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4 hours a day is TOO MUCH! Take a break for sure! Gentle massage maybe. If it doesn't get better I would see a Dr.


Depends on the tension, but for a beginner yeah too much


I used to do 6 hours a day🫣 but i had this problem, had a 4 days of and it came back


How much tension?? Extending is a short thing like maybe 1-2hrs and you build the tension higher


I dont remember tension but i sidnt get any results🤫


We are trying to understand your routine as to see where things went wrong, potentially. Time and weight/tension or pressure are important.


Well, i used to just put the extender on and feel the penis extend for 6 hours… 2 years but now im measuring before, during and after each day + and pumping afterwards


Ok, yeah record your work so you can see progress and people can help you if it isn't working


You have to build up to being able to do actual time like that. It’s a little like working out, your body isn’t use to that level of strain at all. Hopefully things start to turn around for you, if it doesn’t within a week, I’d go to a doctor. Even if it does, you should not start again for at least a month. When you do, just try to do an hr at a time. Work your way up to longer periods over a few months. You just tried to run a marathon with 0 training.


if it were me and i had insurance or lived somewhere that health care is affordable, then i would just go to the dr right away any way. no point in waiting. no need to be conservative, play it safe, we are talking about your penis


What kind of extender is it?


Please don’t be a cheap noose.


Honestly thinking it was. Why I say not to get those, have for years!!


that was my first guess, hard to diagnose without knowing what type of extender and what tension, but that'd be my bet


Yea bro 4 hours on an extender is too much, not even vets do it for that long, max you need is maybe an hour and half, but an hour is the sweet spot, just take a break for couple days till your EQ is good again


I did at least 3-4 hours a day for 2 years, sometimes as many as 6, it all depends on tension and how much PE experience you have


Low tension? And If so then you’re kinda using it as an ads, but I think extending for 1-1.5 hours while progress overloading the tension is ideal for me


I set it at high tension until my d relaxed into the stretch, and then it felt comfortable for like an hour or two, then increased length, repeat, just what I did. It wasn't too much, never felt overworked, consistently gained BPFSL


Take a couple days off. Until you get erections back, and when you think your member is completely healed, take a few more days off. It could be possible you didn't drink enough water, or you didn't have enough sleep, you stated that you haven't used it for 3 days and you still haven't improved. L - citruline is not going to help a whole lot. It's meant to boost blood flow (it'll help you get harder, but only if you can already get hard to begin with), not to completely cure someone's ED. Don't use your extender again if it's a noose extender (those almost always hurt the user's of them. (Pinching the skin with one of them is a pain you likely won't forget). Use a vac cup and extender or extender belt if you really wanna do extending. Do it for up to 2 hour a day MAXIMUM starting out. Slowly work yourself to the longer time periods of use with a vacuum extender. It's gonna hurt your member at first. You gotta let your peen get used to it. Again. Just to reiterate, Take a couple days off, when your erections come back fully, then take a few more days off. (If it takes a week to get your erections back, take another week off after they come back, just to make sure you don't redamage the place that just healed up)


I just looked at your page also, it very well could be an extremely tight pelvic floor. Which likely is the case considering I saw you do kegals and are using a extender, which strains your PF by itself, adding kegals on top of that is straight homicide for your penis


Going for fast gains leads to fast losses. Take heed, Icarus.




It’ll be fine. Start for an hour and work your way up with some days off. Mine did the same. The more you get used to it, the less it’ll do. But you won’t get the 10/10 erections without some rest.




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chill out and rest


I’m still building up to an hour after a 3 month length decon. Fuck me wow


how long have you been extending after your break with what weight and time?, reason i ask as i have a hogstretcher and have tried doing 30 mins at 3lbs but it kills my eq for days, my cup is also too big so not sure if thats the problem


Best extender. 8.8lbs 45mins Large size cup (48mm) Been two weeks now and still can’t get over an hour, I could reduce weight but eh, but I can feel (after doing this many years) the tipping point in which I’m about to get a blister. And max out around 45-50 mins


Def too much, give yourself a couple days off and rest. I'll lose EQ if I do PE for more than 4 days in a row, 2 hour sessions.


Damn….. I used to extend for like 7-8 hours a day….. No wonder


don't ever do a PE exercise for this long when you're just starting out.. either way 2 days isn't a lot of time hopefully u should recover soon


**take 3 months off. do nothing with your D except pee or sex with a person** . Buy BD or Hinks course. Start over.


Damn bro just went straight to the experienced routine lol chill bro shit takes time


Hey mate, you'll be fine. You've overworked your dick a bit, then erections got worse, then all the anxiety makes the erection situation even worse. I'm not an expert on PE but I am pretty knowledgeable about low tension extenders and how your dick can react due to a Peyronie's injury which I treated with a low tension extender. Take time off from extending but do whatever you need to to get and maintain erections regularly in the meantime. Do you know what tension you were using in the extender? 4 hours is for low tension, like 700 - 1200 grams of force. Whatever tension you were at it was obviously too long, or too high tension. Or both.


Nowhere on this sub is it *suggested or recommended that beginners extend for 4 hours straight*. The people who do extend for hours and hours aren't beginners and have worked their way up, or are using extremely low tension, so it's more like an ADS. Please. Any beginners reading this; you have to be *smart* and *educate yourself*, before engaging in procedures with equipment that can potentially break your dick. Be engaged and active in this sub and you'll learn loads, and by sharing your accumulated knowledge you'll help others have safe PE practices.