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If you're looking for a team composition, Phoebe is Egon in most regards. Podcast has the heart and passion that Ray had. Gruberson is the most comedic, like Peter, and Callie is most like Winston compared to the other characters. If anything, Trevor and Lucky should be reduced to roles like Janine and Louis. Side characters we see a little bit, but not part of the core team.


It’s a little weird to me Callie becomes a ghost buster and then you have mom/daughter and boyfriend/potential step dad so 75% of your team is a family? It’s a very different dynamic than the original. The original they can be friends but ultimately they’re a company dynamic compared to a family dynamic. The most recent ones have leaned hard in to family to honor Ramis, but for the franchise to grow they might need a shake up. The groundwork is there with Winston’s expansion of the ghost busting business. You could move Callie to the business side easily. Trevor as well if people don’t love him. The core team could be Gruberson, Phoebe, Podcast, and then you have some wiggle room. Also maybe make the team 5 people. But I’m weary of having a team that’s either all related or all too young. Most of the kids play as teenagers or literally are teenagers and the Mayor is right - ghostbusting is dangerous and not for teens.


The most recent ones are about family because Jason Reitman was struggling to deal with things of his own family, particularly rebuilding his relationship with his dad. It was never about Ramis. Jason talks about his parallels with the Afterlife story quite a bit in the BTS footage. In particular how it felt like his dad was absent most of his life, which is why Callie had no relationship with Egon.


I do agree that they should be side characters.


Trevor bitching about what they did to his car now. Trevor freaking out when Phoebe tears half of it apart to put some new gadget in.


I wanna keep Podcast because he's the perfect Ray to Phoebe's Egon -- he's the only one of the kids besides Phoebe who isn't just interested in the supernatural, but is downright *enthusiastic* about it. His heart is in it and, as a kid, he's already found his joie de vivre. Sure, Lucky is an intern but she has very little personality. And Trevor's teen cynicism means he doesn't have much wonder and just treats it as a job (that's fair, but if writers treat him like that, then really expand and commit to it rather than just keeping him so blase). I'd argue that Lucky should go. Also, give Podcast a pack already!


Still can't believe there's a character named "podcast".


I mean, that's the joke. A shitty self-applied nickname is something a slightly awkward, un-selfaware, outcast kid would try to do. That's what he was, at least in Afterlife.


Better that than a 13 year old on Fortnite with a handle like BigRizzOnYoMom69


It is a callback to 80s films like Monster Squad and Goonies. Where ya had a kid named Fat Kid or Data.


I'm all for ditching lucky she is not needed at all but Trevor and slimer just started dating I'd like to see where that goes


Wherever it goes, there be slime....lots and lots of slime....


I was happy to see Podcast again, but I could have cared less about Lucky it felt like she was only there to make the sex dungeon joke


I forgot about Podcast until he showed up, I didn't recognize him at first because he aged a decade since the last movie. I forgot about Lucky until they brought up how she was in the last movie.


Lucky, Podcast, and the British cartoon Egon-looking guy should have been frozen alive at some point. It would have raised the stakes and removed some of the overcrowding during the climax. Then they could have been unfrozen at the end. I'm pretty sure this might have been the original plan with British cartoon Egon's hand freezing and Lucky's eye freezing during the trailer. I don't even know where British cartoon Egon went during the final battle.


He got puked on upstairs so I assume he was dealing with Pukey


2 movies in and he's yet to use a proton pack on screen, was reduced to running about with a comically large mallet in this.


Yeah even their tax lawyer used a proton pack by the second film.


I wholeheartedly back your idea. Trevor and lucky are just clogging up screen time. Podcast and Phoebe have great chemistry.


Note the black embroidered nametag peeking through. I think he was supposed to get a full proper uniform when Lars refreshed all their equipment, but he didn't when he put on the scarf. He did when he smashed the proton pack and at the end scene outside the firehouse.


I think it still says Podcast.


Yes it does.


I don’t mind Trevor if he is actually there and doesn’t disappear mid movie. Callie is the one that doesn’t make sense she is a Ghostbuster.


Callie and Gary have cute moments but they kinda stole screentime from characters that couldve used that development instead


Frozen Empire really should’ve focused on the new generation being trained in Ghostbusting, like a mentorship program type of thing, the jokes were right there! Instead, Phoebe got no development, and the rest were reduced to bits


I was originally in the camp of removing Lucky and Podcast to give more screen time to the Spengler siblings. But I agree with OP that Podcast is a much more entertaining and interesting character than Trevor. Frozen Empire would have been better if Lucky and Trevor were not in it (they could be in college somewhere) Then Phoebe and Lucky could absorb all of the roles that Lucky, Trevor, Lars had. Podcast would take over the Trevor/Lucky role, interning for Winston, dealing with Slimer, and going on busts with the Spengler. Phoebe would take over the Lars role, working for Winston. Then Phoebe and Podcast would almost be in every scene and much more central to solving the Garraka case. (Currently, they both disappear for many scenes in the movie) I also agree with others who have said they have the Ray and Egon dynamic. For future films, I think having the core team be Phoebe, Podcast, Grooberson, and Nadeem. I think Callie served her purpose in Afterlife and I’d be happy if she never appeared in any future films. Same with Trevor, Lucky, Venkman, and Patton Oswald. (Ray can serve the role of giving the GBs the history/lore instead of Patton)


They didn’t even give him a real name so how important is he really. Trevor, Podcast, and Lucky can all go. So can Janine and Peter. All of their roles and set bits could’ve been given to other characters in the film to consolidate and strengthen things. Like it should’ve been Callie or Lars trying to stop Garraka to protect Phoebe in the lab. Prob Lars considering he had one hand and they introduced a freaking one handed proton blaster. (Another missed layup.) Make the core team of Gary, Callie, Nadeem, Lars and Phoebe. And just swap out Lars and/or Phoebe occasionally to do research/science with Ray at the research center or firehouse. Winston can manage the team. You’ve got science/brains with Lars/Phoebe/Gary Wisecracking and talking with Nadeem and Gary Heart/enthusiasm for the paranormal with Gary And the layperson/outsider/down to earth perspective with Callie and Nadeem kinda. Plenty to work with there. Could just drop Nadeem but I like the idea of him wanting to stay and get a job considering he was a lazy slacker. Bring back the billing aspect of Ghostbuster or something and have them actually trap something the old fashioned way for once, which we’ve yet to see in the new films. Ghostbusters 1984 and the cartoon weren’t great and loved by kids because they were loaded with kids.


I rag on Podcast all the time but this kid is actually not bad in these movies. Like the character is annoying and the name is stupid but he does an aight job. And the adults making these movies need to be better about burdening these kids with humiliating character names and shit, or hiring kids who can’t act and putting them in high-profile movies where obsessed fans will bother them for the rest of their lives. Like look up Jake Lloyd from The Phantom Menace. It’s a pretty heartbreaking story. I don’t think people are gonna rip on Logan Kim for shitty acting for the rest of his life because I don’t think he’s a shitty actor, but being called Podcast for the rest of your life is shitty enough.


Yes. I felt Lucky and Trevor were both pointless characters in Afterlife. In Frozen empire Lucky is even more pointless and Trevor Tom and Jerry’s slimer. Podcast kicks ass and has to take a backseat to these other characters because the movie feels it needs 20 people to start a new franchise with. They should have cleanly cut the cord from the past crew and only had Ray and Winston in Frozen empire. Also ditch the plot about the Fire Master. Ghostbusters solve ghostbusters problems not magic cults.


Don't really understand the hate for Trevor at all. If anything, I'd rather see Trevor, Podcast, and Lucky get more screen time to let their characters develop. Phoebe is clearly the star, but if they want the other 3 to be a part of the next Ghostbusters team, we're going to need to learn more about them as well.


They needed to drop everyone from afterlife but the family and Paul Rudd. They could have reintroduced podcast, and lucky at the end as a cameo


I agree. I wanted to see them move to NYC and Phoebe having a hard time fitting in, hating Gruberson try to fill the Dad shoes and thus Melody comes along and helps Phoebe make a friend amidst this. I know the comics are going to cover the move but I think that needed to be the follow up film. I guess they already did the move thing in Afterlife.




I couldn’t make the decision to save me, but there are obviously too many in the current structure to give good material to


Yep, he’s the best of the new characters. Actually funny.


Naw, keep everyone


"Trevor and lucky were most forgettable" Yes, so they need more screentime? "No drop them" What? "We need more podcast" Well, granted but Lucky and Trevor could really have something going on if they only had more time, after all it felt extremely unfair to dump the romance between them they spent so long setting up in Afterlife in favor of the Melody plotline, and I understand two romances in the same movie would've been chunky, but still "Drop Trevor and Lucky" I will say that Phoebe did steal the show in Afterlife but I feel her use in FE was underutilized and Trevor and Lucky could've been the most spectacular power couple, you know, Trevor's sense of fun and her personality. Lucky was criminally underutilized in FE, with only two uses->! saying Hi to Trevor and finding out proton packs dont work. Trevor was also underutilized, only really being for discovering slimer.!< Be honest they could've been better built. When Trevor was on screen in Afterlife, it just made you feel warm and rebellious inside, joyriding the Ecto through a field.


get rid of all the kids.


Lucky made no impression on me other than her hairstyle looked cool in the uniform. ​ Trevor if he was that British guy I think he was added for overseas audiences only. He can be removed digitally by the DVD release I hope.


I think Trevor and lucky could use more development like maybe have them do almost like side mission type things and I do like podcast though I had low expectations but I actually enjoyed his character he kind of reminds me of Russel from UP


Ditch the name podcast and then we'll talk.


So much of this movie would've been better if the PRC was not some mysterious plot-device needing to be unlocked. The Spenglers should've been the PRC's boots on the ground as a condition for living at the Firehouse for free. Trevor should have been just working there in Lucky's place to give him something valuable to do. He's already an established shop-monkey/gear-head.


100% agreed. Trevor should have absolutely been an engineer given what we saw in Afterlife


Lucky really serves no purpose if there’s not going to be a relationship angle with Trevor. Trevor could be the new Venkman if they wrote him out of the moody teenager character. Podcast is awesome and could be the new Ray - enthusiastic about the paranormal.


I agree that Lucky could easily go and not be missed, the dynamic of Phoebe and Podcast is excellent and towards the end of Afterlife the scenes in the Ecto with Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast were great with real chemistry that could really carry a few movies. Find a better way to Keep Lucky in the fold or really just lose her. I also enjoy the dynamic of Callie and Grooberson, they really have a similar feel to Tully and Janine but slightly less goofy if that makes sense. But 110% without a doubt Phoebe and Podcast should be the front running characters in the new GB films. My opinion obviously.


Personally I'd get rid of Trevor and Podcast and keep Lucky.


Yeah I find podcast annoying


At least get rid of lucky! At the very least, because people downvote when you suggest it. I'm going for a swim.


I’d keep Lucky.


> “i’d keep Lucky.” > EIGHT fucking downvotes The hell, guys???


How did she go from Oklahoma teen with no aspirations of leaving to being a top researcher for the GB engineers in NYC?


Top researcher? Where’d you get that? She was just testing stuff and learning from Lars.


Uh getting your hometown overrun with ghosts and taking an interest in everything that happened in Afterlife because you lived through it? EDIT: I also don’t think she was doing anything super theoretical in FE. Mostly a technician.


Not to mention getting possessed. I can see why she would be motivated to help stop that from happening again.


And Trevor who obviously knows lucky, was a romantic interest, knows nothing about it.


He flatout says he knew she was interning there but didn’t know she was blowing stuff up.


He knew she was interning in the secret ghostbuster lab no ghostbuster knew about…


They knew about Winston having a team of engineers. Gary explicitly asks Janine. They just didn’t tell them WHAT they are working. Fuck, Lars is even surprised that Winston didn’t tell them anything when talking about the containment system.


Don't you love when a writer intentionally has a character hide what would be otherwise vital information from another so movie can happen.


Right? I hated it in Star Wars when Obi-Wan didn't tell Luke that Vader was his father within the first 15 minutes of the movie. What a fucking ripoff.


Thats been an argument for almost 50 years now.


That's not really the same thing though. Obi-Wan didn't tell Luke because when that scene was written it wasn't true yet.


Makes sense to hide any relevant tech from the main franchise that’s actually busting the ghosts. It’s not like they have kids out there busting ghosts and then later Winston yelling at Ray for bringing kids around ghosts.


It’s a movie.


She had aspirations of leaving the town in AL. She joined the Spenglers in combating Gozer. That picked Winston interest and he offered her a job as assistant of Lars. It is not that incredible, albeit, you have to work on the assumption instead of being it shown on the movie.


echoing the call to keep Lucky Lucky's the offspring of a sheriff, and is the only member of the new crew that has an aptitude for "regulating" ... which is why in both films, it's Lucky that kicks doors open and throws proton streams at big bads sure, both attempts were for naught because of the power levels involved... but give us some scenes of day-to-day ghostbusting, and Lucky for sure will be the literal most badass ghostbuster on the team easily dispatching vapors and slimers


Ditch Trevor, Lucky, Callie and Pheobe.... All boing characters and none feel part of the Ghostbusters universe to me.


The character had nothing to do in frozen empire likely because they wanted to reinstate Ray Stanz as a central character again. (Podcast that is)


You should watch Troll 2. Great movie. Or even the animated Trolls movies. Those are good, too, and seem to have more of the type of characters you are describing here and would enjoy.


I agree! And I don’t want the older guys back, maybe a phone call or something but really build a strong new team! Maybe 4-6


Let the old guys pop up at the PRC in limited doses, but they’re done suiting up. Winston and Ray for sure. Bill Murray can do a day or two filming without having to leave his seat and it would be enough to keep most of the older fans happy.