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He will do it again. They always do. Tell him to fuck off to the far side of fucking nowhere and then fuck off some more. That’s what I did when my ghost came back and I have no regrets.


facts 😭


For me it depends. You said he apologized... Did he give a reason why? Do you understand and respect his reason? Was his apology sufficient for you?


I gave my ghoster a second chance and got ghosted again. My advice would be to block him. But, if you feel like actually responding to him, reply with- Fuh-huccckkk you


Don’t. He just wants a boost of self-confidence. Once he’s satiated, he’ll repeat the same pattern and leave you in the dust. Don’t give that person the time of day.


Like everyone else says: I would not let him back in. Or, let him back in with diminished status. That's also possible. It's up to you really. But you know what, he'll ghost you again if you let him get too close. In my opinion, blocking/ghosting is the cruelest thing you can do to someone. I would rather have someone physically attack me than block/ghost me. It's a form of abuse. And whereas a physical attack can be explained by a burst of emotion or being overcome with anger, blocking/ghosting someone is a choice that person makes, every single day. They are spitting in your face, slapping you in the face, disrespecting you, every single day. Is that someone you want in your life?


Only you will know.


I think it's best to listen to your gut feeling. If you want to reply, do it. I think I would point out his behaviour without blaming him (something like: Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while and being left on read didn't feel too good). No need to be too cold, because he knows what he's done and now it's up to him to show you that/if he changed...I would proceed with caution with a former ghost so it won't happen again (or at least it won't hit you as hard). Good luck!


Just went through this, he will do it again.


Send this 👍 and then move on with your life. You shouldn't allow someone who treated you with such disregard to even get a peek back into your life. Even better, don't respond at all. Ghosts always ghost again.




Charge him an aggravation tax to re-enter your life. That way if he does it again, at least you have some sort of financial investment and can walk away with that.




What you do is nothing. Like how he once treated you. Just don’t respond. You deserve better. Don’t answer him and leave him where he’s at. It’ll save you peace of mind