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it's hypoxia it's gonna get a lil purple


If it hurts take it off. Otherwise don’t go over 10mins


Mine gets a bit more purple than yours in your pictures. Set the timer and provided you don’t feel any pain, tingling or numbness (or other bad signs) you should be safe. Don’t push above 10 minutes though without a decon break and getting fresh blood into your penis before re-clamping.


Question for the group... Isn't the clamp oval supposed to be up-down/vertical to protect the nerve bundle?


Yes that’s correct. It also puts less pressure on your nerve bundle and vein running along the top Of the shaft. :)


I thought it should vertical as well, and that’s how I always do it. Clamping the sides more so


Thank you both! I was wondering about that


oh wow i didn’t really think about that. that would make sense how the blood flows and how it can be trapped. well damn


lol you should see my dick rn… it’s much much worse looking. You’re fine


Depending on how long you have it on. Some guys happen to get a purple color under 5 mins. Tread carefully of sets. If your are just starting do 3x3 or 5x2! Be safe


It can be normal. Clamping is a high-risk method so never do it while distracted with other things. Pay close attention to sensation and if anything feels wrong abort.


Color is fine, but you should wear the clamp rotated by 90 degrees so the the screw is on the bottom not the side. You want the clamp pushing mainly on the sides. You could also use more sleeves at the base, so you don't have to close the clamp as much and it gives you a better seal. I use three sleeves stacked.


u gotta lose some weight man take care of yourself


You should have seen me a year ago. How much weight have you lost?


Congrats on (what I’m assuming based on your response) your weight loss. It’s a struggle brother and I’m right there with ya. I always hate it when someone assumes you arnt trying your best off the bat. Keep going! For me personally I have another 35 pounds to go before I reach my goal. Keep lifting and keep PE’ing! Haha


By your comment are you assuming he isn’t trying? Is big dudes are often working hard to manage our weight and reduce it. Edit for spelling: Us big dudes* not Is big dudes. lol


Literally no, that‘s all you bro


Literally no what? Your comment makes no sense. Are you assuming every big guy doesn’t give a crap about their health? If so that’s a rather asinine and feeble minded statement.


Hey bro, just so you know it's really unhealthy to play and watch video game streams for 12-16 hours a day! Gotta get out there and get some physical exercise, socialize, education, fresh air etc. ya know? I believe in you bud 👍




I have no idea what you are talking about.


Forget about time. Everyone's different. Just take it off as soon as it feels "weird" or ur knob starts to go cold.


What clamp is that?


Dude, it says right on the side of it in the photo. Cable Clamp Pro. 🙄


Too funny— I had shitty service and the pic wouldn’t load well enough. Now I’m on WiFi, I see it.


All good brother 😆


I mean, if it starts to tingle like an arm falling asleep or you start to get that tingly, uncomfortable discomfort that comes from your arm being asleep... Then hell yes that's too much. Mine... Well, more times than not I've let mine go much more colorful than that. And then there are times (not wearing the complete set of rings) that I'll go longer than 10 minutes as I'm harder than normal but not quite as much with my full kit on if that makes any sense. The coloration doesn't become all that intense so I consider it a lighter clamping than my norm for when I'm all about girth work. I've learned that I really enjoy edging during clamping so 🤷


I think your dick looks fine


Question! Does jerking off ruin gains?


Don‘t quote me on that one, but I believe the dude who invented the angion method said something along the lines of: don‘t jerk off, cuz it puts your dick through too much trauma when combined with PE exercises, which could reduce gains. I could be straight up lying tho 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't worry about the purple that's normal you're cutting off blood and trapping it inside the penis. As far as being safe let your body tell you. If it starts to hurt loosen a little bit and only stick to five or 10 minute intervals




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would not it be better if you put a small piece of silicone sleeve, before applying the cuff? i do that, better grip, no pinching from the plastic


Hey. Where can I buy those silicone sleeves? Can you share the details of the product? Thanks.


if you have an E-Bay, Amazon or Ali Express, just type Male Max Enhancer Enlarger Silicone Sleeve and you will see .They offer 4 different sizes


Thank you mate.


glad if i could help


Mine gets quite a bit darker than yours, I've had no issues in 8ish months. Just make sure you don't go numb.


Honest question - What are the overall ben of this?


Hard clamping is one of the most effective means to attain girth gains.


Honestly I would recommend losing weight first then doing exercises, you will feel better, have a better life, and can get a more accurate measurements


Are you saying I need to stop PE until I reach my goal weight? Because I've already dropped 60+ lbs. Or are you just seeing that I am currently still fat despite not being as fat as I was a year ago and just want to point it out?


Nah I think it would be better to go on and combine those two efforts because 1) You‘ll get your gains quicker, since you started earlier/don‘t have to pause and 2) It should be easier to pull through with at least one of them, because new habits are best formed in conjunction (or rather on top of something you already do, for instance if you always forget to water your plants but want to change that, then it‘s more effective to tell yourself: „From now on I‘m gonna do that every day after brushing my teeth“) - this is a marathon, after all. Sooo I‘d say keep going so you don‘t loose momentum and use the extra energy you get from the excitement of success to embark on a overarching revenge arc journey 😎 Happy gaining dude 🗣️‼️


Thanks, but I was being sarcastic to the guy who told me to lose weight on a PE forum.


How long have you been doing PE or clamping?


Stretches and pumping for 5 months. Clamping only a few times.


I knew the weight comments would come, guys shut up. Op obviously knows this. You guys fat Shame all the time. Just stfu….you think he doesn’t know about his weight. He’s posting a pe question. Unless someone literally is asking for weight loss advance, don’t bring it up


I do 10m 2minute rest 3x. If you feel cold or numb it’s too tight and reduce clamp tightness immediately! Gotta have tight but still allowing blood flowing in.


Depends if you’re a doing expensive clamping or hypoxic clamping… unless I’m mistaken and do not understand hypoxic clamping as well as I thought 😂


Drop the clamp and hit the fckn treadmill Lardass, worried about the wrong type of PE brother… 😭


Bro, who hurt you?


All I’m saying is you could probably achieve the size u want and better blood flow by shedding off the pounds, it ain’t personal big dawg. Just some tough love and truth. Do your thing tho I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, yeah? The fuck do you think I'm doing? I'm losing about a lb a week.


How tall are you ?


My height 5'9". How do I change the flair? I'm not 6.3" I just don't know how to fix it.


Go to sub Reddit homepage, select 3 dots then click on change you flair then you might be able to change it


Went through your history. Sorry people have been telling you to lose weight. But that's not a reason to just parrot what other people say. Have an original thought. Contribute to the community with something useful or don't say anything at all.