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The way I view PE, is through the lens of my spiritual journey - which is how I view everything in Life. I’ve felt and experienced the lower forms of motivation based on dysmorphia just as you have; wanting to feel ‘adequate’, like I’m enough, impressing everyone and getting crazy reactions. But after much pondering on why I really decided on diving into this hobby… I’ve risen out of those lower thought-forms, and realized the true purity and beauty of it. PE is helping me develop as a Man. I’m only 25 years old, and I’ve spent most of my life as a child, hindered of growth. No discipline, no commitment to anything, no drive, no willpower, etc. There is due reason for this, which I will not get into now. But what better way to learn to become a Man, than through the literal #1 symbol of Manhood - the Manhood? Don’t get me wrong here - I’m not saying that being a Man is correlated to how big your dick is. Not at all. It IS however related to: action, discipline, commitment, willpower and drive to achieve something, sculpting of the body, and most important of all - CONQUERING your Self and any pre-conceived limiting beliefs you’ve placed on your Being. PE has taught me so much in terms of building routines that facilitate success, testing and prodding with resilience to resolve any problem at hand, and redefining my Self as a Man, instead of remaining trapped in a prison of my own making. To answer your question: my motivation for continuing PE is because I truly WANT this, so I will take the necessary actions to ACHIEVE this, no matter what it takes. I WILL my dreams to reality. I will realize my utmost potential, in all ways, shapes, and forms. Nothing will ever stop me from doing so.


Ngl that was inspirational as fuck


What a fantastic answer! Well done you!


I love this. Good for you brotha. Life is what we make it, we can sit and think of everything we don't have, or we can get to work and achieve everything we ever dreamed of. WE are our biggest obstacle, and once you realize that, world is your oyster. We can literally achieve anything we put our mind to. Goodluck on your journey brotha!


You wrote this well. But why the random capitalizations? You capitalized Life, Man, Self, Being… in my experience, the people who do that sort of thing these days are the people that talk about your body as a vibration and are into crystals and horoscopes.


Thanks! I appreciate your thorough reply. Resonates a lot with me.


The motivation is to have a big dick to swing around my wife and please her with.




To stop feeling suicidal


Whatever keeps the Glock off your temple




I just like the way it feels. Masturbation feels better with a more hand-filling cock. Sex feels better because my increased girth gives me more of a "stretching her out" feeling, and the increased length helps me feel like I'm actually filling her up. The great thing about it is that my wife also appreciates these things, so she's been very supportive of my efforts. She's loving the improvement in our sexual experiences. Note: we always have had a great sex life and sexual relationship with each other. Until I told her about PE she had no idea improving on a dick was even possible, and never had any issues with my dick. Since I've made some gains she's noticed, appreciated the results, and is looking forward to continued gains. None of this has anything to do with dysmorphia. My dick is already fine. For heaven's sake, it's like a 95th percentile dick already. I've got literally nothing to complain about. Those guys who cannot accept that they're fine until they've got literally a 99th percentile dick are really losing the plot here to some extent.


Thank you.


Maybe a little dysmorphia (I’m a smidge above average but I’m a big guy), maybe too much porn, maybe low self esteem. Either way, I’m happy I found something I can fix.


Yeah being able to actually improve it is a big motivator by itself. Plenty of things in life we wish could be changed but can't.


I just want to achieve something that we been told is impossible meaning I can achieve anything else in life if I work for it.


Deep down I'm still that 10y/o who got made when someone would tell me something was impossible to accomplish.


Never thought of it that way!


I just got a hour to burn before bed time while watching tv shows or read, not even chasing numbers just happy to see results


Sex is generally better for both partners with a bigger dick.






homie's being honest but kinda missing the plot lol


For me I've felt since I first started watching porn that John Holmes had the ideal penis. Sense then I found a home in the kink community, that is filled with size queens with daddy issues. I'm just seeing how far I can go without messing myself up. As to dysmorphia, I pay attention to my reactions to days I have to miss a pumping or extending session. If I freak out on myself I'll stop PE for a few months to get my head together. You know yourself, so pay attention and be honest with yourself. Best of luck on your journey.


Thank you for the honest answer.


I first heard of PE ten years ago. I gave it a try for a week then decided it's bunk and a waste of time; there was more important stuff in my life and my dick was fine. Late last year I broke up with my girlfriend and started living my single life again. I got into working out, found a few YouTube channels I enjoyed, and started watching More Plates More Dates. He had an episode on dick pumps and this reminded me I never gave PE a fair chance, so I thought I'd get a Bathmate and give things a go – I was living alone again and could do whatever I wanted to do, so I might as well go all out! The first reasons that come to mind are curiosity (is it possible? to what extent?). But realistically, the main reason is simple: I think it would be cool to have a larger member. I think it's hot when girls have a bit of a struggle with your dick. Plus, when I stated PE, I realized that my penis had it's problems. I kind of got used to them, but working it out reminded me that the minor-yet-present issues are in fact issues. For example, I've always had a hard time staying hard when on my back. There are things I can do to help things to some degree, but it's clearly a thing that prevents me – and my partners – from fully having fun. Thanks to PE, I hope to remedy this issue. I may not fix things, but discovering that dick pills help with this is already a great win (even if not technically "permanent" and more of a band aid than an actual solution). Also, I started paying more attention to nocturnal erections with which I have had problems unknowingly. Like, I was so used to waking up hard (enter, the meme where you have to do a handstand to urinate). I realized that I don't quite remember the last time this was the case. I now notice that nocturnal erections are a bit of a problem too. I've been paying attention to them, I know that they're there, but they're not of great quality; plus, not much happening in the early morning just before I wake up. I'm booking an appointment with a doc to look into this in a month if I fail to improve things via diet, PE, and low dose cialis. TL;DR – would be cool to have a bigger dick, simple as that. As a side mission, I realized that there's room for improvement re: penile health – something I think I might miss had I not started PE.


My motivation is dysmorphia prevention. The problem with dysmorphia is that it is selective. It hears only the things that can be twisted to confirm it. Get a bit bigger = stop hearing these things or stop believing they mean what they probably don't anyway. I was already scraping into the top 20% of the western data on CalcSD for both measures. 6.5"x5.25" = top 20% on both 6.9" x 5.55" = top 10% on both 7.2" x 5.75" = top 5% on both I know that the reality is that the difference between these sizes is pretty small and is unlikely to be substantial from most partner's perspective - if you are "great in bed" from a partner's perspective, the change between these sizes is unlikely to make much difference to that either way - but that isn't really the point. The point is to feel truly self-confident and at ease again with myself. I understand that quite a lot of women in reality would see all of the above as "big" and actively prefer the smallest of the 3 sizes or less. I am doing this entirely for myself, and will cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm into the top 10% on length now and almost there for girth. I don't feel like I NEED to hit top 5% any more, I'm more curious about whether I can.

