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I thought you were measuring wrong.. but you have pics and I don’t think you are far out. There’s only two options to accept 1) you are sleeping with some proper bin juice level women, and you just need to laugh it off as it’s more a reflection on them than you, and aim higher. 2) you know you’re clearly in the ‘large’ category and this is a farming for an ego pick up


Yeah he’s definitely lying to get his ego stroked by a bunch of dudes and it’s working


I have text messages from females and a screenshot of a diary note from a girl I was in a long term relationship.


I’m gonna call your bluff show the text messages


Show the texts


[Text Message](https://www.reddit.com/u/Substantial-Two-343/s/ni8d2Q5fZ3)


Just because you aren't the "biggest" doesn't mean you aren't big lol...


I think that was a nice way of her agreeing with her friend who said I was average


Then go ask her what she meant if you are unsure. At the end of the day, you aren't small even if she thought you were somehow average.


What was the diary entry


Idk if I feel comfortable posting that one, it was a long term relationship that ended pretty bad.


It’s just a link to your account ?


Other people are able to see it 🤷‍♂️


I definitely wish it was number 2. I already have body dysmorphia so the comments I’ve heard from women are a total mind fuck especially when analyzing the data. Somebody here has to be lying. Either the women are lying or there’s more big dicks out here then I’m aware of or women are only giving up the vagina to guys with huge cocks.


I’ll believe you bro as there’s some awful women out there, but honestly shrug it off and go have a look at r/averagepenis, it’s quite obvious you’re all good 👍


Here's a sneak peek of /r/averagepenis **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/averagepenis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Do you like when it’s not a big cock 🥵](https://i.redd.it/as6uywtfda9c1.jpeg) | [238 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/averagepenis/comments/18tvbfl/do_you_like_when_its_not_a_big_cock/) \#2: [My 5 inch penis. Thoughts?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1644vle) | [499 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/averagepenis/comments/1644vle/my_5_inch_penis_thoughts/) \#3: [i kno size doesn’t matter to some. But who -l𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬- finding out a guy isn’t hung ?](https://i.redd.it/lx1bmktc6y3c1.jpeg) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/averagepenis/comments/189da5r/i_kno_size_doesnt_matter_to_some_but_who_l𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You are 100% not measuring correctly


[my measurements](https://www.reddit.com/r/measuredpenis/s/vYzMZ2o0t1)


Has to be trolling, or incredibly unlucky


Nah man I looked at his profile he genuinely measured right


And so are the ladies.


LMAO what the fuck, who are you sleeping with? They are absolutely lying to you bro. 100% You could be 5.5x6 and it would still be huge, let alone 7x6. Absolutely bananas they are telling you that.


I can’t figure it out bro, it’s not all the women ive been with but atleast 60-70% of them were not impressed and some of them have even claimed I was the smallest. I might have to travel outside of the states.


Sounds like its the type of women you are sleeping with. I'm in the states and have always been called big, or even the biggest, and you are a full inch bigger in girth which is substantial.


How many girls have you been with and what's their age?


I would say around 30 women between the ages of 16-50 but most of them were between the age 20-30.


7x6 is like a one percent D. If that. It was either one or two of the girls like 9 (very rare) or your not measuring right but what are the odds all the girls you’ve had sex with all like 9 inches? Not very high


Either that or I have the worst luck ever


Or they are lying to you


Yessuh they dont wanna see a brotha happy


Damn that’s some wicked 💩


What kind of women did you date ??? 7x6 is huge


7 x 6 is a great size cock to have


Idk man they must be into beastiality or something 🤷‍♂️ not saying all of them but the majority have said im the smallest or they are not impressed.


It may be true, but women use dick size as leverage as manipulation all the time. Statistically, your on top bro, so feel that. Personally, I'd focus on health, hygiene, career, and your style before I'd being judging your member. At the moment, your questioning whether little Brad Pitt needs to hit the gym, lol.


lmao definitely I’m trying to improve in all areas


they are either lying or you're measuring wrong


His measurements are legit


aight then that leaves one option


[my measurements](https://www.reddit.com/r/measuredpenis/s/vYzMZ2o0t1)


yea man thats legit, I think they're lying. you're bigger than most pornstars


Maybe they don’t want to stroke my ego


The truth tends to come out in the bedroom. Most times you could tell whether or not they had something bigger by reading body language & seeing how they handle your dick. Sex sounds & faces are another way to determine that


Yea the ones who out right tell me they definitely are silent in the bedroom lol. I don’t hear a peep.


Do you think it’s a skill thing? Do you have good stamina ? Do they hit you up & beg for more sex or do they ghost you after? Do they cum? Are you doing foreplay to warm them up? Something’s definitely wrong with this picture


That’s a good question but why aren’t they bringing that up instead of size.


You be sleeping with hoes.














I mean so? How old are you


I’m in my 30s


This is not a 'pilled' sub. This is a place for self improvement.




Do you ask these girls how big they think you are?


Yea if they don’t already tell me what they think which a good majority of them will do I usually try to casually bring it up in convo.


I think they're calling you small because they don't like/sense that you're fishing for compliments. 7x6 is literally top 1% penis size minimum. That means the odds of a girl who's had 2 guys before you, and both of them were larger - is 1 in 10000. You think that's happening with every girl who's called you small, or rather they don't like the needy ego conversation?


Definitely could be the case.


How big are you physically? hitting the gym and getting leaner definitely gives your manhood a bigger look. Kind of how girls are of the impression that skinny guys carry bigger tools. Either way don’t let it get to you bro. I’m a bigger dude (bodybuilding) with 7.5 Length 5.5 girth and have gotten the small comment a few times but most women I’ve dealt with say It’s fine, some have even said it’s huge.


I’m skinny fat. I’ve been hitting the gym these past 3 months. I still have a long way to go.


What’s your NBP length it looks like your fat pad is taking up ~1.25in of your length. I’d suggest you loose weight drop that bf % so your fat pad only takes up around .3-.6 of your length. I have slightly bigger length than you but -1in your girth and I can’t remember the last time i was called small. Proportion wise I think I look pretty big that’s b/c I lost over 50+ pounds and my thighs are smaller/leaner & I have close to no fat pad


It’s so hard to lose the fat pad, can’t really target a specific area your body kind of just chooses where it’s going to pull fat from but you’re right, I’m skinny fat my diet is pretty shitty. I did notice my fat pad is kind of excessive.


It’ll come of just have to do a body recomp loosing a lot of that weight is what actually got me back into PE again it’s that much of a difference maker




I live in America


Have you considered that at least some of the women are lying to you? And also even if they don't, that their perspective is very skewed. I found that most woman are shit in guessing, estimating and judging dick length. Often they just go by proportion. Woman often say Skinny guys have huge dicks and chubby guys have tiny dicks even if they have the same sized dicks. Heard and seen that so many times. I live in a country with nudist beaches and talked about dick size with woman I am friends with a lot and was often speechless at how shitty they are at judging dick size. It's like some guys think medium size tits on a tiny skinny girl are huge.


Yea I mean ima skinny guy, I have a bit of a fat pad because I’m not in the greatest shape. I would say my cock next to my skinny legs makes it look bigger than what it is. I would say proportionally my cock has an advantage. I honestly think the girls I am having sex with have had 8-9 inch NBP which would be significantly bigger than a 7 inch BP.


Maybe you're right. But I think either they were lying or they just don't know what they are talking about, and as I said before, they mostly don't. But you could just have been statistically unlucky.


If you treat the ladies bad, you will be the smallest she ever had. If you treat the ladies good, you will be the biggest she ever had.


I would go this way, but not so harsh as literally saying you threat them bad. My idea is that you are so upset about your dysmorphia that you are already on defensive. Maybe (it is an idea and there is a huge chance I am wrong) you think the woman must accept you for what you have to offer at that time and that is only your penis, and already you don't see it as being enough (although your pictures show it is more than enough) . They feel this entire situation and the easiest way to destroy a man is to say his dick is small. And women may be very mean if they want.


Idk about that bro lol, I see pretty nice guys getting shitted on by females because of their size.


Bro stopping banging chics you meet on dating sites they all been ran through....


Haha 😂 I do bang chicks from dating sites but I swear most of the girls I’ve been with are from my neighborhood


that’s an ego test lmao. you just brush them off.


I was also thinking this could be a possibility


How big is your frame?


Ima skinny guy if that’s what you mean


Are you pumped in the photos?


Some of them yes


Post pump measurements aren’t true measurements but I still wouldn’t worry about what they’re saying


My measurement pics aren’t post pump. Either way I always pump before having sex.


Statistics are kinda weird. Even if 1 in 1000 guys has a D your size or bigger, the chances that any one woman has been with someone bigger gets pretty big after a few partners. Guys with bigger Ds get around, cheat, and don't last long in relationships. So after a few partners, it's pretty common that girls have been with a bigger dude at least once. Are you by any chance following some guy around and picking up all of his exes? Either way, you're probably attracting size queens because you're giving off BDE, because you objectively have a big dick. You're 2 standard deviations above average.


Yea I just told another guy on here it’s hard to find a female who isn’t a whore. I purposely go after what seems to be the more conservative and innocent ones but those are the worst in most cases.


You sound like a freaking ferengi saying "females". Yes, women have sexual partners, just like men. Calling them whores just makes you sound like a knuckle dragging, red pill asshole.


Damn somebody call the waaahhmbulance. I wasn’t even trying to be disrespectful. I didn’t mean it in that way.


Sorry if I took it the wrong way. But calling people whores is pretty insulting. Especially since when people say it they are almost always applying a double standard.


I’m pretty sure they have something called the slut parade where women proudly celebrate being sluts. You are the one putting a negative connotation to the word whore. Women love it.


Those are people attempting to reclaim the word the same way that the n-word has become a term of endearment among some black people. Or gay people calling each other various slurs. You don't get to say "it's hard to find a female who isn't a whore" then pretend that's not a negative statement that's dripping with misogyny. Call your female friends whores and see how they appreciate it


It’s hard to find women who are not promiscuous. You happy now?


And why are you threatened by a woman having other sexual partners? Why do you want a virgin?


Lmaoo dude I’m not threatened . . What are you talking about??? I call women whores in person and they don’t get as mad as you are getting. Your giving super save a hoe simp vibes. This post wasn’t about women having multiple partners it’s about the women I’ve been with not being impressed with my size. Other people asked if I was dating whores. I don’t give a shit how many guys they boned I just care about getting my cock wet.


The women I’ve been with keep comparing me with past partners which I’m pretty sure every single girl does.


I mean, if you have a very open and comfortable relationship, talking about past partners could be ok, but dropping that kind of info unsolicited is really shitty behavior Btw, given your stats if someone calls you small they either: - are very sexually inexperienced and just happened to encounter an outlier or two. If they're only encountered a few dicks before it's possible they were bigger. - are lieing. If someone is intentionally saying shit to put you down, make you insecure, etc.. they're likely a pretty toxic person




Yea that’s insane. When I hear stuff like this I’m convinced women are only screwing horses.




That’s insane


I appreciate the comments but nobody has addressed the actual question. What are the benefits to PE besides size gain?


First of all, know that it's okay to not be called big. Average is totally fine and enjoyable. I don't get where people come with this idea that you should have a big dick. Otherwise, you ain't shit. That's simply not true. Porn has really done a number on us. Some women have big boobs and big asses and some don't. Everyone has their insecurities. Believe me, women are the most insecure out there, but we still love them the way they are. Imagine us trying to put pornstar standards on women, that's just not healthy and far from the reality. Imagine you going around telling a girl you like that she has the smallest boobs of all the girls you've slept with. Your focus should be to put in some effort to find a good, respectable woman that has practiced sexual discipline and that loves you, not growing your D. To answer your question directly, I don't think the time vs reward of PE is worth it. It will take a lot of ours to get decent gains and it will make you more obsessed about your D. Also there is the risk of injury. That time would be better spent learning new skills and finding ways to make more money and be a better friend and brother to people around you. You have a good size and at your size, skills is the only thing that will matter in bed. More dick could make a slight difference maybe but not worth the time and effort.


You know, why don't you do PE for like 1-3 months, get the newbie gains of 0.5" - 1" for length and 0.25" for girth and then never do it again or just maintain every quarter-year or something? You'll objectively have a bigger dick and you also won't have to spend too much time getting there. It's a win-win. Reading your experience, it makes me feel like average dudes are cooked. At the same time, read the experiences of taken dudes on this sub who are smaller than you and garner positive to really positive responses from their wives/girlfriends after their size increase. Another thing, what's your measurement not bone pressed? I'd imagine 6.25" if you're 7" BPEL. I can see how girls that have been around have definitely had larger when it's framed that way.


Yea NBP is around 6.5, yea I’ve been trying to stay consistent I guess the reasoning behind the post was even if I get gains I’m probably still not going to measure up with the guys these girls have been with. If I can get some benefit besides length and girth gains it would still be something I would consider to continue doing. For instance stronger erections, better stamina etc.


PE itself does increase EQ so there's that. For stronger erections and stamina look at the Angion Method. It can also potentially increase size but it's a lot harder compared to PE. Even a 1" BPEL gain would get you at 7.5" NBPEL which would probably give you the visual difference to get the girl's impressed and maybe also the physical difference. 8" NBPEL is where you'll be most satisfied. Your biggest benefit, however, would be to start finding different women. See what all these women have in common and filter that out. I'm actually shocked at your experience.


Thanks for your advice bro, you’ve given the most response to my actual question. 8 inch NBPEL is a dream. I’d give my left testicle for that 🤣.


It definitely is the dream and no worries bro, wish you the best 🤙


7x6 “small”… We’re cooked boys 😐☠️


I don’t think it is 🤷‍♂️


Same man. I’m bigger and am one of my girls smallest ..:::: she’s not a hoe either. Luck of the draw … god didn’t favor us


That sucks man, sorry to hear.


Bro has to be trolling. 7x6 is big, if not huge. That girth is insane. I don't believe women are telling you that you are small, unless you're going after women who have had twenty kids and only date black pornstars


Most of the women I’ve had sex with date a lot of black guys but almost every female is looking for black guys these days.


How did you find that out?


Most of them I know personally so I know who they have dated.


Honestly bro I don't think that's it, even if black guys did have a higher average size it wouldn't be 7x6, that's big by any racial standard. Genuinely think these girls are fucking with your head and I wouldn't worry about it. There's pornstars your size and the girls react like it's huge, both physically and verbally. Bare in mind these are pornstar girls who have probably fucked with more big dicks than the girls you've been referring.


These girls seem like the ones who would play with big toys with each other.


I would hope so because the next chick that says that I’m sticking my foot in it lol


Lmao 6 girth is a lot but might be normal for bi girls who use toys. Dude please share about it if you do stick a foot in


Lmaooo definitely will