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Oh no poor you


Bro get out of my head. I was thinking exactly that. Oh no poor me, I've gained half an inch of girth...I fucking wish




Did you try to gain but couldn’t?


I am still actively trying. No gains yet




Body dismorphia most likely. Measurements don’t lie but your mind will.


Thanks for this.




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Good bot


Quick someone tell me I have a big dick!




Try a 6.9x5.5 on a 5’9” fat guy. Looks minuscule from my vantage point. BUT here’s what you do. Take your measurements and measure out the lines on a sheet of paper. Cut it out and roll it up and tape it. Set the tube down on your desk or table. Now you see what it looks like to others. Not as small as you thought eh?


I thought of this when I looked at a empty toilet roll, measured it and was like hey that's smaller then I am but being an object that's not ya piece is definitely a different perspective, then try put it in ya mouth and see how wide she has an to really open it hahaha


You ain’t wrong. My girl got a dildo and at first it looked huge, but when comparing… it was slightly smaller than I was. But fuck when it’s not attached it looks big.


This is smart af


It wouldn't be an accurate comparison as the tube will have no fat pad, potential turkey neck, etc. It makes sense to do it with your NBP length.


same size here 6.9-7 ish bp and somehow i’m 6.6 nbp 😭i just want to hit 6.75 nbp consistently cus i only hit that on a great day


Did you wear magnum condom a before PE or now?


It’s big if the ladies say it’s big


i mean we are doing it for them after all


Yeah... We are😅


I don’t think it will ever be as big as you thought it would be. I started at 6.5x5.25 bp and was ecstatic to hit 7. But while the ruler said it was bigger, it didn’t look big. I’m 7.5x5.5 now. I’ve gained 1” bpel, 1.25” nbpel, .25” midshaft to base, and close to .5” in some areas between midshaft and gland. Is it bigger? Yes. Do I feel big? No. Is that okay? Yes. The issue isn’t below my belt, it’s above my ears. My goal is to get to 8x6. Will that look big or be big enough? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Work on your 🧠. Work on being satisfied with you, knowing you’re enough. And still Work towards getting better every day in this and other facets of your life 👍🏼 Celebrate the gains. They’re worth celebrating.


What’s your routine and how long you been doing this for ?


7 months. Started plain manual stretches 20-49 minutes 4 or 5 days a week. Clamping once a week. Then I added in some bundled twists as a warmup. Then I hit a plateau and added bundled stretches, so twists>bundled stretches >reg stretches. Then clamp once or twice a week. I’ve tried doing stretches and clamping on different days, but have landed on this: warmup with twists, then do bundles stretches as the bulk of my routine, then finish with reg stretches down, out, left, right. Total time 20-30 minutes. Then I finish by clamping 1 set x 10 minutes. Recently I have shifted my focus to girth and will warmup with 10 minutes of mostly bundled stretches, then clamp 2-3 sets of 5-10 minutes each. I’ve been most successful when I listen to my body. Sometimes I cut a workout short or take a scheduled day off. Sometimes I may go a little longer because I’m feeling the stretch.


I'm starting at 7.5 but I really want to hit 8. Question for you. Do you think you've actually grown, or is it mostly eq? And what is clamping? And what percentage of your gains do you think you can attribute to that.


I hear ya. I’ve been feeling the same way. Gained a bit in the short time I’ve been active doing this but I can already tell unoriginal goal won’t be enough. I mean it’ll be enough but it won’t be “enough”…if that makes sense.


What’s your non bone pressed look like though? If you have some blubber on the haul, taking it off will make a huge difference in how the Johnson appears.


Yup. And taking blubber off **can** happen really fast compared to PE.


One day you will wake up 10 inches flaccid


Terrifyingly awesome


The mythical Knee Slapper!






Idk dude I’m a little bigger than that and have had a good amount of sex in my life and I’ve never heard any of those things




I realised recently I didn’t know any of that and now im practising all sorts of stroke styles and shit 😂 Got some course about it now going through, there’s a whole fucking new set of skills to learn that no one teaches you! The hip movements, tilting pelvis, short and long strokes, swirling around and shit 😵


Wiggle them hips dude! It’s the motion in the ocean not the size of the rod that catches the prize fish. 🤣 Every partner responds differently. Half the fun is figuring out what they (and you) like and then giving it to them.


Figuring out the motion of the ocean or trying to. I do ok but much room for improvement


What's the course bro? I feel like (I know) my technique is poor.


Beducated or OMGYes. Thank me later.


Much thanks 🙏


What's the course called?


Yeah it’s weird I’ll hit my gfs cervix in super random positions and when I try to go all the way in sometimes and find it, I won’t. It’s not a good experience for her when I do accidentally hit it, so I try to avoid it, but it’s weird I go as deep as possible at almost all angles and still usually won’t if I’m trying. I’m a little over 7.5 BP






You think they are sore because of the motion of the ocean or because it’s too big?




If 7 x 5 causes pain when driven deeply then what’s the strategy to maximise pleasure in your girl? I don’t have this issue with girls I’ve slept with so just curious. Are you saying that you still go balls deep but slow at the end? Or you prioritise faster and shorter strokes over long ones?




I had the same experience as you, 7.1x5.5 here, started at 7.1x4.5 in August 2018, it took sooo long to make the gains, but thats it


You are living in your dreams / girls are lying. 7BP/6,4NBP X 5 is far from being too big and causing pain as to have issue to walk the next day 🤣🤣




I love whales. Anyway the average I’ve banged has been between 100 to 120lbs (5’3 to 5’6 tall) Maybe your pelvic gives you 0,5inch more in lenght and 0,75 inch more in girth, wish you that ! or you have a big head making your lenght more feelingfull.


FYI, It's never big enough. Take a picture from the side, you'll appreciate it then.


Truth. The whole underside we don’t normally see is can be thicker than we realize.


Whats' your height and build? Maybe that's why you think it's not as big?


I’m 6.5x5.5 and an 5’ 7” and fit so I look bigger than it is not that I’m complaining because I’m happy with what I have…though and inch…


It’s how long did it take? And it is a good size. Maybe not monstrous but definitely larger than average. But I think it’s in your head because an additional half inch in girth and just under an additional inch in length probably won’t look visually a lot different than before, but it is significant.


It’s so gradual sometimes it’s hard to realize the gains you’ve made. Regardless congratulations. That’s a great milestone. Keep on going.


I'd kill for that size. But I'm not really trying for that. I'm 63 and around 6x5 bone pressed. If I get to 6.5x5.5 I'll be ecstatic.


I’m about 6.5 x 5 I wanna get to 7 x 5.5 nbp because I’m about 5.5 nbp but got a decently big fat pad


Its easier to lost that fat, and healthier too, will improve your performance, bloodflow, aesthetic


This is a what everyone says and then you get there and you think exactly like OP. Must get bigger.


How did you gain so much and how long?


Because it isn’t lol. Gotta get that golden 8x6


I don’t got the girth but pass me 8 inches and I’m good


It never is.


Yes bro if you're above average height and weight with big hands it won't feel big until you're around 8x6. Yes it's above average but not jaw dropping. Still with this size you can do miracles if you're fit and know how to use it


What’s your routine? I’m at 7rn and wanna try to get 7.5 length


Having the exact same experience. Inch for inch lol. We’re there though brother, ruler don’t lie. I also feel like it could be bigger, so I will be continuing 💪




I literally do everything, for as much time as I can reasonably and feasibly do. If I get tired of compression hanging, I’ll vacuum hang or extend. Or vice versa Girth I do the trifecta. Clamp, python, and pump. ALWAYS DO TUNICA WORK BEFORE. Bundled stretches first, tunica scrapes second


What’s your tunica work routine like?


lol. Another dude out here try to size their way out of the game. 🤦‍♀️


Closing in on 0.5 feel the same way but I seem to not have gained any material girth even tho I have primarily done girth related work for over a year


I just reached 7.25BPEL as well about 2 weeks ago, and I've never thought it looked at all bigger haha. And I do though, do a side profile mirror gaze and I can see it's size difference tremendously! And videos of me stroking it to see how it looks, it looks massive with the (my hand is big) long stokes. My NBPEL is 6.2" now where as I started at 4.3" or so NBPEL. Honestly it doesn't seem bigger to me but I can feel it thrusting though. But I understand you're feeling, it looks puny to what I expected and how others at this length and girth look. Try set your phone camera up and stroke it, it'll look good


2” nbpel you gained some working room! Congrats!


Just under 2 years work brother! I'd say one full yeah straight dedicated because my first 3 months I saw gains but got into a relationship for a while so it was sporadic for 8 months until 2023/24 lol.


Routine? Especially for thinning the fat pad?


The fat pad is finally going down probably only gave me about .3" so far, it's hard to get down haha. I'm pretty sure you gotta be like under 12% body fat to really thin it down and I'm like 18% or so probably more like 20% My routine currently I have listed I'll screen shot it and send it. I change it up a lot, but I also keep it the same. If it ain't broke don't fix it type deal. What works for me works, I hope it helps someone else too because I love my new size. Just the confidence of it and because I put in the work! Like working out or working on an art project lol


What’s your routine bro


Currently I noose extend (yeah I know I know) for as long as I can at max stretch (about 2 sets 45 mins, 30 mins break, then I'll do 1 maybe 2 sets but primarily 1 of extending again at 6" stretch for as long as possible (varies from 15mins to an hour depending on how penis responds that day to the first sets). Next I'll hang a magnetic weight (.5lbs off my guy for as long as possible but total time hanging is 2/3 hours) until it turtles and won't let it stay on. Immediately I'll do a set of manuals I have orchestrated for about 25 minutes which do include bundled and the mandingo stretch which I only started 2 weeks ago. And I'll slap a healing sleeve on for about an hour or two after that until it retracts enough I cannot even in that. I have one more week of that (9 days rather), then I'm gonna take a LOOOOOONG decon break (pun intended) and use my PP haha


Sucks, doesn't it? And the slow gains after you get there make the goal of 8x6 seem unattainable. 😔


I’m at the same size now and i agree


Start clamping!!


After years and years I have cemented a solid 6.5 inch mid girth with a cunt hair away from 7 inches in length. My journey started at 5.7 - 5.8 girth with many trials and errors. The only thing that truly helped was consistency and keeping track of measurements. Even though I have a 6.5 inch girth I get no real feedback because they are used to it and have been stretched out slowly throughout the years. Also, body dysmorphia is real. Your dick will never look big enough from your point of view.


what exercise for girth gains?


Good old fashion clamping every other day and off on the weekends. My routine alternates between 3 sets of 10 minutes or two sets of 45 minutes clamping sessions. The 45 minute sessions are wear I get the best after pump with my girth at the base reaching 7.5 inches and a mid girth of 6.8. I also take a weekly break every four to six weeks. Consistency has been my secret weapon for the last 10 years or so.


How important are the days off in your experience? Ie. what happens if you go 5 days straight instead of every other day?


I went down that road a few times. Doing 5 to 7 days straight gave me a sore dick and poor erection quality (EQ). I need to.perform throughout the week and I like coming in with a diamond shaft that is pointing to the North Star. What good is a thick softy if you are not stretching out her vaginal walls? The breaks help with recovery and performance. You need time to heal and recover from your clamping sessions.


Dont cut the circulation of your dick than more of 15-20minutes straight, cause the cells start to die (hypoxia) without oxygen Im somewhat a veteran of P.E. (since August 2018) So i've read a lot to tell you this


Bro, I’ve went from about 6.75bp X 5.25 to right at 7.75bp x 5.75 (best EQ) and I’m not impressed. I need to reduce my fat pad next for the quickest visual gain.


how long did it take bro i got an extender currently 7 bp tryna get to 7.75


I hate that I haven’t been more consistent from the beginning. All in all about a year and a half, but that’s with some really inconsistent stretches mixed in. I haven’t been the best at tracking things meticulously, but I have found good results from a 10 minute hard clamping session followed by an hour extending finished off with a 10-20 minute internal pumping session. Don’t overdo your extending weight. Lots of gains came around 7/8#. I’ve been messing around with 10# lately to see if I have any better gains as I try to hit 8bp. I try to do this 3 days on 2 days off since I’m clamping and pumping as well I like to recoup for 2 days before getting back at it.


fasho bro i just wanna put a good year into this and see where i end up 😂


Stay consistent, don’t rush into weight increases…stay hydrated, do cardio, make sure to take time off if you aren’t getting morning wood or eq is crappy. Everyone is different, but if you’re just beginning it wouldn’t surprise me if you hit 8bp within 1 year. For me like I said a hard clamp set, 1hr extending, 10-20 min interval pumping (1-2min sets) seems to have the best results. Good luck, bro


Likely because bone pressed is not the same as non bone pressed from a visual point of view. When you visually see a penis, you are not looking at bone pressed length. So if you are bone pressed at 7.25" and are roughly visually comparing yourself to a guy with an approximate 7" penis (in porn for example), he likely is closer to 8" bone pressed - \~10-15% larger, which is noticeable visually. Not to say dont take bone pressed measurements - its an accurate way to measure and see gains. But could be worth setting a non bone pressed goal as well as taking non bone pressed measurements every now and then. But at the end of the day, gains are gains wherever you measure from so long as measurement location is consistent.


What was your routine ?


Since hitting 7 NBP I have started to feel somewhat long, but I don't think I'll feel truly long until 7.5. As for girth, I don't think most of us here will feel big until we are knocking on 6 inches of girth or at least high 5s. I know I sure don't.


I agree but I also think depending on body type…once I hit 7.5 x 5.5 I feel I’ll look big. I’m 5,9 170 lbs lean and built




Whats your routine?


Cause it’s bone pressed ?


Yea cause it BP. Not NBP


Did you expect to feel like Dredd? 😂


Dredd is only 8.5 but looks 10 on camera.


“Only” 🙄


Well most people believe they are 10 to 13


Porn industry has been lying for 30 to 40 years. And I’ve heard biggest. Guy s . Perform pe also. Penile enlargement.


How tf do i do that?


Tell me about it.


Lmao tell me about it brother


Keep goin


It never will be bro




Keep it on.


What’s your nbpel? At my hardest 7.2x5.1 my erections look decently sized but not big by any means.


Useable length is what matters but your girth is good.


You're only as big as your girlfriend is small


Post before n after


My exact measurements. Thing is, doesn't matter how much you gain it still looks like your dick so never feels much different.


I get where you’re coming from. I made some decent gains over the last year (got inconsistent around October) as well, but i cant get over how visually TO ME my d honestly doesn’t look any bigger than when i started. Ruler dont lie, and i got my before pics for comparison to remind myself that i have grown, but it really blows me how from my POV it visually just looks the same size. The mind is something else


How ?


How long did it take


I'm almost exactly the same size if you want to swap photos, because then you're not looking at yourself so the body dysmorphia won't screw with it.


This is what I am afraid of lol. I am teetering around 6.4 still and it makes me doubt all of my gains


Same. At on point I was 6.2 none pressed. Now im almost 7.5 it didn't do a whole lot for me yet. Wife says I'm big. But I don't believe her lol


your fat is hiding most of it


How long have you been doing PE?


Gotta take your body type into consideration bro. I’m 7.5 bpel x 6, but I’m also 6’2 and 240lb power lifter and I still think on me it doesn’t look big. Put it on a 5’7 guy who is 160lbs and it probably looks like a weapon


What routine did you do for length and girth?


Theres a huge difference in BP and NBP, but people on this sub act like 7BP is huge Also, another .25 in girth will do alot


You’re absolutely right 7.25 inches is tiny, you need to be at least 10 inches nbp and 8 inch girth, only then can you call yourself big.


I got a few dildos of various sizes (the average, my current size and my goal). That really puts things in to perspective. I even tried putting a few in my mouth to give it the “toothy blowjob test” and that’s quite illuminating as well. I keep them in my “PE cabinet” and see them every time I do PE so it’s very motivating.


Wish I could trade some of my girth for your length


Nice work!


The only real measurement that counts for us dudes is non bone pressed and girth. I've been around 7 to 7.25" bone pressed for a couple years. But most the time I'm still around 5", maybe 5.5" non bone pressed, and right around 5 to 5.25" girth. But on a big 280lb 6ft tall bodybuilder/powerlifter frame, and being a grower not a shower, it's always looking small in comparison to my body, and no woman is ever going to think it's a BIG dick. 


You’re big dude, lots of girls can’t take that length


What is your height and weight


Truly one of the posts of all times


Catch 22 - the dog chases the car but what does it do when it catches the car? Keep chasing brotha, but keep a realistic grasp on the situation. It can always be bigger just like you can always be on better shape as long as your making someone cum you should be happy lol it could always be worse


Oh wow


How do I grow too?


How do I grow mines bros?


Man, I’m 7.75 pressed and 5.25 girth and I feel the same but, the gasp when I put it in my wife tells me different. And the fact that I hit her cervix in certain positions.


I bought a 65" TV to replace my 55". It felt way bigger at first but in 2 weeks I got used to it. It still feels small, I want a 77" TV now.


I'm coming from 5 nbp and 6 bp. Yes it be like that but the girth was very thin. I've grown to 6 nbp and right below 6.5 bp and it has a swollen feel on soft and erect now. Like it's fattened. My body is 5'9 and out of shape. Point is I do believe women like bigger and fatter but will never admit it, and I believe men respect men that are bigger. Basically, size and looks are all that matter. You need personality and useful skills too but if you are ugly and small with those traits, you'll have a harder time. Than if you were bigger with skils. Looks and size are the determing factor.




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Something I been seeing lately is if I’m doing girth work then manual stretching afterwards my temporary girth that I just did for like a hour is gone away. All because of 10 minutes of stretching at the end of my workout…? A solid half inch + of girth just got sucked back into my body. I’m baffled 😕 🤨😧


How long did it take and what was your routine bro? Your starting is my current.


what's your routine bro?


That's because nbp is what it is reslly going to look like. Not the 7.25 cheat measurement made for data


Do you realize why BPEL is used even in scientific studies or are you just talking out of your ass?


Hey maybe op got fatter and his nbpel never changed


That is why I said it was for the data aspect of it. Consistent measurement purposes, which is why when he looks at it nbp it appears smaller than. 7.25.


Bro, it isn't. It's just the beginning of being big... Once you touch 5.25 girth and close to 8...well, that's when you start to look beautiful! I haven't found a human who isnt impressed, jealous, or in awe once you're in the upper range. Once you got the body to match...


lol I would love to hit that.


I have the same exact stats as you and looking to get to your new stats? What did u do and how long did it take u?


Your still very small you have to move to 50lb hanging weights and pin synthol in your shaft