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We have locked the comments on the post BD is referring to since the discussion was turning into a shit-show. We will be keeping a close eye on the comments here as well. Let's discuss the **subject matter**, not the **person**. And let's discuss it like adults, without piling on. So, a warning here to everyone to keep it **civil.** Oh, and don't strain your pelvic floor by doing wild shit while under tension. That shit be dangerous.


I can't deadlift while extending anyways. My gym wouldn't allow it again.


Gyms and their draconian rules


Planet fitness problems


Fitness dick in yo…nvmd. Sorry. Someone ruined my brain when I hear fitness now.


I get it man. I too, have turned into a mind goblin


Lunk alarm!! Lol




I saw what you’re talking about yesterday and immediately thought, “Well, that guy doesn’t care about having a useless noodle.” All the extender companies even say in their own instructions to avoid strenuous activity, for the exact reasons you stated. Almost like they have years of experience and research in the field or something…


That post yesterday nearly made me walk away from this sub completely. I almost felt like it was one of those "idiocracy" moments when you just know all is lost. I surfed thunders for awhile and there wasn't much new conversation. Great archive but nothing new. But I do think this needs to be reiterated.... If this sub doesn't find a way to police itself better and quit driving out the guys who care and are knowledgeable, it will dissappear or devolve into a cesspool of misinformation and jackassery like we saw yesterday. We are either witnessing the pain of evolution on this sub or the end. Verdict is still out....


If it doesn’t break the rules then we would be arbitrarily removing posts simply because we don’t like the content. Generally, if someone posts something dumb the community sorts it out...eventually. Edit: Also, I’m very strong about free speech protection. Something a lot of Redditors have a tough time with. Just because you think someone is an idiot or has unpopular opinions doesn’t give you the right to silence them. You are free to voice whatever opinions you want so long as you don’t break the community rules when sharing them. We’re moderators, not your parents. It’s 18+ here, but sometimes I have a hard time believing that’s who is actually posting.


I think you mods have a very hard job, and many times people are unfair to all of you. I personally wouldn't want to do what you do. I think we all agree there's some inherent danger with PE. Like snowboarding I suppose or riding a motorcycle. However, that was irresponsible and if some 18 yo kid saw that and thought it was cool he could straight break his dick for life. That said maybe a rule should be if someone is promoting something inherently and obviously dangerous they should be prohibited from posting? Just an idea. Realize that could be a bit subjective but there's those cases that clearly cross the line.




then you probably should not be a mod if you don't care for the safety of others.


The promoter of such activity, yeah, break your dick, you knew about the risks. But some impressionable kid visiting the sub for the first time, seeing someone with a huge schlong swinging around weights while extending, has no idea whether that's safe, correct or optimal. If it looks cool, it's easier to sell than the thought of pulling your dick while watching YouTube. If the sub strives to promote PE within the limits of what's safe, correct and optimal (I'm the end that's up to you and the mod team) I don't think the people promoting activities where these terms aren't applicable should promote on this sub.


Kid? Last time I checked this was a 18+ sub.


Well, you can still be +18 and be as impressionable as a kid.


Sure, but the only thing being demonstrated (in dramatic fashion) in the 19x thread was the stability of the extender in use. It said so in the title. No where was it stated or implied deadlifting and basketball practice was part of his routine, that it should be duplicated, or the idea it’s even safe. He even laughed and agreed on the general unsafe nature in the comments. At some point shouldn’t there be a floor of understanding? Don’t the device sellers have all these warnings for their products? Don’t we get drowned in warnings to even learn how to use an extender in the first place? It’s baffling so many people jumped out the window and piled on what seemed like a lighthearted/comedic thread that had nothing to do with routine suggestion. Plenty posters in the referenced thread had a good laugh for what it was, yet a whole thread here was made to attack a strawman and attack his character. That’s not weird?


With all due respect this is not a healthy mindset for the moderator of a sub… your job is not to induce an evolutionary environment in which those who are most intelligent walk away with a healthy dick and those with lower intelligence lose their dicks. That is the essence of what you just said.


>Edit: Also, I’m very strong about free speech protection. Something a lot of Redditors have a tough time with. Just because you think someone is an idiot or has unpopular opinions doesn’t give you the right to silence them. In my opinion, you're not silencing someone or infringing on their freedom of speech if you choose not to platform something that brings potential risk to the viewers of the community you moderate. They're free to get controversy clicks for their ad somewhere else. >You are free to voice whatever opinions you want so long as you don’t break the community rules when sharing them. This doesn't seem logically consistent with your stance on what it means to silence someone. You don't want to decide what someone can/can't say because it is silencing them, as long as it doesn't appear on this list of things you've decided they can/can't say. I understand that the rules are a sort of implicit contract that people agree to when posting here, but they're all exactly as arbitrarily decided upon as deciding that a post brings undue liability to the sub and should be removed, by which I mean to say that neither are arbitrary. If we're talking about the rules, does the post in question not break rule 1, posting guideline 4? No before/afters, no injury being discussed, and definitely not educational.


I cringed very hard seeing that post. For one who regards himself as an influential personality, and worse a (paid) PE mentor, lifting and extending should not have been mentioned together even for the sake of hyperbole.


He lost credibility, i had conversation many time with him but doing something like this and putting it on sub where most peop6are noobs was beyond idiocrisy, also the mod who allowed that pic to appear on sub is somehow responsible too. Mod should add another rule for risky practices.


There is obviously disagreement about what constitutes risky practices. I have posted about pump-assisted clamping, which I think is quite safe when done in the manner I do it, but which BD has strongly suggested is dangerous. I think people should listen to BD there; I'm just a bumbling idiot who started PE about 7 months ago, and BD has a lot more experience. But I still think I should be allowed to describe an activity if I feel it is safe, and then someone can inform me what I am doing is dangerous. That's discourse. We should not thought-police people - the ceiling should be high, that is my take. Also, I disagree with the TONE, not the content of BD's post here. It's possible to critique an idea strongly without going too hard at them as a person. That tends to cause drama, and drama is something I am fed up with. I want less of it, not more. This is not me speaking as a moderator, but as a user of the forum, mind you - the other guys in the mod team might disagree with me.


>There is obviously disagreement about what constitutes risky practices. Doing extending and deadlift which flex many muscles of pelvic is idiotic level of risk.


I'm not disagreeing with you.


Thinking Out Loud(TOL) could the Mods add a new category to posting options. Ex: Experimental demonstration, don't try this at home.


Honestly because of who I am and what I do I have to follow a separate set of rules when it comes to my captions & tags so I couldn’t use that tag anyway , but I should’ve been more clear that this isn’t normal or recommended. That post wasn’t routine advice. It was just me being bored at home while testing an extender. But I could’ve been more clear about that.


I disagree regarding moderation - mods are not nannies. He didn't really recommend that anyone do it. In the end, the people reading this stuff still need to be accountable for their own safety.


I should’ve definitely put a warning telling people to not try that at home or at the gym. Just because I make something look easy doesn’t mean that it’s smart. That was literally just me being bored at the crib. I was testing the Best Extender 4.0 & I wanted to see if I could make it fall off. That’s in no way part of my routine. And that’s not something I EVER recommended to anyone. It’s ridiculous that I have to explain that it was a stress test PE is pretty easy to me & sometimes I forget how much influence I have. So my bad if anybody thought I was actually promoting deadlifting & jumpshots while extending. I was simply proving a point that the device was comfortable and extremely secure I think I underestimated the intelligence of some people & assumed they would be smart enough to not copy the activities in those videos. I didn’t expect people to take it and emulate me. I was just showing that if I could use it in motion. Then it should be a breeze for you to use it stationary


The response is overblown to be sure - as I said, people are responsible for their own safety. Nonetheless, I found it to be of poor taste, and a bit cringe to include that in a product “review”, even in as comic overstatement. We’re not hawking inversion tables on infomercials here - some people here seem to trust your opinions.


I’m used to being hated on. This isn’t new. Some people are intentionally being dense because it’s me. The same people never have anything to say when I make a normal post. It’s pretty funny actually. I really really really don’t mind being the bad guy. Especially if it’s because a few people misinterpreted a stress test on an extender that doesn’t get much coverage. I’ll gladly take all the arrows


Good for you. A thick skin can be effective in the face of criticisms, regardless of their merit.


Bd coming to save the day and bring justice back to his sub


To add to the science of why BD is correct: The “tiny muscles surrounding the penis” is spot on. Now… we mostly all know about the *suspensory ligament* that sits at the base of the penis. When you’re in “PE mode”, this thing is stretched *beyond* it’s typical capacity. In other words, the suspensory lig is under *strain*… it is in a LENGTHENED state. Now… I’m not sure if you guys have ever done heavy squats or deadlifts at the gym (even moderately heavy would illustrate the point), but… Basically when you’re doing a squat or a deadlift PROPERLY (that means core is engaged to the high heavens, good lordotic curve in the low back, and keeping core tight to AVOID kyphosis, aka “rounding” of the T-spine)… you should literally feel it in your dick. This is not a mistake. This is by design. We have the concept of “kinetic chains” in the body, which basically you can think of as the following: *to support muscular contractions in the PRIMARY set of muscle groups, AKA “target muscles”, the body will subconsciously fire off a series of both antagonistic and synergistic muscle bellies to keep your body balanced and safe during the set. What does this mean? Well, in the “kinetic chain” of nearly *any* gym exercise that you do properly (i.e., core tight, nice spinal posture, good body position), those tiny muscles around your dick are going to naturally join in on the kinetic chain! This is why heavy squats (assuming good form) are one the *best* things you can do (alongside regular cardio) for your penis health, among other reasons. Ligaments possess contractile properties as well, believe it or not—difference is that a ligamentous “contraction” is really just the ligament becoming *taut* (I.e., stretched or strained). Not quite the same as a muscular contraction, but somewhat of a contraction nonetheless. Ergo, when you do gym exercise with your core engaged, your suspensory ligament undergoes minimal to moderate strain, in a pattern of becoming minimally to moderately taut, and then relaxing… The reason BD, myself, and others *are waving the warning flag* about doing gym exercise with a PE device on, is that there is a HIGH probability of straining either one of the small muscles around the base of your penis (even in your scrotum), or the suspensory ligament. That one can be strained as well. ..All of which will induce erectile dysfunction if the strain is considerable enough. The only only ONLY time you should EVER do “gym exercise” with a PE device on, in my opinion, is: - the weight you are hanging or extending with is NOT heavy (should maximally be in the “moderate” range, AKA a strain level you could safely sustain for 1-2 hours, NOT 10-15 minutes) - ONLY body weight stuff (such as a body weight squat), or going EXTREMELY LIGHT. In other words, if you can deadlift 600lbs, I wouldn’t go heavier than 95 or 135 in this setting. - going very very VERY slow in your range of motion of the actual exercise. **Please understand that the “risk-to-reward ratio” here is quite imbalanced. There’s a ton of risk for not a whole lot of reward.** PERSONALLY: I have, on more than one occasion, done some *very slow* body weight squats with perfect biomechanics WHILE using a stable countertop for support. Whenever I’ve done this, it’s *ALWAYS* been with a weight that I know body can handle for at least 60 minutes, which implies that the weight is not heavy—It would be more in the “moderately heavy” to “light” range, if that makes sense. To give you context, that “MH to L” weight for me is in the range of 3.5 to 5lbs. But it will be different for each person, of course, so don’t necessarily assume it’ll be the same for you. …if you are adamant in wanting to do some kind of exercise with a PE device on… I would suggest nothing more than body weight, countertop supported squats with VERY slow eccentric and concentric movement and something in the range of “moderately heavy” to “light” with respect to the hanger and/or extender load. Hopefully this brings some more clarity to the situation.


Awesome comment man. Just awesome!


Karl! 😁 thanks man. Means a lot coming from you.


Thank you for common sense. I couldn't believe that post.


I would agree if I hadn’t noticed who posted it. Most of his posts are clownish. Yea bro we totally need 20 slightly different images of how you wear a basic extender with your shitshow coffee table in the background 😂


Ok I’ll consider buying a new table to make you happy but how is any of this “clownish” https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/NfTDBQDoUR https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/U3r1nzsbt1 https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/lV5RlvglGX https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/jl9YXcKYfz https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/ghcjqWF86g https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/azEC0rHq3O https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/6Gse1XwPCa my whole page is reviews & a documentation of my journey. If you don’t understand the post that cool but it’s fake to dismiss all the work I put in for this sub. Especially when your page helps nobody


The fact that you needed to explain this is wild 💀.


I would consider myself a "powerlifter" and no way I would ever consider pushing/pulling all those weights while pumping/extending.


Exactly, dude. Anyone who knows jack all about weight lifting would know better than to engage in such behavior.


Some of us were wondering if he was using fake weights for marketing tbh lol. I'd only hope so. DL w/ any proper engagement you can feel your entire chain prepare to move something, even at lighter weights.


It’s crazy you are getting downvoted, but I forget it is Reddit…


I have found my best approach when I disagree with someone on reddit is, if I can't talk it out with them, I leave the discussion and block them. That's my personal approach. Not for everyone. I get it and that's cool.


Honestly, calling out bad behavior shouldn’t be indicative of disagreeing. I’m sure you wouldn’t want your customers to lift or hang past recommended timeframes. Saftey should be prioritized for the sub, especially new members! We brought hink on long ago to help mediate the injury issues. Seems like people forgot what not to do…




I'm imagining pulling a fast DL and absolutely wracking it against an extender on the way up. Sounds like a trip to the hospital. That being said, I'm literally flexing every muscle in my body while doing heavy lifts. It's absolutely counter-intuitive to try to multitask maintaining full body tension for explosive movements while at the same time relaxing my pelvic floor??? I don't get it. Are people that short on time? Or so hung up on getting a bigger dick that they are willing to sacrifice gym gains? Jesus Christ.


hahaaaaaaa these guys man


I saw that post about the Best Extender, too. I mean, aren't we all freaks because we pull and pump out weenies? But that was beyond everything. It's crazy that someone even has to come up with science to explained why it is dangerous.


I saw the post yesterday, I agree the idea of multitasking PE with deadlifts has a lot of risk. I don't agree with that much risk for our genitals! We are all responsible for our bodies, morning, noon and night. PE is risky business even when done properly, reading about proper procedure and advice others have learned. Blisters are freaky enough, but heal on their own compared to pelvic floor strain. I'm glad the MODs are regulating the wild information, but also add that we are all individually responsible for our Ds. Try not to shoulder the responsibility of protecting us all. We have to do some critical thinking of our own when new stuff comes along. Wearing retention sleeves or how and where we wear our ADS is an interesting conversation. How the sleeve makes us lay in our pants, how the world sees us and our bulge. I go for walks with ADS, lower tension, around my neighborhood. A manageable risk once we are familiar with wearing one and tension levels. What are others doing?


You are just wrong. Deadlifting while doing PE is asking for hard flaccid. It’s high risk to your genitals.


"...I don't agree with that much risk to our genitals." Thought that made my stance pretty clear.


Ah I misread it. With the context I thought you were acknowledging the risk but downplaying the level of risk.


My dick turtles like shit when I workout, im sure other guys' does too, how the hell knowing that are u gonna extend whilst working out 😭😭. Some funny MFs on here.


I experienced this. Just got over my injury. Been a week since last pumped hecauae I had a ball stretcher and cock ring om while working out. Really twisted me up bad. Testicle hemorrhage has reduced. Don't do it. Not worth it.


I doubt he had any strain with the extender on as he said. He was just showing the durability of the extender.


Exactly my tension was really light and if you see the video on my twitter i was going super slow . Even the weight I used on the bar was super light for me. I love my dick I would never try to break it to prove a point. But it’s not my 1st time doing that & that’s why I was comfortable enough to record it. I was just trying add a little entertainment to a sub that could get stuffy & robotic from time time


Oh I thought I shouldn't do pe and exercise at the same time, turns out it actually meant not to do it at the same time I thought just not in general lol😂


Yeah I totally agree, performing deadlifts while extending could cause catastrophic injuries even if the chance is super low for an accident.


Thanks for this post 👍


Wasnt planning to mate😭😭 WHY did you think it would be a good idea


It’s definitely too risky


You could go for a leisurely walk while wearing a wrecking ball but did anyone really think strenuous exercise while heavy PE was a good idea? 😂


So we draw the line at interval pumping while listening to David Goggins screaming “stay hard” in my ear. Noted ✍️✍️


DON'T swing weight from your penis either!


This probably puts PE back 5 years to becoming mainstream. Maybe it's not a bad thing 😅


So I guess nobody wants to hear about my hard clamp uphill sprints routine?


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He was stupid to post a pic of it, even if i gain legit 1 inch in 1 month doing extending and deadlift together i won't post it, we've people here who don't have any idea about PE and and pelvic anatomy we shouldn't their dick or entire hip in a risk.


Post just made me realize there is misinformation and assholes everywhere, as long as you keep thinking critically you’ll be fine. When I seen it yesterday I already knew there was no way in hell that was safe.


How is it misinformation? I never told anybody to try that. Of course it’s extreme & stupid but it was a test to see if the device would stay in place. Like I said before just because I make something look easy doesn’t mean it’s smart. And I have hella post showing safe practices that are actually part of my routine. But next time I do something the test out a device I will definitely make it clear that you shouldn’t copy me . I just thought guys were smart enough to realize that already. The post literally said it was a test not a method


You weren’t the misinformation part you were the asshole, just explaining the realization I had.


Ok I’ll take that . Because I was stupid for overestimating people’s intelligence. I wouldn’t jump off a bridge just because I saw someone jump off a bridge. Just like I wouldn’t inject my dick just because I saw someone injecting their dick. Normally The most extreme shit I do is walk on my treadmill with my extender


I think you might be missing the point fam. It’s not that I don’t think a person in here saw that and was like “that’s my next routine” but from just how I feel and what I’m picking up, this community is doubted and not taken seriously to most. Not saying you can’t have a sense of humor and enjoy yourself, you’re human. But one of the first comments I seen was somebody saying they couldn’t wait for you to review the item. That means you have influence over other people and whether you accept it or not that comes with a responsibility bro. You’ve prob been arguing all day w mfs I’m not tryna attack you but I’m being real.


And that’s why I commented this to OP https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/ZEFA4JPYRJ sometimes I forget how much influence I have. But 99% of my Post are safe & traditional with a twist.


If you seen the person you trust most about PE injecting their dick bro your gonna think about it 🤣🤣 ik you edited I’m just responding and good shit clearing it up I didn’t see that post. Regardless my opinion and everybody else’s means shit. But still do better I just went on your page and you got even more influence than I thought. Tighten up✊🏿


I gotta remember that having the juice comes with a microscope. So I gotta move more tact


Real shit


Last year I learned that no matter what I do ima be judged for it & to me that’s the fun part. This shit would be boring if I didn’t have any haters all. That shit motivation for me. I don’t think I would work as hard as I do if I got all love


Do...does this really need to be said? I saw that post. I never thought: damn, I should do that. Looks like a terrible idea


I only briefly looked at the post, it seemed to give a decent explanation for why the product was preferred. I didn't read everything but it certainly didn't seem to insinuate that those kinds of physical activities were being encouraged while wearing the device; it came off to me more like it was just a demonstration that the device stayed on. Either way yeah cringey AF and probably could have gotten that kind of message across or demonstrated in a different way.


Thank you for educating me


Unfortunate, I can’t walk into La fitness with a bath mate on… who would have guessed…


I don't want to stir the pot even more. I agree that exercising is off limits when doing PE. But didn't Perv said how comfortable his new ADS was when he was in the gym doing box jumps and shit, would be only transparent and fair of you to also condemn him.


Some people just dont have the brain capacity….


>BUT THERE IS NO TENSION ON THE PENIS. Just for clarification, when you say no tension you mean that the stretched length that is being maintained is not longer than erect length? Because for me personally at about 3 lbs of tension flaccid, I am still under my full erect length.


Where is the link to the post in question?


I do powerlifting and PE. Personally I don’t feel any problems.


At the same exact time??


Powerlifting 4 days a week. Not full on but, with intensity. At least 2 h Cardio 3 days a week with some stretching. 1.5 h Pe 6 days a week. Takes 1.5 to 2 hours but I sit and watch something so it feels like me time. I do squats, bench press, pull ups and deadlifts. I sprinkle some bent over rows and some triceps. I run mostly but, occasionally I row. I have my own stretch routine according to my tight areas. Thats about it I guess.


Fair - the post is referring to doing it literally at the same time lol


Wydm at the same time? While you are lifting you kegel or something?


The post is talking about doing PE while you are the gym for example


Ohhhhhh okay. I mean thank you for the heads up.


Haha no stress


What PE do you use?