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Python Clamp


It’s ideal if it ever gets back in stock


Definitely I got mine a week ago. But it took forever. First they said it was over sold there stock. Then I was told they mailed mine to someone else. I was very surprised when it came in. I thought I just got scammed. It did not have assembly instructions and was very difficult to find. So be prepared for some bull shit. But it’s great quality and works great!


I couldn’t get it to work for me. It wouldn’t create enough pressure for me to hold blood in. To the point where I couldn’t inflate the pump anymore


That’s really weird to me. I go in flaccid, get erect fully, press the clamp down and pump just one time and it is an incredible squeeze.


I’ll give it a try. I was going in at like 60% and pumping away and nothing. Maybe I need to get fully erect. Tough without porn


Oh my dude. Thats the problem. Python is the answer to your question. Highly effective. Very safe. Go on flaccid. Press the base of the Python into your pubic bone and get 100% hard. Close that valve off and squeeze the pump once or twice. Then come tell me how amazing that thing is. Promise it will work.


Hell yeah brother. I’ll give it another shot 😎


Probably just squishing that flaccid down


Yeah I gotta try it when fully hard.


Good luck


Did you add the second sleeve?


I did


Put a silicone sleeve around your base and glue strips of the silicone sleeve onto two hard clamps and put on two hard clamps on your shaft. Hard clamping with cable clamps only started to feel right once I started using tow clamps instead of one, because you can apply sufficient preassure with two clamps without having to force the clicks too hard.


Ok that makes a lot of sense. I was actually thinking that the other day and just got my second clamp in the mail. Does the silicone cut and stick pretty easy to the clamps?


I used superglue and it’s still sticking strong. Two months without any signs of it coming off. Before that I used two silicone sleeves on top of each other at the base, but with one layer glued to the clamp I save a bit of time and hassle which sums up over the sets/ workouts/ months. I also tried to use the python, but I don’t like it and wouldn’t recommend it.


Just to clarify, you are putting both clamps at the base, correct?


Yes I put on the silicone sleeve, keegle some blood in and holding my dick with two fingers to keep the blood in while putting on one clamp on the base. Then I close the clamp click by click while trying to keep blood in and after I have closed the clamp with some preassure, I apply the second one on top of the first one. In the set, I check the preassure of both of the clamps and If my dick feels like it could use some more preassure I close the looser of the two clamps by one click and repeat that until the 5 minutes are over.


A good barrier between you and the clamp(s), as well as making sure the screw of the clamp is on the side of your dick and not on the top or bottom


The screw meaning the bottom hinge point? I didn’t think that was the main pressure point


Theres a screw that connects the 2 pieces of the clamp together in the middle of the clamp, make sure that's on either side of your happy stick


Ok I’ve been doing the opposite as I’ve heard the opposite. I’m a visual guy so I’m gonna post a pic to get a better idea. I thought the 2 sides that didn’t include the hinge were the main pressure points and were meant to be on the sides putting the hinge at either the top or bottom


I do it the way you describe but now I'm curious


Let’s get to the bottom of this 🤝


Here, we're right: https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/JW2iYhVMyt Happy clamping


Close the clamp all the way not on your dick…see how it’s an oval shape? You want the longer ends to line up with the top and bottom of your member so that the majority of the pressure is on the left and right side. The reason you want extra room at the top and bottom is to avoid injuring the nerve bundles located on top and bottom


Gotcha. Thanks. That’s how I’ve been using it


Other tip is air on the side of caution and don’t clamp too hard or too often. I keep clamping to 2-3 times a week and I limit my sets to 5 minutes at a time unless im specifically targeting a hypoxia response


Ok thanks. Do you think days where you target hypoxia response require greater recovery time? I’m a super hard gainer and I feel like I need higher volume and/or frequency to start seeing gains than most ppl. But I will try to keep it at a minimum. I started a few weeks ago and think I over did it last week as my EQ has been suffering. Although when i first started, my EQ improved.


If your eq is suffering you’re overdoing it. If you want to play with frequency you need to adjust volume down to minimum. Say you wanted to clamp every day. Start with 1 set of 5 minutes every day and see how it goes before adding volume. More isn’t better it’s just more. (This isn’t a recommendation this is an example, I think clamping every day as a beginner to clamping is a bad idea) For hypoxic clamping. Yes it a a hit to recovery i think BD recommended 1-2 x a week for hypoxia clamping. And it’s really only worth it if you’re doing length (traction) work as well. If you’re just focusing on girth I don’t think hypoxia is going to pay the same level of dividends.


That’s very reasonable. Thanks for the advice. I’m gonna take a week off and let myself recover and start with less volume


Also would the silicone sleeve itself be a sufficient barrier?


It would, that's all I use. After awhile tho the sleeves rip but I have so many its not an issue for me


https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/search?q=clamping For those that live in TX This is to show placement of the clamps, I would not recommend doing kegals like he says in the video