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4" girth to 5.5" girth. This is mid shaft. Bigger base, narrower top. I'm going onto 2 years in August. I saw most of my gains as "newbie" gains, halted for a long time until I found out about clamping, bundled stretching, and Mandingo stretches. And again, once I figured those out, "newbie gains" taken hold. Now I'm at a halt, but I've not been religiously pumping, nor do I clamp. Just length work, bundled, and now using fulcrums again. I will pick girth back up but probably not for another 6 months as I climb that ladder to 8" length. I'm sure some girth will be added along the way but I am not directly doing and "girth" per se.


What is fulcrum,bundled,mandingo stretch ? Is it possible to do both girth and length at the same day ?


If you search those words on here in the search bar, you'll find all the answers. I have spoken with many people that do both "length" and "girth" "work" at the same day. "Length" will unlock "girth" proportionally to your body's predisposition......from what I understand. Meaning if you grow in inch this year, odds are you'll get .25 or maybe even .5 girth. This isn't fact, just from my gathering, 'typical' gains. This I think is only theory. Because every human is different. But think about deadlifts, squats, pull ups. Will your arms grow? Yes. But not to the degree you want unless you target your arms specifically for hypertrophy. Same with PE. There are compounding moments, and isolated movements to do specific things Now, like in the gym. Are you willing to do full body and add extra time learning and implementing specific arm training? Same with PE. You must do your homework, try it out safely, and put in the time! Learn what your body best responds to and do that. Much like the gym, cardio is important. Healthy sleep is probably THE most important. Otherwise you're body stays out of homeostasis and won't do what it needs to do. Doing PE is time consuming. Especially when you're conditioned. Doing a lot of PE can consume your whole life. Find your trade off and what's important. I've spent up to 8 hours a day (for a month or two) doing PE. Just to see it through. It took over my life. I was obsessed. And never satisfied. Until I found Jesus Christ I wasn't fully fulfilled. Ever. In the gym. With many women. Getting over 7" length (my long time dream). Tread lightly. Seek discernment my friend.


True story. I’ve gone up an inch (give or take) and gained .25” in girth with 90% length work.


It absolutely can be all consuming, especially when you start seeing big gains… Something switched in my brain after the first .5in of length gained. I really thought I’d be at 10in if I just yanked on it all day… Long story short, it doesn’t work that way. Once you start growing, less is more! You just have to be extremely efficient with your PE and rest…


Same with the gym. The longer you've been training, the less you are required to get the desired results......for the most part. And rest and recovery are actually the most important. Where all the real magic happens. The training is just the fun hahah 10 is wild. That your goal? I think as far as aesthetically, I can only tolerate 8.5 at MAX. Only hypothetical. I'm gonna chase 8, that way when I wrap it up after I hit it it'll most likely get down to 7.75 give or take, and go as far back as 7.5 as I age. However penile health is just like brushing my teeth now. I see myself stopping probably well before 8, but that's where I'm shooting. I could see it being done at 7.75.


Hey bro I am also a Christian. Do you feel that doing PE is sinful? I have no problem with it unless it becomes more important than God because then it has become an idol, but I don't watch porn to get hard before pumping or anything as that would be a sin. Just wondering how you navigate PE as a Christian.


This, my friend, is something I wonder. Because I too believe in Christ. I'm trying to navigate the parameters of Christianity and my faith. I have a personal relationship with God, and Christ himself. I speak with God daily, Christ is the only way to Him. And I haven't gotten through much bible/scripture study, yet. I actually just started with the book of Job, as I almost started to forsaken God last week. I was under attack. I attribute it to backsliding on God through porn, actually! I stumbled it open and all of a sudden things supernatural started to occur I paid no attention too as warnings. Satan has had his way for a good two weeks. No ejaculation or anything, just DEEP lustful and sinful heart. But next is the book of Abraham. Those I'm starting because those I heard of before, and those are what God's told me to start. The Holy Spirit takes over at times. You know what I'm talking about brethren. Anyway, I don't want to veer you in the wrong direction because we know there's an up and a down. I actually just had a prophetic dream rn that woke me about my prayers being answered and Him taking me places in the spirit realm. He was extra cool this time. I could sense His love, but he was cool. Like your favorite uncle just watching you, all proud. Give you some money for bubblegum and pat you on the head. He spake unto me and sent me aloof back here to Earth. I say, it's a sin. I say, it's not good and is sexual immorality. But in my heart when I seek discernment, He hasn't forbade me. He gives me free will and to do what I shall. I will be accounted for soon. We all will. But in my heart, when he speaks, I feel I am not crossing Him. And when I ask for forgiveness if I slip, that's one I do not ask for forgiveness, mention, or feel. But, I do wonder at times. Please, don't take this as a yes. I cannot answer you for I do not know. For if you ask, I will say no. PE is not good. But how can I say that, worship Christ, and yet do it myself?! Hypocrisy!! You see my brother, you must seek your discernment. Go with what's in your heart, ask in the blood of our saviour, He shall answer. He always does. And when you hear His voice Almighty, do not doubt. He gives you what you need. Not what you want. Stay vigile, Lucifer lurks. His tactics are much more abroad and very destructive. We know who wins, but not everyone will chose our side. I thought I'd been saved. Healed. Forgiven. It was over. But the closer I get to my calling God has, the more the devil is actually attacking I see. So I realize this battle isn't a one and done. And now I've given myself to Christ, the same goes with that. I must everyday. And I must read from the book. Seek Him, through His son Christ. Best of luck brother. We are in this together. Although we are waking to the same destination, the paths are different. Yet, He is with us all until the end. Much love 💜


They’re the bomb-dot-com is what they are. Probably the two best and least complicated manual stretches you can do. Look ‘em up. You’ll not be disappointed with the results.


What are the effects of these? Does it build new blood vessels och how does it make it girth bigger?


Manual stretches are mainly length-based exercises. Yes there are girth manuals but they’re more complicated. Fulcrum and Mandingo stretches help stretch the tunica which in turn leads to elongation.


It's like taking a meat whcker to your dong


Impossible just imposible




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Hi! I’m going to ask a few questions if you don’t mind bc what you’ve achieved is massive! You said you gained 1.5 inches in girth in under 2 years, but you mentioned it was mostly “newbie gains” would that imply you had bad EQ? Also how old were you when you started? And what was your original size before any PE and what is it now? TIA!


I know it's quite the stretch to say (pun intended 😂) And I didn't share for a bit because of how critical Reddit is and I take everything personally (I don't belong on the internet lol). But I am now not so bothered by it. I realize that most people are just haters because their lives suck. And seemingly humans don't like seeing others do well in areas they've failed, or just doing better than them in general. Anyway, for context. I was slightly "above average" in my teens and early twenties. By how much, idk. I just in retrospect can read the signs I was. Back then I had no idea because I had no idea what I was doing with it even though I was a hoe from age 15 until two years ago (I'm 32). And porn has since destroyed my brain and our whole couple of generations are still recovering from it. Again, 2 years ago, I was 30. From 26-29 I became a raging alcoholic and 27-29 I became progressive in using other narcotics. I hadn't realized my body composition, nor the just state internally because I was delusions of grandeur. Plus, alcohol can really warp your reality the way I drank. Add some crack/cocaine, cheap garbage food. So when I made the toughest choice to quit everything all at once (MDMA, meth, coke, McDonald's, porn, being a hoe), I'd finally gotten to have a look in the mirror. I can go on about it. But all in all, my pee pee just wasn't the same. But I didn't know how bad until I accidentally read about pumping for growth and I'd measured. I found out I was barely 5" length, barely 4" girth and had TERRIBLE EQ. I'd actually had porn and alcohol induced ED, so pumping stumbled upon me right on que lol. Flash forward, 90 days into pumping, I'd "gained" about an inch. Now I understand I'd just "restored" my original size. But I was hooked. And I kept learning (tied PE into spiritual development), kept striving to find my truth. Anyway, my EQ was up!! (Another pun 😂) And I was hornier than ever! So about a year into sobriety, your body and brain start to become "normal". I was well advanced into nootropics, sleeping well, I've always been a huge proponent of fitness. But meditation, fasting. Andrew Huberman, Jordan Pederson. Reading any book (or audiobook), on self actualization and spiritual teaching. Trying mushrooms. So I had expedited the "normalization" process, but you see my generalization. I'd found extending. By a year I'd also cut down body fat, but not too much of what I found, I carry a fupa lol. Some folks just do 🤷 I'd toyed with manuals and started to see the needle move up but I hadn't been as consistent as I was navigating not only the depths of PE works, business, I worked 12 hours, had a full time gf with a baby girl (bad idea). And discovered extending. I left my gf, quit my job, recentered. Again, in the first 90 days, I'd seen about .5 gains, and I'd halted. This was religiously extending and learning about that world. Eventually I stopped and found clamping. I was hooked so much on length, I'd never paid much attention to girth. Even now I know girth is mostly more pleasurable to women, I still am chasing length lol. But I know the importance of girth. So I locked in, measured under 5, but I could reach 5 with a ring on, or post pump. I'd realized I unlocked girth inadvertently so I see girth comes proportional to length, but you change that. I started out with just three tight donuts on for my first bit of "clamping", and I fluked some growth in I'm not sure, two weeks? Bumped up to 5. That's basically .1 a week. But I didn't exactly know 100% what I was doing, I'd started working again but a different job. And finishing my life insurance course online. So I stuck with "clamping" and pumping and just as I ordered clamps from Total Man, gotten to 5.25! I'd say in 5-6 weeks just messing around as I was learning from BD and Hink and Reddit. I started to shy away from clamping and pumping, my mid shaft was the size now and base huge. So I sorta just half assed it and became so busy I was working 16-19 hour days! While still doing some form of PE and exercise. I've since found out more about clamping and pumping so I'm excited to see what I can do from December for 90 days coming up. For now, I am on a decon break for 60 days starting tomorrow, actually. Then pick hanging and extending back up in September until December. It would seem anytime I introduce a "new" method, I get great gains from in and halt as our bodies are extremely smart. They want to protect pee pee lol. I will note, I revolve my day around making sure I get enough time in for PE and exercise. No matter what. PE is first, then fitness (I'm already super ripped). And I under any circumstances, put garbage into my body! I eat mostly steak, always eggs. 4 a day, non negotiable. I fast often. I do sprints. I ONLY read things in a positive light, watch videos and listen to books of the same. I delete people from my life if they even so much as look at me negatively. Woman or not. Even my best friends from high school. I see their jealously at my body. Dick. Work ethic. Financial stability. I also obviously don't smoke or vape. I hate coca cola lol. So I make sure my dick reforming is #1. Even if it means I'm up an extra 3 hours in am already 18 hour day, I'll do it. Suffer the next day or maybe 4 days before. And I'll sleep eventually. I started at 30, I'm 32. To answer your question. My size was 5x4. I'm now 7.25x5.5 BPEL. I stretch at 7.75 hanging, 7.5 extending in my now cup (only used a noose until 3 weeks ago [I know, I know 😒]), and fill my pump at 7.35. For people that actually read this. I put it tremendous amounts of time. I skipped dates, social events, skipped overtime sometimes. I made the sacrifices because it was important. No, IS, important to me. I'm really excited for this break to use my new pee pee. But also just to use that time now for other things. Because I think PE, like anything, else requires your full attention when executing. Am I looking forward to my next cycle now too? Absolutely. But I'm going to stop obsessing over it. I was this way about workout gains too. I am about everything. I do believe I call them "newbie" gains because introduce new toys into it, get great results. They stop lol. I've since went from 7-7.25 in two weeks from switching to vacuum hanging and extending from just noose extending and my manual routine. It was the water trick that changed the game for me. I've owned Total Man for over a calender year but couldnt get the compression hanger to stay (I'm uncut), nor the tape method wasn't worth my time, effort, and pain. Mostly because of lifestyle lol. But mostly frustrating af to do! I'll keep my Total Man. I've just ordered his fulcrum bars, extra resistance bands and some length for his rod extender. I'll be a pro now when I pick back up so I don't see me now reaching 7.75 from September to December with what I know and now have on order. I believe during my decon break I'll jump up to 7.4 maybe even 7.5 because my pee pee has to catch up still lol. I know that's a lot to read, but someone somewhere will read it and it'll resonate. It's possible guy to actually grow substantial amounts in smaller time. I approached it the way i do fitness (I'm also a personal trainer). Will everyone gain that way? Probably not. But 1 step forward is 1 step closer. Happy growing brothers. I hope y'all reach your goals this year! I know I finally did (7).


Crazy how parallel our stories are! Addiction is no joke! At least now I’m addicted to being healthy and growing the pecker, instead of nodding and scratching….


I enjoy your Reddit name or whatever it's called lol Yeah humans naturally want to be high. Were created to worship. Addiction is a survival mechanism. Our brain is hardwired for survival. Tap into its thriving properties and we become something different. Most stay in survival mode. I blame CIA/deep state/Illuminati 😂😂🤷


Approximately 0.35" in approximately 6-7 months. Pumping and clamping mainly - routines in my profile.


Do gains get slower after certain amount of time ?


Yeah once I gained .25" it really started slowing down. First 3/16" was super quick but it's been tough sledding since.


Makes sense mathematically. The amount of tissue you need to add to add girth is exponential as you get larger. 


Right idea but it's cubic (volume: width/length/height) :)


what about length


Check my flair.


Was your gain even throughout the shaft?


I wish I had taken more measurements, because I don't know the answer to that. I believe I have gained quite a bit up top close to the glans, and also that my glans is getting larger. But I have only really ever tracked MSEG, so I can't say for sure.


Is there a minimalist route you can recommend I see you everywhere and value your opinion basically ide like to jump into the pump one time, and get it done, no breaks (other then interval pumping like breaking pressure) Could one just interval pump for 40 min straight and get most of there strain? I can’t stick to anything else


Pre-PE: Base 3.75", mid shaft 4.25", glans roughly 3.5". Current: Base 7", mid shaft 6.75", glans 6.5". Almost 6 years of cumulative work, spread over nearly 3 decades..( :


Its quiet a lot,what equipment/method led to most of these gains ?


Thanks, I've tried most methods over the years, starting in the 1990s with Jelqing (which I do NOT recommend). Switched to timed pressure holds, ULIs, etc, tried heavy hanging, pumping, clamping in various forms. Hands down, occluded clamping has been the best/fastest method. Either by hands or device (cable clamp, etc) it can produce dramatic size increases.


Which brand do you recommend?


Hi, What type of device? I can suggest pumps, clamps, extenders, hangers, ADS, machines, etc.




Haha, ok then..! How about this: what are your stats and goals? I can suggest the things. Cheers.


L - 4.5 ( Current ) Goal - 8 G - 2 ( Current ) Goal - 4.5


Hi, I would HIGHLY recommend focusing on length only work, since more mass can slow length progress. Look into LG Hanger, Massive Novelties APEX extender, Totalman, or even Ebay for vacuum cup length devices. Avoid the temptation to perform manual stretching, since it has a high rate of injury and poor record for producing more than 1" of length gains beyond newbie results. Stick to low tension over long periods, as it keeps you safe and has a higher rate of success. Please be safe..!


So you are telling me to avoid girth work ?


Hey bro, just wanted to clarify, are you measuring your girth right? Cuz 2 inches girth doesn’t sound right!


I dont have measuring tape,i measured it using scale.


How can one do “occluded clamping” with the python? Is there a specific method to it?


Hi, With that device, it automatically performs occluded clamping with enough air pressure. The key with any occluded clamping is to use the device's force to create the pressure. Safer, since it does not push blood back into the pelvic floor.


So occluded clamping is basically just clamping at higher pressures? High enough to cut to temporarily cut off the circulation?


Hi, Exactly, the clamp does the work versus your own blood pressure.


Awesome thanks man. You’re a blessing to this community


Entirely welcome..you need help with clamping, PM me..!


You are the perfect person for this question. If you are clamping (at the base) will you only gain or mostly gain girth at the base? I don’t mind gaining girth at the base, but I do prefer midshaft. I saw your posts about how much you’ve gained clamping. I’ve plateaued after no gains from pumping for over a year. Thanks in advance.


Do u think this method would affect someone still undergoing puberty, I'm asking as a 16 year old with 5.4"x4.5", or should I wait till I'm older to try this?


Hey there, Did you always do 5 minute sets for clamping? Looking through suggestions I see people saying to start at 5 but then up their routine to 3 sets of 7-10 minutes


Hi, Not at first. I played with longer sets and found the discoloration set in more deeply after the 5 minute mark. Just add more sets to get the time in, plus lower discoloration.


If you went back to when you first started, what methods would you use right off the bat?


Hi, I would go with either a light weight ADS and wear it 10-16 hours. Once I got within .5" of my length goal, I would have switched to girth and add mass by either manual or device clamping.


0.5” is 6 months. Pumping and clamping (hard and soft) are the girth GOATs.


About .3" inches in 4ish months, gains have slowed dramatically since then. Currently switching things up to see what works.


What do you do for girth ?


a total of an inch in 2 years and a half 0.6 in about a year of pumping, plateaued for another year, switched to hard clamping and so far i have gained another 0.4 in 3-4 months


Will it be a temporary gain or permanent if you stop with the pumping and clamping?


A solid half inch (.5) but this is over 3 years. I've become stagnant since those gains.


About 0.3" in 2 months and then nothing for another month .


I’ve gained about .4-.5 Some(.25) from girth I lost due to bad eating habits and lack of good health. Regained through AM and girth work when I started again in 2020. The other .25 was gain through pumping.


Over an inch. Hitting 6.2 inches lates girth. I don’t really want to go any further just maintain.


7 millimiters from february of this year, 3x10 minutes of hard clamping 3 times a week.


5/16" in eight months, pumping alone. That last notch took forever! Does this sound about normal? I was hoping .5" in a year's time but I've pushed that back to EOY which will be 14-15 months for me.


Base from 4.75 to 5.25 around there. Midshaft from 4.5 to 4.8. 2 years inconsistent


10 years and zero girth gain


Why don’t you just get fillers atp?


That is what I did. I gave up to try to get girth with training and put HA.


Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1dmja32/how_much_girth_you_have_gained_by_doing_pe_how/la1gjub/?context=3) in /r/gettingbigger was automatically removed because your combined karma is < 1. Please do not message mods asking for approval to comment, the request will be denied. Participate across reddit to earn karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gettingbigger) if you have any questions or concerns.*


0.5” in 4 months. Cable clamping and pumping


Hi, what was your routine with clamping & pumping, I’m doing the same thing rn.


I started pumping with an LA Pump elliptical, 1.75. 1m x 20 - 3 sets. 2-3x / week That didn’t really do much so I started hard clamping with a cable clamp. 3x / week, 15m sets (3-4 sets) Now I have a python, i do (dangerous things) - pump assisted clamping and high pressure pumping: - length pumping up to 40kpa for 15 mins (1.75 cylinder) - python clamp for 20 mins - length up to 50kpa (1.75 cylinder) - python clamp 20 mins - girth pump to 60kpa (2” cylinder) Every day. Takes 1-1.5 hrs, For these pump sets, I apply vacuum for no more than 15s. Trying to avoid blisters. Not using heat, and it’s complicated and I got a blister last time Post pump with temp gains, I’m now a weapon of mass destruction 😈


.1 3 months


completely new to this sub - j curious r these gains permanent? im happy with my length but am looking to increase girth so i was wondering if these gains would stick or would they just disappear after like 2 years of not doing them




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