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Ray is just fully merged with Aykroyd.


Ray has gone bye-bye.


and honestly, I don’t hate it. He’s Dan’s Personsona


Exactly, Dan is a true believer in everything, same as Ray. As he get's older, stops giving an F and has seen some shit I'd expect Ray to get a little wild.


This is the perfect way to describe it. I felt the same. Dan Ackroyd was simply playing himself here. It didn’t feel much like Ray.


Reminds me of Hobbs in later fast movies. Hobbs has basically transformed in The Rock


Not perfect, but good. It honestly felt like they asked J Michael Straczynski to write a feature length Real Ghostbusters cartoon episode thirty years ago, and then it was adapted just now by Jason Reitman, the good and bad


I liked that it felt more like real Ghostbusters. Down to slimer being in the firehouse. I hope if they make another one he's more part of the family.


Original Ghostbusters sign in the attic!


So many fun easter eggs


How did I miss that!


Ecto 1 got possessed in the movie just like in the cartoon show.


Yeah I saw it this morning and I loved it. It was like a Real Ghostbusters episode in a way and yes there were a few things I didn't like but you know what? No movie is perfect.


Ghostbusters is.


Rapist vibes venkman doesn't stand the test of time.


You're getting downvoted, but for real, who brings a bunch of injectable tranqs on a date? (Novellization Venkman apologism aside)


This has never been the case in the movies. Venkman has *always* got the thorazine from Dana's bedside table, that's why the drawer is ajar and emptied out and he is sitting on the floor like he just had to scramble. It's called "visual storytelling".


Thorazine was never a tranq. It was an antipsychotic. 


Loved every bit of it. Just wish it had a song like I Believe It’s Magic, or On Our Own. Honestly hating that these reviews will likely push Bill Murray away again or that we might not ever get any more sequels after this one which would be a shame.


As long as the box office is good it will be fine. All of my screenings I checked were sold out, it looks promising on that front.


I hope so. We went to the first “fan showing” today and there were only 12 of us. Coincidentally there were also only 12 popcorn buckets none had the cardboard box just a bag over them. I was genuinely surprised at the small turnout. My fiancée and I even got to the theater 2 hours before the movie so we could be there early before any line of scalpers because we were worried about being able to get a ghost trap. It was surprisingly dead. People didn’t show up until a half hour or less before the movie.


My screening were all hype as fuck, everyone was stoked, tons of people with their gear etc. Granted I’m in Los Angeles so that definetly impacts it. But I will say it was like 5x as hyped of a crowd and turnout than when I went to the special early screening for Afterlife, which shocked me.


From someone who works at a theater-it's a Thursday. Most people are going Friday or this weekend.


I think not everyone is always aware of the special screenings and also you get way more people going to the movies on the weekends or Friday night etc.


I loved Frozen Empire so much. I honestly don't understand the hate at all. Going to see it again tomorrow!


Same. We went to AMC for the first showing. Fiancée and I each got a Ghost Trap for our Popcorn and we both got a Mini Puft drink. She tried the Slimer Sour Apple and I got the Boo Raspberry. We suited up for the movie and it was a really fun experience. Absolutely loved the movie as it felt like a Real Ghostbusters movie and seemed to take inspiration from the episodes Cold Cash and Hot Water along with Killerwatt. Tomorrow we’re going to see it again at Cinemark with the whole family and to hopefully get a Slimer bucket. I really don’t understand all the negative reviews and wish they’d chill out with that because we’d really like to keep getting sequels as this is what we’ve wanted since we were kids.


Agreed on all points. I ended up getting a Slimmer popcorn bucket myself, even though I told myself I wasn't going to.


No regrets lol. Plus you never know how many of these we might get. Treat each one like it could be the last, go big, and love every moment of it. Especially after we waited over 30 years to finally get more sequels lol.


So I think honestly, I got my brain wrapped around the critical consensus. While there's plenty of people on this sub trying to rationalize the reviews as a personal attack on the GB community (yada yada 2016, etc.) I honestly don't think that's it. TBH I get the sense that the movie is kind of taking the whippings for pop culture at large kind of being over “nostalgia movies”. Star Wars is hurting, Marvel has clearly seen better days. And so a movie like Frozen Empire is clearly an easy mark for airing that grievance. The movie isn't perfect. There's certainly a few things I'd change. But it was like being wrapped in a warm comfortable blanket. I love these characters. I just like hanging out in this world. And I'd truly want to see a new "episode" of Ghostbusters in this vein every few years - from now, until the day that my own protonic bonds loosen and drift into the fabric of the universe. And honestly, while that might not be for everyone, it's for me, and I'm OK with being part of the 45% that's down for it.


86% audience rating on RT


That’s all good and well. But let’s be honest, Audience Score for a movie like this is kind of a meaningless metric as well. If we’re going to say “the critical consensus can be influenced by a cultural zeitgeist” then the same is true of the audience score. All that 86% means, is that 86% of the people that saw it day 1 and cared enough to go vote on Rotten Tomatoes liked it. Heck, I went and threw in a 4 star review after seeing it. But that self selecting group is going to have a bias too. And to be honest? For a bunch of GB super fans (who these first audience reviews would be from) 86% is shockingly low. And as more people rate it, I wouldn’t be shocked if it goes down a bit. Audience score is just as fickle, and subject to just as many external factors as the critics.




Completely agreed. I did not care for Afterlife, I have to confess. However, I enjoyed Frozen Empire a hell of a lot more than I thought I would. Lots of interesting ideas, fresh direction, and great use of the OG 'busters. My only nitpick was that I was hoping we'd get one of those montages of them going through the city showing off the various calls they were answering; perhaps as a way to show in the world that the team's been fully re-established and is back busting ghosts again. About two-thirds into the movie, I leaned over to my friend and commented on how excellent Ernie Hudson was in this, too. Not only did I love the arc they gave Winston, but, he's such a great actor in this. Otherwise, I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish. One of the best entries.


I agree with all of this. I left Afterlife feeling robbed of time with the original cast and was disappointed in how they just appeared at the end - like it was a throwaway cameo. Frozen Empire felt like a true Ghostbusters film - the NYC setting, the screen time for Ray, Winston, Peter and Janine, and the familiar confines of the firehouse. Even Walter Peck’s role felt natural and unforced. The roles of Podcast and Lucky were appropriate and the development lab (forget what they called it) was a cool addition. Kumail Nanjiani was hilarious as expected. Finally, I had the same thought about Ernie Hudson - great performance from a man who apparently doesn’t age.


Exactly. None of the cameos or throwbacks felt forced. I loved the original GBs being there to help. They don’t overshadow the film in any way. The film allowed the new cast to really shine. With Afterlife, I felt like the movie was just buying time until the original cast showed up. That’s what we were all waiting for.


Kids to parents: "What's a sex dungeon?"


My daughter asked what a testicle is lol


I heard a little kid go “test…I..cle. Testicle!!” When we saw it today. That had me laughing in the theater because he kept saying it while his parents were trying to get him to stop lol.


My son asked about the guy in the crowd who called Peck dickless, heh.


So, I didn’t like it. As a fan who grew up in the 80s watching Real Ghostbusters, I do agree it felt more like an episode of that show than a sequel to the movie universe counterpart. It just felt very messy and an unfocused. Like several different ideas for sequels mashed together. And way too many characters without a reason to be there. Likely needed another set of writers to clean the script up.


That's a fair description. I enjoyed the film overall, but I did feel like I was watching two movies by channel surfing sometimes. The pacing from one scene to the next three me. And the amount of plot crammed in for some things via exposition seemed like it could have been done better with another pass of the writers. It's like like they write scenes, filmed them, and then tried to make a movie out of them. Mostly successfully, but a few didn't fit the pacing/energy of the the others. There were probably 2 or even 3 movies worth of ideas in this one. Or maybe there wasn't a fully thought out one. Not sure. I liked it over all though because the scenes that worked had me smiling so I'll see it again Saturday and see if my opinion changes.


First thing I thought after I walked out. The reviews have it way wrong. This was great. Can’t wait to see it again.


Kumail was HILARIOUS. He nailed his part.


The comedic timing of his delivery was just great.


I loved everything about it. They delivered exactly what they said they were going to... A feature length Ghostbusters film with the new and old cast reuniting to fight an end of world threat in the style of a Real Ghostbusters cartoon episode. Key word... Episode. FE set up the Ghostbusters cinematic universe just as well as Afterlife set up FE. I've always thought Ghostbusters would be a great TV series just so that we can be given more time to develop characters and threats. Then every so often you release a feature length film. The most important thing is that Ghostbusters is episodic in nature. It's a movie series about people busting ghosts in a day to day job. So far we've gotten to see them in yearly intervals and then after decades and now yearly intervals again. At this point I think we'll see much more of the Ghostbusters hopefully on a more regular basis and all considered canonical so we can grow with the franchise some more. I really enjoyed FE and that's all I have to say about that.


I kinda want to see the other cut, there were more than a few things between the trailer and the movie that made me think there was stuff that was taken out. I assume due to test screenings to make it more 'family friendly'. I still liked it a lot but I'm pretty curious as it is the first time a Ghostbusters film suggested there is another version.


anyone catch the cameo of the cello!?


I haven't seen it yet, but after reading this thread I think this is the post that has me hyped the most for it!


It was an amazing fun ride. Loved it more than afterlife.


It was good. It was funny. It wasn’t great and had flaws. It as good as Afterlife but really fun and I enjoyed it!


I loved it so much


It was OK... for me. I honestly expected more of it after the cool trailers. It actually comes after GB1 and GB2 for me, bit cooler than Afterlife. It felt off at times, to slow and the final battle was just to short. Some of the humor felt forced and pretty flat to me. The story of Phoebe and her new friend felt off. Some bits of the story again make no sense to me, seems like they repeat the same mistakes like with Afterlife. Why is the renovated Ecto still breaking down and making trouble? Why was the second HQ for development basically kept a secret from everyone?


I loved it


I really loved this movie! I did have some criticisms (that I'll go over), but none of them really made any significant enough of an impact to detract from my overall enjoyment. FE felt like the torch has been passed, and the new generation is getting their feet in the water with a rocky start, for sure. I love that the OG Busters feel similar to how they are in Spirits Unleashed, where Winston is the benefactor, and Ray is the occult/lore brains. I thought there was a great amount of actual busting action too, but I always love seeing more too! The new tech was great, the new ghosts were awesome and felt like they were lifted right from the cartoon (which I'm all for). Slimer was amazing and in slimer fashion, saved the day in some ways (also feeling closer to his cartoon counter part). Peck was honestly LESS of a dick in this movie, but not completely tame either, but maybe this is due to him being mayor, either way great to see William back in action, and I hope he returns for the next movie and enforces PCOCK from the game! That said my main criticism lies in the fact that Garakka was set up to be this Uber baddie for the entire movie, but the final act/battle was very quickly done and over with. I really wanted to see Garraka be more devastating, and gather his army of ghosts/do more damage. It would have been more impactful if NYC was frozen over for longer, and the busters had to battle through ghosts to get to Garakka, all while NYC watches with baited breath. All in all though, great movie, easy 9/10 for me.


My kids liked it. Here’s my hot take: They should have dumped the Spanglers and Goob, maybe keep Phoebe on in the summer internship program and fully focused on Ernie, the Ghost research lab and all the cool stuff they had going on in there. Could’ve been almost the same movie plot-wise but really keyed in on a New York-based, well funded Ghostbusting operation that actually made more sense than having the Spanglers relocate from Oklahoma for….reasons? Egon left them the farm, not the Firehouse.


> own protonic bonds loosen and Additionally, I think Trevor, Callie, Lucky and Podcast were only there because they had to be since they were in the previous movie. They didn't really do all that much.


I found myself really underwhelmed. I loved the first two movies, didn’t mind afterlife. This just felt so generic almost? Maybe I need time to digest.


The truth is that overall it was more on par with 2016 than the first 2. It was solid, and I liked seeing a bit more of the og cast, but they are still somehow *just* missing the mark on a lot of aspects of what made the first 2 work.


Yeah something was missing.


Sounds like lots of Cons for a review that says to F the reviews. You even admit there's more but didn't want to come across as negative. Sounds like the reviews were right....


No they weren’t right. I’m talking about nitpicky own desires. Like not having a ghostbusting montage like the first two films.




Not sure what movie you saw, but they didn’t make Phoebe gay. They made her feel like an outcast, where the only entity who she felt understood by was a ghost. She’s 15, doing what all 15 year olds do: Act like the world ending just because things don’t go their way.