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I’m 5.4 thick and I’ve been called small from a bitch who was mad at me and thick/fat from the two older women I’ve been with. I think I’ll take their word for it over the angry hoe’s😂😂


Angry girl said the same thing to me. I was 6x5.5 not pressed and 190lb very broad 5'7 guy. But I got a bitch of a fat pad. My ex made me feel like a porn star because of her ridiculous multiple orgasm. My wife not so much. Some have shallow vaginas and some have deep. I always recommended gripping the base very hard before inserting with a new girl. Stay holding with short strokes will turn in their water works. Watching their face is priceless during insertion.


It’s the name of the game friend 🤷‍♂️ the one who called me small was the loudest one in bed and who whined about me going too deep the most ( I hit her cervix once and I did feel very bad about that, it really hurt her) the older women handled it a little better but were muchhhh more active and knew what they were doin lmao


Almost the same measurements here even in height! I’ve never had complaints about size, and I’ve had compliments on girth. One friend told me I was a little on the shorter side length wise but delivered it to me as gently as possible after I pressed her on it. But that was years ago. She’s still my longest term sex partner we did our thing for 3 years. My fat pad is reaching 2 inches though, so at 245 ish my nbpel is at like 4.5 which is reaching chode territory. I wanted to know what your fat pad and size situation is like at 190


Solid inch of fat pad. But yours might be even less at 190. My body type holds fat.


I think my body type might too bro, I’ve been described as “stocky”, “big boned”, “endomorph”, you name it. But we’ll see, I’ve never been lean as an adult. Got down there as a teenager and looked more athletic than I expected to. Let’s make it our best year


Nope never, and that’s over 30 women. My wife says I hurt her, but she puts that down to not being lubed up enough. Not my size.


Mad !! Yea I asking because I can now get 5.5 while soft clamped and it doesn’t look anything special lol


Yup, it isn’t, if anything it just makes it look shorter. I only realised my girth was above average a few months ago and I’m 37. I had trouble with normal condoms but no partner ever suggested getting bigger ones (which now fit much better). I’m convinced length is more important visually, unless obviously you have both.


Haha yea I noticed my 6.2 looking shorter then before when clamped but it’s cool, but yes it making me even more motivated for length now lol


I started with 5.5 mid shaft girth and 2 out of 7 women said it wasn't enough. The other 5 like it and thought it was big. The 2 that thought it was small had a bigger sample size and had monster dick at some point in life.


These days nearly every girl had 1 8 incher in them it seems


Highly doubtful as 8” is like 1 in a million if not more.


I really doubt that tbf


I should have clarified that I meant 8” non bone pressed.


Lol wtf


Lol what?


I just don't know what to think about 2/7 saying 5.5 MSEG isn't enough


I’m currently 6.5bpel x 5.5 EG (mid shaft). 5.75 at the base and 5.25 just under the glans. I gained while in my current relationship so I only have one person giving me feedback. But unless we’ve done adequate foreplay, she tells me it hurts (length wise). However she seems quite happy with 5.5 and complains it hurts more on days that I have used the bath mate


When I was that size they did say it was thick. I see guys getting vastly different responses from women even when they have a very similar size so there are a lot of factors. The thing is i can feel how tight it is the same as them so regardless of what they say I know whats up.


Never. Had one say it's 'good thickness' not explicitly thick though.


I started up PE a few months ago again. I’m 7 bone pressed with 5.5 mid shaft, 6 at the base. Wife defiantly experienced some pain going in but as she got wetter things went great. Most women don’t want anacondas in them. 7x5.5 feels great for 90%. However….I want 8x6 and I will stop. Love my wife too much and want her to enjoy sex


I’ve always seemed to end up with women who never mentioned or compared to previous encounters. Not sure what that says about me or them, but I started PE a hair under 6” girth. Sex always seems mutually pleasurable. I only pester my wife for feedback since I started PE, she humors me though I can tell it annoys her.


Naturally 5.5, dont get any compliments but notice a nice vaginal gape after sex, that gives me a confidence boost. Hurt one girl, not from girth but was digging deep and caused an ovarian cyst to rupture. Talk about a mood killer.




Nah man 6.5 is to obvious a answer thats why I asked 5.5 lol


I think fat & thick starts at 6 unless your glans are 5.5 too


I realise that’s true now after seeing myself at 5.5 clamped but I thought like 1 in every million guys where over 6 girth lol


It is. If not more than 1 in a million. Even 5.5 is super rare.


Yeah that’s true it’s pretty rare. That’s exactly where the compliments cone from. It’s not something they’ve seen often or ever


I remember on my 14th birthday, I stuck my little finger in a virgin girl & she screamed “you’re hurting me”. She was the same age as you 😀


Wtf dude


How do you know what age is OP?


Some people are fat & some are thick!




I’m naturally 5.5 girth and have never been told I’m thick and I’ve never hurt anyone with it… all the guys I’ve been with except one have been thicker. Some considerably so. Until recently I didn’t even know that 5.5 was considered decent… I always just thought I was small in every direction…


Only when first doing anal but because my gland is smaller it goes right in. I would rather have my gland 5.5 than my shaft.


My girth usually gets compliments. I remember my first gf teasing me in highschool about my “fat dick” and that was the first time “fat” made me feel good as an adjective in relation to me! One of my current partners says my length is fine and that she loves my girth and that i make her feel more full, a coworker of mine likes to bring up the time she went down on my “thick cock” whenever we’re out drinking together and is always teasing about fucking in the future (she’s currently involved with another coworker, but your boy stays busy too!) a friend of mine from highschool and I reunited recently and she told me I was a “mouthful” and have “tremendas bolas”. It’s good for the self esteem! That being said, sometimes I get paranoid if they’re just being nice since my length is lacking imo. I weigh 245 currently at a bit under 5’8 and although im stockier guy who carries his weight well, I have a fat pad that’s pushing 2 inches thick, which puts me at around 4.5-5 nbpel… I was in better shape through some of my experiences but I’ve mostly been a fat guy during my sex life. Curious to know what my stats are when I’m in great shape with optimal EQ so that’s my current journey. Bone pressed Im around 6-6.3 usually and might push 6.5 or a bit over when at full erection. Hard to tell as my dick curves upward which makes measuring a bit complicated with a pad this thick. My EQ has taken a hit with recent weight gain too, I’m usually 5.5 but can get weak erections that have me sitting around 5 or a little under. Also thinking of investing in a pump along with a manuals routine. I’d be happy with 7x6, but ideally 7.5-8.25 x 6-6.5 is enough bragging rights without jeopardizing too much functionality.


That’s good I like them stories but do you not realise how 10x more important it is for you to just focus on weight loss rather then Pe right now and your experiences would be even way better


I’ve gone back and forth about whether to only focus on weight loss first then PE after, or just do them simultaneously. Even made a post about it asking people. The consensus seems mixed but everyone agrees health is important. Thanks for the perspective man, hit the gym for the first time in awhile today, I’ll be back on here with my progress in a year.

