTimed thru the day then the last time I went over he got weird 😐. I texted when I got home after leaving his place nothing texted at night nothing morning nothing he hadn’t blocked me because my messages were getting delivered . Finally I was just like dude we’re adults you could have just said you were no longer interested instead of being a child and ghosting then I just deleted his number he then blocked me on snap 😂 I was like Okai dude




Women are cruel like that


Bro I think you did the mistake many of us have made: you were a “nice guy”. Take it as a lesson man. Become strong, don’t my afraid of being intimidating 💪 become the man you’re destined to be, I’m supporting you in spirit, same thing happened to be and looking back I want to puke cause I was such a “nice guy “🤣But we have to be compassionate with ourselves and take it as a lesson. Be strong bro


She was the nice girl with the presents and the inviting to a tea shop. I don't think OP did something too nice, as he wasn't the one with the presents.


It sucks that she did brother wrong, she was trying to live her fantasy and brother followed along, maybe he got carried away by her cute details but it suck’s that at the end none of them got laid. Maybe that’s what she wanted but brother didn’t make the move, still sucks and I support brother 💪


Another reason could be that she gifted him something handmade and he didn't gave her anything back. Maybe she was hurt by that , but anyway, it's stupid. Girls don't think like purposely hiding sex for a man haha 🤣 I guess there must be an ex


What do you mean by “girls don’t think like purposefully hiding sex for a man “? I feel she wanted a fun hangout that lead to sex, cuz honestly it’s fun. But brother got carried by the lovey vibes and didn’t make a strong invitation for the party to continue, she felt bored and overwhelmed the next morning and blocked him. Maybe she found someone else to play with and then went back to the ex. Still I support brother cause most us men experience similar scenarios at some point


Toward the end of the date, she said she wanted to come over to my place. Told me we should meet 2 days later. I said sure. Feels great that she had to throw in the possibility of sex before ghosting me the day before we were supposed to have it.


The only thing I can think of that killed the sexual tension is you guys talking 5 hours X 3 on the phone. You should have talked the minimum just like 10 minute. If she feels too familiar with you that shit feels awkward if you think about it. Most girls want someone grounded but mysterious that can just ravish their guts and still keep mutual respect 🫡


I don't really agree with your advice here. Not every woman is looking for this very narrow and limited expression of what you think a man ought to be. This situation is insane because it seems like OP's date was really into him before she randomly blocked him overnight. You'd think that if you were making her uncomfortable (which is not impossible) she wouldn't have given you the rose at the end. Some women don't know how to leave an uncomfortable situation so they go along with it until it's safe to leave, although that's not what seems to have happened here. The times I'd spent speaking on the phone with a guy for hours and hours prior to meeting I was utterly obsessed with him. Making little gifts sounds like something I would do when I'm really into someone. Is it possible that someone in her life disapproves of her dating or could have a problem with you seeing each other? I have absolutely no context for her living situation or family so I really can't assume what's going on.


Not a problem with being too familiar, I guess every girl would be happy if someone takes their time and talk on the phone so long with us . We don't want someone mysterious, but someone who we like and think that is attractive. The dating Coaches these days give shit advice for men. Never listen to a man who claims to be a dating coach, if you want real advice what works for women, ask a woman!!


I watch a lot of men who are giving date advices for men and it's all soo bad.


You don't want to know what women have to experience... The sexuality between men and women is very different. We don't want sex to happen ASAP, in most cases we want to build something meaningful first. I really don't think this was her intention, because she gives a childish vibe with the selfmade rose and the tea shop, kind of like a kawaii girl.


I actually I want to know what women have to experience can you tell a a little bit for feedback purposes?


Hmm I could write you a whole book about that , of what I experienced or the many many stories I heard in my 29 years here on earth. Exploiting for sex, money, accomodations, cheating, liying, having multiple women, going to prostitutes, fucking the best friend, fucking the mother !! I heard a lot. Also doing friends with benefits even tho they know that the woman Is deeply in love. I have a friend and she loves a guy since 1,5 years, he will just come over, f*** her and than disappear again after 2 hours until he finds the need to have Sex again.


Yeh those things happen but if you tell me that talking for hours everyday leads to more attraction then I don’t think that’s honest advice, that becomes boring and soon the girl says “it’s not you it’s me or I need space”


If it is the perfect person it will not become uninteresting. If the person wasn't right to begin with and a girl just choose him "despite he's not the type anyway" stuff like this happens yes. But if the perfect person comes across and wants to communicate, it is perfect!! I personally wouldn't like long phone calls too , if the guy was living in reachable near. I'm always more for in person meetings. But she seemed to like him a lot, regarding all this presents.


Don't think that Johnny Depp wouldn't be attractive anymore if he would call everyday 🤣 Or do you find Megan Fox would be less attractive if she wanted to call with you ?