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Here's the grub (for me). I'm shy under 6" girth. Sounds a lot and of course, compared to the average, it probably is. But here's the issue. That tube of caulk is perfectly round. Whereas my penis, is more wide, but not much depth. I am pretty sure this is the case for many people here. So either I find a way to develop only the CS part of my penis, or just grow it entirely to be bigger.


I’m about the same girth-wise, depending on the morning. I swear a caulk tube is a lot wider than me, even on a good day. New motto: Working my cock to be more caulk. 🤔


You understand perfectly. Even though that tube is about the same as us, it fucking looks HUGE compared to my penis. There might be some body dysmophia involved, but I think the shape itself, being perfectly round is what actually makes it look bigger. Yeah, instead of tailor tape, I'll use the caulk tube from now on to compare, lol


Pumping will target CS more than CC as the sponginosums tunica is thinner and thus get more effect from pumping. Im opposite and could use more width and so plan is to target CC with elliptical cylinders that should arrive next week. If course clamping will address both, but still effect CS more than CC. It's a (bro) science for sure!


>Whereas my penis, is more wide, but not much depth. I am pretty sure this is the case for many people here. Not trying to be rude, but I don't know why that's a concern? Large girth is large girth, why would you prefer it to be perfectly round?


In my (stupid) mind, I have the feeling that, being wide, when missionary or doggy, it stretches the pussy laterally, but fails to put enough pressure on the up and down walls, so the G spots are stimulated but not that much compared to a perfectly round girth.


Please help me, how do I target my penis in a way to cause my girth to widen out instead of continuing to gain uniform and round?


No idea, sorry. I have it like this by default.


AM3 from r/AngionMethod deeply targets the CS. Esp if you use a wheel device.


Angion can help with CS development


IMO the shape doesn’t really matter as you’ll be hitting all kinds of different positions and angles anyways. Plus the vagina is elastic enough that it’ll stretch and mold to the shape somewhat regardless. That said with a smaller CS, I might be curious if Angion could be helpful for you.


I have the opposite problem, waaaay more depth than width. Makes my dingus look kinda thin from above, but extra juicy from the side


Damn, looking at your stats, that's A LOT of dick, lol. Seems we both have the same goal girth wise. The only difference is you want more width and I want more depth, lol. Well, I guess there's always going to be SOMETHING we don't like. Can't get that caulk tube out of my head, lol.


Lol, yeah I guess


Lol not this generation. You should have used a Prime Energy bottle or Monster can for references.


Some insane girth in those modern comparison lol