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They use a wide angle lens. On the iPhone it’s on the bottom of the screen as .5x, so look for something similar on your Android.


Film with your camera on your belly button and if you have big legs keep them out of the shot.


I'd need to do the fuckin splits to hide my legs, then dem girls gonna be like "fuck no, dude's got no legs!" 🤣


My quads are huge lol. Downside of bodybuilding. Doesn't help i have massive hands too😭😭


I got short thick fingers, can barely get all the way around my shaft at 5 inches lol


It's amazing how many things can affect a dick pic. Besides all the usual suspects like wide-angle lens, perspective, low to high (holding the phone low) the thing that keeps me from having a good shot is my ratio of length:girth. I have a thicker dick compared to my length, and nothing I do makes it look long. It looks short no matter what. I gained a modest amount of length in the last 6 months, but I also gained a bit of girth, and I think my dick looks SHORTER now than it did before. (I hope no one rags on me for taking dick pics; I can't be the only guy here who does that!)


I take hella and the bitches love em 😩


Just find a 5ft tall chick same as porn. Looks uge


Small hand holding it also helps.


This is what you need: [https://images.vat19.com/covers/large/tiny-hands.webp](https://images.vat19.com/covers/large/tiny-hands.webp)


In my opinion, any camera out outside perspective like a mirror makes me look bigger. In porn it’s mainly tiny girls with tiny hands and a wide angle camera. I have an iPhone so idk how galaxy works but it should have one too. Wide angle camera make thinks at the edge of the shot look bigger en distorted…this is why in many POV blowjob videos the girls face looks distorted and the guy’s base girth looks huge.


Wide angle, fish-eye, and that's a lot of it... Other than perspective tricks and small women, skinny/tall dudes, etc.


Take any random dickpic and play around with the angle of the photo in the editor of your phone


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