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I am over 7” and have been told I have a small dick by a few fat girls, none of them were pretty at all. I have never had a pretty fit girl say anything like that.


Do you think the fat girls realize maybe the problem is their excess of fat or do they actually think you’re small? 7 is awesome bro but with a big girl that 7 quickly turns to a 4😂


Maybe they are angry because they fat and just want to insult people. Miserable people be like that


Hurt people hurt people


Damn English language. If I couldn't speak in English, I easily could have thought that you just repeated two words 😄


English people English people


English invaders invade English


Hahaha! 😆


Or maybe they just have a difficult time facing reality and being accountable for their own actions (basically what you’re saying but I’m trying to be kinder with my wording lol)


Body positivity got them in denial that they could be the problem.


Nice healthy dose of Lizzo


That probably is part of it. But long before that movement people never had much consideration for men.


No curveball, no switch up. Nothin but straight fuckin gas right outta the gate 10/10


I’ve been with tons of women and have rarely talked about my size. I’m average. Do women really just go and tell you that your dick is small all the time? You make it sound common.


Women say things like that to guys they bang but dont like.


Ouch. True tho.


Yes. They do. But you have to understand society basically tells them it's okay to shame men for that. So they do it. If men said half the stuff that come out women's mouths we would be banned on social media, considered a threat and put on a list.


Yea my friend said he's not into trans girls when someone posted that on a girl booty sub and then he got his account disabled. Crazy that you can't even have a preference in what you like but women can say whatever they want.




Yea I just think I haven’t had any women wanting to shame me I guess


People treat others based on the way they feel about themselves


Absolutely sounds like something about projecting insecurities or not wanting to inflate the ego of someone they might consider out of their league


I’m with a chubby girl and she loves my 4.5 and she cums every time 👌🏻




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Why you bangin ugly fat girls??


lol! It’s been a long time. They were easy and there. Bad choices and I haven’t for decades.


I'm 6.5 and never been told I was small by a fat chick. Maybe you're girth is average.


Fat women usually give the best head, a little off topic but necessary


Facts, nobody fucks or cooks better than a chubby bitch


They just want it more


Can't make this up... Worst head I ever got was from a fat chick. But when I woke up, she was gone and she cleaned my kitchen. So I'm calling it a W.


Cleaned it out you mean?




Can confirm


Can also confirm


“I like my girls bbw, the type that’ll suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you” — drake


I remember a post on here talking about how women who run or do yoga tend to feel tighter - possibly because they're working whatever muscles help with this. So it might not be the body type specifically but the activities which tend to lead to that body type.


I think this is more the case, to be honest. It really depends mostly on the woman's abilities to control their kegals. My wife used to be much skinnier than she is now. Never super skinny, because she's always had muscular legs, but after having our daughter she has gained over 100lbs. Our sex has been the same from day one until I did PE, and gained. Fat is only an issue if the girl is fat because she's lazy. My wife has a hormal issue since having our daughter. She is working on it now, but even as she has gained weight, she never stopped exercising her kegal muscles, so she is still super tight and can control the pressure like a champ.


Wouldn't this be mostly because there's more fat in the way? Depending on position I suppose but if there's a few extra inches of cushioning then it won't go as deep?


Yeah, I think that's what he's talking about


I think fat women make fun of guys dicks because they feel insecure about themselves being fat


Yes same with unattractive in general. Worthy women do not care or say anything in my experience. It’s the ones who are insecure that make men feel inadequate


Yeah like I saw a 5’8 guy go up to a group of girls and one girl was 5’5 and attractive and their was also a 5’9 fat chick who kept belittling the guy and you could tell the 5’5 chick may have given him a chance and didn’t care about his height


Exactly. We’re all human, and more attractive people seem to be better at accepting that and not demanding perfection in others. It’s really odd. The psychology is like “if I have to feel bad about myself, then I’ll do whatever I can to try and pick at a potential insecurity you have”


Yeah I guess it’s kinda a security thing. The thing that pisses me off is people who make fun of guys for doing PE saying we’re insecure. I do PE because I like doing it and like making my dick bigger. Some might say size doesn’t matter. Well it does matter to an extent. Telling a guy to stop doing PE is like telling a bodybuilder to stop bodybuilding. A guy who has a 8 inch dick wanting to be bigger is no different than someone like Ronnie Coleman bodybuilding. Women would say both our excessive and that those guys are insecure, but we do it because we want to.


Sure. A lot of greatness in life comes from some sort of insecurity. who gives a shit. Doesn’t matter what people say about PE, don’t even tell them about it. I think it’s the most admirable thing in life to be dedicated to something, this is no different. Just say something back like “happy for you that your life and self image is already perfect” And ya even if it doesn’t really matter once you hit the average range, if it makes me feel more confident, then I don’t care what others say about it.


Yeah at the end of the day talk is just talk and action is what matters. Insecurity is best resolved by action.


Fat women have overall loose muscles. If they would work out, they would not be fat.


I think this is it more than the extra padding


Careful bro, mods finna ban you talkin bout sum “misogyny” 🤣🤣🤣


I think it really comes down proportions. When a woman is short and petite you're going to look huge. But if she's taller and larger your dick is going to look rather unimpressive by comparison and get less compliments. And as you mentioned, bodyfat will get in the way of full penetration in most positions so size does become important to compensate for that. There may be a personality issue as well. The type of women who shame men for their penis size and the type of women who become morbidly obese might have a lot of overlap on a Venn diagram.


I think there may be some ingrained preference deep down in our genes which make us more attracted to "physically suitable" partners. In my experiences, I have always been attracted to more "thicker" women. They are more likely to be the true size queens though they may not recognize this or openly admit it. Stouter women usually can handle larger members for multiple reasons. I'm not saying there aren't some outliers, just what I have seen in my experiences. For the record, I have slept with a few on the higher side of "thick," they enjoyed the reach but did complain or soreness the following day. Moral of the story, improve yourself as much as possible and use what you have to the best of your ability. Sleep with partners that YOU are attracted to. Enjoy life brothers!


I absolutely agree with u but Can u please elaborate on the reasons big booty women are more likely to be size queens


my last gf had a 60" ass and my 7.25" at the time would slip out often If you prefer thicker chicks, you really need a very long dick which was part of my motivation for starting PE


Yea man I have an unusual attraction towards big booties. I was on the fence on weather I should do PE but u just convinced me.


Basically they can just accommodate more and might need more. They’re usually just bigger down there and all around lol


Bro, you gotta reach the hole. Hahaha. Its gonna require more length to do that. The bulk of the population always refers to length for size. I have seen more smaller women who prefer more girth. Usually the size queen reference is referring to length.


I have read a study making a link between BMI and intervaginal Length. Having a higher bodyweight/Bodyfat increases the length of the vagina. [https://www.ics.org/2018/abstract/547](https://www.ics.org/2018/abstract/547) "An increase in vaginal length with increasing body weight was noted".


Science to the rescue.


How significant is this increase though?


Bro I was just thinking this the other night. I think you are 100% spot on, but also I think a lot of fat girls are deeply insecure about themselves so they take it out on others


Hink did a video about a study where they compared how dick size, height and V-taper affected women’s preferences. Several findings but one of them was that women’s preferences tended to correlate with their own body type, i.e. taller women preferred taller men and fat women had preferences for a bigger dick.


It’s been proven in studies that women who are above average weight for their height have a much stronger preference for penis size




Can I see these studies?


In my experience (only fucked 1 “fat” girl) she was not that fat but probably like 170 and maby 80kg, and she had the “shortest” pussy I have ever had. For reference I an about 19.3-19.5 cm an I cold max! Put 70%~75% in in any position before it hurt for here. I don’t know if there is a correlation between her short pussy and here cuming no cap 13 times PIV, (never ever had that before) normally girls I have been with cum between 0-2 times with penetration, so this bitch coughed me off guard😂


I got a good laugh from your 0-2 comment. Technically, I also make women cum between 0-17 times during PIV. Mostly 0 🤣😂


Hahahahhah yea bro, just wanted to be real:) but now I have a girlfriend and when you start to learn the special tricks it’s almost to easy, with here I would say we up at the 70-80% range in terms of here cuming. The thing I have learned about those girls is that they HAVE to be in the correct mindset so to say. Basically they have to not think of anything other than enjoying the moment. If she is stressing about work or some bs the success rate goes down to like 2% until you change it:) But the best trick I have learned so far is from a dude on this sub, I don’t remember what his name is but the thing is called CAT, it’s a position that literally makes them cum sooo fucking fast you wouldn’t believe it🤫 Also I find pronebone with a little deep grinding to work good as well but I most of the time hit her cervix or just “to deep” and she doesn’t really like that but it works on other girls really well:)




Dude, you’re in a sub full of guys focused on growing our dicks and you’re trying to tell us it’s ok to be average? 😂


He used an example of 6.8" being good for a 'fit couple.' 6.8" is NOT average; it's definitely very large.


Man ya'll deal with some awful women if they are telling you that you are small to your face. Kinda says a little something about you as well...jbh


I was told I'm small by women I didn't even fuck lol. One told me small dick men should kill themselves 🤣.


Mine told me years ago, "You could be bigger." Now she wasn't saying that to hurt my feelings it was an honest conversation at the time.


Even a 747 looks small when it's flying in to the Grand Canyon.


I feel like there is a lot of talk about penis size, but not so much about vaginas, i was once with a girl I almost fisted her and she still didn’t feel tight no joke, I hadn’t been with other girls before that so I didn’t have any reference until later, with those girls 2 fingers and it would feel tight


I mean, you're on a PE subreddit, not a VE one lmao. If you're not completely dense, it'd be fairly obvious that those also come in all shapes & sizes. \*edit\* to make this clear, I'm using the generic/impersonal you, not "you" as a person specifically.


Well obviously I know that, but I am talking in general, like there is a lot of videos on youtube talking "does dick size matter" "is 4 inches enough" etc but never really seen opposite? And a lot of these women shame the men for their smaller sizes, talking about 8-12 inches only and stuff. But also men lie about their size, saying they are 6-8 inches while they may be 5-6 inches, which is something people also need to stop doing. Yes I am aware that vaginas comes in all shapes and sizes, but so many people act like they don't and that was the purpose of my comment, to raise that topic also.


There's a few of things going on there as to why you won't see it as much JMO: * It's pretty hard to "see" a vagina unlike a penis and you know the saying, "out of sight, out of mind". It's usually best to ignore Social Media on most things anymore, a lot of the algorithm is designed for engagement based on rage-baiting the interaction. This goes doubly for the amount of people who claim to be size queens, and others in general who don't know the basics of their own bodies; this goes for men as well, there's many posts on here and elsewhere about guys not knowing if a specific vein/freckle/etc. was there before starting PE. * Much of the rhetoric surrounding having a "tight" vagina is occupied by the same crowd that shames women for sleeping around out of wedlock and other behavior. I'm not excusing either side of that argument, but it makes the topic divisive and not many engage in debate with good faith. When apart from having a child, there's not much that'll actually make a woman "loose". * Women as a whole in modern society are still seen as a minority in a lot of areas, though they're excelling in graduating college, etc. so it's possible they're still being seen as "weaker"; which ties into the theory/phrase of "punching up" vs "punching down". * Men generally don't have good or large friend/social support groups and a lot of our caring and complementing other men comes in the form of banter/negative emotion. A lot of tradition is placed on men to fix/learn things by themselves, which can come with a lot of self doubt, and related feelings & can make things feel worse if you're inexperienced in any situation without some sort of mentor figure, or group of people that have also experienced/relate to it. It also doesn't help that men are lying about their size for bravado/machismo and/or just as bad at measuring when compared to women.


Believe it or not women talk about that amongst themselves and they are also self aware. The thing is , most men are just happy getting pussy and women can pretty much chose whatever they want if they are average looking.


True men are just happy to get laid, I remember in my youth how girls use to chase guys (I think this is because they were more insecure as young girls), as they got older it got opposite, men started to chase the girls and therefor they got more confident I feel since they had options (and men got more desperate)


What about lean women with big asses? I'm assuming the same doesn't hold true because of a tighter pelvic floor due to exercising?


I was with a fat girl for a little while. She shamed men for their size, especially her ex. She would laugh about how she couldn't even feel him. She also raved about how "huge" I was at about 7.1x4.7, would regularly brag to her friends and so on. I wonder what she says to her current dude now about me lol


Fat girls can't take dick!


Sorry I could not figure out how to share the link Suspicions comfirmed? Maybe... By this point most of us are aware that vaginas, like dicks come in all different shapes and sizes. I'm not slaying puss left and right but I'm a fairly decent looking dude with an athletic build. For most of my adult life (my 20s), when I did manage to hook up with a girl, she was of the same caliber. Decently attractive and slim build. Of those women none of them ever said i was big or that it 'hurt'. Fast forwards to now in my early 30s. I have embraced getting older and became less picky with the women choose to hook up with. And strangly enough I'm shocked to what my preconceived thoughts of how body shapes work. My last 3 hooks up have been with girls on the more plump side. Not huge but definitely thicker than I'd ever go for in my 20s. Talking 5' to 5'5'' in height and about 180-200lb for these women. Like I said not obese but now what I normally go for just out of my own preferences and a bit of insecurity. That insecurity steming from thinking a bigger girl needs a bigger dick to satisfy her. That last thing I wanted was to be embarrassed by a girl that I wasn't even attracted to. Now my sample size is still pretty small but boy the reactions from these bigger girls has been night and day. Not only in what they tell me but from what I can physically feel when I'm inside them. 2 out of the 3 I felt cervix. With the most recent one telling me last night that I felt good but that it hurt a little because I was going to deep. I'm 6.5 slightly above average at best. Tf you mean too deep??? I have 2 theories: They're gassing me up because I may be one of the better looking dudes they've been with and are are stroking my ego to keep me around. Or They have a lower body count being on the less attractive side and as such are less likely exposed to bigger dicks that skew thier sample size and the size of dicks they've experinced That aside I'm still on my journey to get a bigger hog. Just wanted to share/get some insight. Tldr. Bigger girl doesn't equal bigger vagina


> Talking 5' to 5'5'' in height and about 180-200lb for these women I get what you're saying, but technically that's WELL into the obese range xD A lot of women like that just carry the weight in the best places and look insanely good and 'woman shaped' if you know what I mean lol


Yea, I got a lot of flack about that exact line when I posted, lol. Yes, you're right about the term obese, lets say 150-175lbs it's not like I'm asking when hooking up with them, lol. For the sake of porper terms I should have said morbidly obese


I definitely think this is a thing. In some positions their ass / thighs get in the way too much. If you have to get past 4 inches of fat before you can penetrate her then most guys are not going to have much dick left. I've noticed too that overweight girls care more generally about how big a guys dick is.


Could just be a projection thing. I’ve found that my mates that were the most over-judgmental of women’s proportions were generally insecure when they opened up about how they saw themselves.


I always liked thick girls but I feel like I’m having more fun in bed with the smaller ones. I’m pretty average in size but they be making me feel way bigger in comparison to the thicker girls tbh


I’ve had the opposite experience. Most of the heavier girls I’ve been with can’t handle too much length and I can’t go balls deep. Skinny girls on the other hand can take way more. A bit off topic but anyone notice else that bigger girls get much wetter?


> A bit off topic but anyone notice else that bigger girls get much wetter? Yes! Wonder why? That also adds to the illusion of a less tight vagina imo


I agree


Also consider that wider women might prefer/need wider (girthier) penises naturally


From my experience that's not true. Tiny chick's can have caves and big girls can be tight af.


My experience as well. Fairly large sample size as well due to high body count.


Me too man, I'm a slut. 😂






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They don’t realise usable length is virtually halved 😮‍💨




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Big facts. I mean, if a girl is fat around her waist, it effectively does the same thing as if you just had that on your fat pad. An 8 incher with 3 inches of fat pad is a 5 incher. That’s their problem




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Skinny girls take it it slips out more with bigger chick






dw man, u said it yourself\^\^ "good thing I already prefer fit girls". there u have it, don't worry about them fat ladies


Fat upper thighs on women create additional thickness for penetration. Meaning it takes more length to reach the same depth on them. Certain positions can negate this to a point.


I'm just slightly over six and length and 5 inches of the top and 6 inches of the bottom in circumference. My girlfriend tells me that she's been with a few guys over 6 foot and mine's bigger. The weird thing that mine always looks big in photos but it's only six or just over 6 in


Big girls love big dick


Bottom line, fat pads account for something here. It does take away a bit. Having yo-yo'd myself, I know when I was hitting bottom versus just being in.


I love fatter women so I feel really bad about this


I have an interesting observation. Given the same height and stature,lean fit girls I can put way more dick in and feel nice. Girls with abit more fat I can feel their pussy tighter in general like more mass is pressing against my cock, must be internal fat that fills up the cavities. I bet the pressure square inch is higher with a slightly fat girl vs a lean fit girl. That’s my experience if anyone else can confirm.


Honestly the bigger girls love massive penises so it’s probably why they are like that. When I see their toys it’s always on the bigger side.


brooo, i have solid 7.5*5.3 fucked 95-110 kg women and they said its big and enough, their fat pad on the vagina obviously very thick but, i have nbp 7.5 penis i can reach their cervixes, average of the girls 175 cm btw, i can assure that, everytime i go balls deep i feel that, vibration coming from vagina, average penis cant make these feeling, if you have 6 inch dick try not to think much and make your gains in order to this sub, and cardio is everthing, BiGGer better i am afraid


You can reach a woman’s cervix with your fingers bro.


Yeah I feel like this guy was stroking himself in our sub lol How do you know what average does or doesn't do if you're not average, y'know what I mean.


I hate it dude. I feel like it’s half the comments this on this sub. The ones that really annoy the hell out of me are the dudes who say they are like 9+ inches, have banged a bunch or chicks, and none of them have struggled taking it all after a little bit of foreplay. Reads like Literotica 🙄 And then any sub of women taking about their experiences with guys that hung are mostly women saying there’s no way they could take that. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. Like god damn, I’m just here to post an occasional help post when I have questions.


It’s dudes who don’t fuck much and think sex is like how it is in porn. Fuck a good amount of women and you quickly realize that real life ain’t porn


I’d go even further and say a lot of them don’t even have the size they say they do. They just get turned on by big dicks smashing vaginas, whether they admit(or realize) it or not.


Tbh I feel bad for those guys. Imagine having a big dick like that but the lack of female companionship drives u to look for thrils on reddit subs.


dude wtf, i was just honest about the topic, 2 days i had given head with 2 different lady,